Sakura began to wiggle her body violently. She had hoped to pull free of the ropes or to even knock to chair over. Unfortunately, the chair was bolted to the floor and the ropes were tied way too tight. It was official: she was trapped. There was no way for her to escape the chair much less the room. But maybe it was a good sign. There were most likely cameras or something around watching and waiting for her to pull something.
All she could do now was sit there and wait. At least this gave her a chance to think about everything. Her first mistake? Robbing from an Akastuki member. But she desperately needed the money. They must have tracked her somehow. Probably through that expensive wallet of his.
Her second mistake? Not immediately spending the money on what she needed. Instead of waiting until the morning, she had plenty of time that might to buy what she needed in advance. If she had just done that, she could be sleeping fine before catching the first train tomorrow.
Her third mistake? Trying to run from them. Maybe things would have turned out differently if she had given up the money right away. Then she wouldn't have had to attempt to run from a group of grown men who were known for murdering. Hell, she had just heard one admit to killing her brother.
All of these were part of the reason she ended up being strapped to a chair by the Akatsuki. She didn't know what they would do to her, but she imagined it was torture.
I cant be tortured. I have too much planned. I won't just be stuck here forever like everyone else in this stupid city.
Her high hopes quickly diminished. In its place rose dread and fear. She was going to die here. They would kill her, just like they did her brother. And just like her brother, no one would care. She would just be another insignificant life wasted in the cold streets of Ame. Another post for social media to call #JusticeForAme and pretend to care for about a month before they forgot about her like all the others.
Everything she had worked hard for would be gone. Those years of stealing and surviving all on her own wasted. Her parents and siblings would have won. It would have proved she wasn't enough to even survive on her own for long. Straying from the given path ended in death. Following in their footsteps guaranteed survival.
It took everything she had in her not to cry. If she was going to die, then she would die being the strong person she had been trying to be all along. Sakura took a deep breath, calming her heartbeat. Her green eyes shut tight, trapping engulfing her in even more darkness in the already dark room.
She felt as if she had been sitting there for hours. Her wrists and ankles still ached from trying to escape having rubbed raw on her binds. Suddenly, she heard the faint sound of footsteps coming closer. She could tell that there were more than one pair from the way the sounds jumbled together. The door opened with a barely audible creak and in stepped two people.
She cracked an eye open as the light above her suddenly shut on with a loud bang. Before her stood a man and woman. The man had orange hair and was covered in piercings. He wore a dark suit with an orange-red button up beneath. The fort two buttons were undone and showed part of a red tattoo. She was sure it was a red cloud, the groups symbol.
The woman had a similar look to the man. She too wore a black suit, but with a purple button up beneath. The button up was undone and allowed an ample amount of cleavage to show. What stood out most to Sakura, were the piercings that decorated her face and the paper flower stuck in her hair.
Sakura breathed out quietly and watched them. Both of them seemed to be staring at her and taking her in. Normally, she wouldn't cowar away from a gaze but theirs were unnerving. The possibility of them killing her was too high. The man seemed to have had enough of waiting around and stepped forward.
"We have some questions that we need you to answer, girl. Do you understand?", he commanded. His voice was deep and authoritative. That alone caused her to wince. He didn't yell or show anger like the gangsters on the streets. Instead he was calm. And somehow that scared her more.
It was unpredictable.
He could be violent or peaceful and both would be a suprise.
The man stepped forward until he was about a foot away from Sakura and the woman was right behind him. Her green eyes gazed upward to the adults who stood before her. Her mouth went dry. For once she couldn't find any words. Not even a smart remark.
The man glared down at her. She was taking too long to respond. He took that time to repeat himself, something he normally didn't do. Still, Sakura remained silent and frozen with fear. The man waiting a few more moments before sighing. She was making this difficult. He pinched the bridge of his nose being sure not to press in the piercings too hard.
His ringed gray eyes glanced towards his partner. Her hazel eyes met his just as he gave a short, curt nod and a quick command.
"Do it."
The woman nodded. Before Sakura could even register what was happening, the woman had a small pistol pressed at the center of her forehead. She froze as she heard the familiar click of the safety being taken off. The older woman said nothing as her cold eyes bore into the little girl below her.
"Now, I ask this once, and only once more..... do you understand?"
She nodded.
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