Akima's POV
I lay in wait with the pride observing what is happening below. The hour is nearly up and I can now hear them coming. I let out a warning cry to the tribe as the pride prepare to fight. As Jake and Grace yell at us all to run. The dragon and its escort of gunships arrive over the trees. I snarl with Aries.
Tsu'tey and another hunter hold knives to the throats of the two avatars (Jake & Grace), glaring defiantly at the gunships. "You have to get out of Home tree! Run to the forest! Please, I'm begging you!" Jake shouts.
'Pride attack!' I roar and they jump onto the gun ships. Starting to kill the people inside. Aries and I jump onto the dragon and start to attack the gunners on top. While the hunters below use their bows and arrows. I see Tsu'tey take a group to home tree, clearly going to lead an aerial attack. Suddenly gas canisters are shot into home tree.
'The people!' someone roars and I curse.
'Get the people out of there' Aries orders. We go to jump off the dragon. When he is shot.
'Aries!' I roar and dive after him. He lands hard on the ground yowling in pain. I transform and use the leaves to fall safely to the ground. I run over to him. "Aries" I cry as I turn him over and he gasps in pain. "Don't leave me" I beg as he turns back.
Suddenly I hear the cries of our people and see the sky people had switched to fire. "Oh no" I say.
"Protect the people" he tells me.
"I can't leave you" I cry.
"Go" he tells me and I shake his head. "We swore to protect the people" he reminds me as tears fall from my eyes. "Protect them" he says placing a hand on my cheek. I hear a low growl and look up to see Loki.
'Take him to the well of souls, we will meet you there. Keep him alive' I beg. Loki bows his head and I get Aries onto his back. "You'll be ok now Aries, Loki will protect you until Mo'at can heal you" I state. I slap Loki's flank and he takes off. I then run to home tree and call to the pride.
They appear at my side as we watch the people flee from the flames. "We must get the people to safety" I state. "Taha-aki find Neytiri and her father. I shall look for Tsahik, the rest of you help the young, injured and elderly" I instruct. "If the tree falls, run to the sides" I add.
'Where to Alpha?' Lars asks.
"Tree of Souls, go now" I say and we split up. I begin my search for Mo'at. I find her with a knife heading for Jake & Grace. Who are still restrained. I rush over to them as she puts the knife near Jake's throat.
"You are one of us. Help us" she cries and cuts him loose. I do the same to Grace.
"We've gotta move! He's gonna blow the columns!" Jake exclaims.
"Then lets move!" I state grabbing Mo'ats' arm. Jake grabs Grace and we run. Around us the Omaticaya flee in horror and confusion. "To the Tree of Souls!" I yell. It gets repeated through the crowd as we run for the forest.
Suddenly missiles stream down from the dragon and the other gunships. The base of Home tree vanishes in a chain of high-explosive blasts. The massive pillars fragment into matchsticks. I look up in horror with the rest of the clan as the tree shakes. Home tree groans and starts to move.
"To the sides!" I shout and start to run to the right with the other three. In a cacophony of cracking, splintering roots, the mighty tree topples with agonizing slowness. It soon hits the ground.
"Search for survivors!" Mo'at yells as Grace immediately starts to gather the children. I call out to the pride. Nuka does not answer.
"I cannot reach Nuka" I tell Mo'at.
"Go find him, meet at the tree of souls" she tells me and I nod.
"Aries was hurt, please help him" I plead and she nods her head. I transform and follow Nuka's scent. I find him trapped, Mimi and Cato were trying to help him with some hunters. 'Nuka' I say as tears appear in my eyes.
He raises his head to look up at me. 'I am sorry alpha, I tried' he gasps.
'Shush' I say and nuzzle him. He passes away and I let out a roar of dispire over losing a pride member. The rest of the pride join in. As we send his soul on.
'We cannot leave him here' Mimi says. I nod and we free his body. Cato carries it as we go join the rest of the tribe. Many are hurt and some are dead. I go walk by Mo'at and Neytiri.
"Eytukan is dead, Tsu'tey is chief now" Mo'at telsl me broken heartedly. I chaff sadly and nuzzle her arm. She pats my big head. "We make for the Tree of Souls!" she says loud and clearly. The people nod and we set out.
"Grace!" the kids suddenly shout. I turn to see Grace unconscious and curse. They must of been pulled out again. I head over and crouch down gesturing to my back. The kids put Grace onto my back and I get to my feet. We continue on. As I wonder where Jake is.
Gif above of Home Tree Falling.
Future chapters:
Journey to the Well of Souls
Toruk Makto's Call
Battle and Death
Epilogue: Life
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