Unsettling Dream
Gasping for air, Alex woke up drenched in a pool of his own sweat. Even waking up didn't seem real though. He'd had the worst nightmare possible. It was the first dream he'd ever had in his whole life. After all, he wasn't a dreamer. In his entire eighteen years, he had never had a dream....at least not as far as he could remember. But he knew for definite that he had never had a vivid, seemingly real dream.
In the dream, he had been on a plane with the rest of his French class from school. Except Billy, who was taking ages in the airport bathroom. George sat in the middle row, in line with the seat that Tod took. Carter and Terri were a couple of rows in front and Clear was sat in the seat just behind the seat that was next to Tod's.
Alex took a seat at the back and was beginning to get comfortable when two girls - one a blonde and the other a brunette - asked him to swap so that they could sit together. Despite Tod making choking and hanging signals towards him and silently cursing at him, he agreed and went to sit in the seat next to Tod, and in front of Clear.
Just as the doors were about to close, Billy fought his way onto the plane and took his seat. Finally, the plane was moving along the runway and was in the air within seconds.
They weren't even in the air for five minutes when they began to experience a little turbulence....well actually a lot of turbulence. Alex heard Clear behind him, laugh off her nerves about the unsteadiness of the beginning of the flight. Her laughter was very quickly interrupted by harsh rocking though. Then any more laughter ceased and was replaced by a terrified scream as people began to freak out.
Looking around Alex instantly noticed that a fire had broken out onto the plane. It was spreading quickly throughout the rows and burning passengers one by one.
That's when the explosion happened and just as the scorching flames reached Alex, the dream ended and he woke up. However the most terrifying part wasn't even the dream...it was the fact that he would be on a plane in less than six hours on a flight from New York, to Paris.
Freaking out to the point where he was beginning to hyperventilate, he got out of bed and headed into the bathroom for a quick shower, hoping to calm down and forget about his frightening dream.
Unfortunately, even after doing his usual morning routine, he was still freaked out by his dream...or rather nightmare. It had left him with an unsettling feeling in the pit of his stomach. He was even having second thoughts about boarding that plane, but he knew he had no choice since his parents had already paid the fee for him to go on the trip.
He could only hope that his dream was just that. A dream. He had to keep repeating to himself inside his head that it was just a dream and that nothing was going to happen to any of them. They would all be safe and he would hopefully feel more relaxed once he was on board the plane.
However, in the back of his mind, he kept questioning that statement. He couldn't help it, his fear had a tight grip on his mind right now.
Was it really just a dream? Considering that he never usually dreamed, it was strange. Possibly the strangest thing that had ever happened to him.
Then he had another thought though...
What if it wasn't a dream but rather a warning?
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