Imagine 11: Set Free🦋
pairing: Y/N x Alastor
*Your POV*
You walk restlessly--almost as if you're waiting for someone late into the night--down the cracked steps of your crumbling mansion in one of the many rings of Hell.
Your feet glide across the stained floor gracefully, the white of your wedding gown picking up the dust and debris like a feather duster.
You would have been frantic at the thought of your white wedding dress touching filth, though lately, you do not care as much as you used to. You're dress has aged over the centuries of your days in Hell, slowly decomposing away...much like you...
You approach two large wooden doors, pushing them open to reveal the vast darkened ballroom, merely lit by Hell's moonlight shining through the tinted blue windows hanging on your wall.
The smooth, polished glass dancefloor sparkles in the light, even under all the dents and cracks, its still beautiful.
Your feet lead you to the center of the ballroom, as your eyes take in your empty, quiet surroundings.
The grand piano that sits in the corner hides under a white sheet, rotting away and it's keys rusted from years of neglect.
The once red and silver lined velvet couches have now been chewed due to the rats that will become new residents of this place...
Once you depart.
You inhale a shuddering breath, feeling the warmth glow of the moonlight bask on your body.
It is nearly only have these last final minutes to yourself. Before you finally...give up.
Your eyes catch sight of yourself in the glass beneath your feet. Slowly, you look down.
What looks back, is the sight of you, a pale, bluish skinned demon woman, whose left arm is merely bone and no flesh.
Your hair trails down your back stopping at your tailbone, your curvy waist revealing a portion of your rib cage through the ripped part of your wedding dress.
You are a decomposing sight...and still see that flicker of beauty you once had.
Your eyes are a sparkly blue, bright and shining, even against the darkness of Hell. Your round face shape still having its color, and your smile sad yet...beautiful.
Even after so still wear your wedding dress, your ripped and stained veil trailing down your hair, and your dried decomposed bouquet of flowers in your hands.
You never once took your dress was all you had left.
All you had left of your once human life on earth, before you had taken your life at quarter three under an ancient oak tree.
When you awoke, you found yourself in Hell...looking into the nearest mirror to see your once white skin now tainted blue, and your once beautiful perfect body now missing bits and pieces, revealing your bones.
You are a Bride Demon. The only Bride Demon in Hell, the only Bride Demon who has ever existed.
You are Demon who is obsessed with finding true love, that you couldn't see the sick love consume you entirely, twisting you, bending you to its will.
You fell victim to such sick love on the night of your wedding. Your husband had began to beat you, and you, killed him in self defense. Before ending your own life due to the crime you just committed.
You had no ill intentions towards your husband, you loved him--or so you believed--but the night of your wedding, when he was too drunk to be able to contain his actions, you had no choice but to end him, just to keep yourself from dying.
Though your action drove you to insanity, to the point where you could not live with yourself.
For your crimes, you were sent to Hell. And as for your punishment, your once beautiful skin and body slowly began to rot away...leaving you a horrid sight to others.
Making it so that no one could ever love you...which is all you have ever desired most in life...
For centuries, you've hidden away in this abandoned mansion you stand in now, rotting away with each and every passing day.
You found comfort and solitude being here, hiding away in these walls with fading wallpaper.
You and this house face the same fate. One day, you and this house will be forgotten.
But at least, you say to yourself, that this home you've grown to love will disappear with you.
You extend your arms, imagining a partner worthy of your love placing his hands in yours and on your waist, waltzing to the silence of the ballroom, hearing a song created by your minds.
A soft smile spreads across your tainted blue lips, as indeed, the thoughts of a grinning man fills your mind.
His name...Alastor.
You had met him shortly after coming to Hell, and instantly, you fell in love with him.
He has that effect on women, of course. Due to the fact that he is one of Hell's Overlords, and attractive unlike other demons you've seen.
But you knew deep down that you were in love with him not because of his looks or loved him for him. You were probably the first demoness to have ever loved him for who he was on the inside.
You loved him because unlike anyone here, and even your romances in the human world...he truly made you feel like a woman. He made you feel alive...and worthy. And beautiful.
You wanted to be his wife, more then anything in the world. You believed that meeting him, you finally found your happily ever after you dreamed of ever since you were a child watching Disney princesses receive there happily ever afters.
Though you soon realized that someone like Alastor, could never open his heart to anyone, let alone you.
He never found love or romance worthy of his time, he enjoyed being married to himself and his passion for entertaining and making deals.
So on the day you confessed your feelings to him, he merely laughed at you, before telling you that he would never be yours, causing you to be here now. Hiding in the crumpling pieces of an old Overlord's used to be mansion, while you hold your poorly stitched heart in the palms of your hands.
Centuries has passed since you have seen his face, but you still remember him. You remember his smile, his red and black hair, his antlers, his radio like voice that brims with charm...
You couldn't help yourself to forget him. He unknowingly made sure that you would never forget him, that you would spend countless crying hours over the truth that he would never be yours.
You would never know what he was thinking, or what his feelings were because of how well he hid behind his wicked smile.
The true power of blade could ever hurt like this.
Of going centuries without the one you love and truly desire, of him being so close yet so far...
no sort of weapon could ever compare to this silent torture.
You love Alastor...more then you have ever loved anyone ever before...
And allowing your heart slowly be consumed by this pain, you find yourself here now, dancing your final moments before you would accept your demise.
You continue to waltz, before you feel the sudden gentle caress of gloved hands gingerly clasp your hands, forcing your eyes to open to be face to face with the grinning demon who mercilessly played with your heart until it had reached it's maximum...
He stands before you, tall and strapping, dressed in a red and black version of a tux, his hair combed back to reveal his deer ears more, and a single rose head pinned in his coat.
Your eyes widen, and your lips part. He was gorgeous...stunning, breathtaking.
You could only pray that you looked beautiful in his eyes.
Alastor begins the waltz with you, never murmuring a single word, but merely staring at you with his smile softening ever so slightly.
How you dreamed of this moment when he would take your hands in his and dance with you. How you painted pictures in your mind of such fantasies...
You feel your weakened heart beat a little harder, and your eyes stinging with tears of joy. He is here with you, in your final moments.
Alastor and you continue the dance, leaving behind trails of footprints amongst dust, his fluidity and grace leaving you breathless and even more in love with him.
He was perfect...the most perfect man you have ever loved...
He was the one you've searched for all your time on Earth as a human.
And he here was now...dancing with you.
As you feel the dance slow to nearly a complete stop, he raises a hand to tuck some hair behind your ear, his touch leaving a warm sensation within you. Making you desire more...but being denied your plead, like a dog begging there master for love and attention.
How close he was to made you feel a pinch in your chest, the desire to reach up and kiss his lips burning within you.
Though you cannot do so. You don't want to lose this little fraction of affection due to a reckless kiss.
You've begged for this, and you are going to stand here and allow yourself to be still, and breathe in this little affection he will allow himself to give.
His touch lingers to your cheeks, brushing aside the few tears that fell from your eyes.
All you can see, is his grinning face, staring into yours.
You begin to feel your heart ache suddenly, before it grows into a more intense pain, making you gasp softly and hiss in pain.
The time has come is time to say goodbye.
For centuries, you've manifested for your demise to come, to take you and end your suffering, but standing here now in front of Alastor, the one you love with all your heart, you beg the invisible forces of Hell to give you more time.
More time to be with feel his fingers touch your skin.
More time to feel just a little loved.
Your knees begin to grow weak, and you step forward to clutch onto Alastor for balance, though as you reach for him, he disappears from the air, and you fall to the ground.
A hallucination...your mind's one last act of torture before you give yourself entirely to the hungry void.
He was never here.
Your heart is shattering, cutting your insides like glass. You roll onto your right side to stare out at the tinted blue window one last time.
You curl yourself in a tight ball, tears running down your face as you beg.
Please...please...just a little more time. Please...I don't want to go.
You feel your breathing shorten by each passing second, your hands shaking as you grip onto your chest.
The final pieces of your soul are being taken away...and you fight to hold on just a little longer.
As you lay there, your existence slowly being sucked away through Hell's straw, you think of Alastor. You think of his smile, you pretend to hear his think of how he made you feel.
Such a wicked game he played with you...without even knowing it. Being clueless to your true feelings and desires.
And even though initially, he is the cause of you being here now, reaching the point of your permanent demise due to the wished he was here.
You wished he would caress your face, and tell you that everything will be okay...
You wished you could look into his eyes, and see him.
The pain slowly begins to intense even more, forcing you to shut your eyes and accept it.
Unknowingly, a shadow appears behind you, kneeling down to where you lay, its hand reaching to touch your back...your last touch of comfort.
You can't see the shadow, nor do you even realize that there even is a shadow behind you, but suddenly, you begin to feel going home finally.
Your eyes slowly flutter shut, your breathing coming to a slow, before you hear a faint whisper in your ear, that you can't tell whether or not if its real, or if its your mind speaking.
Don't be will be set free...
Set free...
The words soothe you, as your breathing relaxes. After years of abuse in your human life, and centuries of've finally reached the end.
You won't feel anything will finally rest.
Your soul will become weightless, and disappear in the air.
You will be free.
Your hand falls away from your chest, as you breathe out your last final breath.
Your body relaxes...and your eyes never open.
Your time has come...your demise has reached you.
You are no longer trapped in your demoness body, you are gone.
Hours pass, and the shadow still remains beside your lifeless body.
The shadow lifted you onto its lap, so that it could cradle you in its arms.
You never stir, nor do your eyes ever open.
The shadow gingerly cups your face, its gloved thumb brushing against your cold cheek.
This isn't a shadow cradling you, no...this is Alastor.
Before your demise, you unknowingly summoned him to come to you, to be there for your final moments before you would give up fighting entirely and lay yourself down for Hell to swallow.
He witnessed you accept your fate...with a soft smile on your blue lips as you exhaled your final breath.
Alastor raises a hand to touch yours that he placed on your stomach, his crimson red eyes staring into your face.
He's waited a long time for you to finally stop fighting and give in...for the sake of your tortured soul.
He's known how long and how deeply you loved him. So many times, he wanted to scream at you, he wanted you to let him go so that you could have a chance in your new life in Hell.
Though you never allowed yourself the love you felt for him to consume you until there was nothing left to consume.
He stood by and witnessed you torture your soul, being able to do nothing to fix it.
He couldn't love you, not the way you deserved to be loved, and his powers wouldn't fix what was already too engrained in you.
He had to stand by and watch as the final piece of you faded away.
You had proven to him...that a heart could still break once it stops beating.
Though deep down he wasn't in love with you, he did care about you. He did feel something for you...a feeling of friendship, of acceptance for who you were.
Though you would never accept what he wanted to--and was willing--to give you. You only wanted him as your eternal lover....
Alastor exhales a little breath. "You poor dear..." he whispers to yourself, "driven to demise from a love you desired...and never seeing what was already in front of you."
You don't say a word.
He leans down and gently places a soft tender kiss on your cold forehead, placing his one hand on your heart.
"Don't worry, my darling. No longer will you suffer..."
His hand begins to glow green, as he focuses on setting your soul to freedom.
His final act of kindness, his final gift to set you free.
Slowly, your body begins to detach parts of itself, the detached pieces shaping into beautiful blue butterflies, before your entire body is gone, and transformed into hundreds of blue butterflies that fly away into the air, free at last.
He watches the butterflies fly elegant and gracefully in the air, having no knowledge as to where to go, but not caring about it.
They could go anywhere they wanted...there were no restrictions.
He could never give you his heart from when you were a living demoness...but, he could only hope that what he did give you, was enough for you to finally be set to rest. To finally be free from pain, and weightless.
He rises to his feet, picking up your left behind bouquet of dead flowers.
He touches the petal of a dried up blue rose, before turning to leave the crumbling abandoned mansion, with this only keepsake of yours in his hands.
As he entered Hell's streets, he watched as the butterflies that is you float higher into Hell's skies, reaching for the doorway that will release you from Hell, and allow you entrance to Earth.
A soft smile forms on Alastor's face, knowing that he did something no one ever could.
He set you free.
And that to his the perfect act of love.
He turns on his heels and heads for home, the thoughts of your beautifully painted face on his mind.
He will never forget you...he will hold your bouquet of flowers as his reminder of you, and the thoughts of your beautiful soul transformed into butterflies, taking flight.
He enters the door to his home, walking towards the fireplace where he sits and reads a book.
Placing your flowers...beside him in a vase.
Though he was never able to give you the one thing you ever wanted, which was his love.
He gave you the one thing you truly needed...
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