Imagine 8: Vulnerability❣️
Pairing: Y/N x Alastor
(No summary this time! Read to find out!😄 Also, my writing style will be a little different in this imagine! Let me know what you think!)
*One Night At The Hazbin Hotel*
You exhale a tired breath, dragging your even more tired feet down the steps of the hotel, before entering the main lounge.
One half consists of two couches and a few chairs beside a fireplace and TV.
The other half, is the bar, where the cat demon bartender tends to be most parts of every night and day.
You felt restless, even at nearly midnight. You were staying up late, helping your friend Angel Dust through another one of his panic attacks from having a rather...bad day, at work again.
You despised his boss, Valentino, and deeply wanted to protect Angel, but you knew that someone like yourself going against Val would be a death wish, both for you and Angel.
So in the end, all you could really do, was comfort him, and be there for him.
Twenty minutes before now, you had left Angel's room after he calmed down and was relaxed enough to fall asleep. You wanted to go to your room for at least an hour of sleep, but you knew it would be pointless.
You can't seem to fall asleep, and when you do, it's rather uncomfortable.
When you turn to go to the bar, you freeze, lips parting slightly when you see who sits at the counter.
A tall man, with a slim, slender waist and black and red hair that reminds you of deer ears, that match perfectly well with the antlers atop his skull.
His smile wasn't a toothy grin this time, but he was still smiling, swirling the last bits of his whiskey before tipping it over his lips and swallowing.
The bartender, Husker, seems a little annoyed, for he rolls his eyes.
"Are you done yet?" He asks through a low, gruff voice. Husker's voice always seemed disgruntled, but you kind of liked it. You liked how he always spoke gruff and low. It reminded you of your deceased grandfather...
Alastor makes a hmm sound, two fingers rubbing the tip of his chin, before he shakes his head. "Not yet," he grins at Husker's disapproved and annoyed voice, and Alastor leans in, as if absorbing his annoyance. "I am only just getting started, my good sir."
You feel a blush form on your cheeks at his voice. He always had such smooth...silky vocals, his words always delivered with charm and grace.
The radio effect in his voice seemed to enhance that part you admire tenfold...which only makes your heart pinch.
You stood behind the both of them, hiding in the shadows. You don't know what to do. You were hoping that it would have been just Husker, that way you could talk to him, but since Alastor is knew you wouldn't get that slight comforting feeling.
Alastor wouldn't be leaving anytime soon either, you knew that for a fact.
Sighing, you press your back against the wall, raising one hand to where your heart aches, as it pounds hard against your ribcage.
You hated hated yourself for feeling this...
You had been at the hotel for five months, joining one week after Alastor had become business partners with the owner/Princess of Hell, Charlie.
You were always warned by others to stay away from someone like Alastor. That underneath his charm and pizazz, he was an unpredictable source of danger, capable of hurting anyone if he wanted too.
Though you tried your best to heed these warnings, you couldn't help but overtime find out that he was...different then any other demon you've ever met before.
Down in Hell, not many demons are found to be charming or appear to be gentleman like with manners, but he...he was one of those few demons who still held a little respect for himself, and for others if they deserved it.
You admired that side of him, but overtime, that admiration soon turned to something more. Something to where you would find yourself searching the hotel just to find him, just to peak through the corners at whatever he was doing, before hiding and blushing when he would look your way.
You and him never talked much, but when you would, you would fight to not melt in front of his presence.
You never felt like this before for anybody, not even when you were in your human life...
Nobody really tugged at your heartstrings like he did.
You felt comfortable around him, and you loved it. You loved every damn minute you would get of him being near you...
But began to notice how whenever Charlie would walk into the room, he'd leap onto his feet to greet her.
You'd notice they'd spend more and more time together, talking, laughing, smiling...
You'd watch them grow closer over the few weeks leading up to this moment, and slowly, Charlie began to steer Alastor away from you.
You couldn't do anything but watch from the corners as they would take walks in the hotel garden, chatting about anything and everything...
Another wave of pain courses through you, making you grit your teeth.
You felt like such a fool, for allowing yourself to fall deeply in love with Alastor.
Knowing that you are a lesser demon then him, and an even lesser demon then Charlie.
You realized over time...that he would never look at you like he does with Charlie. He would never sing with you, never dance with you...
Never kiss you...
Upon realizing it, you forced yourself to put as much distance as you could between you and Alastor, to make it easier on your heart, but deep couldn't stop the hours of crying at midnight in your room.
You've never have fallen in love before, he was your first, and knowing that he would never open his arms and heart to shattered you into a million shards.
For three weeks, you've been putting distance between you and him, that is until, you see him sitting at the bar tonight.
A side of you almost turns away, but you know that deep down, if you walk away, you'll be crying in your room again.
You force yourself to walk across the lounge flooring, and sit at the bar, asking Husker to pass you a whiskey.
Upon taking his third drink off of his whiskey, Alastor glances at you, seeming surprised, but hiding it well.
It's been a while since he's seen you, and he couldn't help but wonder why you were up so late, and down here?
He can't help but notice the bags under your eyes, and the look of exhaustion on your face.
But, he never brings himself to ask if you're okay. Instead, he only watches from the corner of his crimson red eyes as you swallow the whiskey as if you were dying of thirst.
Alastor glances at you. "You drank as if you haven't felt liquid touch your lips in days..."
You set the glass down, grabbing the bottle from Husker's hands.
You were already a little buzzed from having a couple of drinks with Angel, but you had room for a few more.
You couldn't help but look at Alastor. "I'm pretty good at holding my drinks down," you say, without knowing why. It was the alcohol talking...not you.
Alastor makes an amused sound, feeling a little excited.
"Oh? Well," he leans closer to you, "let us see it."
No one has ever out bested him in a drinking competition, so hearing you, you with a body frame as yours, he's excited to see if he's finally found a good challenge.
You laugh, grabbing the bottle, drinking it as if there is no tomorrow. Each gulp burning your throat at a rapid rate, but you don't stop.
You feel the urge to numb yourself right now...numb yourself to the point where you can't even remember your name...
That can forget the pain Alastor unknowingly puts on you just for a few hours.
Alastor's excitement only grows, as he too, grabs a bottle and begins to drink as if its juice.
While drinking, he glances over at you, watching your face change from confident to now a little loopy, as half your bottle is gone.
He however, had three shots prior to this, and even with someone with such a small frame, he could drink shots upon shots and never even get buzzed.
When your bottle is halfway empty, you slam it on the table, laughing a little loudly, your head swinging. You are clearly wasted...
"See, I tooooold you," you lean into Alastor, your vision spinning and blurry. You don't even know that the person sitting next to you is Alastor. You completely forgot, due to the drink.
He laughs softly, amused and entertained. Of course, he's unsatisfied that you were too easy to beat. He thought he'd finally met his match, but he is proven wrong.
He turns away from you, going back to his drink, before you erupt into a loud, obnoxious, boring tale.
He pretends to be interested, nodding his head every now and then, but at some points, he can't help but yawn, feeling bored.
"...And then I told him to screw himself!" You laugh as you finish your story, before leaning back at such a fast rate you fall backwards, off the stool and onto the floor.
Alastor is slow to react when he turns his head to stare down at you. You don't even feel pain, you're too wasted.
You cheer, laughing as if you falling was the coolest thing in the world.
Husker groans. "For fuck sakes..." he sighs, clearly pissed off that Alastor allowed you to get at this state.
"Oh come now, Husker, it was merely a little fun!" Alastor rises to his feet, "don't worry, I will take her to her room and make sure she is taken care of properly."
Husker rolls his eyes, mumbling under his breath before going back to cleaning glasses.
Alastor leans down and helps you rise to your feet, though you stagger and nearly fall again.
He clearly sees you aren't able to walk, and wanting to make sure you are in your room, he sweeps you up bridal style, which you grunt at.
"Oooh, you're strong," you compliment, throwing your arms out as you swing your legs, making it a little harder for him to carry you to the elevator.
He can't help but feel a little amused by this, seeing you in this state. Seeing your face scrunch up like a child's.
Usually, when you are sober, you don't come across as childlike.
You tend to keep to yourself, and quiet for the most part.
So seeing this side of you, seeing you being loud, laughing, giggling, and pointing dumb things like a painting on the wall you never noticed before, it makes him chuckle softly.
When you both reach the elevator, he presses the button for the fifth floor, and when the doors close, your head drunkenly turns towards him.
Out of nowhere, you begin to tap at his cheeks.
Alastor has always never liked it when people touched him, and out of instinct, he almost makes you stop, before realizing that you're drunk.
"What are you doing, darling?" he asks, seeing your eyes widen suddenly.
"Hey..." you lean closer to him, "you look like that guy! That guy whose always smiling! What's uh...what's his name again? Andy? Or...Jerry," you continue to name off names that are the furthest from guessing his actual name.
He laughs softly, enjoying the fact that you don't even know that you're talking about him. That he is the grinning man.
"You are speaking about me, Y/N," he responds, which has you burst into a fit of giggles, which makes your body move, ultimately having him nearly drop you on accident.
Though he does enjoy this entertainment, he will're a piece of work.
When the elevator doors open, you roll out of his arms out into the hallway, before sitting up at such a rapid rate, glaring at the air as if there is an invisible demon standing there.
"How dare you, I'm a fucking delight!" you say suddenly, which has Alastor laughing softly again, amused by this argument you seem to be having with the air.
He's hesitant to reach down and scoop you into his arms again, wondering whether or not if you're capable of walking the rest of the way to your room.
He isn't intending of leaving until you're in your room and tucked in bed, only then, he would leave and feel that he doesn't need to worry over you.
Yes, he does feel slightly guilty for allowing you to come to this state for his mere amusement. So, to help with his guilt, he wants to make sure you are safely in your room and in bed.
You look up at him, still sitting on the floor, much like a child.
"Uh...which ones my room again?" You ask.
Oh dear, Alastor realizes, the alcohol has indeed tampered with your memory.
He helps you onto your feet. "You are two doors down on the left side," he responds, going to your door and opening it.
When the two of you step inside, you break out of his grip, running to your drawers where you surprisingly pull out what appears to be a strawberry donut.
His eyes widen, realizing that you have a secret stash of junk food in your room...
Oh goodness, your child like state is making him feel even more amused and a little warm inside...
You're obsession with anything strawberry related...he never could quite understand it.
None the less, he is enjoying this, watching you shove the donut in your mouth, swallowing before you collapse onto your bed in a rough manner, which shakes your bed.
Your body lays sprawled halfway off, and you don't do anything to fix it.
No, this simply won't do, Alastor thinks to himself. So, being the gentleman that he is...he helps you fully up on the bed, fixing your pillows, making sure you are comfortable enough to not move again.
Alastor would haven't cared so much if it was any other demon, but you...
Its a mix of both guilt for allowing you get to this state, and wanting to help you because he thinks of you as someone...worth his time.
He sits on your bed for only a moment, about to rise to his feet to leave, before he feels your hand softly touch his face.
His breath hitches. He's never allowed anyone to touch him like this, but feeling your soft, gentle hands gingerly run the lines of his cheek, he can't help but enjoy it.
Your touch is nice, he admits to himself.
You lean closer to him, "can I tell you a secret?" you whisper, breath tickling his face softly.
Secret, hmm? He does enjoy a good secret, though alas, he may not be the one you want to tell secrets too.
In the end, he nods, his smiling softening. "Of course, darling," he whispers, "your secret will be safe with me."
Possibly...depends on if its something of worth.
You smile a soft smile, laying down on the bed, one arm tucked under your head.
You don't even comprehend what your about to admit, and you don't even realize that you are going to tell your secret to the last person you'd want to know...
The effects of alcohol has a tight grip in you, making you willingly say words you promised to yourself that you'd never speak.
"When I first joined this hotel, I met someone..."
Someone? Oh, Alastor realizes, it is a love secret. Well, not entirely his forte, but still amusing to say the least.
"Oh?" he leans down, closer to you, whispering, "and who was he?"
You blush, having the memories of when you first met Alastor play in your head. You can't help but bring a pillow to your face as you unknowingly spill your secret.
"He was the most handsomest man I've ever met," you blush, "charming, bubbly almost..." You trace a single finger on the blanket's stitching. "I've never met anyone like him."
"What was so charming of him, if I may ask?" by now, Alastor is really curious to see what you'll say next.
Of course, he's never been interested in love, or anything related to love...but he can't help but admit that you have grabbed his attention with this... secret admirer, of yours.
In truth, he never thought for a moment that someone could catch your interest. You were always closed off, and you kept to yourself.
So hearing this, he's dying to know who is the secret man that managed to capture your heart.
You make a soft noise in the back of your throat, shutting your eyes as your breathing relaxes.
"His voice..." you whisper, the sleepiness you've been feeling for days finally making you feel tired to the point you're nearly asleep. "I remember when we first met...I was so nervous," you giggle, "but he...he was so kind to me. So, nice. Before he left, he told me to smile, that I'm never fully dressed without one."
At this point, Alastor's eyes widen slightly.
As far as he knows, he's the only one to say such a quote, but it is possible that someone else may be copying his style.
He leans closer to you, whispering. "What was his name?"
You smile once more, before saying the name of the man you love, saying the name...that will change everything.
"Alastor..." you whisper, snuggling your face in your arms, exhaling a breath of love when you think of Alastor in your head, still not realizing that Alastor is right beside you.
He leans away suddenly, the mention of his name attached to your confession making his heart rate speed up, and a slight blush form on his cheeks.
It doesn't surprise him to terribly, for he has had many demon women confess there love for him, all of which he finds amusing as he declines them.
But...hearing someone like you, tell him that...
You stir a little. "I'd never stand a chance though..." you whisper suddenly, clenching a pillow to your face in a hard way. "I see the way he looks at Charlie," you whisper, hiding your tear filled eyes for him not to see.
Alastor doesn't respond, but only stares down at you, head tilted to the side, waiting for you to continue. He didn't even think once that he came across as...well, close to Charlie.
He was doing what he always does, nothing more.
No woman has ever held a special place in his heart, not even in his human years.
No demon woman in Hell has accomplished that either.
Not Charlie...and not even Y/N.
"What...makes you so sure of that?" he asks when you don't speak.
You sigh. "Because I see how he looks at Charlie. How...his smile brightens..." you clench the pillow once more. "He'd never look at me like he does her..."
You release the pillow, rolling onto your left side, which means your back now faces Alastor, who you only believe to be some imaginary person you created in your head from the effects of too much alcohol.
At that, Alastor wants to laugh. He doesn't look at anyone in any romantic way. It isn't his style...or his interest.
But hearing you pour your heart out, he holds back his laughter.
Love is a strong emotion, Alastor knows that, but he's never felt its rejection. So he doesn't understand what it feels like...
He can only imagine hurts.
Hesitantly, he hovers his hand over your back, wanting to touch you comfortingly, but he pulls away, out of instinct, and worried that it may not be good to do so...
You exhale a breath, curling into a little ball, whispering.
"I wish I was enough...for him..." you exhale a shuddering breath, eyes shut tight as you slowly drift to a slumber.
Enough...the words repeat themselves in his head.
Though he doesn't know much about you, he can see your scars easily by just looking in your eyes.
He knows throughout time on Earth, and in Hell, you never felt like you were good enough for anyone. You always strayed away, and stayed lonesome with merely your shadow as company.
He understands that, at least. Though he prefers the company of himself and his shadow. He never thought he needed someone there to be his comfort.
Unlike you.
Alastor can't help but wonder...have you felt like this with anyone else? Has your heart fallen for another, and has it been broken? he the first?
The thought of it makes him sigh softly, his head lowering as one hand clenches the blanket. He hopes its not the latter.
He feels you stir softly in your sleep, as you mumble words, talking to whatever you see in your dreams.
"...okay momma, I'll do the dishes tonight..." you whisper.
Alastor smiles softly. You are dreaming of your mother, and from the sound of your voice, you seem to have loved your mother very much.
It is the same for him, too. He loved his mother with all his heart.
In truth, that was all he loved, was his mother.
And after she had passed away when Alastor was a young man, it left a hole in his heart, one he never wanted to fill.
He never wanted to open his heart to anyone else.
The expression on your face changes from a pleased, to now, a saddened look, as you curl yourself tighter in a ball, squeezing the pillow to your chest.
Your happy dream of childhood seems to have changed suddenly, but to what, he cannot say.
Though it is making you unsettled.
Something in him makes him rise to his feet, going to the other side of your bed.
You are laying on top your blankets, and he doesn't want to wake you up by trying to get you under your blankets.
So, he takes his coat off, laying it over you, as he, lays beside you.
The warmth of his coat seems to have settled you down, to the point where your breathing isn't heavy, but relaxed once again.
He stares at your asleep face for several seconds, seeing the vulnerability you have, the innocence...
How could someone like you be down here, he wonders to himself.
Unexpectedly, you move closer to him, your head snuggling under his arm, so that you may rest on his chest, your arms wrapping around him.
This surprises Alastor, but...he doesn't pull away.
He allows this to happen, because deep down, he knows you need this.
He knows you need to feel the touch of comfort from someone familiar. He knows how long you've gone without that...without that simple touch one needs to feel safe, and secured.
And deep down...he needs it himself too.
He raises one hand, gingerly caressing your cheek with the tip of his fingers, like you did to him minutes ago...
Alastor didn't intend it to happen, but your eyes slowly flutter open from his soft caress.
You're still asleep, and you don't realize that it's Alastor laying beside you. Alastor touching your face. Alastor...his arm wrapped around you.
You see him as a dream, one of the many dreams you've had that ultimately only happen just to torture you.
You stare up at those familiar red eyes that seem to warm you, one hand reaching to touch his face.
"Why do my dreams hurt me so?" You whisper, your hand lowering as you can't help yourself from cuddling closer into his chest, wanting to be as close as you can to him.
"This isn't a dream...sweet Y/N," he runs a hand through your hair, feeling himself lose control by each passing second, being here, with you beside him. "This is real. I am real..."
He trails off, exhaling a breath, whispering so quietly.
"I only hope that soon, you'll realize that..."
You don't respond, not at first, you only cling to him like a baby koala, arms wrapped around his waist, pulling you to him, afraid to let him go.
You still believe this to be a dream, that you can tell this dream version of Alastor how you really feel...
You aren't afraid to tell him, knowing that its all a dream...
"I love you."
His ears twitch when he hears your faint, gentle voice speak those three words no one has told him in a very long, long time.
He almost doesn't want to believe it, that someone like you could love someone like him.
He wants to blame it on the alcohol, but deep down, he can't deny the honesty attached to those words.
It makes his heart break in half...
He wraps his arms fully around you, hugging you to him.
It is all he can do for you in this moment of vulnerability you have exposed.
He wants to tell you the words you want to hear, the words you need to hear.
But alas...he doesn't.
Knowing deep down that he can't do that, not to you. He can't force himself to say I love you back, when deep down...
He doesn't.
So, he holds you, for the entire night, never once letting you go.
He falls asleep randomly, forgetting the outcome of the moment when morning comes and how you will react when you see that he's beside you.
But in all honesty, you and him both needed this. You and him both have been loners in your human years and in Hell.
You and him both needed to be reminded of this feeling of safety, of warmth and affection...
You've both craved this.
For the first time in centuries, you lowered Alastor's guard, you took his mask off, revealing his vulnerable side as well.
And he...did the same, for you too.
You touched a part of him no one else he did for you too.
In truth, you originally joined the hotel to be redeemed, because you hated Hell, and didn't want to be here anymore.
But after meeting can't find yourself getting redeemed.
Being redeemed means you leave him. And even though you know you should, because he would never love you...
You still stay.
You still cling to the hope that one day he'll see you.
Even if it takes a million'd still have that hope.
You can't stop yourself from loving him...even if he did something threatening, or even if he ignored you for an eternity...
You would still love him.
I have never written something this long in this style of writing before! I'll admit, it was a lot of fun!
I'll have part two out soon! 😉
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