Chapter 9
I sit on my sofa, pouting. Damn that Karma. I didn't even agree to let him sleep over at my place. What if someone finds out? If Rio finds out, I'll be skewered with thousands of questions and teases.
But that's the least of my problems.
What if he tries to tackle me when I'm asleep? I'll be defenseless. What if... what if...
I slam my face with a pillow and scream in it. I should have rejected him hard when I had the chance. A girl and a boy alone at night can spell countless troubles.
I can imagine Karma, looming over me when I'm asleep, with his devilish horns and tail. His perverted hands stretch out to grab me.
"Idiot!" I chide myself.
I rummage through my kitchen cupboards and pull out a hard bamboo stick. This can serve as self-defense if he tries to do anything funny.
The doorbell rings and I peek through the door hole. Karma stands there nonchalantly, with a bag on his shoulder. He changed out from his uniform into his usual clothes. I hesitate to open the door. But I do it anyway.
"Hi, Akari-chan," greets Karma. He steps in and his bag plops to the ground with a loud thud. The bag must carry a lot of stuff.
"Your parents allow you to stay over a girl's place?" I ask conspicuously.
He shrugs. "They went to India. Only be back by next week."
No wonder he can make such bold requests.
"So, where do I sleep tonight?" Karma smirks. "I know. Your bed."
"My bed is cursed that any boys sleep on it will be doomed to death. Unless you have the guts to try it, face my stick's wrath." I point my bamboo stick at him. "You sleep at the sofa."
"Well~" he inches closer to me. "I wouldn't mind getting cursed if I get to sleep with you."
I slam my stick at his head and he dodges. Curse his quick reflexes.
I ignore him and open the refrigerator door to get my salad. I prepared it this morning for my dinner. It contains lettuce, cherry tomatoes, capsicums, onions, a dash of pepper and lemon and also olive oil. I close the door with my foot. "Did you eat dinner, Karma?" I ask over my shoulder.
"Nope. I'm hoping for some take-outs." Karma plops himself at the sofa. "Unless you have ingredients that I can cook for dinner."
I stare at him with disbelief. "You cook?"
"Yes I cook." He stares back at me. He walks to the fridge and open it. "My parents aren't around often so I have to cook my own food." He takes out a carton of eggs, two tomatoes and a salmon slab I keep for tomorrow's dinner. "You don't mind if I cook dinner, right?"
My mouth is full of salad and I nod. Let's see how well he can cook.
Karma beats the eggs and heats up the frying pan. He cuts the tomatoes into tiny cubes and sautés them in the pan. Then he pours the egg in. In a swift move, he finishes the tomato scrambled eggs and places it on a plate. He cuts the thick salmon slab into half and marinate them with some herbs. His movements are so fluid and smooth in searching for ingredients that it is hard to believe he just visited my apartment twice. He sets the fish aside and retrieves another item from the fridge. He cuts the lettuce-half into slices-the other half is in the salad I'm eating. Then he sautés them with some olive oil and salt.
"You don't have rice?" he asks over his shoulder.
"Ran out of it yesterday," I reply. That's why I'm eating salad today. I have to remind myself to buy some tomorrow.
Karma returns to the salmon. He sautés both slabs in olive oil. I can smell its delicious scent and my stomach growls in correspondence. When he is done, he serves the dishes on the kitchen island. I take out the cutleries needed from a drawer. I think I'll keep the remains of my salad for later.
I try to contain myself when I see the food, especially when Karma is beside me, smirking and watching my every move.
"Go on," He says. "Itadakimasu."He begins eating his salmon.
"Itadakimasu." I eat my share of the food. It feels like heaven is melting in my mouth. "This is delicious."
"Thank you," he mutters.
"You're such a good cook." Unlike me, who can't cook well unless I follow step-by-step the recipes in the cookbooks I pile up in the corner of the kitchen.
"Well, if I'm such a good cook..." he looks at me. "Why don't I cook for you every night?"
Shit. I fell into his trap again.
I pretend I hear none of that. "What? I can't quite hear what you just said."
He laughs. "Pretend all you want. But I know you want it too-"
I stuff his opened mouth with lettuce. "Eat." He swallows and smirks.
Idiot! I let a wolf into my apartment and he's going to stick to me forever!
I wash the dishes when we are done while he lounges at the sofa, playing with his video game. There's still some time left and I do my homework. Thankfully I don't need Karma's help in any. He's reading his book at the sofa when I finish. I look at the time. It's already 11. I remember I decided to sleep early today because I have a movie date tomorrow morning.
Karma notices that I'm going to bed. I bet his brain is plotting mischievous plans again. I close the door but he stops it with his hand. I left my defense stick outside.
"Akari-chan, you're going to bed but you're not inviting me?" He says. "How sad."
I push against the door. "My bed. I'm the one sleeping on it. No one else."
He pushes against my force and I am pushed away. The door flings open. Before I can stop him he jumps onto my bed. He plops his head on my pillow and covers himself with my blanket.
"GET OFF!" I shout. He stares at me, the annoying smirk widens.
"Nope. Not gonna happen." He pats the spot next to him, which is just enough to fit another thin person. "There's another spot here."
I glare at him viciously. Murderous intent surges inside me. But I lose the energy to fight him. I take out an extra pillow and a blanket from my cupboard and walk to my sofa. It isn't the best place to sleep but unless I want to sleep on the cold floor and have a backache instead, the sofa seems to be a decent choice. I switch off the lights and sleep on the sofa. My legs are too long to fit and they dangle in mid-air. I try to push away the fact that Karma is sleeping on my bed and the possibility of him tackling me when I'm asleep. I keep my stick near me just in case.
In dreamland, something warm touches me as a sweet smell gushes into my nostrils. I hear a person's whispers.
"Sweet dreams, Akari-chan."
Karma lies on Akari's bed, inhaling her scent that covers it. It is the alluring smell of lavender, the one he smelled when she lands on top of her.
What she did today scares him. He felt his heart could break through its ribcage when he saw Itona flung his tentacle at her. He was scared. He was afraid he might lose her. She was just in front of him yet he couldn't move to pull her out of the way. Thankfully Korosensei protected her.
He couldn't believe how carefree she was after she survived the life-and-death situation just now. Karma can't take it anymore. He yelled at her for being so reckless. He chided her for being an idiot.
I cannot afford to lose you.
He didn't want Akari to see how angry and sad yet depressed of him so he lowered his head. He didn't expect her to stroke his hair. It was such a gentle move and he loved it. She even made him to do a pinkie-swear so that both of them will never throw away their lives for nothing.
She smiled. It was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.
Karma wants to be closer to her. He wants to see that smile again. He also wants to protect her whenever he can so that that smile of hers never fades.
So he makes a bold suggestion to sleep over at her place for the night, albeit it sounds more like a demand.
He wants to see more faces of her. Of her reluctance when he makes annoying demands. Of her helplessness whenever he teases her to no end. He even cooks for her so that he can see the satisfaction on her face when she eats food.
Karma knows the stubborn oaf wouldn't give in to his demands when he wants her to sleep with him on the same bed. When he is sure that she is soundly asleep, he kneels beside the sofa. He watches her. She looks peaceful and silent.
And cute.
He is not some perverted stalker that tackles girls in their sleep. He just wants to see how she looks like when she sleeps. He wants to record all of this into his mind. Images of her different faces sear permanently into his brain.
Karma doesn't know how long he watched her. He yawns. It's time for him to sleep too. He decides not to occupy the bed.
Gently and slowly, he carries the sleeping maiden into his arms, bridal-style. She is not disturbed and continues to dwell in dreamland. Thank god or else it will be certain death for him.
He puts her onto her bed and covers the blanket over her. His hand brushes away the hair that lingers on her face. His forehead touches hers and he whispers.
"Sweet dreams, Akari-chan."
The next morning I wake up when my alarm rings. I look out from the window. It's a pleasant morning.
Last night I had a horrible dream that Karma was staying over in my place and he has occupied my bed. I wake up in my bed so it means the dream isn't real. I walk out of my room with a carefree look on my face-
"What the hell?!"
Karma is on the sofa, sleeping.
So what happened last night isn't a dream at all. I think I'm gonna cry.
I sigh. At least he didn't tackle me when I'm aslee-
Hold up!
If last night is real, then I'm supposed to be on the sofa, instead of the bed. There's no way I'd sleepwalk to my bed and kick him off it. He would have shaken me awake. Only one explanation.
I point my stick at his face. "You perverted scoundrel. You t-tackled me when I'm asleep?"
Of course he doesn't reply. He's still asleep.
Crap. Why didn't I wake up when he did that?
My stick lingers over his head. But I drop it and sit cross-legged beside the sofa, frustrated at how oblivious I was. I glare at him, hoping my intense glare would jolt him awake. However, my glare eases the longer I see his face. He looks completely different. Awake, he is the most energetic prank who finds any opportunity to trick people for his entertainment. Asleep, he looks quiet, peaceful and... and...
I smile. "Who knew you can be so adorable, huh?" I reach out to pinch his cheek.
Suddenly, his eyes snaps open and he's awake. I'm surprised and fall onto my back.
He rubs his eyes and yawn. "Good morning, Akari-chan. I know I'm that handsome when I sleep but that doesn't mean you have to look at me like that. I'm so scared I will get tackled in my sleep."
I am too focused on easing the pain on my back to retort him. Damn you.
I glare at him. "You carried me to my bed when I'm asleep?" I spit it out venomously. He stays undaunted.
"Did I? Hmm..." He rubs his chin. "I can't seem to remember."
I decide not to let him fool me around and get myself cleaned up. When I get dressed, Karma is playing his video games on the sofa. The doorbell rings and I go open it. But I freeze the moment I reach out for the doorknob.
I have completely forgotten the fact that Karma is still in my house. If I open the door now, Nagisa and the others will know he slept in my place for the night. And Rio won't stop asking me about questions. Then Megu will chide me for being so reckless. And then the whole 3E will know about this. My reputation is over!
I pull Karma from the sofa into my room. He stares at me. "Stay here and don't come out until I say so."
"Why?" He never stops finding the chance to mock me. "You're afraid to let everyone know of our relationship?"
"There is no relationship between us. Get that out of your head."
"I'm hurt, Akari-chan. After all we've been through."
I refrain myself from strangling him.
"Aka-chan!" I hear Rio yell.
"You come out from the room and I'll skin you." I close the bedroom door behind me. I take a deep breath before I open the front door. I cross my fingers, hoping nothing goes wrong.
I open the door.
Isogai is glad to see Akari in the morning. She looks nice today because she wears casual attire consists of a pair of short jeans and a sleeveless button-up blouse. He wants to compliment her but he doesn't want to be teased by Maehara or Nakamura.
Nagisa, Kayano, Nakamura, Maehara, Kataoka, Sugino, Kanzaki, Akari and he are going out for a movie today since they have no school today. He actually intended to go out with Akari alone to know more about her but she invited everyone else. He sighs. His plans are not going well for him but it's worth a shot. As long as he gets to hang out with her, he doesn't mind how big their entourage is.
"Morning guys!" Akari says.
"Morning, Aka-chan!" Rio says. "Took you long enough to open the door."
She sheepishly rubs her head. "Eh... I got occupied by something."
"Let's go for some breakfast! I'm hungry!" Sugino suggests.
"Dessert!" Kaede chirped.
Kataoka sighs. "No one eats desserts for breakfast, Kayano."
"Let's go for some ramen. I know a place," Isogai suggests and they agree.
"Ok then," Akari says. "Let's go-"
Her sentence hangs in mid-air when someone else emerges from her apartment. He stands beside her; the apparent smirk on his face looks victorious. Akari freezes.
"Count me in too," says Karma, who has walked out from somewhere in her apartment.
"K-Karma?!" everyone gasps.
Isogai couldn't believe his eyes. Karma is there. In her apartment. Why is he here? What's he doing here? What is he up to? Questions pop up in his mind. He glances at Akari for answers but she has frozen, shocked.
"What the hell are you doing here?" Kataoka berates.
"Karma-kun?" Nagisa murmurs.
Rio raises her eyebrows. "Don't tell me you're-"
Isogai can hear the answer reverberating in his skull but he refuses to acknowledge it.
Are Akari and Karma so close now? Are they d-dating?
It hurts, it hurts, his heart yells.
His world is turned upside down. His heart continues to yell pain. Breathing becomes painful for him. His lungs are on fire.
"Oh?" Karma smirks. "Akari didn't tell you? I slept here last night."
They gape at him. "Y-you s-s-slept h-here?"
"YOU WHAT?!" Kataoka shouts.
It hurts it hurts it hurts.
Isogai feels someone is stabbing his heart again and again. Every second as he sees Karma in front of him, the stabbing continues. It hurts so bad he is crying on the inside. He wants to punch something. Specifically, Akabane Karma. He wants to believe that Karma is lying. But the look on the redhead's face, that victorious smug, seems to be directed at Isogai.
Is Karma trying to piss Isogai off by doing so?
He likes her?
After some deep contemplation, Isogai finally understands.
Karma is declaring war against him. He likes Akari just as much as Isogai. He wants her.
He refuses to believe that Karma and Akari are dating until he hears it from her. Until Akari confirms the truth. He knows he still stand a chance if she is single.
Isogai steels himself to make a decision. He will confront his love rival. If Karma wants a war, then so be it. He'll give him one. He's not giving up without a fight.
Isogai Yuuma is not letting go of Akari even if the world wants her.
I can't believe this is happening. Why the hell did I expect Karma to obey me when he usually doesn't?
I freeze at my spot, unable to move or speak. Karma continues to answer their questions with exaggerated truth. Yes, he slept here but can't he just lie so that I won't get massacred by Kataoka later? And Rio. I swear that mouth of hers is going to skewer me.
"So does this mean you guys are together now?" Maehara asks. He gives Isogai a look. Isogai doesn't look back at him. Instead he is staring at Karma with hostility. Like he wants to rip the redhead apart. I don't know why but I pretty much feel the same now.
"Well~" Karma leaves the sentence hanging. Everyone's interests perks up.
"Yes... is what I want to say, but no," Karma replies. He shrugs his shoulders. "I lied. I didn't sleep over last night. I just came by to give her some stuff and leave."
"Why you'd lie?"Sugino asks.
Karma smirks. "It was fun seeing you guys flustered and all."
"Huh?" Rio glares at him. "So this is all for nothing? I thought Aka-chan finally found a boyfriend."
"Rio!" Megu chides her. Nagisa sighs.
Kanzaki looks at her watch. "Guys, if we want to catch the movie we have to move now. Some of us haven't eaten yet." They nod and gesture me to follow.
"I'll catch up later. Meet you guys downstairs," I say. They go without me.
Karma still stands there, looking bored. I glare at him. "What are you trying to do? First you tell the truth then you say you lied? Is this some kind of a play to you? Am I a fool to you?" I spit at him. I'm angry. I don't know what he is up to but he sickens me.
He sighs. "You're the one who doesn't want anyone to know."
"Then you shouldn't have said anything in the first place. You shouldn't even come out!"
"That's quick for you to dismiss our love."
"There is no love!"
His face closes in on mine. I avert my eyes from him. "Really?" he asks, smirking. "Don't worry. I'll find out."
Again with the nonsense. I am about to yell at him when he grabs his bag and makes his leave. He stops by the door. Liquid-gold orbs pierce through me as they stare at me.
"Do you really think everything around you is as simple as friendship?" He asks. But he doesn't wait for any reply. "There are people who see you more than just friends."
See me more than just friends? Enemies? Rivals? No wait...
"There are people who like me. Not just a friend. It's more to a romantic relationship, is it?" I get his question and ask him back. I try to think who they are.
He laughs. "You're not dense as people think you are. But I doubt you'll find out who they are."
I look at him as I slowly string the pieces of the puzzle together. I can't get a clear picture yet but I know somehow Karma fits into all this. "Are you-"
"Yes, you idiot. I'm one of them." He steps towards me. I back up until I hit a wall. He is so close I can hear his breathing. "I treasure the rival-like friendship among us but I want more than that. I want to advance it to another level. In short, I want you to be my girlfriend."
Y-you w-want w-what?! I scream in my mind. I don't know how to react. I've never give much thought to having romantic affairs with anyone because I am satisfied with my present peaceful, normal nerdy life. I know I'm blushing because my heart hammers hard against my ribcage. The little wild thing wants to break free into Karma's embrace. I slap my cheeks.
He smirks and steps away. "I lied."
Y-you whaaaaaaaaaaaaat?!
"The look on your face is amusing. I'll keep that in mind."
So I'm a form of amusement now?!
He moves in time before I can punch him. "See ya'." He waves goodbye and leaves. I watch silently as his figure disappears into the lift.
What is he trying to do? Is he making fun of me? So he lied that he wants to advance our relationship into a romantic one? He lied about the entire 'someone-likes-me-more-than-just-a-friend' thing?
"Akabane Karma you pissed me off!" I shout at the ceiling. He can't hear me of course.
But I have to admit. I did feel a little bit of joy when he said that he wanted me to be his girlfriend. Does this mean I have some feelings for him?
Everything he said. His behavior. His attitude. His treatment towards me. It's a little bit different than before. I didn't take extra caution because I took him for granted. I assumed it is how he interacts with people. But I was wrong. He never did that stuff with other girls. He rarely talks to them. He doesn't tease them. The only one of the opposite gender who he interacts most is me.
Is he playing some mind games with me to exact revenge? Am I delusional that he likes me?
The need for me to find out is intense. It sparks up the flame of intrigue within me. I doubt he will tell if I ask. I have to find other means then.
Deep in my subconscious, my sixth sense yells at me that Karma likes me.
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