Alex's Pokemon Team ~ Charizard Luxio Corphish Shieldon Grovyle Sliggoo
Sarah's Pokemon Team ~ Bulbasaur Poliwhirl Amaura Weavile Eevee
Austin's Pokemon Team ~ Wartortle Growlithe Tirtouga Pansage
Alex: (runs to the gym) "I got to hurry!"
Sarah: (Runs after him with Austin) "Why do you always have to do this!"
Alex: (Stops in front of the gym) "Im here!"
Austin: "You should really stop leaving without us."
Alex: "That's how I am," (notices April gone) "Where's April?"
Sarah: "She went to her Grandma's house."
Alex: "Oh."
Austin: (Looks at the gym) "I wonder how the inside will look."
Alex: "There's only one way to find out!" (Runs in)
Alex enters and sees Leonardo there.
GymLeaderLeonardo: "Ready for our battle?"
Alex: "You bet!"
GymLeaderLeonardo: "Alright follow me,"
They walk inside while Austin and Sarah go to the audience.
Alex: (Looks at the streams of lava) "Woah..."
Referee: "The battle between Alex and Leonardo is about to begin! Please choose your pokemon!"
Alex: "Go Corphish!"
Corphish: "Cor!"
GymLeaderLeonardo: "Go Quilava!"
Quilava: "Quil!"
Austin: "Alex has the advantage here, though I don't know if it was smart of him to use Corphish early".
Sarah: "Why?"
Austin: "He could've used much more later for the other pokemon, but he chose to strike immediately."
Alex: "Corphish use Bubblebeam!"
Corphish: "Cor!" (Uses Bubblebeam)
GymLeaderLeonardo: "Quilava quickly use Dig!"
Quilava: "Quil!" (Quickly digs down just barely missing the Bubblebeam)
Corphish: (Keeps an eye out for Quilava.)
Alex: (In mind) 'Dammit, I need to predict where he's gonna come out from.'
Alex: "Corphish Crab Hammer to you're le-"
Alex gets cut off as Quilava quickly jumps out, striking Corphish.
Corphish: "Cor!" (Gets sent back a bit.)
GymLeaderLeonardo: "Now go for Swift!"
Quilava: (Turns and uses Swift)
Alex: "Counter with Crab Hammer!"
Corphish: (Hits the Swifts with Crabhammer, but gets overwhelmed and gets hit.) Cor!
Sarah: "This isn't looking to well..."
Austin: "Yea...That Quilava is just to quick for Corphish..."
Alex: (In mind) 'This isn't going out well immediately...I need to think of something fast...'
GymLeaderLeonardo: "What's your move Alex."
Alex: "Corphish use Crabhammer once more!"
Corphish: "Corrrrphish!" (Charges towards Quilava)
GymLeaderLeonardo: (Smirks) "Flamethrower now!"
As Corphish got close, Quilava uses Flamethrower which hit directly.
Corphish: "Cor!" (Gets sent flying)
Alex: "No..."
Corphish: (Looks back down) "Corrrrr"
Water starts to surround Corphish as he then strikes straight towards Quilava with Aqua Jet.
Quilava: (Gets hit) "Quil!"
Alex: "Woah a new move!"
GymLeaderLeonardo: "Now the party is starting, Quilava Flame Wheel!"
Quilava: (Rolls into a ball and uses Flame Wheel.)
Alex: "Aqua Jet now Corphish!"
Corphish: (Uses Aqua Jet and strikes towards Quilava again)
Both of them hit each other and turn and hit each other multiple times as they suddenly stop in the air.
Alex: "Crabhammer!"
Corphish: "Corrrr!" (Quickly strikes Quilava with Crabhammer)
Quilava: "Quil!" (Hits the wall, but still isn't down even when looking really damaged.)
Corphish: (Pants as he as well looks really hurt)
Sarah: "Those water moves surely damaged Quilava up massively, but Corphish looks like he's about to give out."
Austin: "Both of them look like they're going down soon."
Alex: "You got this Corphish, just a little more!"
GymLeaderLeonardo: "Let's just take Corphish out now, use Flame Wheel!"
Quilava: (Uses Flame Wheel)
Alex: "We'll see about that! Corphish Aqua Jet!"
Corphish uses Aqua Jet as Quilava uses Flame Wheel. They both collide really hard causing a boom.
Both pokemon get sent back, fainted.
Referee: "Both Corphish and Quilava are unable to battle!"
Alex: "Rest up bud (Sends Corphish in pokeball)
GymLeaderLeonardo: (Returns Quilava) "You did well."
Austin: "Now they both only have 2 pokemon left."
Sarah: "Let's see who Alex chooses for Leonardo's next pokemon."
GymLeaderLeonardo: "Camerupt go!"
Camerupt: Ruuuuuu!
Alex: "Alright time to see you shine Sliggoo!"
Sliggoo: "Sliggoooooo!"
Sarah: "I see Alex is immediately putting Sliggoo in a gym battle."
Austin: (Quietly laughs) "He's getting him ready for the future fights to come."
GymLeaderLeonardo: "Camerupt use Eruption!"
Camerupt: "Ruuuuu!" (Uses Eruption)
Sliggoo: (slides around to avoid it, but fails) Goooo!
Alex: (In mind) 'Might of been a bad idea to start Sliggoo battling in a gym immediately...but I think I know a way I can get to defeat Camerupt...I just need wait a bit..,' (looks up) "Dragon Breath Sliggoo!"
Sliggoo: "Sliggoooo!" (Uses Dragon Breath)
GymLeaderLeonardo: "Counter with Flamethrower!"
Camerupt: (Uses Flamethrower)
The both moves hit, but Dragon Breath breaks through the Flamethrower hitting Camerupt.
Camerupt: "Ruuu!"
Austin: "This might be Sliggoo's first battle, but that Dragon Breath had amazing power."
Sarah: "I know it just broke through like nothing!"
GymLeaderLeonardo: "Camerupt use Take Down!
Camerupt: (Charges towards Sliggoo.)
Alex: "Sliggoo jump and use Body Slam!"
Sliggoo jumps and soon is above Camerupt and falls straight down to hit.
GymLeaderLeonardo: "Eruption!"
Alex: Oh no.
Sliggoo: (looks down at the heat charging in Camerupt)
Camerupt: "Ruuuu!" (Uses Eruption)
Sliggoo: (Gets hit critically) "Goo!"
GymLeaderLeonardo: "Alrighty, just a little more."
Alex: "Time to use my idea, Sliggoo use Rain Dance!"
Sliggoo: "Sli!" (Makes Rain Clouds appear as it soon starts pouring)
GymLeaderLeonardo: "That won't change anything! Take Down Camerupt!"
Camerupt: (Charges, but is slowed due to the wet mud .)
Alex: "Body Slam!"
Sliggoo: (Easily slides through the ground and slams Camerupt by the side)
Camerupt: Ruuu! (Gets sent a bit)
Sliggoo: (still slides around the field)
GymLeaderLeonardo: "Eruption!"
Camerupt: "Ruuuu!" (Uses Eruption)
Alex: "Dodge the Eruption by sliding more!"
Sliggoo: (Avoids it using the the speed the rain gave it)
Alex: "Body Slam again!"
Sliggoo uses Body Slam on Camerupt multiple times, all of them hitting.
GymLeaderLeonardo: "That is enough now! Camerupt Earthquake!"
Camerupt: (Stomps the ground as the Field cracks and some parts lift up.)
Sliggoo: (slides up into the air) Goo!
GymLeaderLeonardo: "Camerupt use Eruption!"
Alex: "Use DragonBreath Sliggoo!"
Both pokemon use their both and cause another boom, sending smoke to cover the arena.
Alex: (sees the pokemon figures a bit through the smoke.) "They're still standing...Sliggoo! Dragon Breath
once more!"
A Dragon Breath was seen used in in the middle of the smoke.
Camerupt: (Gets sent out of the smoke fainted)
Sliggoo: (slides out of smoke looking damaged up) "Goo..."
Referee: Camerupt is unable to battle!
Sarah: "Yes Sliggoo did it!"
Austin: "One more left now, and that's his ace."
Sarah: "Oh yea, hopefully he can beat it."
GymLeaderLeonardo: (Returns Camerupt) "Well Alex, so far I've been impressed, but now the real challenge begins! Go Charizard!
Charizard: "RARGH!"
Charizards echo roars around the Arena and town of Charcoal Island.
Alex: (Sees the Mega stone) "This truly is the real challenge..."
Austin: "As expected from a gym leaders ace."
Sarah: "This isn't gonna be pretty at all."
Charizard: (Glares at Sliggoo.)
Sliggoo: (Backs up) "Goo..."
GymLeaderLeonardo: "Use Sunny Day Charizard!"
Charizard: "RARGH!" (Uses Sunny Day making the rain go away)
Alex: "Sliggoo use Dragon Breath!"
Sliggoo: (Uses Dragon Breath) "Goo!"
GymLeaderLeonardo: "Counter with Flame Burst!"
Flame Burst breaks through Dragon Breath easily damaging Sliggoo.
Sliggoo: (Immediately faints) "Goo..."
Alex: (Returns Sliggoo) "Great job Sliggoo."
Sarah: "That Flame Burst broke through like it was nothing."
Austin: "If that Charizards power is that strong with Sunny Day, imagine his mega form."
Alex: (Takes out his pokeball.) "You're time to shine bud...Go Charizard!"
Charizard: "RARGH!"
GymLeaderLeonardo: "Another Charizard," (smiles) "This is about to get fun."
Both Charizards stare down each other, both looking ready to battle.
Alex: "Charizard use Slash!"
GymLeaderLeonardo: "Charizard use Dragon Claw!"
Both Charizards roar and start battling out. They countered each other's attacks multiple times, but they also hit each other a lot.
GymLeaderLeonardo: "Grab the Charizard then Flame Burst!"
Charizard: (Grabs Charizard then uses Flame Burst at his face)
Charizard: (Falls but immediately gets back up in rage) "RARGH!"
Alex: "Use Flame Charge!"
Charizard flew up towards the other Charizard and hits him.
Charizard: "Rargh!" (Falls and lands on the ground)
Charizard: (Lands too)
Austin: "It's an even battle so far."
Sarah: "They both have the same amount of power."
Alex: "Just to let you know Leonardo, me and Charizard aren't giving up so easily!"
GymLeaderLeonardo: "Hope you keep that word after this!" (Touches Mega Bracelet)
Alex: (Watches) "Here we go."
The Mega Bracelet starts glowing. His Charizard then starts glowing. After a while, he appeared.
Mega Charizard Y: RARGHHHHHHHH!
The lava around the field starts boiling awfully.
GymLeaderLeonardo: "You ready?"
Alex: "I always am."
GymLeaderLeonardo: (Nods) "Then show me that you are!!! Charizard use Fire Punch!!!"
Mega Charizard Y: RARGH! (Charges at Charizard)
Alex: "Counter with Slash!"
Charizard: (Tries to use Slash, but gets punched immediately) Rargh!
Alex: "Slash once more!"
Charizard: (Swings at Mega Charizard Y, but misses and gets hit with another Fire Punch)
GymLeaderLeonardo: "I know you and your Charizard got more than that! Show me your power!"
Mega Charizard Y: (Keeps Fire Punching Charizard)
Alex: "Charizard use Flamethrower!"
Charizard: (Grabs Mega Charizard Y fist and holds it,) "RARGH!" (Uses Flamethrower)
Mega Charizard Y: Rargh! (Gets hit and flys back a bit)
Charizard: (Watches Mega Charizard Y in pain)
Alex: "Charizard use Flame Charge!"
Charizard: (Uses Flame Charge and strikes)
GymLeaderLeonardo: "Counter with Dragon Claw!"
As Charizard flew close, Mega Charizard Y striked and sent Charizard straight to the floor.
Charizard: (Slowly stands up) Rargh...
Alex: "I can't lose like this..."
Sarah: "This isn't looking good at all..."
Austin: "It sure doesn't..."
Sarah: "He's definitely lost it now."
Austin: "Come on Sarah! Have faith in your brother!"
GymLeaderLeonardo: "I had a good feeling that you were able to beat me, but maybe I was wrong Alex. I wanted to see your full potential. I sadly wasn't able too and now I need to end this battle. Charizard use Flare Blitze!"
Mega Charizard Y: "RARGH!" (Charges up fire and strikes down at Charizard)
Alex looked at Charizard as time seemed to go by slow.
Alex: (In his mind) 'It can't be over like this...I can't lose another gym battle...not like last time with father...if only Charizard has a bit more power in him...a bit more energy...'
Mega Charizard Y got much closer to Charizard.
Charizard: (Hears Alex in his mind suddenly and opens his eyes)
Alex: 'Let's show him our true power...Charizard...'
Charizard: ' Rargh '
Alex hears Charizard in his mind too and nods. His eyes glowed blue like previously.
Charizard: RARGH!!!
The Flamethrower blasts Mega Charizard Y far from Charizard.
Alex: (eyes go back to normal and falls to one knee, panting)
GymLeaderLeonardo: "That's the power I wanted to see...Dragon Claw!"
Mega Charizard Y: "Rargh!" (Flys towards Charizard again)
Alex: "Dodge then use Slash!"
Charizard: (Dodges and strikes Mega Charizard Y with Slash)
Mega Charizard Y: (Flinches back and strikes Charizard roughly with Dragon Claw)
Charizard: (Falls straight back down, but manages to catch his fall and fly up again)
Alex: "Flame Charge!"
GymLeaderLeonardo: "Flare Blitze!"
Both Charizards roar and collide with a loud explosion and immediately fly much higher into the air.
Alex: (Watches) "Slash!"
GymLeaderLeonardo: "Dragon Claw Charizard!"
Both Charizard start exhanging hits as both Charizards are looking beaten up. Charizard then striked one of Mega Charizard Y wings. Mega Charizard Y fell back and started falling.
GymLeaderLeonardo: "Charizard regain control!"
Alex: "No you don't! Charizard use Seismic Toss!"
Charizard grabs Mega Charizard Y and flys higher.
Alex: "This is my only chance..."
Charizard then throws Mega Charizard Y straight down.
Mega Charizard Y: (Hits the ground hard, but slowly stands back up)
GymLeaderLeonardo: "We still aren't finished!"
Sarah: "You got to be kidding me!"
Austin: (Watches Charizard fly back down)
Alex: "Now use Slash!"
Charizard: "Rargh!" (Uses Slash and strikes Mega Charizard Y)
Mega Charizard Y: (Faints and goes back to normal) "Rargh..."
Referee: "Charizard is unable to battle! So the winner is the challenger Alex!"
Sarah: "He actually did it!"
Austin: "I can't believe it."
GymLeaderLeonardo: "Return Charizard..." (Returns Charizard and looks at Alex)
Alex: (Goes to Charizard and hugs him) "You did amazing bud." (Smiles)
Charizard: "Rargh..."
GymLeaderLeonardo: (Walks towards Alex) "That's the power I wanted to see Alex. You impressed me a lot. Now for your badge. (Pulls out the badge and hands it to him) "You have won the Inferno Badge."
Alex: "Thank you very much."
They soon walk outside the gym.
Alex: "We'll be heading off now."
GymLeaderLeonardo: (nods) "I wish you the best on your journey."
Alex, Sarah, and Austin start walking off.
GymLeaderLeonardo: (thinks for a bit) "Wait Alex!"" (Runs towards him)
The three of them turn around confused.
GymLeaderLeonardo: "My parents are a family that only train fire types, my dad is a collector and I have something that I think you deserve."
A helper comes towards them with a box.
GymLeaderLeonardo: "My dad has told me to give this to anyone I believe is great enough to have this item."
The helper then opens the box which reveals a Mega Stone with a glove and Charizardite X.
GymLeaderLeonardo: "This is for you Alex."
Alex: "No. I can't take it Leonardo, keep it for some other trainer."
GymLeaderLeonardo: (Shakes head) "This is all for you."
Alex stays quiet in shock.
Sarah: "It's a free Mega Stone! Just take it Alex."
Alex: (nods and puts the box in his backpack) "Thats heavy..."
GymLeaderLeonardo: "Now this is really goodbye," (reaches hand out)
Alex: (shakes hand) "Thank you."
Leonardo turns and walks back to the gym as they all look at him leave. Alex smiles and starts walking off as Austin and Sarah follow.
To Be Continued...
Next Chapter ~ Welcoming the Mega.
Wow. 2225 words this chapter which is the most this whole story. Now I left this story for 2 years and im back with a strong chapter and hoping to continue making more. Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.
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