Things have been pretty smooth other then Victoria coming around. The boys have made me stay with Bella while they've been chasing her down. Charlie and Harry said they were going hunting. Me being me asked if I could go too. Which thankfully they let me because I was tired of sitting in that house with Bella.
I was walking with Harry watching to make sure nothing happened. Then we spotted a paw print. Charlie asked if we had something but we said no. When he turned around Harry ran his foot against the paw print. Then she showed up.
She went for Charlie but Harry pulled his gun up on her, causing her to come at Harry. She picked him up by his shirt, then Jake showed up in wolf form and scared Harry. She dropped Harry and he started to have a heart attack.
"Charlie, he's having a heart attack. I don't know what to do." I say panicked and crying. Charlie rushes over and starts compressions. But his heart stopped, I can't even hear his heartbeat anymore.
They carry him out to the edge of the woods and called an ambulance. I sat down and cried. I went inside looking for Bella but she wasn't there. I started to freak out. I called Emily and asked if she was there but she wasn't, I told her about Harry and she even started to sob.
I hung up and met up with the boys. They were still in wolf form when I caught up to them. Victoria had gotten away again. I collapsed on to Paul's wolf form crying. Sam shifted back and changed. "What happened?" He asks pulling me off of Paul so he can shift and put clothes on.
"Harry's dead.. and Bella's missing." I mutter between sobs. Paul comes back and hugs me tightly. Soon I'm engulfed in a hug by all the boys, except for Jake who went looking for Bella. Of freaking course.
"Come on. Lets get you home.." Paul says lifting me up bridal style. I snuggle into his chest not wanting to face reality.
Paul took me home while Sam went to look for Bella with Jake. Everyone else went to Harry's to help out. Once I got home Emily pulled me into a tight hug and we cried for a little while. Paul took me up to my bed and let me cry on him some more. Harry was like a father to me, so it hurts a lot that he's gone.
I woke up after a little nap. Paul was laying beside me awake. "How are you feeling babe?" He asks kissing my forehead.
"I'm better. We should go over to Harry's and help out." I say standing up. I put on a pair of black leggings and a long black tee shirt, a pair of flats and a black beanie. Paul puts on a pair of shorts and a tee shirt. We walk to Harry's place to see a lot of people there.
"Alex, Paul, you came." Sue says giving us a hug.
"Yeah, we made it.. I'm so sorry about your loss .." I say hugging her trying not to cry anymore.
"I know Harry thought of you as his daughter Alex. It must have been so hard to see someone close to you die." She says and I just nod tearing up.
Leah and Seth come out to greet us and they both look just as much of a wreck as me. I pull Seth into a hug and we both start crying, Leah soon joins the hug and we just cry together. We don't say a word, we just cry. Paul left to help out the others.
"Lex?" Seth asks drying up his tears.
"Yeah Seth?" I question as I dry my own.
"What's it like...?" He asks trying not to cry again.
"What?" I ask not wanting understand his question.
"To watch someone die.. what's it like?" He asks.
"It's the worst thing ever. And I hope and prey that neither of you have to witness that." I say as I hug them both. "You're both like my family, I don't ever want you to witness anything like that ever. I love you both." I say.
"I love you too Lex. You're like a big sister." Seth says hugging me back and crying into my chest.
"I love you too Lexis, you're like a little sister to me. I'm so sorry you had to see that happen." Leah says holding me tightly while trying to be strong.
Soon Sam shows up and comes over to us. Leah walks away after kissing my forehead, Seth hugs me tightly before following after her. "Did you find her?" I ask whipping my tears away.
"Yeah, Jake took her home." He says and I nod. We begin to help out with things. After an hour Jake shows up looking pissed so I rush over to him and push him into the woods.
"What happened?" I ask.
"Bella left, she went with the pixy bitch to get the mind rapist. Hes going to kill himself, he thought she was dead." He says through gritted teeth.
"That's great. I can't deal with this right now.." I mutter. I sit down and Jake leaves. I quickly find Sam and Paul.
"We know already. We get it. They're family. Go save them." Sam says. I hug them both and kiss Paul.
"I'll be back in three to four days. I love you guy." I say jumping in my car.
"I love you too. Be careful." Paul and Sam both say at the same time.
I drive off as fast as I can to catch up with Alice and Bella. As soon as I get to the airport I see them both. "Hey, thanks for yah know about to leave me." I say, Alice hugs me and then bought us all tickets to Italy.
We got past all the checkpoints and my weapons never once showed up on monitor nor did they set of the detectors. We caught up on small things on the flight. Bella and I caught up on some sleep then Alice stole a car when we landed and we drove to the Volturi.
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