☁75☁|| Lesson Three, How To Love.
All my life i was been said to create something beautiful, something that will have the purpose to make this world better, a better place for me and the future generations. That's what i was been said my whole life by my family, my friends, my teachers. My mom discovered my gift when i was only four as i started crying. She smiled and went to me and hugged me when a plate fell from its shelf. The shelf was above her head and if she would not come to me, it would hit her. My parents started discovering more about my charisma, i was like a god, a muse. From when i was little, everyone was treating my like a special kid, a princess. I met famous people, i was living in big houses with mad money, having everything i wanted and before i realize i became everything i never wanted.
A clever-ass
A wealthy brat
And i grew up, my future seemed pretty good, seeing everything before anyone's else eyes. I was becoming wealthier every day, my parents had both passed out but i had everything i wanted or that's what i was thinking at least. I was a star, a celebrity. And when i was invited to voice a character for a cartoon that was gonna be aired in Disney Channel, i just couldn't say no. I would win more money, more fame, maybe some friends but who needs them when you can have everything your heart desires? I remember that moment like it happened now, i walked into the building with my short black dress and my high heels being all fancy wearing expensive jewellery. And after i met the boss, i got to meet all my other coworkers or whatever. They were all happy meeting me except my "boss".
Alexander Robert Hirsch.
I will never forget that name.
He had reddish brown curly anyone could tell hair, amber big eyes and a sick smile that was drving me insane literally. He was a pretty clever bastard, wearing his flannels and his shirts voicing many characters of his own show.
What a fool, i would pay others to voice them.
And there's our first convestation that i will never forget. It will be forever stuck in my mind, in my darkest memories.
" Greetings, do we still say that? I think only celebrities say that."
" Oh you are y/n (m/n) l/n, hu? What a great surprise.. My boss had somehow pursuaded me to put you in my show.."
" Ha ha ha, your humor Mr. Hirsch is killing me. "
" And it won't be the only that could kill you Miss y/n.. Your character was created in those conditions so it would be truly like you.. I personally created and designed it.. I hope you will find it fascinating Miss Y/n"
And he chuckled walking away, leaving me there alone as i frowned with his manners.
My character was Pacifica Northwest, a rich brat with no life at all. Always winning with cheating, buying everything with her money, thinking she is someone special. I never realized what Alex really meaned with the phrase " Be truly like you " until one day.
The episode with the axe-guy, Pacifica didn't hear her family and saved Dipper and everyone.
I understood that my family was not protecting me but using me my whole life for her own gain, making me grow up into an awful human. They used my charisma to get money and fame, i never had true friends and parents. I was all alone, terrified with my existence, with the demon that had taken my whole body all those years that i ran and locked myself in the toilet. I was crying, bringing my knees to my face, my maskara had run my whole face but i didn't really give a damn. I was the bad guy in all this.
I had finally understood what Alex meaned by his words, his behavior, his manners towards me.
And it was killing me, seeing him being right as he was happy with his life, celebrating every moment like it was special but i wasn't happy with anything, wanting more and more.
" Miss y/n, are you okay? "
he knocked on the door as i sighed buring my face in my hands mouthing a " come in ". I have told him to call me " Miss y/n " like i was some special girl. He got in, looking at me strangely, being confused. His steps steady and slow making my breathing heavier. He kneeled in front of me putting his hand under my chin lifting my head looking at my messy face but his expression didn't change.
" What's wrong Miss y- "
" Call me just Y/n. I am not someone special and you proved it in a special way. "
" What? Of course you are, you can see in the future! This is a gift! "
" Not for me Alex, i never had real family, fake parents, fake friends, fake everything. I had and still have money. And what? I never felt real love, i deserve to die. "
" Wait what? No, no, no! Y/n, you are a truly smart and beautiful lady. I am happy seeing that you have understood what you are doing but commiting suicide won't help, believe me. Make a new start, forget past. Memories are just paper planes that will soon or later get burned in a fireplace during a cold evening. "
My eyes widened, i was practically trembling hearing his words. After all i have done, he was trying to help me, tears started shedding down my pink cheeks. I felt.. different.. flustered..? No, no.. Angry, happy? No, no...
In love.
I felt for the first time in my life love.
Real love.
I just grabbed him from the collarbone, kissing him roughly as tears were streaming down my face. I felt that it was right, like it had to be done. I pulled away breathing heavily as he looked at me shocked.
" O-Oh god, i am terribly sorry!"
He smiled hugging me making me gasp.
" Lesson One, Hugs.
Here, have a real hug from someone that truly admires and loves you."
I hugged back buring my face to the crock of his neck till i feel asleep, exhausted by all this.
He sat besides me, putting me between his legs hugging me having his head on top of mine as he smiled.
" Lesson Two, Kisses.
Here, have a real kiss from someone that really admires and loves you."
He brought his lips to my cheek, giving it a gentle kiss.
" I love you, Miss y/n."
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