{Kija x Fem!reader} Drawings
"Kija, you really suck at drawing." [F/N] [L/N], only at the age of five, says nonchalantly. The poor silver haired boy flinches at her remark.
"Granny says 'suck' is a bad word.." Kija says dejectedly towards his best and childhood friend. [F/N] sticks her tongue out at Kija before plucking the crayon out of his hand.
"You hafta draw a circle for the head. And then arms and legs." She lectures and Kija points at the squiggles he counts as arms.
"But I did! See!" [F/N] wrinkles her nose then takes the drawing away from Kija.
"A-ah! Hey!" He cries out, trying to take the page back but to no avail. [F/N] is unfortunately taller than Kija.
For now.. He thinks.
"That's not a circle, Kija. It's an.. an.." The poor girl tries to think of the right shape their teacher had taught them just earlier today, only to have forgotten.
"An oval?" Kija suggests and [F/N] nods her head rapidly.
"Yeah!" She flips the paper then places the tan crayon onto it, perfectly drawing a circle. She grins proudly and shoves the paper into Kija's face.
"See?" Kija stares at the simple circle with wonder before a determined look flashes across his face and he nods his head. [F/N] hands the paper back and Kija flips it back over to his side. You could obviously tell the difference between the two drawings.
"What were you tryin to draw anyways?" [F/N] questions and Kija blushes considerably. His grip on the paper tightens as it crinkles slightly and he hides his face into the paper.
"Y-y-y-yo-you..." He mumbles, ashamed and embarrassed. [F/N] stares at him blankly for a second before a slight blush colors her face as well. She turns her head to the side.
"If-... If you ever draw me.. and it looks good. Like really, really, really good.. Like a picture! I'll.. I'll marry you.." [F/N] trails off. For a 5 year old, something like this would obviously be forgotten. It would be taken as a joke. But [F/N] is saying this to Kija. So that's an entirely different story.
Kija's eyes light up with glee and he holds out his pinky.
"Promise?" He questions and [F/N] finally looks at him. She smiles and wraps her pinky around his.
~* ~ 5 Years Later ~*~
Beautiful [H/L] hair, glistening in the sun.
A healthy complexion with dainty lips that mirror her [E/C].
Slender legs and long lashes.
Qualities that Kija is trying to draw.
Yet is utterly failing.
The legs have no dimension, and merely look like straight poles. He can't seem to make the eyes symmetrical or at least look alike. And her hair doesn't seem to flow in the wind as he had hoped. He can't draw a decent background, but everything looks scribbled and rushed, as if the only thing on his mind had been her.
Amateur work.
Everyone knows that the background is just as important as the person in a portrait.
Everything is important.
How her clothes crease.
What mood she seems to be showing.
Yet whatever Kija seems to draw, it turns out just a level ahead as the drawings from his days as a five year old.
It's what he wants to be now.
An artist.
She helped him discover that.
They say a dream job is a job you both enjoy and is payed well for.
For him, it's a job that with bring him joy and will pay him well.
As for [F/N]?
She doesn't know what to do.
She had always been interested in volleyball, though.
The only other thing she seems to be good at is teasing her poor childhood friend on how his drawings come out.
She had even forgotten the promise and why he continues to draw.
Or so she tells him..
"Kija! Another one?" She questions, a volleyball balanced on her hip. Kija flushes in embarrassment before stuffing the failed drawing into his school bag.
"N-nevermind that.. How was volleyball try outs?" [F/N] shrugs as she patiently waits for Kija to pack his things so the two of them can leave.
"Alright. I don't know if I made the team though. I'm not that tall.." Truth be said, Kija had surpassed her height just a year or two ago. Although, the two of them are at the mere age of 10 so there should be a growth spurt coming sooner or later.
"But you're good at.. taking?" [F/N] whacks him upside the head with an irritated look.
"It's called receiving, dummy." She snaps and Kija laughs weakly, hanging his head in shame once again.
"So.." [F/N] starts out after a couple minutes of silence. The two had walked out of the school by now, and the walk home is only 7 minutes, much to their relief. "What were you drawing again?"
Again, Kija can't help but feel depressed at her question.
And again, he replies with, "Just a drawing.."
And again, [F/N] would hum in amusement.
And again, the two of them would think..
Have you forgotten our promise..?
~*~ 7 Years Later ~*~
"KYAAAAAH~ [L/N]-SENPAI!!" Girls and guys alike shriek at the top of their lungs, cheering the said girl on. [F/N] had gotten onto the volleyball team after all, and continued to practice the said sport day after day. Once reaching high school, she was accepted immediately as a regular member, became vice-captain in her second year, and then captain in third.
It's not like the fangirls are homo-sexually in love with you, they just admire you deeply. The guys are a different story, but they always aggravate Kija.
Kija was allowed to watch [F/N] practice with her team mates, due to some certain conditions. One of them being that every one of [F/N] team mates ship the two greatly.
Kija had never missed a practice or game in [F/N]'s history of volleyball. In fact, a few would make bets on whether or not he would come again. Although the only reason why Kija would always come was to at first cheer [F/N] on, until a couple years ago when guys had their eyes set on his childhood friend.
The silver headed boy wouldn't do anything but draw during [F/N]'s practices, actually. And he had become rather good.
Being able to draw [F/N] in the position to spike.
Being able to draw the panicked faces of her opponents.
Being able to draw her teammates life her onto their shoulders after winning nationals last year when she spiked the winning score.
It was almost as if it were a picture...
And [F/N] could no longer tease him about that.
Not that she minded.
It only meant that the two could get married soon.
~*~ Last Day of School; Your POV ~*~
"Ah! Kija!" You call out at the sight of the silver headed male. Since it's graduation day, the third years were allowed to wear a dress or tuxedos for the ceremony. It had been a long and hectic day for you, considering just about everyone in the school either wanted a picture, or your number. Your popularity only increased when you led your team to victory in the nationals once again.
Anyways, Kija's head turns at the voice of his childhood friend and a soft smile graces his lips.
"[F/N]!" He shouts back and you, being the energetic girl you are, throw yourself into his arms for a hug.
"We're finally graduating!" You beam and he nods his head.
"It only felt like yesterday when I was pushing my kouhais to improve their blocks.." You sigh happily and Kija sweat drops.
"You did.." He mutters but quickly shakes his head. "U-um..." He starts off and you look at him with a slightly curious gaze.
"N-no.. I just wanted to ask you how you and Kazuha-san has been doing.." Just a couple months ago, you began dating the male's volleyball captain, Kazuha Toshiro. It wasn't particularly love at first sight or anything, but he seemed nice and begged you for a chance. So you did.
Kija didn't look all too happy, but he said that your happiness is his.
Which is a ton of bullshit.
"Oh, I broke up with him this morning." You nonchalantly say and Kija chokes on his own saliva.
"Y-Y-YOU BROKE UP WITH HIM?!" He shouts and you roll your eyes, nevertheless nodding your head afterwards.
"Of course. He said underhand serves are better than overhand so I pretty mad." You explain animatedly with a huff of annoyance. The two of you decide to skip the remainder of the day, since you're tired of being chased around and Kija is tired of having to awkwardly turn down love confessions. The both of you have your share of admirers.
Afterwards, there's a dead silence. The atmosphere is tense and the both of you don't breath a word.
Although, this was your giant way of telling him that he has a chance.
Kija is just too awkward and adorable to notice, is all.
You both arrive in front of a field, with the sun finally setting and flowers littering the luscious green grass.
"Hey.. After this.. What are we going to do..?" You ask breathlessly, listening to the flow of the wind. College is of course one of the things that you have planned, but the two of you don't know what the future really has in store.
The leaves on the trees rustle, and your hair whips around your face, but it's all so serene now. The peaceful silence. How you've never noticed how long Kija's lashes really are. How you would rather lose every national championship to let time stop or give you more moments like these.
Kija doesn't answer for a couple minutes, and curiosity takes over. You glance to your childhood friend, only to see him on one knee.
"What happened? Do you need to tie your shoe?"
"N-no..." His face flushes a crimson red and you can only cock your head to the side. A part of you knows what's going to happen. The other part is yelling at you that he's long forgotten the promise and that he's too adorable to ask you out. And there's this small bit of you that wants to run far away.
"[L/N] [F/N].." He starts and your whole body tenses.
No way...
"I hope you remember our promise.."
Of course I did...
"Because I've finally fulfilled my part of the deal. Now will you fulfill yours?" He produces a neat piece of paper, no wrinkles, no stains, no sketch lines. And it's a portrait of you.
A drawing that looks exactly like a picture taken by a camera.
You, giving a close eyed smile at Kija with the palm of you left hand supporting your chin. The color blend is beautiful, and the background compliments you well, a nice orange that simply fills you with warmth with trees in the background and a cafe table beneath you. Even the nicely drawn chair you're sitting on. And the clothes he either had to search through your closet to create, or simply thought up of. Your cheeks are dusted a light pink, and you have your teeth flashing. No other picture could compete. It's all too stunning.
And what made you cry tears of joy?
A silver band is draw on your ring finger.
You hold a hand to your mouth to suppress the gasp, and Kija looks at you with a shy smile.
"Will you marry me?"
I smile back, "Of course." You whisper before he slowly stands up, cupping your cheeks, and you both share a long, silent kiss.
One that he perfectly recreates on canvas.
And one that you both share plenty more on.
Welp. That was terrible.
Idk, do you guys think it was good for my first one-shot?
I'm honestly unsatisfied with it, but I do hope you all enjoyed it!
Please tell me what you think of it and request a one-shot in the request box!
Au revoir!
~ Fate-chan ❤️
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