☁118☁ || The great deception.
Alexander's P.O.V
I am ready, i will do this. I have, i must be strong. Kristen having her hands on my shoulders, being behind me trying to relax me as i sighed. She isn't sure for this, i ain't too. Last night someone emailed me a video with the name "y/n l/n". The name fills me curiosity, giving me break downs.
Five years ago my best friend, Jason dissapeared. Police found his house in a mess, they thought someone had burst in and maybe had killed him but no corspe was ever found.
Three years ago, my wife, y/n went mysteriously missing. I moved earth and sky and i never found her. Police's useless, after five months they just gave up leaving me full of questions.
And this video came right in front of me, a mark that she may is alive. But i fear for the worst, what if she is hurt or i'll see her corspe in the video.
"Are you sure you wanna do this, Alex? I mean what if this is a prank, someone wanting to mess with you?"
"Kristen, i-"
"Maybe you should just delete it, i am pretty sure that if she is alive, she lives somewhere else with a new husband and maybe kids."
I opened my mouth but shut it immediately. Kristen was somehow a bit right. But what if she was in danger and in need of my help? This would kill me, all these years i tried my best finding her until i gave up all hope. And now this, i need some explanations. I sucked a breath, i closed my eyes, my mind's a mess. I opened them and tapped the "play" button.
The video glitched a bit before a panting y/n appearing. My eyes widened, she was alive.
Her face having some bruises and scratches as her e/c eyes travelling around the room before starring at the screen.
The room where she was was filled in darkness and messed up. Where she was?
"Alex if you are watching this, stop looking for me. I-I am okay! It's a big story but please stay away! J-Jason... Jason! H-He- *video glitches* stay away from everyone! Don't trust- *video glitches* PLEASE BELIEVE ME! *steps can be heard* Oh no, he's coming.. A-Alex t-think o-of.. *more steps can be heard* Gravity Falls!*video glitches and ends*"
And just the noise of static filled the room. I was surprised, what did she mean? And i started. I anylized every single episode of Gravity Falls, found nothing. I got desperate looking for more, Kristen trying to help me. She was so sad, i even felt asleep sometimes from my hard work but Kristen was taking care of me. Like literally, she was making breakfast and lunch, maybe dinner, too. And then when i was asleep on my office, she would wake me up to go to bed. She was such a sweetheart, i feel so lucky being her friend. And then i ended up somewhere, Gravity Falls takes places in Oregon. Could she possibly be there? There were many chances, why she told me to forget her!? I was about to drive to Oregon, Kristen would be left behind not wanting to come.
"Hey, be better safe than sorry."
I smiled at her words as she hugged me with force.
"Yeah i will be, you too."
She smiled back before doing something i was never waiting she would.
She kissed my cheek.
My cheeks flustered as she gave me another bright smile before i get into my car driving away. She waved me goodbye, i could see her in the distance.
This was pretty strange, i mean what the hell. But no time to find an explanation, she may does it when a friend goes away. Time to find my y/n, i wonder what haa happened to her.
After arriving at Oregon, i started looking around for any of her marks. Nothing, like literally nothing.
I was walking through the woods depressed, couldn't realize how this all had happened. I had lost her, again. Was this actually a prank, was i the victim of a fucker!?
Was i the victim of her?
In the distance my glare caught an old house, old but good enough for someone to live there. I raised my eyebrow, could she be hiding there from somebody? It was the last place i hadn't searched that time as i opened the cracking wooden door lightly peeking inside. Just a mess, old furnitures, nothing too much interesting, a lot dust.
No responce, i sighed how could i be so blind?
And then sobs could be heard from the up floor. A feminine scream, words of hate and before i knew i found myself walking upstairs. I was scared for sure, is y/n in trouble? Maybe, that's may the reason she told me to not search for her. A hallway full of closed doors, this house's big actually. I need to find from where those sobs are coming. I opened a door a bit finding a woman tied on a chair, her head down. A man in front of her having his back to me. And when he turned, my eyes widened.
And everything turned to darkness, i blacked out by one hit on my head from a mysterious person that was behind me.
I woke up, the headache making me worse as a quick glare around the roon reminded me where i was. Besides me, y/n, her eyes red and puffy. Her clothes dirty, her beautiful still having those hurtful bruises. It was making me so sad to see her like this.
"So you are awake?"
I looked in front of me facing the one and only Jason Ritter. He was really him, not a ghost or a hallucination. He was alive here with y/n. What is going on!?
"Jason, w-what is going on!?"
"My dear Alexander.. Once a fool, always a fool."
I clenched my teeth trying to stand up before realizing i was tied on a chair besides my beloved y/n.
"Why am i tied up, everyone's looking for you, where have you been!?"
"Oh me? Right here with my angel, y/n for the last three years."
I was confused, more than confused. And then the door opened and a person i had never guessed walked in.
Kristen holding a bat.
She looked so innocent and evil at the same time. She glared at Jason and then me mouthing a "I am sorry" before letting the bat down on the floor.
"Now, now you probably are trying to find a solution in all this, Alex! Well i have a perfectly logical explanation!"
Jason let a sinister laugh, Kristen had no expression at all.
"When you told me you were getting married i was so excited for you, i couldn't believe one of my best friends were getting married! And when i met Y/n, oh my god.. I felt like having a dream, she was the most beautiful creature i had ever laid my eyes on and it was really killing me i wasn't the one having her. During the wedding, i just wanted to stand up and stop everything, tell her how much i admire her, how much i want her."
His glare fell on her. I was shocked, my best friend was against me? He had fallen for my love, i was as calm as i could.
"Then i made a plan with Kristen, i dissapeared and finished it. Two years later i kidnapped y/n when she was returning from her job. Only if you could see her face, hu... Terrified then happy then terrified to death.. So funny.. Three years and still haven't been in her pants not even one time, oh gosh how embarrassing.."
Jason looked away biting his bottom lip, it wasn't embarrassing, he was a bit sarcastic. That bastard, he betrayed us all. But what's about Kristen, was she the one that hit me and made me black out!?
"Alexander... I am so so sorry for hiting you.. That hurt quite a lot i could tell, do you need a pain killer or something?"
I looked at Kristen in total disbelief. Was she kidding me!?
"Are you fucking kidding me!? I am tied on a chair, Jason just admited his whole plan and i can tell you helped him too and my life's love has been through hell!"
She frowned at my last words cletching her fists.
"Life's love, life's love WHY CAN'T YOU SEE!?"
She threw her hands on the air before going circles around.
"Y/n is the only person that matters to you! My heart went boom from the first time i saw you and when i had enough courage to tell you my feelings, you just came up like 'Hi my ol' friend, i am getting married!' "
She was sounding like Mabel after several glasses of Mabel juice, she was screaming, i couldn't believe a single word.
"And during the wedding, i could feel Jason's glare, he was feeling the same thing like me! His glare was full of love and pation, not like yours! He should have been married to y/n, and on that day in y/n's position i... I should have been there, not her.."
She whispered the last part, this was too much. This whole thing was just a deception. I was being around lies, being so fucking blind.
"So i told Jason everything, we both wanted the same thing.
You two being seperated from each other.
I created this whole plan and Jason joined me cheefully. Everything was going nicely until that bitch found Jason's laptop, sent you that video and messed up everything! I tried so hard to pursuade you to delete it, you didn't listen to me! You done messing up, Alex Hirsch! I was with you every second of your life during you research for your lil precious wife but you didn't even care! You were so focused on your information that wasn't giving a shit for me! And when you left for Oregon, i called Jason telling him what the fuch had happened! Oh and when i found you at the door, i just had to knock you out. It hurt me but i had! Why you don't see how much i care and love you!?"
Her eyes red, she was nearly to tears bringing her hands to her eyes. I was left without words, just a hung open mouth. I wish this was a nightmare but no. Reality hits me hard, enough hard to awake me and make me realize their whole plan. I turned my head, y/n was barely breathing not making any sounds being silent. The one and cheerful y/n that was filling the house with screams of happiness was now silent with a bruised face.
He had hit her.
I frowned, they won't get away. They were my friends.
Now that i know their true nature, i am not gonna give up even tied down.
I can't believe that they were the threat from the start.
"So Mr. Alexander, i have a deal for you! You can either leave this hell with Kristen and have a nice life for the rest of your life and i can live happilly after with my y/n!"
Jason smiled grabbing y/n's chin making her raise her head. She was awake but not for a lot, her eyes half-opened.
"My y/n"..?
Oh he didn't.
"Or.. You can stay in this nightmare until YOU LEARN TO COOPERATE!"
He gave me a lunatic's smirk grabbing a knife and bringing it to my neck. He wasn't gonna kill me, not here with Kristen. She was giving him the death glare. He pulled away chuckling.
"Tik Tok Mr. Hirsch."
I can leave y/n here with this monster and leave with someone i don't love..
Or i can live this hell every day but with y/n by my side until we (may) find a way to escape.
I have to choose.
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