Chapter 11: Helper, Fallen
Author's Note: Typos again. Gomen! >o<"
"Who are you?"
"Who are you?"
"Who are you?"
It kept repeating, non-stop, at the red haired teen's mind. "Damn." Akashi muttered.
(Kagami's POV) (Seirin High)
Sheesh! I just wanted to help. Gladly that creepy captain already left and first I must ask Kuroko about his current situation.
But I shouldn't just butt in in their problem? But I'm his best friend and I must help him, atleast.
And the weird thing is, did he, purposely, lied that he only got a fever that's why he is absent the other day? And what's wrong is Kise is with him when Kuroko came back.
"Now.. Where did you run off..?" I mumbled as I looked around the place.
Then a place popped out from my head. A place where all of us Seirin players used to hang out every lunch. But since it's already dismissal and the others are still in the gym I think I should go to that place.
A quiet windy place.
I rush inside the school and headed at the top floor. Roof top.
I opened the door slowly and as expected. He is here.
"Kuroko!" I called out from the entrance. He looked at me a little surprised. "Ka..Kagami-kun?!"
"Kuroko, Can I ask--!"
"There's nothing to talk about. I have to go. I have some errands to do!" Kuroko cutted me and tried to pass to get out of the roof top. But I blocked his way.
"Kagami-kun! Let me through! I'm in a hurry!" he demanded with his voice really angry and a little tone of panicking. Though he isn't looking at me but instead at the floor.
But I didn't move out of the way then he started smacking my chest, but he's weak so it's bearable. And if he thought of using Ignite Pass to me I'll kill this guy. Not literally.
"Please! Kagami-kun! Move.." he stopped smacking and kneeled at the floor. Kuroko covered his face with his both hands until I heard sobs and hics.
Is he crying or faking?
No, Kuroko can't fake cry at all... He's crying! I made him cry?! Crap! I'll be dead if Akashi knew about this!!
Comfort! Comfort!
I kneeled down too and hugged him. Friendly Hug!
"Kuroko... Enough crying... You can tell me your problem. And I know you were lying earlier with Akashi." I looked at him and he looked at me back. "I'm your best friend. You can trust me. Bro."
"So that's your problem..." I said and he nodded with teary eyes. "It hurts when I saw Seijuuro-kun came here. Because I made that promise to Kise-kun that's why I acted like we've just met." he sat on the floor beside me and placed his knees at his chest and hugged it. He rested his forehead at his arms above his knees.
I patted his blue hair. "I'll kill that Kise Ryouta in no time! Kuroko. Don't worry." I only said that to cheer him up. I can't really kill that guy if now I knew he can kill too.
"Thank you, Kagami-kun." he raised his head to look at me, crying like a kid.
"And Kuroko... Want me to tell this to Akashi?" he, then, jolted. "No! You can't! Didn't I told you that if Kise-kun knew that I still have connections at Seijuuro-kun, he will kill him!" he scolded me. "Oh.. Sorry. Forgot. But Akashi really was furious and hated playing your games. Is what he said."
Kuroko became quiet for a moment. "Is that so...?"
"It's too painful.. Kagami-kun.. I don't know anymore." again, he cried.
Really now, his situation is worst than I thought. But the past few days, I kinda notice him being too uneasy. As well I don't know what to do in this kind of problem. But as his best friend I have to give him an advice.
Because there is no other way out. What he needs is patience I think.
"Kuroko, I think I may give you an advice. I know it's not helpful but you just have to wait and until Kise changes his mind." I said then when I heard he stopped crying, he turned his gaze at me really shock.
And I looked at him really serious.
I'm expecting him to complain back but he didn't response at all. His tears stopped flowing then he rested his head at his arms, looking at me.
"I hope so.. Thank you. Kagami-kun." he gave out a pityful smile that I just sighed. I rested my head at the wall while my legs are opened, spread, at the floor.
A little windy and the sky's getting dark.
"Kuroko, let's go now.." I requested. "Can we stay for here until later? I'm not in the mood to move.."
I need a topic to prevent awkwardness. In fact I hated awkwardness.
"Kuroko. Can I ask something?" "Sure." "Don't get so surprised.." he nodded.
"What is Kise's doing now that you're his? Is he doing something bad at you every weekends or whenever he has free time with you?" I asked. He seemed a little surprised but he answered me.
"Nothing bad happened. He only dated me again like when we are still dating. But a lot of things happened. It was..." he stopped then his cheeks became pinkish. "It was kinda fun." he avoided my eye contact by burying his face at his arms.
What is wrong to this guy?! Don't tell me he have fallen once again at that Copy Cat Killer?
"Kuroko.. Don't tell me you have fallen at Kise?" I asked changing my tone to look like I'm serious. But I am serious.
He flinched. He slowly showed his face, cheeks becoming more pinkish.
This guy have gone insane!! Is he suffering or enjoying being with another man now?
Now that I know. Kuroko is a Two Timer!!
He quickly stood up with his whole body straight. "I think we should go now... It's getting dark. My parents are waiting me." he said and started walking.
In the end he ignored my question.
(Kuroko's POV)
I tried ignoring Kagami-kun's question. But seriously, what has got in to me?
Falling again at Kise-kun?
For me it's impossible but something kept saying at my mind that I should give him a chance.
When, Kise and I, dated, few days ago when Seijuuro-kun's nowhere to be found, he chose a lot of place. I tried ignoring him but he resisted getting angry. All he did was have fun with me again.
*A Replay when Kise tried dating again Kuroko* (Saturday)
At Kuroko's situation, he ran off from their house to see Kise but when his parents asked where is he going, he lied that he's going to meet someone at Seirin.
His parents knew about Kise and Kuroko's previous relationship. Which is they forbbided them to meet again.
"Kurokocchi~! Let's go and buy some cotton candies!" Kise-kun requested but I just followed him while he ran at the cotton candy vendor. It made me remember Murasakibara-kun.
"Here, Kurokocchi." he gave me a pink cotton candy then he exclaimed when their cotton candy powder is all out. Kise-kun cried like a kid.
"Kurokocchi~! I don't have a cotton candy.." he cried out.
Fake Tears. Kise-kun haven't changed. And share? No. This cotton candy is mine. But.. nah.. I'll just give him a little.
"Here. Get some. Don't bite." I said and gave him the cotton candy. He took it, happily. He pinched a part and give it a bite. "Sweet~!" he said.
"This reminds me of Momoicchi. Right?" Kise said and gave me back my cotton candy. "Yes, it does."
"Let's go at the amusement park." Kise-kun suggested and just followed him again.
When we have arrived at the amusement park, it was so crowded that I could already get lost.
Wait. Where is Kise-kun?! I just said that I could get lost! Then here I am standing near at the entrance without him.
No one notices me because of my lack of presence.
"Kuro..! Kocchi!!"
It's Kise-kun!
I saw him being carried by the crowd. He really is an idiot sometimes. He totally forgot that he is a famous model and didn't even put some disguise, only a hat and a sungglasses.
As he free himself at the crowd he went to me and grabbed my arm then we ran away. We hid ourselves at a stand near by.
Since I'm wearing a jacket, I gave him it. It might be a little small for him but it fits him perfectly. "Thanks Kurokocchi. You saved me." he sighed in relief.
We played a lot of games and we rode many rides that cause us to vomit when we rode the rollercoster. Then when it's getting dark Kise-kun pulled me to our last ride.
The ferris wheel.
Brings back memories.
The ferris wheel is really huge. About 32 rooms?
When Kise-kun and I went inside the ferris wheel, I sat at the right side while I told him to sit at the left side. "So mean~!" This ferris wheel has one seat on opposite sides.
An assistant closed the door and sercure to lock it properly.
And when it started to move I got scared for a moment because it's wobbly and getting higher. I grabbed tightly at the handle.
It's not that I'm afraid of hights.
"Kurokocchi. Dont' worry. I'm here. No need to be scared." he said calmly.
I just kept silent and didn't response at him.
Few moments later we reached the top view. I slowly remove my grip at the handle and gaze, from the window, at this beautiful night view.
A lot of latterns were lit on and was shattered around the amusement park down at us. The sky's bright because of the stars and the white moon.
"It's beautiful.." "Isn't ... Kurokocchi?" I flinch when Kise-kun just talked. "It brings back memories. Right?" he said with small smile. But I ignored it and gaze again at the night view.
I jolt when I felt the room is getting wobbly again. I gripped again at the handle. It almost gave me a heart attack at that.
Great! It was Kise-kun who moved at my side.
"Kise-kun.. Didn't I told you to sit there? If we don't balance and fall here, I'll kill y--!" I was stopped when he stole a kiss on me. I was surprised with my both eyes are wide open. I didn't resist or I just can't react to push him away. Then he broke it. "Kurokocchi.." he whispered and slowly kissed me again. This time I closed my eyes.
And his lips... it's so soft like a cotton candy. I just can't resist this kind of softness. It has really brought back our previous times.
He reached for my left hand, using his right hand, and hold it when our kiss went deeper. He broke it again so we can huff for a moment then back on kissing.
"Kurokocchi.. open your mouth.." he commanded and I followed. As our tongue clashed I quickly lost to him and he slowly push me at the window as gave out a soft moan. While he's kissing me and I'm leaning at the window, I fix the way Kise-kun holds my hand.
Then he stopped and backed a little, breaking the kiss, with a trace of our mixed saliva on our lower lip.
"Kise-kun.." I huffed. "Kurokocchi.. Can I...?" he asked and his other hand traveled at my pants and rubbed my dick. "Ah.. Yes..."
"KUROKO!!" Kagami-kun just shouted and interrupted my flash back. Then I accidentaly said.. "Ah! Yes! You may! Kise-kun!!" I harshly covered my mouth. How embarrassing!!!
"What the heck are you thinking just now?! You've been spaced out in an hour now Kuroko!!"
I gulped and avoided his gaze. "It's nothing! Don't dare telling Seijuuro-kun about this! Kagami-kun." I warned him. I walked faster and ignore him.
"By the looks of your red face.. Are you... You must have thinking been dirty thoughts... Kuroko Tetsuya.." he said at my back at gave me shivers.
"Urusai." I said, as I turned around to look at him, with dead pan look.
What was that just now?
Why am I remembering all what had happened to us?
Maybe, not just maybe... Am I falling again at Kise-kun?
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