☁92☁ || Psychiatrist {Part One}
Before we start.
There's a gravity falls au called Hannibals Falls.
It isn't so popular like Reverse Falls or Monster Falls are for example but i find it pretty cool.
"Hannibal Falls"
When you mix Gravity Falls and Hannibal (a tv series that is also a movie) this universe comes out.
Hannibal Lecter is a character from the series-movie "Hannibal". He is a psychiatrist-cannibal and generally a good cooker. If he even invites you for dinner, don't go because he will serve you human meat (but you won't understand it) or..
You will be the meal.
You get the hell out of google.
When Hannibak talks, i just grab a dictionary.
I want to be honest with you guys.
Let's just start, me ranting too much!
???'s Point of View~
She is beautiful.
From her little silly flaws to her big e/c sparkling eyes, her h/c hair, her red lips.
She deserves the best.
Only the best.
Fancy party, expensive dresses, the best restaurants.
A man.
A man that can hold her tight, support her psychologically. A man that can give her love, that can find solution to every single one of her problems.
Not him, me.
She deserves me, not that fucker that thinks he is someone special.
Always wearing his jeans and his red flannels, hugging her from behind giving her small kisses down her neck making her fake smiles.
No, she deserves way better things than this.
She deserves real love, not some stupid relationship.
She is stuck in my brain, making me feel different, my feelings being on fire when i look at her.
She will be mine.
Mine, mine, mine.
I want to leave marks on her neck, showing she's mine.
But she has his marks.
I want to sink my teeth in her flesh, making her moan my name.
But he does it.
I want to give her pleasure, feel her body against mine, making our breathing heavy, the atmosphere hot.
Y/n's Point of View~
" Dr. Lecter, are you okay?"
He was starring at me from his office's door until he blinked many times coughing a bit. His cheeks were red or i think so. Was he blushing? No way, he never blushes, he never feels emotions at all. Strange, hu?
" Hm? Oh, i am totally okay miss y/n"
He smiled kindly as i wore my grey coat buttoning the buttons waiting for my boyfriend.
" Hello Mr. Lecter!"
My boyfriend, Alex walked in wrapping his arm around my waist, giving my lips a quick soft peck as Hannibal chuckled.
" Hello to you, too Alex."
He smiled as i leaned my head on his shoulder.
" Have a great evening, miss y/n.. and you too Alex.."
Hannibal turned off his office's lights as we mumbled a quick "Good evening" walking out.
" Something is off with your boss.."
Alex sighed driving us back home as i softly chuckled.
" He is a psychiatrist, honey. Everything is wrong with them you know!"
I opened the door getting out as he sighed worried getting out, too and unlocking the door.
" He is inviting you for dinner too many times. "
He let the keys on the table sitting tired on the sofa as i rolled my eyes closing slowly the door sitting besides him, leaning my head on his shoulder.
" It's okay.. He may wants to be a good boss!"
" Y/n.. I just don't want to lose you.. I love you.."
" I love you too Alex.."*
My lips formed into a smile giving him a soft kiss making him hug me leaning his head on top of mine.
My phone started ringing as i sighed grabbing it answering in seconds with my eyes half-opened.
" Hello?"
" Miss y/n? I am Hannibal Lecter. Sorry for interrupting you but there's a problem with the tomorrow appointments. I was thinking if you could come and discuss it with me please."
" Oh.. of course Dr. Lecter."
" I am waiting."
I sighed hanging up as Alex looked at me confused raising an eyebrow.
" Hm, what's the matter?"
" Can you drive me to Hannibal's house?"
" Again!?"
" Please, he says it's important.."
" No!"
He stood up clenching his teeth angry as i narrowed my eyebrows.
" Why you don't see!? He uses you!"
" What!? Alex, he is my boss!"
" A filthy bastard! I am not gonna drive you there!"
" Well i am gonna do it myself then!"
" Oh you will!? Maybe you actually want to get in his pants like he wants to get in yours, bitch!"
His words echoed in my mind, making me froze ready to burst in tears. Did he just call me... A bitch? Small tears started streaming down my cheeks as his glare softened a bit realizing what he had said.
" Y/n? Oh gosh, i am so sor-"
I slapped him across the face running outside, him screaming to me to stop holding his now red cheek.
He screamed as i was running away from him, into a dark road towards Hannibal's house. After what seemed a century as i realized Alex wasn't following me anymore and a mansion in front of me. It started raining as i cursed under my breath running towards the mansion half wet ringing the bell.
Hannibal opened the door with his tie loosened and his white shirt half-unbuttoned looking at me with a smile.
" Miss y/n y- oh god what happened, your eyes are red and puffy."
I was having my arms around my body sobbing looking at him with puppy eyes without even wanting.
" Before i step in your house.. Could.. Could i sleep in your house this evening, Dr. Hannibal? Please, i beg you!"
More tears were streaming down my face as he hugged me rubbing my back mumbling a quite "of course". My sobbing got worse as i looked at him saying i had a fight with my boyfriend and he called me a bitch. He frowned letting me walk in before closing the door.
" What a fool.. How could he call a bitch a beautiful creature like you~?"
My cheeks turned red as i bowed my head, my eyes widened as he smirked liking seeing me like this.
" Now, now.. You are wet, you will catch a cold... How about i give you some of my clothes to change?"
I lift my head smiling nodding before following him upstairs to his room as he gave me a black shirt, too big and long for me as my cheeks went red again.
" I don't think my pants will fit you so here have a shirt."
" Thank you Dr. Hannibal.."
" Oh call me just Hannibal! Leave your clothes on the chair, i will get them later."
He smiled pating my head like i was two before walking out closing the door behind him.
I started undressing myself sighing still couldn't believe Alex's words. I put them on the chair like he said before wearing the shirt buttoning it, not long enough to at least hide my knees. Oh god.. I looked myself at the mirror as my eyes widened couldn't believe what i had to wear. The fabric felt so soft against my skin and it had a wonderful smell, his collagen. It was like a mixture of cinammon, biscuit and vanillia, i loved it. I walked downstairs towards them facing him cooking as he lift his glare, a grin decorating his face when he saw me.
" You look absolutely magnificent~"
I think my face's too red and my body's too hot. I sat down, a nice smell taking over the place.
" What are you cooking?"
" Rabbit, do you like it?"
" Yeah!"
(a/n; *whispers* we all know it isn't rabbit...)
" Great!"
He smiled as i sighed leaning on the table.
" So wanna talk about the appointments?"
" I have a better idea."
He turned off the oven making me confused walking towards the living room, me following me as he sat on the sofa pating the soace besides him.
" Come and sit, i don't bite."
I rolled my eyes and sat besides him as he wrapped him arm aroun my back bringing me closer to him giving my head a gentle kiss. A mixture if feelings had taken over my body, what was he doing?
" I really care about you.."
I smiled bringing my head to his chest.
" I don't want you to see me like your boss y/n.."
I raised my head confused as he smiled, the gap between us getting smaller, my breathing and my heartbeat faster.
" What about lover~"
And there it was, he pressed his lips against mine kissing me as my eyes opened wide panicking. But i soon let myself kiss back, my eyes closing wrapping my arms around his neck laying on the sofa, him on top of me. The kiss was gentle but soon turned to a heated, passionate one.
Was this wrong?
He pulled away a bit bitting my bottom lip starring at me full of lust before connecting them with mine again. He stood up lifting me making me wrap my legs around his waist and my arms arouns his neck. He started walking upstairs, still us kissing.
What i got myself into?
Alexander's Point Of View~
I felt guilt, i had drunk five glasses of vodka, tapping the living's room wooden table with my fingers in intense. Where she was? I mean, okay we fought but she is missing for two hours! I tried calling her and she doesn't answer the god damn phone! I am scaried and worried, something bad may has happened to her! What an idiot i am, she could be in trouble, in danger because of me! My phone's laying peacefully on the table, me starring at it. I grabbed it calling her best friend.
" Hello?"
" B/f/n, it's me Alex. Is y/n here?"
" No, isn't she with you?"
" Well.. We had a fight and she left.."
" Oh..."
" It's okay! Nothing to worry about! Eh.. See ya!"
I hang up the phone, clearly terrified fearing for the worst. She isn't here or at her best friend's house.
Where she could be?
Oh no..
No, everyome but not him..
Dr. Hanninal Lecter
Y/n Point Of View~
" That was wrong.."
" But you seem to enjoyed it."
His lithuanian accent was quite interesting that time. He was caressing my h/c hair as i was sighing desperate laying on his chest, the black blanket felt heavy on my nude body.
" Your hair smell like beer and roses."
" Not my fault, new shampoo!"
I laughed as he kissed my head gentle making me giggle.
"Y/n.. Please stay here with me, live with me.. You could have anything you want, everything your soul desires. You will be my queen and i will be your king."
I turned around my head facing him, trailing my thumb over his cheek smiling giving him a gentle kiss.
"Let me think about it.."
What about two different endings, an Alex's and a Hannibal's one?
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