The last few days Paul's been busy, either on patrol or doing something else. It feels like he's been ignoring me. I hope he isn't though, but who could blame him? I killed the Huntress without giving a second thought to it.
Today I've been spending the day with Leah and Seth. Also today's my birthday, I don't think they know and that's okay. I don't want anything but to be with my family, well my pack family. Seth, Leah and I have been playing video games and eating everything in Sue's fridge.
"Lex?" Seth mumbles while taking a bite of chicken.
"What?" I question the young shifter.
"How do you feel about Paul?" He asks and I can feel my cheeks heat up. Leah gives him this look that says -shut up before I beat you to death-.
"Why do you want to know Seth?" I ask.
"Do you love him? Or not?" He asks.
"Of course I love him. Even if he's been ignoring me the last few days. He's everything to me and more." I say blushing madly. "Why do you want to know?" I question raising an eyebrow at him.
"Because.." he starts but Leah slaps a hand over his mouth.
"Shut it blabber mouth. We're not supposed to say anything." She growls at him.
"Okay what's going on?" I question pausing Little Big Planet.
They look at each other quickly then back to me. "We can't tell you." Leah says.
"Uh-huh. Okay." I say going back to the game. Leah and I are in a competition right now on level 25, and I'm beating her.
The phone rang and Sue answered the phone. Soon she comes in and looks at us and laughs. The living room has food wrappers everywhere and chicken bones, and we're laying on top of each other. It's a site to see.
"You guys are wanted over at Emily's." She says after calming down.
"Okay. We'll clean this up first." I say.
"Go, it's okay. I've got this." She says.
"No, no, no. I can't let you clean up our disaster." I reply standing up and cleaning.
She sighs already knowing that she won't win the argument. She grabs me a trash bag and hands it to me. I clean up the mess with help from Seth and Leah. Soon we're finished cleaning.
We kiss Sue on the cheek and leave. We races to Emily's goofing off and pushing and tripping each other. We walked through the front door to be greeted with a surprise party.
"Surprise!" Everyone yelled. Everyone as in, Jake, Sam, Emily, Jared, Kim, Quil, and Paul. The house had party streamers and a 'Happy 18th Birthday Alexandria!' sign.
I burst out laughing. "Thanks guys." I say as Paul gives me a hug and kiss.
"Happy birthday babe." He says kissing my cheek.
"Happy birthday Alex!" Emily says pulling me away from Paul and hugging me. "I made your favorite, Chocolate and Peanut butter cup cakes."
"How'd you get Sam to agree?" I question her.
"You don't want to know." She says laughing.
"Forget I asked." I say laughing back.
Jake, Jared, Embry and Quil picked me up in a group hug. "Happy birthday Alex." They all said together causing me to laugh.
Kim came up to me and gave me a small hug. "Happy birthday."
"Thanks Kim." I say smiling. If you didn't know Kim is Jared's imprint. She's pretty cool, but I don't spend much time with her.
Then Sam came up to me and gave me a big hug. "Happy birthday sis." He says picking me up and carrying me to the table. He sat me on the table and Paul stood beside me.
Emily came over and put a 'Birthday Girl' sash on me while Kim put a tiara on my head. I laughed at them all. Now I know why Leah told me to put on something nice. I'm wearing a high waisted, purple skirt that comes down to my thighs, a black tee shirt and a pair of flats.
Sue and Billy come into the kitchen with the cupcakes. Sue puts the cupcakes in front of me while lighting a candle. "Make a wish Alex." Billy says smiling. I smile back and make my wish, blowing out the candle.
"Can we eat now?" Seth asks.
"Yes. After Alex takes a bite!" Sue says sternly. I laugh and without having to be told I pick up a cupcake and eat it in two bite.
"Emily, thank you for making me cupcakes!" I say pulling her in for a hug. She laughs at me and nods her head.
After we eat all the cupcakes and rest of the food that was made Sam said it was time for presents. Billy gave me a necklace with the tribe symbol and a wolf on it. Jacob got me a wolf stuffy that resembles his wolf. Sam gave me a sibling bracelet, its black and gold. Emily got me a dress. Jared got me a headband. Kim got me a belt that matches the headband. Sue got me a whole new medical kit, and more medical supplies. Leah got me some lingerie that she made me open in private, let's just say it was a laugh for us. Seth gave me a bracelet he made himself. Embry gave me some crash because he didn't know what to get me and same with Quil. I laughed and excepted it.
Then it was Paul's turn to give me his gift. Everyone was grinning like fools. I watched as he got down on one knee, my hand flew to my mouth. This can't be happening.. Sam gave him the small box and Paul held it out int my other hand. "Alexandria Mae Cullen-Uley, I know I've only known you for a short time but I love you more then life it's self. Will you do me the tremendous honor of becoming Alexandria Lahote?" He asks with what confidence he has.
I smile widely and throw myself into his arms. "Yes!" I squeal. Everyone cheers and Paul slips the beautiful ring on my finger.
"I love you Lexie." He says kissing me.
"I love you too Paul." I reply back kissing him again.
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