Chapter 7: Try me and Die!
Author's Note: Here! I've udpated this Part 2.
And I'm not sure if this story's gonna end at Chapter 5 or 6?
Still thanks those who kept reading Akashi's Yandere Side up until now.
Really thank you guys! I hope you enjoyed this. :))
-Sorry if the violence isn't that much of a real Violence. :)))
(Kuroko's POV)
Kise-kun kidnapped me?!
I can't believe this.
I remembered that I left a note beside him at his bed.
Didn't he notice it?
Why did he do this?
"Nee... Kurokocchi! About this letter you left... You know it's impossible to run away from me, You know?" Kise-kun said as he showed me the letter I gave him.
It says:
Kise-kun, please stop bothering us.
The one I loved is Seijuuro-kun. And if it's about the past, I'm sorry.
Please leave us alone.
Kise-kun. I'm really sorry that I hurt your feeling towards me.
-Kuroko Tetsuya.
"And leave you alone? That's not right." he chuckled. "Didn't I told you I'll take you back from Akashi? No matter what, even it kills me, I'll do anything to get you back." he recited.
I can't talk back because of the tape. Then he removed it.
It's stickyness hurts when Kise-kun just removed it fast.
"Kise-kun, please stop this! You know I won't be yours because I have Seijuuro-kun now!" I protested, showing him my angry expression.
"Because you have Akashi? Oh..." he said then leaned at my side to whisper it at my ear.
"What if I kill him? And to make it better I'll kill him infront of you... Kurokocchi..." I flinched when he nibbled my ear.
When he said that my eyes heated up at that tears started to flow like waterfalls.
"Kise-kun!! Don't! Don't kill Seijuuro-kun!!" I begged. I was crying, patheticly, infront of him. Still I can't move.
Kise-kun changed.
Back then, he was so sweet and gentle. His playful jokes and joyful smiles always gives my heart a warm feeling. He always clings on me, I enjoyed those times.
But now...
He's insane like a monster. His sweet and gentle side faded like a bubble. His playful jokes became serious. His joyful smiles became evil smirks. When he's near at me I felt fear.
I don't want this.
How did it come to this?
I can't stop my tears.
I just heard his respond 'tch' when we heard someone just knocked at the door.
He didn't really respond to me then he marched at the door and opened it. He met a guy that looks like a bouncer. He's so huge, bigger than Kise-kun.
"Sir, some intruder came." the guy said.
"Intruder? Who?" Kise-kun asked.
"He said his name's Akashi Seijuuro and he wants to take back the one we kidnapped earlier, Sir!" he reported.
My tears suddenly stopped flowing and I smiled. "Seijuuro-kun's here?! Please untie me Kise-kun!"
Crap! I overjoyed myself and Kise-kun turned around to look at me and gave me a glare.
I shutted my mouth and didn't talk anymore.
Until I heard sounds from the other side.
Screaming in pain, shouting, stomping of feets, sounds of the guns, and a lot of commotions that I can't explain.
Is Seijuuro-kun's really here?
(Akashi's POV) Same time but a little replay
"Togashi! Stop. We're here." I demanded him as he park the car near a condo.
I got out as well as Togashi. "Please bring out a knife and a gun. Get those at the back." I told him and went staright to get those, those weapons to kill these filthy morons that Ryouta hired.
Knife and Gun sounds weak, right? But it's not when I'm the one who's gonna use these.
My father used to train me when I was a kid how to self-defense and how to use guns. It almost like I'm a Mafia. But I'm not. I'm just an unregular human who kills other human who took someone's things by force without my word.
"Here, Young Master. Here's the knife and your Gun. I brought your Mamba Pistol that your father gave you." he handed me the weapons.
I placed my Mamba Pistol at my back pocket while my Gun is at my side. Then the knife's on my right hand. At my other pocket is where my final weapon to use it for Ryouta, my red sharp scissors.
"Togashi. Is the Gun and the Pistol loaded?" I asked. "Yes. It's full." he replied. "And here's some extra bullets." He gave me a box and I took it and placed the box at my other side pocket.
Now, we're heading at the condo.
We're not backing now. It's now or never. I have to get back Tetsuya from that Bastard Copy Cat.
I went first while Togashi tailed me.
But we stopped when two men are guarding the front entrance. Those guys have machine guns on their shoulders, hanging on them.
"Togashi, please stay here. I'll handle this by myself." I ordered him. He bowed.
Then, I proceeded and now I'm infront of them.
"Who are you, intruder?" the guy at my left asked, all mighty voice.
"I'm Akashi Seijuuro. Let me through!" I commanded them using my serious tone.
"Hey, kid. Easy! You'll miss your mama n' papa if you die early with these machine guns!" the guy at my right joked, as he point at his gun, and both of them laughed hard.
I'm pissed.
Didn't they notice my knife at my hand?
It sure is annoying...
Joking around... and Laughing around... like that...
You guys don't know who are you dealing with.
I swiftly slashed the neck of the guy at my left, who was busy laughing at me, with my knife and blood started squirting out. He collapsed at the floor, dead, while blood started to flow out from his neck.
I just stand there in front of that disgusting corpse. I heard a 'clack' of a gun.
"Hey... Kid. Drop that stupid weapon of yours now or I'll blow your head any seco--!!" I didn't let him finish and quickly attacked him by bending down my whole body then swinging my left leg at his leg to bring him down at the floor. I, immediately, topped him.
"Good bye Bastard!" I said. And slash his neck. His blood sprayed and some hitted my cheeks but most are at my hands.
He looks like he's not breathing anymore.
To make sure, I pressed the knife deeper through his throat. Clear.
He is Dead.
I got up. "Togashi. Get me some towel. I'll remove these disgusting pigsty, smell like, blood at my hands and face. Now." I said to him and he quickly ran at the car to find some towels.
But when he came back, "Young Master, Pardon. But we didn't bring any towels with us." he only said.
I sighed. "It's fine. Let's continue." I said.
Then my Emperor Eye showed up.
As expected.
20 men inside holding weapons, bats, knife, and anything they could use for fighting.
Some are sitting at the couch, Some are chatting like an Idiots, and Some are just standing there like morons.
They had these grinning, smirking, weird haircuts, huge bodies, and filthy poor clothes.
When I came in, they all gave me their full attention.
I see.
So Ryouta's challenging me to a 20 vs. 1?
Well, that's not fair.... Right?
But it's still few.
Few weaklings!
"Hey! Hey! Hey! What's a kid doing in a place like this~?" a guy said, heading towards me.
"Aren't you lost?" he asked, in insulting way. The way he said it, it really is insulting when he's infront of me.
Not because your taller than me and bigger than me you can insult me.
Too bad you're not holding a weapon with you...
"Poo~~r Ki---!!" before he finishes his sentence I stab his abdomen, then pressed the knife deeper, that quickly caused his death.
He fell at the floor making the other 19 men shock, then they gave me their glares and I gave them my smirk.
Evil Smirk.
"Try me and Die!" I shouted as I took out my gun and pistol and started shooting some guys.
Those some guys died quickly.
Others started screaming then attacking me.
A man tried to hit me with his bat at my head but it miss and I shoot his forehead, drop dead.
Then a huge guy dashing towards me and tried to stab me with his knife. He missed and I shoot his chest and throat, dead.
After that a guy that kept laughing insanely grabbed his machine gun and started shooting randomly that killed some of his men. But I dodged those bullets and shoot his head. Dead.
That guy's, literally, insane. Poor idiot.
At that, when all of them are dead as a corpse scattered around, I glance and noticed that there's a stairs at the other side and when I moved my eyes up a blonde male standing there grinning evily.
More evil than mine.
"Ryouta!! Give back my Tetsuya at this instance!" I shouted.
He just glance around and chuckled.
"So, you defeated my men. 'TCH' Akashi..." he said then looked at me in the eye, straight.
"You want Kurokocchi. Right?" he asked, with an insane tone.
While he's asking, I felt a little dizzy for a moment then something that came throught my mind.
A prediction! A few moments he's gonna...
When I heard that, I felt so much pain at my left shoulder. I drop both of my gun and pistol at ground as I sat on the floor from that impact. Blood staring to go out, flowing down at my arm.
I gripped my painful shoulder.
I looked up and saw Ryouta holding a gun pointing at me.
"Nee... Akashi... Won't you just stay still and give Kurokocchi to me?" he playfuly asked, as goes down and walked in front of me.
Damn! I feels so weak!
My eye sight's getting blurry.
Why didn't I reacted fast?
I'm such an idiot!
"No...! Ah...I won't give you Tetsuya! He is mine!" I said painfully protested.
I can't move.
I need help.
I tried to look at my back and looked for Togashi.
I still have hope!
But that hope disappered, when I saw him being carried by a guy in his shoulder, unconscious.
Does that mean...
I've lost, to Ryouta?
I must take back Tetsuya from him.
Before I die!
NO... My eye sight's getting more blurry...
I fell at the ground and lost my grip at my bleeding shoulder.
I lost unconscious.
Author's Note:
Sorry for the super damn late update.
But still, did Akashi lost?
It's not the end yet, guys! Please wait for the next Chapter.
Comment Ssu. :3
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