{Jea-ha x OC} Why Wouldn't I?
"Human trafficking?!" I shout, just as the realization settles in. Gi-gang nods her head in my direction and dread fills within me. My sister, Yona, takes ahold of my hand and send me a reassuring smile. I send her one back, but nothing seems to help the fear.
"It's not like last time, Yuri.." She whispers. Again, I nod my head. And again, it doesn't help the fear.
"I-I'm going out for some air.." I mutter before quickly walking over to the door of the ship.
~*~ 3rd POV ~*~
Everyone stares at the red haired girl's back and shift their attention to Yona, who seems like the only person that knows what's going on with Yuri. Yona purses her lips, but surrenders under Gi-gang's pointed look.
"Yuri..." She starts, but her voice trails off. She raises her voice, "Yuri was involved in human trafficking, just after mother died.." Dead silence. "She ran out of the castle to search for someplace to clear her mind off of mother's death.. Some people grabbed her and tied her up and a day later, Hak found and saved her right before she was sold off." She finishes and no one dared to breath out a word.
"Yuri dear.. Held that much of a painful experience alone..?" Jea-ha questions and Yona nods her head solemnly.
"Mnn.. She never really liked to talk about it too.."
"The princess had such a sad past.." Kija mutters and Shin-ah nods his head silently in response.
"The princess is strong, so let's not pity her." Hak snaps and everyone quickly nods their head, unlike someone blankly staring at a wall with a thoughtful expression.
~*~ Later that Night ~*~
Once the ship had come to a silence, and the only thing you and hear are the soft (and some loud) snores of the pirates, Jea-ha walks up onto the deck.
Yuri dear wasn't in her hammock.. He thinks to himself before a small flash of red catches his attention. Ahh...
"Yuir dear?" He asks aloud and Yuri flinches.
"Y-yes?" She stutters and stands. "Sorry, did I miss anything important?"
Jea-ha folds his arms. "Nothing really.. We're having another meeting tomorrow though.." Yuri nods her head before turning to Jea-ha at last. She gives a shaky smile.
"Th-thanks.. I-If you'll excuse me, I think I'll go rest for the night." Yuri rushes towards the door, but right before she passes Jea-ha her stomach lets out a low growl. She stops mid stride, her face turning as red as her hair. Jea-ha hides his laugh with a small cough and regains his composure, reminding himself that he's in the presence of a lady.
"Yona dear left a bowl of the stew Yun made for you. Should I go heat it up for you?"
"Y-yes please..." Yuri stutters, still embarrassed. She shuffles to the kitchen below deck with Jea-ha, much to his amusement, before the pot of stew is still heated over a small fire.
"It's amazing how Yun kept this ship from burning..." Yuri mutters to himself and Jea-ha chuckles.
"It is, isn't it?" When Yuri takes a small glance at Jea-ha, her face heats up once more and she whips her head back to the pot.
"Y-you can go back, you know. I can serve myself." Yuri says silently and Jea-ha hums in acknowledgment.
"Yes, but I prefer to to be with you." He says aloud and Yuri drops the ladle on accident. She stays silent for a moment, before saying words that seem to both shock and stop Jea-ha's heart.
"Please don't lie to me. I don't wish to be one of your countless lady toys." She says stoically, and Jea-ha's eyes widen. Yuri sets the half filled bowl onto the counter.
"Good night, Jea-ha." She says, and walks out the door.
~*~ The Next Morning ~*~
"Yuri!" Yona calls out and the said girl turns to her sister.
"Good morning!" She smiles and Yona nods her head happily.
"The pirates are training hard. We should too!" Yona cheers with a determined face and Yuri agrees. Out of the two, Yuri has always been the better archer. Even Hak acknowledges that. Yet it only pushes Yona to try harder. And that's what Yuri admires about her sister.
With Kija's help, the two had made targets to practice with.
Nearly 20 meters away, Yuri pulls the string back with little to no effort and raises the arrow and bow to her eye level before training it onto the dead center of the target. And then she lets the arrow go. It flies through the air, practically cutting it, and you can hear a loud THWACK as it hits it's target.
"Uwaah~ You've gotten better, Yuri!" Yona cheers and Yuri nods her head happily. They spend the rest of their afternoon together, sending arrows through the air, making small talk while practicing, and then running over to the target to pull out their arrows.
From a distance, Hak and the others watch the two practice. They all awe over the amount of dedication they put into the training before training hard themselves.
~*~ Evening ~*~
"I found a store that gathers girls to traffic." Jea-ha says as soon as the meeting has started. "Publicly, they provide high-paying jobs for the women. But in reality, it's a place to traffic girls that can be sold at a high price. I had a guy ask how long they're taking applicants, and he said that the owner said until noon, two days from now. Keum-ji's greedy. If there's a good merchandise, he'll wait as long as possible. That means he'll do the trade on that day. The ships should sail at night, after sundown." He finishes and everyone nods their head. They were having the meeting on deck, so it's not like Yuri could 'go get some fresh air'.
"But we won't know which ship the girls will be on." Gi-gang sighs.
"From the inside." Yuri says and Yona nods her head.
"If we can set off a firework or something from inside the ship with the girls, couldn't we save them a little quicker?" Yona suggests. Yuri flinches.
"That may be so, but who's gonna set it off?"
"I will. I will go undercover and set a firework off from the ship. Our goal put saving the girls being sold before defeating Keum-ji, right? We need to quickly find which ship they're on and evacuate them to a safe area. To do that, I'll sneak in and let you know the ship's location."
"Yona!" Yuri shouts and Hak joins in right after.
"Hold on. I can't really recommend you do that." He says and Yuri nods her head quickly.
"Yes, it's too dangerous to go into Keum-ji's and the officer's lair!" Kija adds in.
"I'm against it too. To set off the firework, you gotta smuggle the gunpowder, escape captivity, get past the guards, and go on deck! They'll kill you if they find you! You can't do it!" Yun says. "Besides, you can't just smuggle a small amount of gunpowder and have it be noticeable for us. Most likely, we'll be fighting."
"Shin-ah can see my signal even from far away." Shin-ah perks up before nodding his head in agreement.
"Even so..."
"We don't have time to search one ship at a time. It's too late if the girls fall into the Kai Empire's hands while we fight. To be in the group of girls and prevent that from happening is a job that only I can do!" Yona fights for her idea once again and Gi-gang pauses for a second.
"It's true, we can save the girls if ya succeed. But it's suicide if ya go alone. You'll need at least one more undercover to make this mission a success." Hak and Kija both step forward.
"I'll go."
"I will go."
They volunteer.
"Just so ya know, we need someone who'll look good dressed up as a woman."
"After all, they're Keum-ji's vaulted merchandise. You'll be turned away at the door unless you're as pretty as the other girls."
"I will go." Hak, still stubborn as ever.
"I'll go." Kija, still a dumbass.
"I'll go." Jea-ha says right after.
"Are ya listening to me, or are ya seriously that confident? Plus, one more rugged arse joined in... Anyway, the only one possible in this lousy group of men is..." She looks at Yun.
"Yun, you're witty and know how to handle gunpowder."
"H-hold on!" Yun holds his hands up. "I mean, sure, I'd be better looking than the average girl, since I am beautiful. But our opponent is the evil lord. I'm still against Yona going. I don't know if it'll succeed even with my help." Yona gives him a soft smile, and Yun immediately becomes flustered.
"Yona! You can't be serious!" Yuri shouts, grabbing ahold of her sister's hand. Yona sends Yuri a reassuring smile, but Yuri doesn't budge.
"You can't go! I don't want to loose you too!" Small beads of tear drip out of Yuri's eyes, and Yona gasps slightly.
Yuri had already lost her mother, father, and nobody knows what would happen if she were to loose her one and only sister. Plus, Yona would have to go though the same thing Yuri had to go through in the past.
"Yuri..." Yona mutters, but her mind had been made up. "Yuri, stay with Hak. He'll protect you." She says, but Yuri shakes her head.
"No! If you're going.. If you're going I'll go too!"
"Yuri!" That time, it was Hak's turn to shout. Yuri flinches, but her grip on Yona's hand doesn't loosen. There's a dead silence before Gi-gang sighs.
"The more help there is, the better the operation may go.." She says.
"Well now I have a problem with it, Gi-gang senchou." Jea-ha says rather silkily. Yuri and the others turn to the green dragon, puzzled.
"H-huh?" Yuri asks aloud.
"I don't approve of Yuri dear going." He clarifies, his eyes showing no sign of his usual jokes and antics. No one speaks, everyone holding their breath. It all really comes down to Yuri's decision.
"I'm going with Yona. I'm going to save Awa. And you can't change that." Yuri says after moments of silence. Her voice is as sharp as a blade, and her eyes have a dangerous but determined glint. Jea-ha stares at the girl before chuckling ever so slightly. He pushes himself off the boat's wooden wall, next to the door, before stepping towards Yuri. Yona shrinks back a bit, but Yuri stands her ground, having to tilt her head up to Jea-ha's eyes the closer he walks to her.
Finally, they're merely a hair length away and staring at each other with no means of stepping down.
"Yuri dear, care to repeat that?"
"I'm. Going. With. Yona." She pauses. "I'm. Going. To. Save. Awa." Another pause. "And. You. Can't. Change. That." She says through gritted teeth.
"I don't want you to go though something like that, Yuri dear. Why can't you see that I'm only trying to help you!" He shouts out of no where. "Why can't you see that I'm doing this because I love you!"
Yuri glares, "I've told you not to joke with me. And I've told you that I don't wish to become one of your toys. And I'm not going though it alone." Jea-ha's eyes soften, then the next thing he does both surprises and puts everyone into shock.
He kissed Yuri.
He pulls away, then whispers into her ear.
"The things you do to me..."
And with that, he jumps off.
It wasn't until later in the night did Jea-ha return. Creepily enough, he entered through Yuri's window.
"What are you doing here?!" Yuri hisses, pulling her blanket over herself for protection. Jea-ha sighs but keeps his distance. "Just so you know, I'm not changing my mind." She snaps.
"I'm not going to try to convince you." Jea-ha clarifies and Yuri loosens her hold on her blanket. "I just want to talk." Yuri raises a suspicious eyebrow, but nods her head for him to continue.
Jea-ha smiles, "I'm not going to apologize for what I did earlier. I mean what I did and said."
"And I mean what I did and said." Yuri says back and Jea-ha holds his arms up in mock surrender.
"I understand that, but I won't stop loving you. I can promise you that." His words hold no hesitation, and even an idiot could tell that he really means what he says. Even when he seems like the type to immediately go to a different woman.
"I'll wait for yo-"
"Do you mean what you say." Yuri interrupts Jea-ha all of a sudden.
"Just answer the question."
Jea-ha just smiles, but it's not one of the usual smiles he throws around, it's one with real emotion and real feelings.
"Why wouldn't I?"
~*~ The Next Morning ~*~
"Uwoooo~" The pirates awe aloud at the sight of Yun, Yona, and Yuri all dressed up. Yuri has her hair similar to Yona, although braided.
It's longer than Yona's hair because Yona was the only one who cut her hair in seconds thanks to Tae-jun, unlike Yuri. Yuri just felt that long hair would weigh her down.
Yuri's kimono is a light purple with a red sash, and the sleeves are long. Light make up had been applied to her face, and the feeling of make up is rather nostalgic to her.
"You three 'memeber the plan, yeah?" Gi-gang questions and Yona, Yun, and Yuri nods their head.
Right before Yuri walks off the ship after Yona and Yun, Jea-ha grabs her wrist.
"Promise me you'll come back to me." He pleads, and Yuri smile.
"Why wouldn't I?" She copies, and Jea-ha's shoulders visibly relax. He lets go of her wrist and Yuri rushes after Yona and Yun, who are already halfway up the hill to the town.
"Hurry up and get in!" A mercenary shouts and shoves Yona and Yuri in. Yun shuffles in as quickly as he can before crouching next to Yona.
"Are you two alright?" He whispers, and Yuri nods. Yona does too, but a flicker of pain shoots through her face. A moment later, the door creaks open. Standing in front of the three and the other taken women is Yang- Keum-ji.
"I see... You're all excellent. Awa still has some value left in it." He rubs his chin and Yuri gives him a hard glare.
"Lord Keum-ji, what is the meaning of this?" A girl foolishly asks. "We came looking for work..."
"There is work. Work so fun, you may not be able to handle it." That's when Keum-ji grabs on to Yona and Yuri's hair, bringing their faces closer to his.
"Red hair? Unusual, indeed. Your faces aren't bad, either. I almost regret having to see the both of you. With so many excellent goods, keeping a few for myself would be no great loss." Yuri's feet begin to shake, her lip quivers in fear, and her eyes dilate.
"Lord Keum-ji." Yun's voice snaps Yuri out of her panic and she calms down the slightest bit. "I-I'm sure I can satisfy you better than she can." Yun protest, standing and placing a hand over his chest.
"Y-Yun.. Don't.." Yuri mutters under her breath, so that only he can hear it.
"Forget about her. Choose me instead." Keum-ji walks towards Yun, still grasping Yona and Yuri's scalps rather tightly. He lifts Yun's chin with a hand, examining his face.
"You're quite beautiful as well. But..." He sends a kick to his stomach, hard enough to make him cough up blood.
"Yun!" Yona and Yuri yells, but Keum-ji slaps Yuri across the face.
"Shut up!" He yells before turning to Yun once more. Continuously, Yun is coughing up blood.
"Don't interrupt me while I'm having fun!"
"Lord Keum-ji, you'll damage the merchandise..." An officer warns before getting punched by Keum-ji as well.
"I told you not to interrupt me." With his boot, Keum-ji steps on Yun's head, making him close his eyes in pain.
"Good, good... Nothing pleases me more than obedient women who tremble in silence. Just like this red head." His attention advert to Yona and his eyes widen in fear. Hastily, he lets us both go.
"Girl, are you from Awa?" Keaum-ji demands an answer from Yona.
"Long ago, I once saw red hair like yours at Hiryuu Castle. For just a moment, in the distance, I saw red hair reflecting the sun. The girl was Princess Yona and Princess Yuri. She was around your age. Are you two Princess Yona and Yuri?" Yona then kneels in front of Keum-ji and I follow suit in an act of panic.
"I am the daughter of a poor Awa merchant. She is my sister. We came because we heard you were offering work. I don't know your red-headed princess, but if being her would please you, I will call myself 'Princess Yona.' and she 'Princess Yuri''' Seconds turn into hours as we wait for Keum-ji's reply.
"I let myself go too far. Unlike you, Yona-hime would be too self-respecting to rub her face on the ground and grovel before me for work, filthy wrench! Gather the girls up and bind them, we're leaving for the boats." He orders and the soldiers scramble around to fulfill the command.
It took a lot of convincing, but Yona was able to convince the women to help them escape.
One helped Yuri and the other two up into the storage bow, where two mercenaries are on guard. As soon as they had successfully knocked the two mercenaries over using the barrels, the ship began to sway. The barrels roll away and the mercenaries are quick to grab Yuri and hold her at knife point.
"If you don't go quietly, she'll die!" The mercenary shouts and Yuri flinches. Her legs tremble underneath her and the fear just wouldn't leave her eyes.
"Let her go!" Yona shouts but the other mercenary yanks her arm painfully. Yona winces and Yuri tries to struggle out of the mercenary's grasp. That's when Yun does the unthinkable. He pulls out the clothe from his chest with a smug smile.
"I'm a pirate. Those three had nothing to do with this. If you don't let us go, we'll set off the bomb." He states and the mercenaries freeze in panic. They swear under their breaths before exchanging glances.
"You take those two back to the hold. I'll take these two." The one holding Yuri says, tugging her along.
"Let her go back!" Yun shouts and the mercenary clicks his tongue. "If you don't show us the bomb, we'll kill her. You're lucky we're letting two out of three of them go." He snaps and Yun looks at Yuri uncertainly.
"It's okay." Yuri mouths and Yun puts on a brave face.
"Alright." He says, and the three go up onto deck.
The other mercenaries scour the ship in search for the bombs as soon as they're informed of them, all the while another group of mercenaries beating up Yun. Yuri would scream out for him, but the mercenary learned quickly enough to gag the poor girl.
"There aren't any bombs!" One shouts and the one holding Yuri growls.
"You're bluffing aren't ya! I told you, we'll kill her!" He shouts before stabbing Yuri int the thigh with a small dagger. The poor girl lets out a pain filled and strangled cry while Yun screams out her name. Soon, the screams turn to muffled sobs as tears trail down her face.
"Unhand her!" Yona shouts, and everyone turns to face the voice. Yona has the string pulled back, her eyes narrowed into a glare, and the arrow pointed at the mercenary holding Yuri.
"The bomb!" Yun shouts, and Yona dashes after him. As soon as Yona's gotten the firework, she places it next to the fire in a lamp and the firework goes off.
Happiness and relief spreads across Yuri, and then indescribable pain.
The mercenary had stabbed her.
"YURI!!" Yona cries out, and a giant gust of wind swirls around the ship. Yuri's eyes slowly droop to a close, and the last sight she has is of Jea-ha fiercely fighting the mercenaries in hopes to get to Yuri.
But it's too late.
She's already dead.
Yona scrambles to her sister with tears rushing down her face, and Yun struggles to crawl over. Finally, the first batch of mercenaries are taken out by Jea-ha, and Shin-ah is already backing him up.
Quickly as he can, Jea-ha runs to Yuri's corpse and he grabs her by the shoulders.
"Yuri! YURI!!" He shouts, deathly afraid. "Yuri, you have to stay strong for me! We'll get you medical attention!" He says, but it only makes Yona cry harder.
"Jea-ha... She's already dead..." Yun whispers, and the blood pounding through Jea-ha's ears block out any form of sound.
"Promise me you'll come back to me."
"Why wouldn't I?"
You lied...
*coughs* That was crap.
This was for @CrystalArclight sorry for screwing up everything! ~\(Q^Q)/~ Pleasedon'tkillme...
I tried doing the fluff/angst thing, but I honestly had no idea how to do that... *coughs* *chokes* *dies* Deserved that.
Next up!
Zeno x reader !
Get yourselves ready for that lil' fluff ball filled with sunshine people!!
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