The man now known as Tobi kept a tight grip on her arms. Moving the hand from her mouth and reached into his pocket and pulled out a cellphone. Sakura breathed heavily as she heard the sound of buttons being pressed.
"Hiya, Leader-Sama! Tobi was a good boy and caught the little theif girl!", he gloated excitedly. Sakura continued to wiggle wildly to no advail. His grip was tight for a man-child.
"A girl? No matter, bring her to the hideout. Make sure she doesn't see the trip. Everyone else will meet you there."
"Hai, Leader-sama!"
He hung up and stuffed the phone back into his pocket. "Okay, little girl. Don't worry at all. I'll make sure to get you to the hideout safe and sound!", he promised happily.
Sakura's struggling got even harder. She wasn't going anywhere with them. She already knew her chances of being killed were high at this point, but didn't know why she wasn't actually killed yet.
"No! Stop! Let me go! You stupid lollipop head!", she insulted. Behind the mask, Tobi raised an eyebrow and smirked.
Stupid lollipop head?
She truly was a child.
Silently, he began to drag her off when he heard the sound of the other cars driving off. He opened the back seat if the car and she kept struggling. Looking inside, she caught a glimpse of a man in there.
He had green hair and pale skin from what she could see. She couldn't get a good look since a rag was pressed to her nose. The putrid smell entered her nostrils and it didn't take long for her to go limp in Tobi's arms and pass out.
Toni relaxed his hold on her and placed her in the backseat. He slammed the door and opened his own in the passenger side. Without a word, the man with green hair began to drive off.
The ride was silent. Zetsu was of course the only person besides Pein and Konan who he could be himself around. If he were with Deidara right now, he's have to do the annoying singing of his highpitched voice.
It didn't take much longer for the speeding man to make it to the hideout. It was a giant mansion just on the outskirts of the city. He parked quickly and got out the car at the same time as Tobi. The green-haired man walked to the door followed by Tobi as soon as he picked up the child from the backseat and started to carry her inside.
The door swung open and they came face to face with the others who were all seated in the living room. They looked up seeing the masked man walk into the room holding a child. Upon closer inspection, they noticed that it was intact a a child. Kakuzu felt his blood boil at the sight of the theif. Before he could say or do anything, Pein spoke.
"Tobi, take her to the interrogation room. Tie her to the chair and make sure she won't be able to escape. You and Zetsu keep an eye on her for when she wakes up.", he ordered. Tobi saluted childishly and Zetsu only nodded in response. The two walked off to do as told.
Soft murmuring could be heard as they mad their way through the luxurious halls. As soon as they got far enough, Tobi dropped his persona.
"You think Pein will actually kill a kid?", cane his deep voice. Zetsu gazed over at him, curious as to why he was suddenly so serious over a child. He could only shrug in return.
"I'm not sure. I don't think so though. She's only a theif after all and it's not like she stole anything important. He might just decide to scare her a bit and let her go. Kakuzu might try to kill the brat though.", he finally said after a few silent moments.
"How would Boss feel about this development?"
"Knowing him, he'd wait to see her worth. Knowing Pein, he might train her to work for the Akatsuki. If she shows promise, then Boss will intervene however he sees fit. But why are you asking? I didn't take you to be one to care for kids. Especially after killing that ten year old a few months ago."
"That......that was work. He talked too much shit and paid the price for it. This village....this world isn't kind and now he knows.", came Obito's simple reply.
They came upon the interrogation room and went inside. The room smelled like cleaning products from having to clean the old blood from previous victims. Hopefully hers wouldn't have to be added to the list.
Obito gently placed her in the chair. He strapped her ankles and wrists down so that she couldn't move. Still, he had some pity and didn't do them too tight. She was just a child after all.
He gave a final look to the girl. Her head hung low as her breathing was even, rising up and down slowly. The only sound in the room was that of the closing door and a turning lock.
As soon as the door locked, her head snapped up. She narrowed her eyes from not being able to see in the dark room. For now, she staged still deep in thought.
'He's the one who killed Brother'
She sighed deeply. It wasn't time to dwell on such things. It was like she was particularly upset. Her brother was just as bad as the rest of their family. Only, he was killed for his crimes for not being careful. Sakura could be facing the same fate of this leader of theirs decided it was neccesary to do so.
The biggest problem she had at the moment would be getting out of the restraints. Luckily it was a strong rope and not metal cuffs. She at least had a chance to escape, and all she needed was a plan. It didn't take much longer for her to come up with one and sigh.
"This is gonna hurt."
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