1: Corpse Cake
A male of twenty-one threw the newly dead body aside and kept on walking down the dark alleyway.
"S-Sir, w-what shall I do w-with this body and the rest?" stutters out the male's partner.
"Sid, come on, you don't have to refer to me as 'sir,' we are childhood friends after all," states the male who is accompanied with dark brown hair and light brown eyes.
Sid, a male of twenty-one with white hair and light, red eyes, nods and says, "A-Alright Alfred."
"Anyways, about the corpses, return them when we get back to Antics," sternly orders Alfred without cracking a laugh.
"Of course," says Sid as he doesn't question his partner.
Sid Jones has been best friends with Alfred Brown ever since they both were thrown in the "gifted" program which was at the age of six. Little did outsiders know, the "gifted" program wasn't just for students with a higher level of academics. The "gifted" program didn't just give the "lucky" students another achievement to show off and piss off the "normal" kids, but also teach students combat, proper use of weapons, and other dangerous lessons that could kill any normal person.
Sid, Alfred, and a few others didn't quit the program after finding out how dangerous it was. Those who left had their memories erased that concerned the program, and family members were notified that their child was kicked out of the program. Family members did not know, nor were they allowed to know unless under certain circumstances, about what happened in the program, though a letter was sent to each family that somehow convinced them that this was an honour. Another letter would be sent to them about their child not being fit for the program and that it would be best if they stayed in regular classes if their child decided to quit.
Those who didn't quit the program were sent to Antics to have a career as an agent. Family members were told that these "gifted" students would become bakers and bake at the most popular and best job paying bakery around, AA Bakes. AA Bakes is Antics's secret identity that sells cheap baked goods that are the best. Again, letters were sent to families and somehow persuaded them that this was the best for the best.
Some of the agents had a special skill or two that greatly helped on certain missions. Sid Jones for example, even though he's a scaredy cat, underestimate him and you'll have a bullet lodged in each eye. Sid has extraordinary sight which made him a great sniper and your go-to guy when you needed some bullets to be shot in certain places in a short amount of time. Sid also has great reflexes when it comes down to cocking his guns, shooting, and reloading bullets.
Alfred Brown, well, he has no weaknesses. He doesn't laugh, get upset, or have himself get pushed around by enemies. If an enemy needs to be eliminated, he will not stop until their pulse is gone. He's a badass that doesn't flinch in life or death situations, nor does he get hypnotized by a woman's beauty. And no, he is not into guys, honestly everyone thought he was just emotionless. That was until a girl named Anne spilled flour everywhere in kitchen of AA Bakes and had Alfred on the floor laughing uncontrollably. I take back my first statement of this paragraph, Alfred had one weakness, and that was Anne herself.
Anne Scott is the daughter of the Antics's boss, Jake Scott. Jake Scott is a humourous man that started Antics after his wife was kidnapped and killed by Spade, the main enemy of Antics. Spade is a ruthless young man that doesn't think twice when it comes to killing anyone who gets in his way of world domination.
"Let's get back to Antics and report, maybe Jake will let us send the bodies back in an enlarged cake box," suggests Alfred as he walks out the dark alley into the dark streets of Delpha being followed by his partner who's carrying all six lifeless bodies.
If you feel bad for Sid, don't, Sid's a strong lad for a scrawny young man. Besides, he says that he likes being stared at by other members of Antics when he comes into the base holding many dead bodies. For a shy boy, Sid surprisingly likes to show off.
"Uh, I don't know Alfred, wouldn't that taunt the enemy even more?" questions Sid as he notices presences surrounding him and Alfred.
Alfred grins, "That's the point."
Sid quickly drops the corpses as he and Alfred dash pass each other to punch incoming masked men. Alfred uses his gloved fists while Sid uses two pistols.
Even though it's known as a dull, repetitive style of fighting, Alfred ends up making close-range fighting an excitable act to watch. Without even hesitating, he manages to punch and kick several masked men within a minute. His punches are swift while his kicks didn't even need the help of momentum from his turns to make his enemies fly a few meters away. He also cracks the neck of his helpless opponents without even choking out a chuckle.
Sid on the other hand, incorporates his love for guns into his less skilled area of fighting. With every punch Sid gives with the corner of his customized pistols, bone damage is given to the masked men. And due to his excellent sight and reflexes, he's able to shoot down nearby enemies. When there's no space given for him to reload his pistols, he quickly swings the machine gun on his back around and makes space. However, he rarely pulls out his machine gun due to making the shots from his pistol count.
After killing the masked men, Sid sighs and says, "Man, I really do enjoy taking in a lot of corpses, but this is just too much Alfred."
"I would usually disagree and end up helping you myself Sid, but this is too much for the both of us," says Alfred as he holds up his left arm to pull his sleeve to reveal his watch.
Alfred begins tapping on the watch until he starts talking into his watch. Sid goes over to their modified agent motorcycles to check if they're bugged.
"Alright, we'll gather up the bodies, and throw them in when you get here. We don't need a ride though, we parked our-" Alfred is cut off when Sid yells, "They bugged our bikes!"
The person speaking with Alfred through his watch hears Sid and hangs up.
"How rude, she didn't even make a smart remark before she hung up," says Alfred as he pulls his sleeve back in its place and begins to throw corpses in a pile after thoroughly checking each one with Sid to see if they were bugged.
"Tammy?" questions Sid.
Alfred nods as he smashes another chip with the heel of his black, glossy shoes.
Tamera Davison is a girl that doesn't take shit. Say something stupid and she's done with you. She doesn't put up with nonsense and hates children. She's twenty-two, has blonde hair, and brown eyes. Her specialty is driving quickly and getting through traffic. Her skill is being able to tell who's lying or not. She can also lead guys on and kill them when "alone time" is given. Aside from being known as Tammy, she's also known as the poison guru due to her knowledge of poisons and how to use them in specific situations.
A giant, black truck comes speeding down the street, and stops after running over the bodies carelessly. Tammy kicks open the driver's door and jumps out to look at the two young men.
"Well? Throw them in the back idiots!" yells Tammy.
"That was unnecessary and disgusting," states Alfred as he pulls out a handkerchief to wipe some blood off his face.
"But I was quick, unlike you two, now hurry up before I decide to run you guys over too," says Tammy as she leans on the side of her truck.
Instead of arguing more, the two boys just threw the corpses in the back.
"Weren't you two suppose to get information instead of killing fifty something men?" asks Tammy as she watches the boys.
Tammy's irides grow with shock as she takes a moment to realize what happened.
"There, we got our information Tammy," says Sid as he puts away his pistol and walks over to the masked man that was trying to sneak up on Tammy.
"You little shit," mumbles the man who was on the ground glaring at Sid as he held both his kneecaps.
Sid kicks the man's dagger at Alfred.
"Look here bud, you better come with us smoothly, or there's going to be problems," says Sid with a soft smile.
The man takes off his mask and spits at Sid.
"Can we strap him in the back too?" question Sid as he spins around on his heels to look for Alfred's approval.
"Two steps ahead of you," mumbles Alfred as he pulls out rope from the backseat of Tammy's truck.
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