Akima's POV
We're running through the forest, Neytiri leading the way to Home Tree. I've never been there before, Grace had. But that was years ago. "What's your name?" Jake asks Neytiri. Before she can answer, something tangles around Jake's legs and he falls.
"Jake!" I shout and rush down to him. I helped him free his legs as we're surrounded by the Omaticaya. Jake goes for his knife. "Don't be stupid" I hiss and grab it. Dropping it on the floor, along with mine. We hold our arms up in surrender. Neytiri jumps down in front of us.
"Mawey, Na'viya! Mawey!" she tells them. (Translation: calm people, calm). They relax a little as one of them dismounts his Pa'li. "Ma Tsu'tey! Kempe si nga?" she asks him. (Translation: What are you doing, Tsu'tey?).
"Fayvrrtep fìtsenge lu kxanì!" he snaps. (Translation: These demons are forbidden here!).
"Not demons" I snap glaring at him.
"Aungia lolu! Tsahikur txele lu!" Neytiri tells him. (Translation: There has been a sign! This is a matter for the Tsahik!).
"Bring them" Tsu-tey orders the warriors. He remounts his pa'li. "Makto ko" he declares and rides off. (Translation: let's ride). Jake and I are made to run. While knives were held to our bonds. I hissed at the man holding me in annoyance. We soon arrive at Home Tree.
Jake and I were released as Neytiri greeted her father Eytukan. The clan leader. "Why do you bring these creatures here?" he asks her in Na'vi.
"I was going to kill him, but there was a sign from Eywa. Then as I went to leave them, there was another sign from Ewya" Neytiri explains in Na'vi.
"Poltxe oe, san zene kea uniltìranyu, ke ziva'u fìtseng" he reminds her. (Translation: I have said: "No dreamwalker must not come to this place). "Their alien smell fills my nose" he states.
"Your scent fills me" I tell him. Neytiri stands her ground, answering in a respectful but not submissive tone.
"Father, many atokirina came to these aliens" she tells him.
"What's going on?" Jake asks m.
"Her father is deciding whether or not to kill us" I tell him crossing my arms.
"Her father?" he asks shocked.
"He's the clan leader" I state.
"Uh, good to meet you, sir" he says stepping forward. To offer his hand to Eytukan. The hunters jump to restrain him, shouting.
"Skxawng" I mutter. (Translation: moron).
"Tsaswiräti lonu! Aynga neto rivikx!" Mo'at instructs as she appears. (Translation: Release this creature! Step back!). "I will look at these aliens" she states. She approaches Jake and I.
"That is Mother. She is Tsahik -- the one who interprets the will of Eywa" Neytiri tells Jake.
"Who's Eywa?" he asks confused.
"Tell you later" I tell him. The villagers stare silently as the Matriarch circles slowly around Jake and I. Examining our tails and the end of our queues.
"What are you called?" she asks us.
"Jake Sully" Jake tells her.
"Akima" I say. She produces a long thorn between her fingertips. With a flourish she strikes his chest. He hisses in pain and she removes it tasting his blood. She took out another and did the same to me.
"Why did you come to us?" she asks.
"Actually I was brought here" I tell her.
"We came to learn" Jake tells her.
"We have tried to teach other Sky People. It is hard to fill a cup which is already full" she states.
"His cup is empty, trust me" I tell her.
"She's right, just ask Dr Augustine. I'm no scientist" Jake states.
"What are you?" she asks curious.
"I don't know. I was a Marine -- uh, a warrior. Of the Jarhead clan" Jake states. I hold back a laugh, what a moron.
"Tsamsiyu pak? Pot tsun oe tspivang nìftue" Tsu'tey states. (Translation: A warrior? I could kill him easily). He goes to step froward. But is stopped by Eytukan and a young hunter. Eytukan tells him 'no'.
"Fìpo lu 'awvea, uniltìranyu-tsamsiyu, a tsole'a ayoengìl. Pori awngaru lu tìkin, a nume nì'ul. And the woman" he states. (Translation: This is the first warrior dreamwalker we have seen. We need to learn more about him and the woman).
"What's going on? What are they saying?" Jake asks me.
"I'm done translating" I tell him annoyed.
"Ma 'ite, awngeyä fya'ori zene nga sänume sivi poru. Fte tsivun pivlltxe sì tivìran na ayoeng" Mo'at tells Neytiri. (Translation: My daughter, you will teach him our way. To speak and walk as we do).
"Oeru pelun? Ke lu muiä" Neytiri whines. (Translation: Why me? That's not fair).
"Fkol pole'un fì'ut" Mo'at tells her. (Translation: it is decided).
"Wiya!" Neytiri curses. (Translation: Damn it).
"What of me Tsahik?" I ask curious tilting my head.
"You will be taught by Aries" she states gesturing to the hunter by Tsu-tey and Eytukan. I nod my head and she looks at Jake. "My daughter will teach you our ways and Aries will teach Akima. Learn well, Jakesully and Akima. We will see if your insanities can be cured" she tells us. "He is your responsibility" she tells Neytiri. Who nods, accepting, but she's not a happy camper. She grabs Jake's arm and pulls him roughly away.
"We wish t speak to you in private" Eytukan tells me in na'vi. I nod my head. Mo'at, Aries, Tsu'tey, Eytukan and I go somewhere more private to talk. I wonder what this is about?
Picture above of Eytukan and Mo'at. (I don't own any pictures in this story.)
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