Rescue Pt. 2
I be back children
Fellow Alain and Pokémon fans
Or just some random passerby
Requested by someone in the last chapter
I'm so sorry I can't remember who
Part twooooo
You were perched on a large rock in the cave, watching as the human you saved slept.
You were mentally kicking yourself for rescuing such a reproachful species. Humans killed, abused and forced Pokémon do do their bidding. What were you thinking, saving one that could catch you?!
Your pelt bristled at the thought. A human capturing you and stuffing you inside a Pokéball. You would never let anyone capture you, even if it ment killing someone to get out of there.
Not that you would mind killing a human, of course.
Your ear flicked, alerting you of the patter of rain that began outside the cave. Your nose twitched, a familar scent reaching your nose as an Alakazam strode in. (Let me know if I'm spelling it wrong.)
"Hello, Crystal. What-" Alakazam paused as his eyes fell upon the human. He started growling.
"Why in the name of Arceus do you have a human?!" He snarled. "Don't you know what they're capable of?!"
"Of course I do," you snarled. "I've been around longer than you have. I've seen just how much hell and destruction they can cause!"
"So why do you house one?" Alakazam spat.
You paused, not knowing how to answer.
All wild Pokémon hated humans. It was a known fact in the wilderness as the accursed creatures cut down trees, exploded mountians and polluted beautiful waters with their filth. They captured Pokémon and used them as slaves, forcing them to fight against one another. (Dang Reader-Chan, you're starting to sound like N!)
So why did some wild Pokémon willingly let themselves be captured?
It had irked you for years, trying to communicate with captured Pokémon to see why they let themselves stay in those small red balls that were most likely cramped and claustrophobic.
However, whenever you nearly achieved your goal a human would appear, causing you to back out of your mission.
Alakazam's curses brought you out of your thoughts as he stormed out of the cave and into the cold. You sighed and lied down, curling your tail around your body and resting your head on your paws. Your (e/c) orbs shone in the dark while you watched the human's face as he slept.
Now that you thought about it, he seemed more "at peace" than the other humans you had seen. Most had been angry or upset, but this one had a relaxed face as he slept. Sure he wasn't smiling, but his eyebrows weren't furrowed together like the others.
Your ear flicked as he let out a groan. You quickly sat up and tensed, ready to attack if needed.
He blinked his eyes open, which were a brilliant shining blue. He lifted his scratched up arm and rubbed his face before looking around. When those bright blue eyes met your (e/c) ones however, he jumped in surprise.
"What the hell are you?!" His voice was husky. You just thought it was what he sounded like before he began coughing into his elbow roughly. It sounded like a Mightyena barking, which caused you to yelp in surprise. You stood, crouching low as you leaned closer to examine him. Tears pricked the corners of his eyes as he leaned back, breathing uneavenly.
Cautiously you crept off your rock, whining a bit as you approached the obviously pained human. He followed you with his eyes as you stepped towards him, keeping low to the ground. You sniffed his foot, feeling a bit surprised when you only smelt the faintest amount of those places called cities. Had he been in the wilderness for a while?
You sniffed up his leg, eventually reaching his shouder. He let you sniff him, seemingly guessing it was an examination. After a few minutes of sniffing you deemed he was not a threat and sat next to him, watching his face carefully.
He suddenly reached for your leg with a trembling hand, causing you to flinch and snarl with bared teeth. He withdrew and coughed into his elbow again.
After he finished coughing he looked into your eyes. "Did you save me?" He rasped. You nodded, flicking your ear.
"Well, uh...thanks. For saving me," the boy responded awkwardly. You narrowed your eyes, unimpressed. You risked your damn life for this accursed species and that's all you get? A half-assed thanks? You snorted and looked out at the rain, feeling his eyes on you.
"So, why did you save me?" He asked.
You snorted again. "I couldn't leave anyone behind, it does against my morals." You rolled your eyes as he raised an eyebrow at you, obviously not understanding Pokéspeech. You lied down again and rested your head on his thigh, exhaling as you relaxed.
The last thing you felt was a warm hand on your head before you submitted to the darkness of sleep.
I'm finally done with this little mini series lmao
Anywhoo sorry it's short
I'm camping and it's hard to type bc my fingers are slowly freezing lol
Hah, Reader-Chan is sassy in this one
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