Chapter 6•
A/N:: This one's meh too. I apologize for the lateness and crappiness. Also it's kinda dialogue heavy. I apologize for that as well.
(Flashback: Alexander and his mother made up, Alexander got fired, and then he pretty much gave up hope that he would get hired anywhere else. )
Just when he was about to give up, Alexander spotted a small and fading 'help wanted' sign in the cracked window of a small shack. Upon further inspection he noticed it was the small office building for the pier, where all goods were shipped into and out of the island. He'd probably be doing a lot of work on or around ships, which he had never done before, and at only five foot four - but still growing - he probably wasn't even built for.
Nevertheless, he still needed a job. He ran a hand through his not-quite-shoulder-length hair nervously.
It couldn't hurt to try, he thought. It's not as if they can fire me.
He knocked on the door a few times just in case before he heard a woman yell,
"It's open!"
Alexander pushed open the door and was surprised by what he saw. The office he was used to seeing at his old job was clean, records filed neatly into drawers, and every pen or pencil in its specific place.
This office space was anything but that. There were papers piled multiple inches high on all but a small area of desk space, and even more papers were thrown on top of boxes that were stacked haphazardly around the floor.
The boy's fingers started to twitch. He wanted to fix it. He wanted to make the whole place neat and tidy. He'd been in this building for approximately thirty seconds and it was already driving him nuts.
"Is there something you need kid?" The young woman seated at a small desk a few feet in front of the larger one, asked him. She was speaking English, with an accent that told him she probably spoke Spanish as well.
"Yes ma'am. My name is Alexander Hamilton. I'm here about the job." He nodded his head towards the window as he stuck his hands in the back pockets of his jeans.
The woman looked him up and down, and Alexander bounced on the balls of his feet nervously. Her eyes stopped at his face, and the boy knew she had paused because of the bruises and crookedness of his nose. He flinched when her mouth opened to speak.
"Can you read?"
"Yes." The boy said proudly. He taught himself to read and was very proud of that fact.
"Write?" The woman said, raising an eyebrow at Alexander.
"Yes ma'am. In English and French, if I need to." Alexander finally allowed himself to smile a little. He could do everything the woman had asked of him so far.
"What about math and record keeping?"
Alex hung his head. He only knew basic math. He had done some paperwork for his old boss, but he had just copied some papers in his own neat handwriting so it was a lot easier to read. He'd never kept any real records of anything.
"No." Alexander mumbled, all of the confidence he had gained draining out of him. As an after thought, he added, "But I could learn. I'm a fast learner."
The woman continued to look at Alexander, seemingly thinking about whether to hire the boy.
Moments later a tall man with suntanned skin barged into the small office space. His eyes paused on Alexander, and the boy shrunk back in fear. This man was easily a foot taller than him, and probably twice as large around. This fact alone led Alexander to believe that the man was a sailor, or had been one, when he was younger.
"What's the kid for?" The man pointed a huge thumb in Alexander's direction, but was talking to the woman behind the desk.
"I'm - uh, here for the job." The boy managed to squeak out. He began to ramble, like he often did when he was nervous, "The sign said you were hiring, and I kinda need a job. See, my mama can't make enough money to pay for me so I've gotta make my own money. My name is Alexan-"
The man held out a hand to signal for Alexander to stop talking. Alexander quickly shut his mouth and stared, wide eyed at the old sailor.
The woman spoke up at this point, "He can read and write, but he can't do the mathematics or record keeping."
"Hallie could teach 'im." The man mumbled. "We need this job filled. I'm willin' to trust the kid."
"Okay kid," the woman said tiredly. "Be here early tomorrow morning. We'll see if Hallie can teach ya."
Alexander nodded his head eagerly, letting out a breath he didn't realize he was holding. He had a job again.
"If I may ask, who's Hallie?" He said quickly before the man left the building.
"Hallie is ma daughter. She's a teacher." The man's chest puffed proudly at the mention of his daughter. Alexander could've sworn he saw a hint of a smile on the man's face before he left for the docks.
Alexander stayed behind for a few moments. "Thank you so much. You won't regret this, I promise." He said before leaving the building.
He practically skipped the rest of the way home, allowing a smile to take over the non-bruised parts of his face.
I'm back. Sorry bout the wait. In my defense, chemistry is a b****.
QOTD: What is your favorite food(s)?
My Answer: Homemade Mac n Cheese (me and TJeffs relate on a molecular level) and also I love bacon.
Stay fiery,
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