Chapter Seven: Mission
"He's hiring a mercenary? I'd say that's a waste of gil," you said, turned away from Biggs as you stood facing the kitchen counter. He was sitting on the floor, adjusting and cleaning his gear. You were still in your pajamas, since you had nothing to do and wouldn't be accompanying Avalanche on their reactor mission.
It had been almost two years since you moved to Sector 7 with Biggs. Both of you had joined the Neighborhood Watch and made quite a name for yourselves around the sector. No one had ever recognized you, but you knew if they did they wouldn't care or snitch. Unless they were a ShinRa worker, though hardly any lived in the slums since they had housing for employees topside.
Barret's Avalanche cell had spent a couple years under the radar, and today was the day they would start their first mission.
"I think it'll make the mission go a lot smoother," Biggs admitted, examining his pistol. "He's supposed to be strong enough to hold back ShinRa security while we do our part."
"I'd like to see that. Better him get caught than you, though, I guess," you replied.
"Yeah? You'd like to see it?" Biggs started, standing up. He had an expectant, hopeful look on his face. "Does that mean you'll—?" You scoffed in return.
"No," you said, annoyed. "I'm not going. I'll only hold you back." He just sat back down with a small huff. He knew you wanted you to go, and that's why he wanted you to as well.
"Please," he begged. "It'll be fun. There's no guarantee you'll be recognized."
"You can't promise that," you reminded him, turning to him and raising a brow as you leaned against the counter.
You were completely able and skilled enough to go. You'd been working out the past couple years and gaining combat experience from the Watch. Biggs also taught you a few things, like lessons on stealth and how to handle a gun better. They'd also started calling you by a new alias, without knowing you were already using one. No one was looking for an [F/N] or would snap their heads around hearing the name.
Despite that, you had a new code name: Smalls.
Jessie had picked it out, since you were one of Biggs's best friends. You were also his opposite, short, female, and preferred up-close combat. The opposite of big was also small, and his name sounded like 'big'.
"Come on," he pleaded. "All the attention will be on the Merc. It'll be like we're not even there. C'mon, what'll it take for you to come with?"
You sighed and took a moment to think. There was nothing you wanted from him, other for him to stop nagging you about it. The sound of kicking ShinRa ass without consequence was appealing though. You just didn't know why Biggs wanted you to accompany them so bad.
"Fine," you gave in. "If it's fine with the big scary man--"
"It's Barret."
You rolled your eyes at his correction.
"If it's fine with Barret, I'll go with you to bomb a Mako reactor."
"Alright!" Biggs said. "I'll ask him right now." He then turned to leave the house.
"Wait! Biggs!" You hollered over his celebration. He jumped and turned to look at you.
".... Yes...?"
"You're still in your pajamas," you pointed out. "Both of us are."
"Oh..." he replied. "Heh. Whoops."
You sighed and gave a soft smile, rolling your eyes once again. "You're hopeless."
"Get down here, Merc," Barret ordered. You stood next to Biggs with your bat up against your shoulder. You had a bored look on your face and a brow raised as the mercenary made a dramatic exit off the train.
"What a drama queen," you said quietly. Biggs gave a weak laugh, staying quiet as well.
"He sure is something," Biggs replied. "As long as he gets the job done though, I'm not gonna complain any." You just scoffed and shrugged in return.
-You had already taken a disliking to this mercenary, after learning that he was an ex-SOLDIER. Anyone who was a SOLDIER was bound to be full of themselves. You knew he'd get the job done though. A SOLDIER was stronger than anyone else working for any other ShinRa branch, whether that be the Turks or the infantry. He could easily pin down ShinRa security.
Another thing that irked you was familiarity of this SOLDIER. You swore you knew his name from somewhere, but you had no clue who he was.
You had known the more popular SOLDIERs. The ones who were First Class and made the papers, like Zack Fair, Genesis, Angeal, and Sephiroth— or more specifically: Project S. Hearing about the incident with him was what helped you realize that lots of a SOLDIERs power was artificial.
Knowing that lots of a SOLDIERs brawn was made in a lab pissed you off even more. While everyone else had to work for their power, SOLDIERs got half of theirs from a couple experiments. What about that gave this one bragging rights?-
"Let's move," Biggs said, tapping your shoulder. You nodded and followed him to the turnstiles. Barret, Wedge, and Jessie followed you. You hid with them and watched the mercenary stamp out the guards with ease. You could feel the disgusted look on your face.
Part of you wanted to get in there and fight too, but you wouldn't want someone to think you were trying to steal the show put on by the mercenary. You just trailed behind the group as they passed the mercenary up the stairs.
"Yes. Understood," the Turk nodded to himself as he brought the office phone down from his ear. The others watched him as he typed something in.
"Well, what is it?" Reno asked, sitting up, bringing his hands down from behind his head. "Who's attacking the reactor?" Tseng shook his head at Reno, putting a finger up to his lips as he brought the phone back up to his ear.
He turned away from Reno and Rude, talking on the phone once again. "Oh, cut the crap already and tell us what's goin' on!"
"Reno," Rude snapped, a little annoyed. "Let the director figure it out." He sighed and pushed his glasses up, looking over at Tseng again. He hung up and set the phone on the desk.
"You two can come along if you'd really like to," Tseng finally said. "I'm only going to the security office." Rude nodded and Reno hopped up from his spot on the sofa, stretching. He put his jacket over his bare torso and headed out with the others to Heidegger's office.
Heidegger was leaning back in his chair, an amused look on his face. He began to talk as he heard the Turks walk in. "Take a gander at this," he said, gesturing to one of the screens.
"Is that...?" Reno growled.
"It can't be," Rude said plainly. "She wouldn't. That girl could never fight. She wouldn't expose herself like that."
"Last time I saw her she was working an orphanage," Reno said. "How could she go from nanny to terrorist?"
They watched in shock as you raced through the reactor with the others, having occasional run-ins with machinery or guards, and taking them down almost with ease. With a baseball bat.
"What are we waiting on?" Reno barked. "Are we just gonna watch them destroy a reactor?" He began to storm out of the room but Rude stepped in front of him. Everyone knew very well that there was never a 'them' with Reno. His only concern was the rebellious daughter to President ShinRa.
"That's exactly what we're going to do," Tseng said, raising his voice over Reno's.
"What?" Reno scoffed.
"They won't show themselves unless they have to. They're not going to go out in public and explain their cause," Tseng explained. "People will think they're just... Terrorists."
"That's because they are," Reno said.
"They are," Tseng continued, "but for what? They're false believers of ShinRa damaging the planet. Everyone knows that. The public will hate them for this incident, not ShinRa."
"Look boys," Heidegger finally said, breaking the tension between the Turks. "The core," he said, sitting up and looking at one screen in particular. The Turks gathered around him.
"There's a Scorpion mech stationed there," Rude pointed out. "They won't complete their mission."
"Who the hell does this chick think she is? She's gonna die before we have to kill her ourselves," Reno muttered.
"Kill her? The president wants her back alive," Rude corrected him.
"That's not important right now," Tseng said. They all went quiet and watched the cameras.
At the reactor...
The mission was almost over. The mercenary would only have to set the bomb and you would be gone. As you followed Cloud and Barret down the ladder, something began to drill its way into your mind. You felt like you had neglected to say something about the security, but they didn't expect you to know anything.
You followed them down the platform and hung back as they negotiated the detonation time. You got a bad feeling in your gut.
"Guys, wait--" you shrieked as the room began to shake and nearly lost your balance. From the ceiling fell a gigantic mech. A Scorpion Sentinel. The other two cursed and began fighting it. You ran in to join the fray, watching as it attacked them.
You didn't give them any instructions as to how to defeat it, since the mercenary already had that covered. You mainly attacked from behind, inflicting some kind of damage but the sentinel would not mind you. You backed away as it turned around and it's green visor shined in your eyes, causing you to squint.
However, the sentinel didn't attack and averted its attention back to the guys. It must've pinged your ID. It wouldn't attack you for that reason. You were the president's daughter after all, and they would program a mech as dangerous as this one not to attack once certain IDs were pinged. The same could not be said for those with forged IDs, or no ID at all.
(A/N: Yes, I did just make that up.)
You were completely unharmed in this fight, so you inflicted as much damage as you could while the mech was still on the ground. No matter how much you attacked, it would not retaliate.
Eventually, the mercenary delivered the final blow on the sentinel and it succumbed to the damage, shutting down and falling over the ledge into the mako. You watched as it destructed and walked over as Cloud set the bomb. Barret was glaring at you over his shoulder. Had he noticed something during the fight? You didn't wanna find out and turned and ran off as the mercenary set the bomb.
1807 words (not counting acknowledgements)
Word Count Exceeded by: 307 words
Word Count (with acknowledgements): 1832 words
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