☁125☁ || Dark theatre.
❝Everyone gather around for a show.
Watch as this man disappears as we know.
Do me a favor and try to
As you watch him fall through a blatant trapdoor❞
AlB3xIanLd3Lr's P.O.V.
Obscurity has shrouded the huge theatre, the curtains had finally fallen as the performance was coming to its own end. The colorful emotional masks were falling in front of our legs one by one. The once rose cheeks were full with streaming tears now. The small heads that were rising slowly looking at the blue sky was nothing in front of our bowed ashamed ones, our sad silhouettes decorating nicely the whole space. A dark sensual atmosphere around us, muffling our screams that had a drip of agony. Hiding the real events and names, hiding our true identity and our realistic ourselves behind deals and wrong things we said over our angry little stupid foreheads. God won't help us this time, Satan neither. This is not the design of them, none of them. This is something new, something no one has ever experienced in their life. I could barely feel my body, so weak. Blood dripping down my forehead, burned wounds and cuts covering my arms. I could taste my fear, maybe it was just the thick warm flavor of my dark red blood. I was overreacting, invisible piano strings were wrapped gently, with love around my wrists. I could still feel his silk touch, his fingers gazing over my skin courteously not wanting to hurt me yet, just yet. I glared to the other side of the stage, my precious love in the same and worse condition as me. H/c tufts preventing her to see the reality, her e/c eyes sunken into the wooden floor. Neither of us remember how we ended here in the first place, we both wanted more and more, curiosity could lead you into losing things you thought were granted. I couldn't make a sound as i whispered my final lines.
"You fall, i fall.. This is how our fairytale goes.."
The words echoed running through the room like cats chasing mice. What a painful chase, my voice was cracking in million unbearable ways.
He stood up clapping smiling brightly, proudly starring at his son and daughter with admiration. He was nearly to tears. With fast steps, he stepped on the stage whistling happily.
"This was.. Wow.. You guys really have talent! What a pain on the ass that this came to an end!"
His smirk wide, sending chills down my spine, getting the space a bit colder.
"Alexander, you wanted money, fame, people admire you and little teenage girls fall for you as puberty hits them! Well, my friend, i gave you everything you needed but you still weren't satisfied. You humans are greedy, hungry animals craving for more and more."
His glare never left mine, stuck with glue asking for apologies and chewed words.
"But this poor soul.. He only craved for your love.. Your touch.. Your smile.. I tried helping her but she declined! She wanted to win you with her warm heart but you were a cold motherfucker!"
He let an insane laugh, his fingers ready to touch her soft skin, her cheek wet from the salty tears, chocking on her saliva and breathing faster with every second that was going by.
"Don't touch her.."
"Oh i will.."
"I said don't touch her.."
"But Mister H-"
And his cold blue eyes were again on me, snow covering them and freezing water. He frowned with my answers, he was annoyed with my actions.
"Oh really Hirsch.. Please tell me, explain to me. What's love? You see, i have never fall in love, i need a lesson, an explanation."
I opened my mouth, no words coming out. Silence, i closed it immediately. The first time in my life that i couldn't descrive a thing, a feeling. I felt empty, like i was hearing this word for the first time in my entire life.
"Oh you don't know, what a shame! Let me help you, Hirsch. It's craving for something sweet, chocolate and caramel make a great combination. It's the vanilla ice-cream that melts away those crazy hot summer days. This butterfly that tortures you and lives in your stomach. It's the feeling of excitement when you rush back home to your person."
I was left rather amused with his words. His words were wise for a creature like him.
"Amusing i know, for a demon that was neve loved. I destroyed my family and my dimension, i am the devil himself but i still somehow know what love is. Now, now there is the reproduction thing. How you humans call it, oh sex! I bet it feels amazing but tell me don't you need love to have sex with someone and create beautiful memories? How those two meaningful words connect?"
I was left again without words, like i wasn't able to talk. He left me for one more time speechless.
"Someone hadn't had his attention on the teachee during the lesson, hm? Of course they do! Feeling each other skin, having your fingers through their hair. Noises and moans and groans!"
This wasn't happening to me.
"Oh Alexander.. This isn't a fairytale, the script sadly caught on fire from your useless unmeaningfull words. This isn't Romeo and Juliet, no one's gonna die and cover my place with sick blood!"
I was losing my senses, everything was going blurry.
"We are the American Revolution! You can be the American and i can be the British! But beware! There isn't a surrender option, my friend! The leader of Persia, Paris made the mistake stealing Helen, the wife of a king in Greece. The man, Menelaos fought against Persia to take his beautiful lady back. Now tell me Alexander! Are you Menelaos and that fine lady at the end of the stage Helen? Am i the bad guy, am i Paris? Is this Greek Mythology, Hirsch?"
He is insane, i don't know what he is talking about.
"The answer is no. That lady is an idol of your little darling. You know who am i talkin' about, y/n of course! She is searching for you nearly a week with a million fans by her side!"
He clanked his fingers, the fake bloody y/n dissapeared. I was such a fool.
"Life gave you the oppurtunity to have a woman like her besides you and you, being a fool, didn't accept it! I would die for a kiss from her red lips! Now go back to the humanity Alexander, lost in a forest of lost opportunities. No y/n will be waiting for you, no time travelling back to the past!"
He clanked his fingers again as i blacked out.
I woke up in woods, y/n by my side shocked with wide surprised eyes. Her hair messy, blsck circles under her eyes. It was a pain seeing her like this.
"Oh my god, Alex where have you b-"
I interrupted her by hugging her. Maybe there is time, i pressed my faded lips on hers as she pushed me away.
"Alex, i-"
"I am in love with you, i need you in my life, y/n."
"Alex.. It's true i was in love with you.. Three weeks ago.. But you were seeing me as a friend, flirting with every single lady that was walking side to side with you. Getting on million dates, getting nearly banged every day. I realized i.. I didn't deserve you.. I started dating a guy, he is a real applepie, sweet and kind! Sorry.."
She stood up walking away, her body leaving my life. A green leaf fell on my palm as i cracked it by false.
"I am such a fool.. I let the only person that made me snap back to the real world leave with all my memories.. My love.."
❝Cause nobody knows he's alive..❞
A/n; Oh my god, how this made you feel!? Me sad for Alex and found that i made Bill a bit too wise owo. Hope you liked it, i enjoyed a lot writing it! It's one of those three-four shots that i have written and are true diamonds for me! Hope you enjoyed it! ^-^
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