A Daunting Feeling
This is it. This is when I find out what that really was, Alex thought to himself as he heard the honking coming from Tod's dad's car, which was parked outside his house.
Grabbing his suitcase, he said his goodbyes to his parents, who were fussing over him way too much. Finally he got away from his mother's hugs and got into the car where he was greeted by one of Tod's sucker punches. He retaliated by putting his friend in a loose headlock and ruffling his already scruffy hair, and released him.
He and Tod had been best friends for as long as he could remember and as annoying as the boy could be at times, their friendship was important to him.
Alex's mind wandered as Tod rambled on about his new favourite game. No matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't put his mind at ease and so eventually he gave up trying. He proceeded to pretend to be listening to Tod's rambling.
George was in the passenger seat as usual, pretending to be the proverbial perfect son. Tod stopped rambling after both George and their father told him to be quiet. So with the radio off, things fell silent.
Arriving at the airport, both of the brothers livened up again and began teasing Alex about the latest girl who had caught his attention. Clear Rivers. They mocked him a lot, and made jokes about her being a witch. As George finished one joke in particular, Clear walked by and shot them an annoyed look, which only led to them making more jokes.
Alex didn't take part in those jokes. He didn't see where the witch rumours had come from and he didn't like them either. They were far too mean and rude for his liking. Though he thought he should see where the jokes came from, considering her look and general loner personality.
In a strange way, he felt like he knew what was beneath that surface, which was ridiculous because they had gone four years of high school without saying a word to each other. He couldn't explain it but...he felt connected to her in a way that he knew Tod and George would just mock him for.
Finally on the plane, Alex couldn't take it anymore. The feeling he'd had since waking up was far too strong now, and no matter how hard he kept trying, he just couldn't ignore it. Then the flight attendants began their checks.
Yep. That did it. He couldn't take it anymore and leapt up from his seat next to Tod...
"WE HAVE TO GET OFF THE PLANE!!" He yelled out, causing everyone to turn their attention to him.
But he didn't care. All he knew was that they had to get off the plane or else they would all be killed. He was sure of it.
Miss Lewton and the flight attendants were trying to calm him, even going as far as restraining him. But he fought and fought until their grip broke and made a go for the exit, which was blocked by security. He felt extremely trapped, and so without thinking it through, he sucked in a huge breath before yelling out.
"THE FUNKING PLANE IS GOING TO EXPLODE!" As soon as he finished his sentence, Carter unbuckled himself from his seat and made a charge for Alex, taking him down to the floor.
Fortunately, the fight was broken up by security and they were escorted off the plane. Miss Lewton followed, along with Tod who wanted to check on Alex, and Terri, who wanted to stop her boyfriend Carter from starting something.
For a moment, Clear stayed in her seat, not knowing what to do. She believed Alex. She didn't know him and yet whatever it was that he saw, she felt it. Every instinct told her to follow the others off the plane. So that's exactly what she did.
Sneaking past security, and their other teacher who was too busy arguing with an attendant to notice anything around him, she exited the plane and went to sit quietly in the corner of the waiting lobby, where no one would notice her presence. She had no idea why or how, but for whatever reason, she had a feeling that he was right about the plane.
Carter then made a snide remark, causing Alex to snap and tackle the other boy to the floor. The two boys continued to fight and spit verbal fire at each other even as security struggled to rip them apart. That's when it happened.
An almost sonic boom sounded and the whole airport shook as the plane exploded into flames up in the sky.
Everyone in the room froze in horror and turned their attention from the fiery plane, to Alex. Looking at him with accusing eyes, obviously blaming him.
Though he couldn't work it out, he also partly blamed himself.
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