Imagine 5: First Dance❤
pairing: Y/N x Alastor
Summary: *There's a gala coming up in Hell, and everyone is invited. Except Y/N...does not know how to dance.
So, while working late at the Hotel, Alastor takes it upon himself to teach you.*
*Y/N's POV*
"Y/N?" Charlie pokes her head through the open door. "Your shift is over. Me and Vaggie are gonna head home."
"Oh-oh," I say, rubbing my eyes and sitting up straighter. "Um, yeah, uh, I'll leave soon. Just got a few things left to do."
Charlie eyes me suspiciously, but nods, and wishes me goodnight as she closes my door.
I sigh a little, getting back to work.
Unknowingly, an hour has passed, and I gasp, seeing how late it is.
Quickly, I get up and run out of the room, going down the steps of the hotel.
Only to stop halfway, when I see the Radio Demon sitting on a bar stool, singing under his breath as he traces lines with his finger in the wood.
A passed out Husk sits behind the counter, his mouth open as he leans back.
What is Alastor doing here still?
I'm not too scared of him, he's been here for a while, I've grown used to his presence.
To be honest, I really enjoy seeing him around here.
Heat makes my cheeks turn pink, and I shake them off, deciding to approach him. "Hi Alastor."
He turns, smiling at me. "Why hello Y/N! Whatever are you doing up this late? You need beauty rest."
I blush, but try to hide it as I sit down. "I just stopped working, actually," I nervously twist and tug at my hands, glancing at him before glancing back down to my hands.
He continues to stare at me in patient silence, before finally, he speaks up when he sees I won't.
"Well my dear I do believe that there is something else you wanted to talk about besides work. Now, what is it? Come now, don't be shy! I won't bite," he leans in to me, his smile turning into a smirk.
Should I even tell him? My little embarrassing secret...
"Um...there's a gala coming up."
"I know!" He exhales a satisfied breath, sinking low in the bar stool he sits. "I am quite excited! Aren't you too?"
"K-kind of," I start to say nervously, before I just spit out what's been weighing on my chest.
"I don't know how to dance."
At that, Alastor laughs. At first I think he's laughing at me, at my embarrassing truth that I for the life of me CANNOT DANCE.
But he proves me wrong when he rises to his feet, snapping his fingers as the main area we're in change to a neon color, and his shadows appear behind him with instruments.
"Let's fix that, shall we?"
He takes my hands, pulling me to the middle of the room where we have plenty of space to move around.
I feel his hand place itself on my waist, and immediately, I back away from him in pure embarrassment, and blushes.
"I-I, I don't think that's such a good idea," I stutter, "I don't want to accidently step on your toes or anything."
Though that's a complete lie. More like I don't want to dance with someone as gorgeous, handsome, and amazing as Alastor.
I'm a lesser demon then him...I'm lucky that I'm even TALKING to an overlord like himself.
And even though I find myself developing feelings for him, I fear those feelings won't be returned.
Alastor smiles, approaching me once again, taking my hands gently in his.
"My dear, when I am through with you, you will be dancing with such fluidity and grace, all demons of Hell will be in awe over you! So you need not worry about such trivial things, merely follow my lead, and relax."
I hear the music begin, and we are moving.
Relaxing seems like an impossible thing to feel in this moment, especially while I'm dancing with ALASTOR.
I'm so stiff and awkward that I mess up our stride, but he doesn't mind, he corrects me here and there with a gentle voice, and tells me where to place my feet during a beat in the music.
I cannot believe that this is happening. This is my first dance with Alastor...and its amazing feeling. The most amazing thing I've ever felt.
Suddenly, I feel him spin me slowly.
"Now you are getting the hang of it!" he laughs, "I knew you could do it!"
"You're a great teacher," I say shyly, blushing like mad being this close to him.
He chuckles again, before he dips me.
"And you are a great partner," he remarks, pulling me back up and continuing our ballroom dance.
My heart pounds out of my chest.
What seems like to soon, the song is over, and Alastor let's my hands go, clapping.
"Bravo my dear!" he says, "outstanding job!"
I chuckle shyly. "Thank you, how can I repay you?" I ask.
No way I'm gonna let him go without showing him my thanks, even if its dangerous to ever do anything for him.
He makes a 'Hmm' noise in the back of his throat, deep in thought before his face brightens when an idea occurs.
"It appears that I am without a partner to attend the gala with me, and since you've offered to repay me, how about you go to the gala with me? We would be most spectacular!"
I make a baffled sound in the back of my throat, hopefully that he didn't hear.
Did he just ask me to go to the gala?! With him?! A lesser demon like myself...
I step back away from him, nervousness on my face.
"I-I don't know about that," I rub my arm up and down. "A demon like me?"
He laughs. "The exact reason why I'm asking you to accompany me."
He snaps his fingers suddenly and disappears before I can even ask what he means.
Is he trying to mock me? Make fun of me at this gala?
Dread fills my stomach.
*Alastor's POV*
Goodness, my cheeks feel a litter hotter then usual.
Why? How can that even be?!
I overheard Charlie saying something about this...there's a word for it, what's it called, flustered?
Yes I believe that's it. I flustered? For Y/N.
Well, there's no denying that when I first laid eyes on Y/N, I thought she was a sight to behold. Stunning, ravishing.
No one else has caught my interest like I knew instantly she was peculiar.
And now, she will accompany me to the gala.
What an entertaining moment to come.
Whatever I feel for this demon...I hope its a good thing.
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