1950s Dance
Alexa's POV
It's been four days since we made contact with Jeremy. I saw the Salvatores were alive and wanted to kill Damon. But Anna stopped, she told me to think of how hurt he'll be when the tomb is opened. Only to realize Katherine was never there and didn't care about him. Oh I can't wait to see the look on his face when he realizes his precious Katherine never loved him.
I also so my descendants. Well descendant, only one is a Forbes by blood. Caroline. But her mother Liz is the sheriff. Never thought I'd see a female sheriff. But good for her. Anyway tonight is the 50s dance at the high school. I got an outfit and compelled myself onto the chaperone list.
Ben is working his charms on Bonnie. Noah though, has decided to harass Elena Gilbert, because she looks like Katherine. She's dating Stefan, but it's clear Damon likes her also. Anna went to talk to Jeremy and see how he went with his paper. Which left me to try control Noah.
I knew he'd probably try to attack her at the dance. Which is why I became a chaperone and got an outfit. I arrived to see the students of Mystic Falls are dressed in their best '50s getup's and dancing to "This Magic Moment". I notice Caroline dancing with Bonnie on the dance floor.
I spot the Salvatores arrive with Elena and blend into the crowd. I end by the punch bowl with two other chaperones. "Who are you chaperoning?" the guys asks me.
"My little brother and sister" I lie. "I'm Alexa" I tell him.
"Alaric, history teacher" he says.
"Jenna, legal guardian" the girl says.
"Pleasure to meet you both" I say with a smile. "So do they do this every year?" I ask.
"Yes, along with the 60s and 70s" Jenna tells me.
"Oh joy" I say. "Why couldn't it be the 20s? At least they knew how to dance" I state.
"You like the 20s?" Alaric asks.
"I like music from then" I state. "Anyway pleasure meeting you both, I'm going to go see if I can find one of my younger siblings. Make sure they are behaving" I tell them. Jenna nods her head understandingly. I left them and went to search for Noah. I notice Anna with Jeremy, at least she is focusing on her part.
I spot Noah and grab him. Before zooming to an empty hall way. "Honestly Alexa" he grumbles. "What are you doing here?" he asks me.
"Sticking to the plan, something you're not doing" I tell him annoyed. "Stay away from Elena" I state.
"I like her. She looks like Katherine" he tells me.
"I don't care, she's no Katherine. Ok, Katherine is in the tomb" I lie. Only Anna and I know Katherine isn't in the tomb.
"I know, but until we open that tomb, I got her to play with" he states.
"Women aren't toys for men to play with" I snap.
"Oh I struck a nerve" he says with a smirk and I glare at him.
"Noah, don't do anything stupid. She has two body guards" I tell him.
"The Salvatores don't scare me. They never have" he tells me.
"Please, Noah. Don't do this. You're gonna ruin everything" Anna states as she joins us.
"You both have got nothing to worry about. I'm not gonna let anything happen to either of you. You both will get what you came for. Just let me have my fun" he tells us. "She looks like Katherine" he repeats before leaving.
"Damn it Noah" Anna grumbles running a hand through her hair.
"Look it's his own fault if the Salvatores kill him. He won't give us up, just focus on Jeremy and the journal" I tell her. She nods her head and left me. I watched Noah get Elena away from the crowd. Before he was tortured and killed by the Salvatores. Without being noticed.
I then went to the Grill to collect Ben. I see him locking up and smirk. I vamp run over to him. Spooking him and laugh as he pushes me against the wall. "God, that was not funny Alexa" he tells me. "Don't sneak up on me" he tells me.
"Oh come on, you love it" I say with a smirk.
"Did you find Noah?" he asks me.
"His obsession got him tortured and killed by the Salvatores" I state.
"You're not very upset" he notes.
"Anna and I warned him, Ben. Besides he was just gonna screw everything up anyway. Let's be honest, he wasn't exactly an asset to the team. Anna gets the journal, I plan and you get the witch. Speaking of, how'd you do?" I ask him.
"Oh, the witch is totally crushing on me" he tells me smugly. As Anna appears, startling him. I giggle. "You both need to stop sneaking up on me" he says with a pout.
"You love it" Anna tells him.
"Did you get the Gilbert Journal?" I ask her.
"No, but I know where it is, and I'll get it" she states. We all smile and Ben kisses Anna. She returns it.
"Honestly you two" I whine. They pull apart and smile. Ben places his arm around Anna's shoulder and we head off down the street together.
Picture above of Alexa's 50s outfit and picture on the external link of Stefan, Elena, Bonnie, Caroline and Damon dressed up.
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