Alex's Pokemon Team ~ Charizard Luxio Corphish Shieldon Grovyle
Austin Pokemon Team ~ Wartortle Growlith Tirtouga Pansage
Sarahs Pokemon Team ~ Bulbasaur Poliwhirl Amarua Sneasel
Austin:(looks at map) Alright we're almost at Sunnyside Village
Sarah:Then when we reach the village we go on the boat
Alex:Im just excited to fight that gymleader!!!
Sarah:And im excited for that contest!!!
Austin:So were gonna be at the island in the morning
Sarah:Just enough time for my contest!!!
A Hawlucha goes in front of them
Everyone says at the same time:Huh?!?!
Tyson comes out from behind a tree
Tyson:We meet again....
Alex:Grrr....What do you want!!!
Tyson:(Grins)I want to battle Austin....
Sarah:Uhh...This is going to be the 2nd time Austin goes against Tyson
Alex:Yea that's true
Tyson:How about it...You accept my battle request...
Austin:I sure am!!!
Tyson:Great lets begin it now...
Austin:(gets a pokeball)Time to get payback!!!Go Tirtouga!!!
Tyson:Go Hawlucha...
Austin:Alright Tirtouga use Water Gun!!!
Tirtouga:(uses Water Gun)Ga!!!!
Tyson:Dodge then Brick Break...
Hawlucha:(dodges and uses Brick Break)Cha!!!
Tirtouga:Touga!!! (Gets hit )
Austin:Tirtouga use Rock Tomb!!!
Tirtouga:Touga!!! (Uses Rock Tomb)
Hawlucha:(gets hit)Cha!!!
Tyson:Grr...Hawlucha Sky Press....
Hawlucha:(Jumps in the air and uses Sky Press)
Austin:Counter with Rock Tomb!!!!
Tirtouga:(raises head in the air and uses Rock Tomb)Ga!!!
Tyson:Use Brick Break and continue using Sky Press...
Hawlucha breaks the Rock with Brick Break and Lands on Tirtouga
Tirtouga:(gets hurt)Ga!!!!
Tyson:Use Brick Break on his Shell....
Hawlucha:(Gets Ready to use Brick break)
Austin:Use Bite on Hawlucha's arm and throw him to the Tree!!!
Hawlucha use's Brick Break but Tirtouga use's Bite on it and throws him to a tree
Hawlucha:(Hits the tree)Lucha....
Austin:Now use Aqua Jet!!!
Tirtouga:(Uses Aqua Jet towards Hawlucha)Touga!!!
Hawlucha:(Gets hit and faints)Cha....
Austin:Great Job Tirtouga!!!!
Tyson:Return....Go Dragonair....
Tyson:Use Dragon Rage...
Dragonair:(Uses Dragon Rage) Nair!!!
Tirtouga:(gets hit and is about to faint) Tirt...
Austin:Grr....Tirtouga Aqua Jet!!!!
Tirtouga:(Uses Aqua Jet towards Dragonair) Tirt!!
Tyson:(grins)Just what I wanted...Dragon Tail now!!!
Dragonair:Nair!!! (Uses Dragon Tail)
Tirtouga:(gets hit and faints) Touga.....
Austin:Return.... That Dragonair is gonna be a huge problem.....
Tyson:(Glares at him)Send out your next pokemon already....
Austin:Alright sheesh...Go Pansage!!
Tyson:Hehehe.....Flamethrower now!!!
Dragonair:(uses Flamethrower)Nair!!!
Austin:Use Dig quickly!!!
Pansage:(Uses Dig)Pan!!
Tyson: Dragon tail on the ground!!!
Dragonair uses Dragon Tail on the ground cuasing the ground to crack
Pansage:(rises from the ground hurt)Pan....
Tyson:Perfect.....Now use Flamethrower!!!
Dragonair:(Uses Flamethrower)Nair!!
Austin:Counter with Solar Beam!!
Pansage uses Solar Beam just in time as the Flamethrower hits the Flamethrower making a explosion,as time goes by,the smoke fades away with Pansage gone only Dragonair standing.
Tyson:Wait..Where's Pansage?
Austin:He's right here!!!!
Pansage jumps out of the ground hitting Dragonair directly at it's face.
Dragonair:(Gets hurt badly)Nair...
Tyson:What the heck!!
Austin:Now use Bullet Seed!!!
Pansage:(Uses Bullet Seed)
Dragonair:(gets hit)Nair!!!
Tyson: Dragonair use Dragon Rage!!!
Dragonair:(Uses Dragon Rage)Nair!!
Pansage:(Gets hit) Pan!!
Austin:Time to get this down....Pansage use Shadow Claw!!!
Pansage:(Runs towards Dragonair)Sage!!!!
Tyson: Counter with Dragon Tail!!!!
Dragonair:(Use's Dragon Tail)Nair!!!
Austin:Jump over Dragonairs tail!!!
Pansage:(jumps over the tail and Use's Shadow Claw)
Dragonair:(gets hit and faints) Nair....
Alex: Woo-hoo!!! Way to go Austin!!
Sarah:Just 1 more pokemon left!!!You can do this!!!
Tyson:Now time to get rough!!! Go Gabite!!!
Tyson:Time to destroy you!!!
Austin:You wish!!! Pansage Solar Beam!!!
Pansage:(uses Solar Beam)Pan!!!
Tyson:Fire Blast now Gabite!!!
Gabite uses Fire Blast which broke through Solar Beam
Austin:No way!!!
Tyson:Yes way!! (He continues to laugh evily)
Pansage:(gets hurt badly) Pan!!!!
Sarah:He's like...going insane....
Alex: This is not a side we seen from him....and it's not good..
Austin: Pansage get up please!!!
Pansage:(Gets up hurt) Pan...Sage...
Tyson:Dual Chop now!!!
Gabite:(Use's Dual Chop right away) Ga!!!
Pansage:(gets hit and faints) Pan...
Austin:Return!!! (He gets another Pokeball right away) Wartortle Go!!!
Austin:Alright Wartortle use Hydro Pump!!
Gabite:(gets hit)Ga!!
Tyson:Grr!! Use Dragon Rage!!!
Gabite:Ga!! (Use's Dragon Rage but in full power)
Wartortle:War!! (Gets hurt badly)
Austin:What do I do....I know! Wartortle Ice Beam!!
Wartortle:(use's Ice Beam)War!
Tyson:Hehehe....Gabite use Dig!!!
Gabite:(starts to dig away)
Austin:Dammit....the Ice Beam did nothing...
Wartortle:(looks around carefully)War...
Gabite:(rises up quickly and hits Wartortle)Ga!!
Wartortle:War... (Is badly damaged)
Tyson:Now Dual Chop!!
Gabite starts to fall down getting ready to hit Wartortle
Austin:Wartortle Ice Beam fast!!
Wartortle gets ready to use it, but it's to late. Gabite hits Watortle with Dual Chop.
Tyson:(sends Gabite back in) I win once again.... (He starts to walk of to the forest)
Alex:What the heck is his problem!!
Sarah:I don't really know...but it kinda looked like he was going...well...insane!!
Alex:If he thinks he's so tough, why doesn't he face me!!
Sarah:(looks at Austin) Are you ok?...
Austin:Yea....It's just...that Gabite's Power and's ridiculous!!
Alex:It sure was dam ridiculous.
Sarah:Well come on guy's, let's get going.
Alex:Yea we should before it gets late.
Austin:(Looks at Wartortle's Pokeball) Don't worry bud...we'll get stronger
To be Continued.....
Next Chapter ~ What's going on?...
Cover was made by WolfieTAM!
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