Get That Girl
Sakura POV-
I can't believe I managed to do that. This was the most money I've ever stolen and it was in a bar full of grown men. Most of whom owned at least one gun or even a sword or knife. How did I manage to steal 800,000 yen from a member of the most dangerous gang in Ame? I'm going to die. They'll kill me if I get caught.
But what if I'm not caught?
This money plus the money I've already saved up from stealing before is mire than enough for me to take a train out of Ame. I've always wanted to go to Konoha. I once read a book about Konoha. They have a lot of Sunlight, lots if trees, and a better community. A better chance for her to go to school and have a normal life.
After all, I can't be a doctor without going to school.
I finally made it home. Or to what passed for a home. It was really just an old box in a dark corner of an alley next to the abandoned school. I would've slept inside the school, but everything is so brittle and could fall on me at any moment. But on the bright side, I know how to pass the parts that could fall making it hard for people to follow me.
I crawled inside the box and brought out an old wooden box that had a bit of money and some coins in it. I put all the money I had stolen in the box.
'Now all I have to do is buy a presentable outfit, a ticket to Konoha, and enroll myself into school. I won't have to buy my own apartment, of they let me stay in a foster home or an orphanage. Maybe I'll even get a nice family there?'
She smiled at her hopeful thoughts of the future. She realized how late it was and decided to get some sleep. She would have to wake up early to buy a new outfit and a book bag for what little stuff she owned before she could catch the train to Konoha. She did a little giddy dance before lying down in the box and putting the thin blankets over her and went to sleep.
"Are you sure she's even here, old man?", Hidan asked from the passenger seat of the car. "Litterly no one comes to the fucking dump. And it's near this shitty school. He'll, this place was shut down before my fucking grandfathered even born. Why would a fucking brat come here?"
"Because, no one would look for her here. When people look for someone even a chikd, they check popular places like the dock, their home, or a factory. Maybe even a bar, but not a place like this. That brat is obviously smart. And I have a tracker chip in my wallet.", Kakuzu explained.
"Of fucking course you do."
"Enough.", Pein ordered over his ear piece. He sat in his own car with Konan. Each group had their own respective cars with their partner. "You all only need to get the money and catch the child. Do not kill him. Just stay put and tell everyone the location. Everyone spread out, in case the child tries to run."
He received sounds of acceptance from everyone before they all got out of their cars. Pein got out and looked at Konan, she gave a nod. They would finally get to find out what kind if child was brave and skilled enough to steal money from Kakuzu.
Sakura woke up with a start when she heard a strange sound. Footsteps. And she could hear them in the rain meaning it was close. She stood quickly, but quietly pulling the hood over her head. She peaked around the corner only to see a man with slicked back silver hair and the man she had stolen from.
'No no no no. How'd they find me here?'
She quickly went back to her box and pulled out the wooden box with the money in it. She folded all of it together and put it inside the wallet she'd stolen, not noticing the blinking red dot, before stuffing it into her pocket. Sakura was about to run to the other side of the alley, but saw another pair of shadows across from the two people she had seen before.
'I'm surrounded. How am I supposed to get out if this?'
Through her frantic thoughts, she barely had time to make a plan. They were coming closer. She made a last minute decision and jumped through a nearby open window into the school gymnasium. She wobbled to catch her balance and looked down into the sinkhole that used to be the gym floor.
Sakura managed to slam herself back against the wall with a gulp and deep breath. She slid against the wall until she made it to a stable section if land and walked on it. She checked her pocket to make sure she didn't drop the money Before walking quickly through the halls looking for an escape.
She made it to what used to be the principals office and looked up at a giant broken window. Crawling through broken glass wasn't the ideal way to escape the situation, but what other choice did she have?
She pushed an old chair against the wall and book a box of unused textbooks on top of it. She peeked open the box and read the title of the books curiously.
'Accelerated/Coordinated Algebra and Geometry. AP EDITION.'
While she was reading, she didn't notice the flash of orange outside the window. Sakura closed the box, satisfied with knowing what the book was and climbed it carefully. The old chair creaked and made a small breaking sound as the wood was old and brittle. She froze and stood listening carefully to see if it would break before moving closer to the window. She stood on her toes and jumped slightly to reach the window.
As soon as her hands wrapped around the ledge, the chair beneath her gave way and crashed to the ground with a large bang. She looked down and decided the drop back down wouldn't be worth it, if someone had heard the crash and were on their way. She pulled herself up and out of the window with a grunt as the broken glass dug into her skin.
By time she made it out, she had multiple cuts on her. She sighed, thinking she had managed to escape and began to walk away when two strange hands gripped her arms. She immedietely struggled against the stranger trying to get away. She screamed a bit before one of his hands wrapped around her mouth as the other held her wrists behind her back.
"Yay! Tobi caught the kid! Don't be scared, little kid. Tobi is just Tobi and doesn't want to hurt you."
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