Akima's POV
I woke up before the sun today. Had breakfast, then went to my private link room and linked with my avatar. Once I woke in my avatar body, I got of the hammock silently and went down to the ground. "You are awake early Akima" Mo'at states. I notice her few several others awake.
"I promised my pack I would visit them today" I tell her. She nods her head in understanding. She tosses me a fruit. Saying she'd send Aries to find me later and I nod my head before leaving home tree. Eating the yovo fruit she had given me.
Once out of sight. I strip and shift. I pick up my clothes and run to the packs den. I had my clothes in a thicket before calling the pack. Rabi comes out first. 'I am sorry for your lose' I tell her.
'It happens, though it does not make it any easier. We have not lost so many in one go in a while' she states. 'They are all buried and with Ewya' she tells me. I nod my head.
'Aunty Akima!' Rabi's three pups shout running over. I chaff in greeting. The two boys begin to play together while Rabi groomed her daughter. The rest of the remaining pack joins us. We all relax moaning the lose of our fallen pack members. Telling stories about them.
The sentries growl and Rabi assures the pups into the den. As I get to my feet. I smell Aries and relax. 'Calm my pack, it is a friend' I assure them. I go greet Aries.
"Whoa, you are big" he tells me and I flatten my ears. "I meant no offense Akima" he adds. "Mo'at said I could find you here" he states and I nod my head.
'Alpha?' the new alpha male asks me.
'It is time for me to go, please take care of the pack in my absence' I tell him as Rabi appears. 'Take good care of those pups of yours' I tell her. She nods her head. I touch my forehead to her's and chaff in comfort. Before leaving signalling Aries to follow me.
I collect my clothes and go to change. Aries giving me privacy. "Jake awake yet?" I ask when I rejoin him.
"Yes, Neytiri is teaching him to ride a pa'li" he tells me. I nod my head. "Do you read?" he asks me curious.
"Used to" I tell him. "We will need somewhere private and sacred for your transformation" I state.
"I have the perfect place in mind" he tells me.
"Then lead the way" I tell him and he takes off running. I keep up with him easily. We run through the forest together. Running mainly through the trees. Until we reach a cliff. "Now what?" I ask him.
"Do you trust me?" he asks me.
"In theory" I tell him and he grabs my hand.
"Jump" he tells me. We jump off and land in the water below. We surface. "Follow me" he says and swims away. I chuckle shaking my head and follow him. We soon reach something that looks like a grove of willow trees.
We get out of the water. "What is this place?" I ask him curious.
"Utral Aymokriyä, The Tree of Voices" he tells me. He holds some tendrils and his braid. "This is a place for prayers to be heard. And sometimes answered. The voices of our ancestors, who live within Eywa" he explains. Connecting his braid to the tendrils and I do the same with mine and gasp. Eyes wide as I hear the voices.
"This is amazing" I tell him.
"Is this a good spot?" he asks me.
"It is perfect, I will turn all of you here" I state and he smiles. We disconnect from the tendrils. "It will hurt Aries, are you sure you wish to do this?" I ask him.
"I am" he assures me. I take his arm and let my fangs grow. As I feel my eyes change. I bite him gently awakening his inner beast. Then let go backing away as he screams in pain. As he starts to shift. I got strip and shift and wait beside him. Soon it's over and his panting heavily.
'It is over now' I tell him. 'It will be quicker and less painful next time' I state. He growls his beast challenging me. I roll my eyes and get into my attack stance. He attacks first and we fight. Though I pin him quickly. 'Submit and remember who you are' I tell him.
'Akima' he says and I let him up. 'What happened?' he asks me.
'Your beast challenged me for alpha and lost. You are now beta of our future pack' I tell him. 'Link to the tree' I tell him and he does so.
'Whoa, who are they?' he asks me.
'The ancestors of those before us and the animals with Ewya' I tell him. 'Lets run, you must get used to your new form'I tell him. He nods and we take off. I show him my world and even introduced him to Loki. They decided they had fight to test each other. Though nther was seriously hurt, just a few scraps and bruises. When the returned to the tree of voices and I tell him more about Lycan history. Until we notice the sun beginning to set.
We hear hooves approaching. Aries growls lowly. 'Calm' I growl to him. We hear the hooves stop and slow cautious steps approach. Tsu'tey appears with Mo'at.
"Akima, is that you and Aries?" Mo'at asks and I nod my head. "It worked" she says with a smile. "We brought clothes for Aries, it is time to return to Home Tree" she tells us. I nod. Aries went with Tsu'tey to change. While I went to change in private.
We go to the pa'li. There was only three. Mo'at mounted one and Tsu'tey mounted one. Aries' mounts the third and offers me his arm. I would usually refuse. But I have not had anything since this morning. So I accept and climb on behind him. We ride back to Home Tree and have dinner.
"Where were you?" Jake asks as I sit with him and Neytiri.
"Training with Aries, how was your training?" I ask him. Neytiri laughs.
"I kept falling off the horse" he grumbles I laugh. "What about you?" he asks curious. "What was your training?" he asks.
"Tracking" I lie with a shrug. We eat dinner in silence. I then meet up with Aries nodding at others I smell have the gene. He writes their names down on a leaf. We then called it a night after giving it to Eytukan.
Picture above of the Tree of Voices and gif on the external link of Rabi with her three pups.
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