That Uneasy Feeling
Strangely, Alex found himself in the Waggner household. He didn't even remember how he had gotten there.
It seemed to be early evening he noted as he glanced outside the hallway window. Hearing the creak of a bedroom door opening, he turned his attention to where the sound had come from and caught sight of Tod.
"Hey buddy..." Alex began, standing right in front of his best friend.
Much to his surprise, Tod walked straight through him.
Was he a ghost?
Was getting off the plane all just a dream before dying?
His eyes followed his best friend to the bathroom. He watched as Tod dawdled around before finally going over to the sink.
"Tod!" Alex said again, even louder.
Despite the raise of his voice, the boy seemed oblivious still. It appeared that he wasn't physically inside the house at all, meaning that he had no choice but to watch and see how the scene played out.
He was growing worried since that feeling had returned to him. It was almost screaming at him that something bad was about to happen.
Razor in hand, Tod reached over and plugged in the little radio that was sat on the edge of the bathroom counter.
The song Rocky Mountain High by John Denver, began to fill the room. As soon as Tod recognised the song from the airport, he switched it off instantly and threw the radio across the bathroom.
Alex could only stand and watch as the radio flew across the room and crashed into the toilet system. It made a crack in the works that was barely visible to human eye, but he noticed it and he noticed that water began to leak..
He was sure that something was about happen. Something bad...
"Alex wake up!" Clear almost yelled.
At the sound of her voice, he bolted up in his bed, gasping for air. The first thought to enter his conscious brain was Tod.
"Tod." Was all he could say.
Clear raised a concerned eyebrow at him. She was unsure of what he had meant.
"What's going on?" She asked confused.
"I don't know...I need to see Tod." He explained and jumped up from the bed before leaving the room.
Desperate to know what had Alex so panicked, Clear quickly followed along behind him.
"Alex wait up!" She called after him.
He stopped in his tracks as he reached the front door.
"This is important." He told her.
"What is?" She quizzed.
Before he had the chance to leave her in the dark, she jumped in between him and the door. She wasn't about to let him leave without telling her what had happened.
"I think Tod might be in danger!" He stated.
"Oh...well come on, let's go find out." She said and moved out of the way of the door.
Arriving at the Waggner household, a chill crept up Alex's spine. He couldn't help but run through the events of the dream in his mind and he could only hope that this time it would remain a dream.
"I think I'll wait here." Clear informed him as they approached the pathway.
"Okay. This shouldn't take long." He said and quickly jogged up the pathway.
He knocked as soon as he reached the door, and seemingly restless he put both hands behind his head and paced a little until finally the door opened.
It was Mr Waggner - Tod's dad - that answered. Alex instantly felt the hostile vibes coming off of the man. Clearly things had changed and they no longer respected him, he hoped that he hadn't lost Tod as a friend.
"What do you want?" The man asked coldly.
"Is Tod home? Can I speak to him?" Alex questioned almost frantically.
"Yes he is and no sorry." Jerry refused.
"Can I ask why?" He quizzed curiously.
"After yesterday, our son no longer wishes to have anything to do with you." Jerry informed him.
"Oh...I see. But he's safe though right?" Alex double checked.
"Yes. Now good day." Jerry concluded and half slammed the door in his face.
He turned around and walked slowly back up the pathway. He was still very much freaked out by yesterday's events and hearing that Tod no longer wanted to be friends with him, only added insult to injury.
It was sad but he had to understand.
"How's Tod?" Clear asked curiously as he reached the public pathway.
Alex shrugged, completely numb to everything around him. Everyone most likely hated him now, no matter how many lives he'd saved.
"He's know, is he?" She questioned.
"No." He answered simply.
Once they were far enough away from the house, he stopped, leaning his arm against a tree and turning away from the outside world.
Clear stopped walking too, she had no idea what had gotten into Alex but she could feel that something wasn't right.
"What is it?" She asked, cautiously approaching him.
"Everyone hates me!" He raged.
He wasn't aiming his anger at her nor taking it out on her, but there was no way he could keep his voice steady. It wasn't just anger pent up inside him....
It was hurt, guilt, blame and fear too.
The worst combination of emotions possible.
"Not everyone..." She corrected him.
"Oh yeah?...Well who doesn't?" He questioned.
"I don't." She reminded him.
He stood up straight after hearing her words and turned around to face her. As he stood opposite her, he fell forward and she reached out to catch him in a hug and his head flopped onto her shoulder as a few tears fell from his eyes.
She was the only one who understood him rather than hating him for things that were beyond his control.
"Come on...I'll walk you home." He told her once he regained himself.
"Okay...but hey, please don't worry, I'm sure Tod will come around." She reassured him.
"I hope, but I'm not so sure." He sighed as they began walking again.
It was going to be a long time before people even began to move on from the explosion, and that was if they ever did. Tod had lost his brother, Clear lost her best friend and 287 families lost relatives that day. That day that was only yesterday.
Alex almost hated himself for being one of the lucky few that got off the plane, and he actually did hate himself for being the one to have the premonition.
The streets were pretty much empty as they made their way to her house, looking around, somehow everywhere he turned he saw things that didn't feel right.
On the road, at least three buses stopped all at once and in the same area, outside a little Café. When he looked above the small building, he noticed that the neon sign was flickering and some letters were unlit. The sign was supposed read, Headeath's Coffee and Live Music. Instead the remaining letters left it reading; Death's Alive.
Shaking off the bad feeling that it was giving him, he was glad when the building and sign was no longer in sight. They then passed a small shop that sold fireworks and other fire starting products. The sticker in the window pictured a flame and as they walked past, Clear's figure reflected in the glass.
He was definitely over thinking everything now. He just had to be. All because of the unsettling dreams and the tragedy they had witnessed. There was absolutely no way that everything he saw was trying to send him a sign. He scolded himself for even thinking that.
The best thing he could do for himself and everyone else now was focus on helping the community. Of course that wouldn't be easy with the cops being right up his ass since they thought that he had caused the explosion.
It made him wonder what Tod had told the FBI during his interrogation. He wouldn't blame the boy if he had pointed them in his direction. It did look a hell of a lot suspicious after all.
For now, he would try and stop himself from over thinking as much as he possibly could. It was best for them all if they tried to pick up the broken pieces rather than hanging on to the splinters.
Little did he know that Death had no intentions on letting him forget anything...
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