Hi, my names Alexandria Mae Cullen, my parents are Carlisle and Esme, my brothers are Emmett, Edward and Jasper, my sisters are Alice and Rosalie. I know they're all vampires and they even offered me the chance to become one, but I don't want to be and they say that's perfectly okay. I love them and they love me.
Today is Bella's birthday. Now I'm not going to lie, I don't care for her very well. She's family, yes, but she'll have to earn my respect. Everyone went to school today but I didn't. I decided to skip. I packed my hiking bag, got dressed in my hiking clothes and put on my boots. I grabbed my camera and set off. I kissed Esme and left the house.
Being in a house with super smart vampires made me smarter as well. I knew everything being taught because they thought I should learn at a young age. So it didn't matter much if I skipped school or not. Though I hardly did unless Esme and Carlisle took us out of school because of the sunshine.
I walked through the woods, up the mountain and venturing into the shifters territory. Unlike my family they like me. I like coming out here and sitting with Sam and Jared. I walked into the clearing and saw four big wolves. Two of which I recognized. They were trying to calm down one while the other was laying on the ground looking to be in pain.
I stepped on a twig gaining their attention. "Hey Sam, Jared." I say while waving. They nod their heads at me and go back to taming the other wolf.
I walked up cautiously and pet the one that looked in pain on the head. I noticed he had a gash on the side, I went to touch it but he growled. "It's okay. I won't hurt you." I say. I move closer to his side and sling my bag over my shoulder. "If you shift back I can take care of your wound better." I say to him.
I pull out a towel and close my eyes so he can shift back. I feel him grab the towel and wait a few seconds before I turn back to look at him. I notice his gash looks to be worse then I thought. "How'd this happen?" I question as I dig for my first aid kit.
He looks at me curiously as I pull out my kit and start to disinfect the wound. Then I hear Sam and Jared and the other guy come out of the woods fully clothed. I didn't even hear them leave. I though to myself.
"Paul did it." He mutters quietly.
I look at Sam and he shrugs. "His healing will kick in soon." Is all he says. I roll my eyes at him and continue cleaning his wound. It soon begins to heal so I let it do the rest. "So what are you doing here Alex? Shouldn't you be in school?" Sam asks.
"Well technically yes but I didn't want to go and get ditched again so I skipped. So who's the new members of your pack?" I question as I hug him and Jared.
"Well the one you were cleaning up is Embry Call the newest member we were training when Paul lost it." He says motioning to the other guy. "And that is Paul Lahote."
I look at Embry and extend my hand. "Hey, my names Alexandria Cullen." He looks at me skeptically. "No I'm not a vampire. I'm human." His face lightens up and shakes my hand. I smile kindly at him.
"I'm Embry." He replies smiling.
I look at Paul and my gods! My world stopped. He's the cutest guy I've ever seen. I noticed that he had this look of desire in his eyes, like he wanted to get to know me. I most definitely wants to get to know him. We're snapped out of our thoughts when my phone goes off. The ringtone is 'Mad Hater', Alice's ringtone.
I answer it quickly. "Where are you? I need your help setting up Bella's birthday party."
"I'm hiking. Why do you need my help?" I question and Sam mouths 'Alice?' And I nod my head yeah.
"Because I need to know which color, purple or green?"
"I don't think she really cares. Just set out candles or something. I thought she said she didn't want a party or presents?" I question annoyed.
"But I've seen her open them all! She loves them. Just come home soon."
"Okay I'll be home shortly." I say and hang up. I turn to the guys.
"Gotta go?" Sam questions.
"Yup. But first.." I bring my camera up and take a picture of Paul, then Sam, Jared and Embry.
"Hey!" Sam shouts. I stick my tongue out at him and he glares playfully, though Paul growls at him.
"What? Jealous?" I question smirking already knowing what happened. I've read and heard the legends before.
"No." He huffs.
"I think so." I say walking up to him and smiling, his hard glare softens at my smile. "Well I gotta go. I'll see you guys later sometime!" I shout taking off.
"Be careful Alex!" Jared and Sam say. I run down the mountain elegantly. Living with vampire you learn to be extremely careful and elegant with everything you do.
About half an hour later I'm walking through the front door, a dress being shoved in my face and being vampire sped through the house to my room. I sigh and get in the shower connected to my room. I shower and change into the black dress Alice picked out for me.
I walk down stairs and sit next to Carlisle. "You went to see Sam again didn't you?" He questions.
"Technically I just went for a hike and found Sam in the woods. But yeah i spent time with them." I say smiling slightly.
"You shouldn't get close to them Alex, we're going to have to leave town soon." Carlisle says sadly. Any happiness I felt just disappeared. "People are noticing that I'm not aging." He says sadly.
"I can't leave Carlisle... Sam's pack mate imprinted on me... it'd kill him if I left. I don't want to hurt him..." I say sadly. It's a good thing everyone else went hunting or they'd freak.
"I'll talk to Sam to see if you can stay there. We'll keep in contact with you." He says hugging me. I nod sadly, I feel as if my body had went completely numb.
My mood suddenly became brighter as Jasper walked in. "No fair Jasper." I mumble.
"You need to put on the happy act before Bella comes down." He says.
"Yeah. Okay." I say sighing. I put on my fake smile as Edward and Bella come down the stairs.
"You didn't have to do this." Bella says.
"We tried to contain Alice the best we could." Carlisle says.
"If that is even possible." Esme says standing next to Carlisle. I stand next to Rosalie and Emmett.
Alice handed Rose and I a present to give Bella. We both handed them to her and said. "Alice picked them out." Then moved back to standing against the wall.
I zoned out until I heard a crash and was grabbed to stand behind Rose. Bella had gotten a paper cut and Jasper tried to attack. Now Bella is laying on the floor after Edward pushed her to hard and broke a vase and table. I sighed after Emmett and Alice got Jasper out of the house.
I walked upstairs and started to throw some clothes into a bag. I pulled out my phone and texted Sam.
Me: Hey Sam, is it okay if I stay?
Sammy🐺😁: Yeah. What happened?
Me: Nothing, stupid Bella got a paper cut and Jasper almost lost it. Don't worry she's fine, I'm fine. Also people are starting to notice that Carlisle isn't aging so they're leaving.
Me: I'm not. Carlisle said he was going to talk to you. Probably to see if I can stay with you.
Sammy🐺😁: Of course you can stay! Emily wouldn't have it any other way and Paul wouldn't be so upset.
Me: Haha, so tell me about Paul some. Please?
Sammy🐺😁: He's a hot head. But he cares about you. He won't shut up.
Me: Awe! Heh, well I'll be over shortly.
Sammy🐺😁: Be careful.
With that done and all my clothes and some pictures packed up, I went down stairs. I walked into the kitchen with my bags. "Where are you going?" Edward asks.
"Why do you care?" I question bitterly.
"Alex, I've always cared. Don't act like that." He says sighing.
"Liar!" I shout and then I calm myself down. "Carlisle, Esme, I'll see you before you leave. I'm going to Sam's." I say giving them both a hug.
"Let us know you got there safely. We love you." They both say.
"Love you too." I say as I walk out of the house shooting a glare at Edward. I put my stuff in my car. I get in and drive off.
I put my 'Sleeping With Sirens' cd and blare it. I drive quickly down the road and the 20 minutes to the reservation. I turn down my music as I drive through the res to show respect. I quickly pull up to Sam and Emily's. I turn my car off and jump out. I didn't even make it to the door before it swung open and I was embraced in a hug by Jared and Sam.
I heard Paul growl at them. They both took a step back and then Paul hugged me. "Hey guys. It's good to see you all." I say as I hug Paul back.
I get out of Paul's grip and go around to the back of my car but am immediately stopped as I see Jared and Embry already have my stuff. I walk inside with Paul.
"Alex, how are you?" Emily asks smiling. I walk over and hug her.
"I'm okay Emmy. Thanks for taking me in." I say smiling.
I get a texts.
Alice🔮👗: Carlisle said to call him. We're really sorry we have to leave soon. We all love you Alex.
Me: k.
"I'll be back. Carlisle wants me to call him." I mumble as I walk outside. I Dial the house phone and almost immediately Carlisle answers.
"I see you made it." Carlisle says.
"Yeah, I made it. Do you guys have to go?" I question sadly.
"Yes. We'll keep in contact with you. Don't let Bella know though. Let me talk to Sam."
"Okay." I mumble as I walk back inside. I hand Sam my phone and he goes outside to talk to Carlisle.
"Alex do you want to help me cook?" Emily asks trying to change my mood.
"Sure!" I reply walking in the kitchen helping her.
Paul walks into the kitchen and snatches a muffin as I pull it out of the oven. I smack his hands away as he reaches for another. "Paul, get out of the kitchen."
"If I can get a hug." He says slyly. I laugh at him and give him a hug then push him out of the kitchen.
Emily and I spend a good amount of time baking and joking around. I didn't even notice that Sam hand taken my stuff upstairs and my phone as well. I helped Emily plan her wedding some. After all of our baking was done we let the muffins cool so they'd be ready for tomorrow.
Jared and Embry went on patrol. Paul passed out on the couch and Sam sat in the living room watching tv. "Goodnight Sam, Emily." I say as I walk past Sam and poke Paul's head. "Goodnight Paul." I say as he opens an eye and looks at me.
He stands up and walks me to bed. I hear Sam yell up the stairs. "No funny business! Say goodnight and leave."
We both laugh at him. "Well, I'll see you tomorrow?" Paul asks.
"I'd hope so. I feel safer with you." I reply smiling.
"Good." He replies matching my smile. He hugs me tightly. "Goodnight Lexie."
I smile as I hug him back. "Goodnight Pauly." He kisses my head and walks downstairs. I smile to myself and walk into my room. I change into a pair of shorts and a long shirt that says 'coffee is my bff.' and go to bed.
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