Chapter 12: Meeting with GoM
(A/N: This story's getting out of hand... :| )
(A/N: Typos~!! On the WAY~? :3)
(A/N: I re-read some of my stories I used 'I' instead of 'He' so it's a Typo. -_-")
(A/N: Kagami already have come back from America on the previous chapter.)
(A/N: There's a spoiler to those who haven't watched Anime or read Manga where they're now in Winter Cup.)
(A/N: Half Based on the real Anime/ Manga, and the other's my own plot.)
(A/N: This part is Restricted. It's a Kikuro not Akakuro. *GOMENASAI~!!*)
"Credits: To the manga."
(Normal POV)
The next day, Akashi visited again Seirin High to get all the informations that Kagami has got. He said all the things he knew based on Kuroko's explaination. But he didn't tell Akashi about what Kuroko had imagined yesterday.
"That's all...? Are sure you aren't hiding something, Taiga?" asked Akashi.
"That's all! And I'm not hiding anything!" 'Tch, I almost caught off guard there...'
"Fine. Thank you, I shall take my leave now, " he said and now heading at the exit. " Good luck at the Winter Cup. Seirin." he left.
"What a creepy guy.." Kagami mumbled and scratched the back of his head and went to continue practicing for tomorrow's Winter Cup. "Where the heck have you been? BAKAGAMI!" Hyuuga, their captain, smack Kagami's head as he enter the court.
"You should damn practice! Or else I'll give you a special trainning?" he said cracking his fingers with his palm. "What--! No! I was just talking, a while ago, to Akashi outside for something! I swear!"
They became quiet.
"So that's why.." Hyuuga said. "Forget about him!"
"Kagami-kun! Please prepare youself, gladly you've come back early from America." Riko mentioned.
Kagami, himself, is really getting excited.
"Kiseki no Sedai..."
First day of Winter Cup
"Every one gather up! No one will roam around! The game's starting soon!" Riko announced the whole team.
"Coach, can I go somewhere?" Kuroko went to her coach to get permission at something. "No!! I just said No one will roam around. Kuroko-kun." "But I was summond."
"Summond? By who?"
"Akashi-kun.. said Kise-kun." said Kuroko. Then he showed his phone to Riko. And she allowed it, and let Furihata follow him.
(A/N: The same location where they have a meeting in the Anime / Manga.)
"What, Tetsu, you have a chaperone with you?" the blue haired teen with a tan skin said while spinning the ball on his finger. "Mine-chin has Sa-cchin as a chaperone too." the tall purple haired teen said while munching his chocolate. "Hey! Leave Satsuki out of this!"
"Wait, Midorimacchi.. Why do you have scissors with you?" asked the blond model "It's my lucky item of course, Stupid." the green haired teen said while making a snipping sound with his scissors. "Um.. either way, it's dangerous, so can you stop holding it like that while walking?"
"Sorry for the wait!" the phantom sixth man greeted them. The Generation of Miracles.
Furihata gasped, really nervous. "No way, the Generation of Miracles is all here?! Is this for real.. Whoa, scary! I want to leave!" he said in his mind.
*Ring* *Ring*
"That phone's annoying, Kise. Is it from Akashi?" asked Aomine.
'Sheesh! Why would I even thought of that guy messaging me?' "Oh! A text from one of my fans cheering me on!" "Die!"
"Mm..!!" Murasakibara tried opening his snack but it won't open. "Huh~? It won't open... Mido-chin, lend me those scissors." he asked. "I'm going to say No."
"Why~? Kuro-chin, do you have one?" "No, I don't"
'They're talking normally.. But the air's kinda heavy... Well, I guess that's normal.' the other Seirin player kept silent and can't even talk nor open his mouth of too nervousness.
"Why is the person who called us here is the last one to arrive?!" Kise complained. "Don't get angry every time. He's just this kind of person." Midorima said fixing his eye glasses while Murasakibara kept silent and eating his snack, and there Aomine sighed heavyly.
"Sorry. I've kept you waiting." said the emperor of their group.
"Daiki, Ryouta, Shintarou, Atsushi,
And Tetsuya..
I'm happy to see you again. The fact that we're all gathered here.. is very touching. But there's someone who shouldn't be here. Right now, I only want to talk to my comrades.
Sorry. But, can you leave?"
'I would but right now, I'm too scared to move.' Furihata didn't response at Akashi's command and just standing there like a trembling leaf.
"Furihata-kun--!" Kuroko said but then it was cutted when a red haired teen jumped in the scene.
"Come on! That's cold. Don't leave him out of the loop." Kagami stated and pat Furihata's shoulder.
"Kagami!" he exclaimed. "Kagami-kun! Why are you here?!" his shadow asked. But he ignored his question.
"So, Akashi... Yo!" Kagami greeted.
Akashi didn't response at Kagami then he went for Midorima. "Shintaro, Can I borrow those scissors for a bit?"
"What do you need them for?"
"My hair's bothering me. I was just thinking about cutting it." so he lend Akashi his scissors.
"But before that, You're Kagami-kun, right?" he asked as he went in front of Kagami. "Hah?! Don't act that you don't know m--!! Waoh!" Kagami was confused but when Akashi aimed for Kagami's face with his scissors, he quickly dodged it but his cheek was hit by its blade.
"Kagami-kun!" "Kagami!" the other Seirin students said in shock. They consulted Kagami, "The hell was that?!"
"Oi! Akashi! What the heck's wrong with your damn brain on doing that at Kagamicchi?!" Kise butted at their fight.
Akashi didn't response and headed at Kise. He dashly swinged Midorima's scissors at Kise's face and he dodged it on time, but his cheek was hit, too, like what Akashi did to the other teen.
When the blond dodged it, he slip one of the stair of the staircase and he fell down. And the good thing is that he didn't literally fell.
"Kise-kun!" the light blue haired teen rush to consult his blonde friend from what Akashi have done. "It's bleeding!" he took out his handkerchief out from his pocket and wiped out the blood that came out from Kise's wound.
"When I say 'leave' Leave. Those who opposes me, I'll kill you no matter who you are. Because I am absolute. I have never and I will never lose to anything. I'll kill anyone if you defy me." he stated and about to leave his comrades.
"What?! So that's all? You called us for this?" Aomine complained at Akashi. "Yes, I was planning on seeing your faces before the game. But there's one person who really is a nuisance on my sight. So I shall take my leave." he said at Aomine.
He was referring at Kise Ryouta.
"Don't forget our oath back then..." then he completely left them.
After that meeting, the Winter Cup has finally began.
1st Round: Seirin's first opponent was Touou, where Aomine Daiki is.
Seirin won by 101-100. Then Shutoko won at their game by 109 - 71.
2nd Round: Seirin, won, vs. Nakamiya South by 81 - 77 and Yosen won by 0 - 81.
3rd Round: Seirin won by 87 - 82 and Yosen won, too, by 0 - 72.
(Outside the Winter Cup Stadium) *Evening Time*
"Everyone! Let's head home and rest! Game's not yet finish so we need to get ready for our next game!" said Riko. They all replied yes to their coach but Kuroko didn't.
"I'll be leaving. Kise-kun's for calling me." he said and left the group, "Kuroko..!" Kagami, his bestfriend, called that made the other teen stop. "Yes? Kagami-kun." "Please, be careful."
"Thanks, I will." all of them waved their hands to Kuroko, then he left them to find Kise.
(Kise's POV) *At his House*
"Kurokocchi~ Kurokocchi~ Kurokocchi~"
He's taking too long. I've been waiting here for ages! Not really ages. I told him to meet me here at my house. I'm kind a getting bored. My sisters aren't here, even my parents. They're too busy to be with me. Always leaving me in this house alone.
Then me here, sitting here at our couch while resting my back and my head at this backrest. I'm getting bored.
I wanted to see Kurokocchi before I play against Haizaki.
But now, I'm looking at him. He's everywhere. Living room is my favorite place. This place has a lot of our memories. When we're still dating, but at this time, we aren't dating. Even if I have Kurokocchi. He won't be permantly mine. Because he has Akashi.
*Ding Dong*
Our door bell rang! Kurokocchi!! He's here!
I stood up and headed at the main entrance. I opened it and it really is Kurokocchi!
He's wearing his jersey jacket and jersey pants with his bag at his right side
"Kurokocchi~! I'm glad you came!" "Ojama Shimasu.." he entered and I leaded him at the living room. "Here, Kurokocchi~"
I went to my couch and sat there, but Kurokocchi's still at the entrance of the living room looking around. "Kurokocchi.." I called out and patted the space beside me to tell him 'Sit here.'
"Kise-kun, why did you call me?" he asked then he sat beside me. I didn't answer and just hugged him. I placed my head at his chest, cuddle cuddle.
His clothes smell like him. So warm...
"Kise-kun.." "Kurokocchi... I want to see you before the next day starts..." he stayed silent, as well as I did. He ruffled my hair gently and I almost purr like a cat. He's really gentle. That's why I love Kurokocchi.
I dropped my head at his lap and faced him up, so.. I layed down properly so I can see this view. His face. "Kurokocchi, your face's really cute as always~" then his cheeks became red. More Cute.
He ignored it and continued ruffling, slowly, my hair. "Your hair is silky and soft... " "You think so?" I stood up in sitting position and I went near his face then reached for his cheek to pull it closer and steal a kiss. It took a few seconds until I left it.
"Which is softer?" I asked with a grin in my face. He looked away, with pinkish cheeks. "The.. The.. um.." he stuttered. " the.. second one..."
"Huh? I didn't hear it clearly.. What second one?" I asked jokly, and to me fun of him. He's just sooo~ Cute~! That's my Kurokocchi!
"The..the.. se.. your.." he kept stuttering but not looking at me. "My what~?" he can't even say it and he's taking too long so I gave him a quick kiss. "Your lips..." he whispered in really low voice. I giggled.
"Kurokocchi, I'm glad to see even tomorrow or hours later we'll be playing with Haizaki." I said and leaned again at the backrest. A lot of picture frames of our only past memories, me and Kurokocchi, are on the wall. "It brings back good times. Kise-kun." I changed my gaze when Kurokocchi talked. He was looking around too, with a smile. It surprised me a little but yeah.. I like it.
I flinch when he suddenly touched my hand, not touched.. but grab it. "Ki..Kise-ku..kun.." there he goes again, why does he kept stuttering? I'm not going to eat him or anything, but I'll kiss him and everything at that. "Yes... Tetsuya..." I asked using his first name that made him jolt. It's been a while since I said that name. Kinda refreshing.
"Can we... uh.. I mean..."
Wait, Wait, and Wait! Somehow I already knew what he's about to say, even if he hasn't say any hints. I'm not sure, but my face is burning like crazy that it seems that I'm excited at something. What's wrong with me? I just wanted to see Kurokocchi before I meet that filthy face of Haizaki!
Damn! I can't control it anymore!!
I smooched Kurokocchi and pushed him down at the couch. As I kissed him, with both of my arms supporting at his sides not to fall at him, he opened his mouth to let my tongue enter even though I haven't ordered him to do so. In fact, he isn't resisting at all. Maybe I am correct about what I've thought. He does want to do it.
"Kise-kun.. Please...?" he said looking me with his seductive face. It made my thing go hard.
Just what happened?! Did I spoiled Kurokocchi too much? Or is it me?
No, spoiled isn't the right term. Maybe he became a.. No..
"Kurokocc-- mmh! Mm~!" since I'm topping him, instead of me the one who should kiss him non-stop he's the one who pulled my face to his to kiss him.\
I'm not gonna resist.
Then I broke the kiss and we huffed while Kurokocchi's face starting to sweat.
"Hah..h.. Kurokocchi.. What do you want me to do...?"
"AH~! AH~! Kise-kun! Ah.." Kurokocchi's an idoit. He forced himself to let my dick enter his unstreched entrance. He wants this, so be it. I kept thrusting up while he kept moaning in pain infront of me with his hands on my shoulder shivers and griping. It must be painful.
But he's synchronizing at my thrusts by pushing it in deeper.
"Kise-kun! I'm.. gonna cum!" he signaled me and released white fluids at my clothes. He fell at me so I placed him, properly, at the couch while he's huffing looking really exhausted.
Too bad, I didn't cum inside him. He was too fast to cum like that. And he dirtyed my clothes.
"Kurokocchi.. May I ask, why did you.." I was about to ask something but I stopped when I saw him already napping, peacefully. "Nevermind..." I mummble and find some blanket to cover his half naked body.
"First, I'll clean myself and go to sleep."
Good Night Kurokocchi, Gochiso sama!
(A/N: Very!! Very!! Short Smut part. Gomenasai! KiKuro and AkaKuro Readers! Gomenasai~!)
Please wait for the Part 2 including the Chapter 8 :D
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