The next morning I woke up to Sam flipping my bed. "What was that for?!" I yell.
"Get up. I spoke to the elders and they think it's a good idea that we train you in the ways of a huntress." Sam says throwing a pair of shorts and a tank top at me.
"A what?" I question annoyed as he walks out of the room. I quickly change and chase after. "What's a huntress?" I ask as I catch up to him.
"Billy and Harry will explain." He replies. We walk out to the truck and drive down to the meeting area. We drive in silence, but not awkward silence.
When we get to the meeting place I see Harry, Billy, Paul, Jared and Embry. "Welcome Alexandria, are you ready to begin your training?" Harry Clearwater asks.
"No, will someone explain what a huntress is to me? And why this jerk flipped my bed?" I question angry and annoyed, it's too freaking early for this. My outburst causes Paul to laugh a little bit.
"A huntress is someone who is as fast as a shifter while they are in their animal form, as strong as the strongest beings, and can kill any 'mythical creature' with ease. They hunt the evil in the world and destroy them. They have accelerated healing, and with this training your asthma and low blood sugar will go away." Billy Black explains.
"Okay. When do we begin?" I question after a moment of silence. This causes the boys to howl in delight and pick me up.
"First we need to inject this into you." Harry says holding up a needle with something inside of it.
"It will feel like vampire venom but I assure you it isn't." Billy says. I nod my head okay. Paul holds me tightly and kisses my cheek, Sam grabs my arm and holds it tightly.
Harry stabs the needle into my arm and I scream as it feels so much like vampire venom. It hurts so bad, and after about ten minutes of screaming I collapse back into Paul's arms. He holds me tightly apologizing about the pain. After about ten minutes of laying in his arms I stand up and stretch.
"So when do we begin?" I question.
Everyone laughs at my enthusiasm to start training. "First let's see which weapons choose you." Harry says and leads me over to an old shed.
The minute he opens the shed and I walk in the first weapons I spot are, a bow n arrow, twin daggers, and throwing knives. I walk up and touch each of them. I pick up a throwing knife and throw it at a target, I hit the bullseye. I pick up the bow n arrow, pull the draw back and let loose, an arrow goes flying at the bullseye and hits it. I pick up the daggers and admire the weight, the color and designs. Each of these weapons call to me.
"I think you had found your weapons Alexandria. Now let's proceed the training." Harry says breaking me from my thought.
"Let's go for a run." Sam says as they all shift, except Billy and Harry.
We run around the res for a few hours. I spar with Each of the boys and got laid on my butt by Sam and Paul. But it was fun. When we went back towards the house I saw Bella pulling up to Jacobs, and Jacob saw me.
"Hey Alex, wanna help build dirt bikes?" Jacob asks.
"Yeah. Why not." I say, I kiss Paul's cheek. "I'll be back shortly love."
"Be careful." He says hugging me.
"Watch him, he's supposed to be the next to phase." Sam whispers in my ear. I nod my head and run over to Jacob and Bella.
"Hey Bella, Jake." I say while smiling.
"Alex? I thought you left with them. Have they contacted you at all?" Bella asks hugging me.
"Wait you two know each other?" Jacob asks.
"Yeah, this is Edwards sister." Bella replies.
"I thought you were Sam's sister?" Jake asks.
"Well, technically I am neither ones sister. When the Cullen left I couldn't bring myself to leave and I couldn't live on my own so Sam and Emily brought me in." I say with a shrug. We work on the dirt bikes and joke around. Some guy named Quil shows up and him and Jake wrestle around, showing off.
And what's sad about this is Bella is leading Jake on. She had false hope that everyone will come home.
The bikes are done and now were going to test them out. I ignored their conversation as we drove down the road, suddenly Bella pulled over and got out of the truck. I laughed at what she was going on about.
"Chill out Bella, they're just cliff diving. It's really fun, but a total rush." I say laughing.
"Most of us jump from lower down, we leave the showing off for Sam and his disciples." Jake says. "Embry use to call them hall monitors on steroids, but now look at him." He says bitterly.
"Wait that's Embry?" Bella questions.
"What happens to him?" She asks.
"Missed some school then started following Sam around like a lost puppy. Lately Sam's been giving me this look, like he's just watching me." Jake says as Paul dives into the ocean.
We get back in the truck and drive in silence. Soon we get to where we need to be and get the bikes down. Bella gets on and ends up wrecking, Jake and I rush to her side, though I run but not at my full speed.
"Ima go again." She says sitting up and wincing slightly.
"You're dumb Bella. You just hit your head." I say pointing to her head. Jake takes his shirt off and dabs it to her head.
"You're kinda beautiful." She mumbles to Jake. I laugh.
"How hard did you hit your head?" Jake asks her smiling.
I decide to take the dirt bike for a spin while Jake takes Bella to the hospital. I end up riding it back to Jacobs. When I pull up I'm greeted with a smile from Billy. "Hello Billy."
"Hello Alex. How are you?" He asks.
"I'm greet other then your son forgetting about me to take Bella to the hospital." I reply laughing slightly.
"What happened?" He asks.
"Bella wrecked the dirt bike. But she'll be fine." I reply casually.
"Well at least she's okay. I'll see you around." He says going inside. I take the dirt bike to the garage and park it.
I walk back to Sam and Emily's bored and slightly cold. Once I open the door I'm engulfed in a warm hug from Paul. I happily hug him back. "You're so warm." I mutter into his chest.
He chuckles slightly and kisses my cheek. "I love you."
"I love you too babe." I say as we walk back into the kitchen, he pulls me into his lap and hugs me from behind. Emily brings out muffins and we eat.
After we've all ate I go up to bed. I have to patrol in the morning with Sam. This should be fun.
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