Chapter 33
It felt nice to sleep in my own bed, in my own room, under the covers of my blankets that do not smell like bleach. I wake up to the ringing of my alarm. Reluctantly I rise from my bed and stretch my limbs. My head barely throbs now but it still feels heavy.
Someone knocks on my door that I left open since last night. Karma, with his tousled bedhead hair, leans against the doorframe as he watches me with amusement. "Morning," he greets. "How's your head?"
I rub the lump on my head that has yet to cease. It still stings upon contact. I groan. "Better than yesterday I guess."
"Then you should skip class today," he implores.
"No." I reject his request. "I've skipped a week. I can't miss more classes. And the homework kept piling up on my desk thanks to Korosensei. Plus exams are coming soon."
"Are you sure?" He raises his eyebrow, looking at me skeptically.
I nod and smile to reassure him. "I'll be fine. Besides, you're there with me."
Karma sighs. "Fine." He approaches me to give me a kiss on my forehead. "What breakfast do you want to eat, my love?"
I giggle as I pull him closer to give him a peck on his lips. "You."
Karma flashes a sinister smile. "So, should I remove any garments on me for you?"
I blush at his perverted thoughts. "On second thought, bacon and eggs sound better."
He looks disappointed and sighs. "Aww... too bad. Then I'll go get your breakfast ready. We don't want to be too late for class."
Karasuma-sensei is teaching us free running today. I have heard of free running. It is extremely fun and exciting. Also, I get to challenge my limits. However, Karma would disagree. I plea for him to let me participate after Karasuma-sensei's very cool demonstration. He finally gives in and will be around me to make sure of my wellbeing.
The next day, Korosensei suggests the game 'Robbers and Cops' because he wants to join in the fun. The circumstances are not in our odds with Karasuma-sensei as the cop and Korosensei as the warden. Karasuma-sensei is very efficient in catching almost all the robbers but in contrast, Korosensei is a 'dirty' warden who is easily bought with erotic photos. At the last minute, Karasuma-sensei has been lured away while Karma, Nagisa and Sugino hide underwater so that Korosensei cannot touch them. In the end, we won.
Class ends faster when it is more exciting than usual. As the school bell rings, everyone shuffle out of the classroom. Some decide to go home early while some decide to stay behind for extra training or tuition.
"So... how's your stay with your boyfriend?" Rio slams her water bottle onto my desk. Her smirk signifies her perverted yet busybody personality.
"Karma's not my boyfriend," I retort as I clear my stationery into my bag.
"Huhu... I didn't say it was Karma..."
Oh shit.
"So you do have something with Akabane..." Her smirk widens and her eyes glows with curiosity.
I maintain my composure and glare back at Rio. "How could you not be concerned of my wellbeing? That hurts my heart so bad, to think that my best friend never cared..." I sob.
Rio rolls her eyes. "You little... since when you've been so cunning? You must have been corrupted by Karma."
"Well, she only has her boyfriend. She has completely forgotten about her best friends," a snide comment intercepts our conversation. Megu directs her piercing glare at me. I cringe. She is still not pleased with the outcome a few days earlier.
"Megu... I'm sorry..." I tug at her sleeve and show her my cutest puppy eyes. "Don't get mad."
She sighs. "If he does anything obscene to you, I'll kick his ass." She cracks her knuckles loudly.
When I tell Karma about this, he snickers. "What actions would be considered obscene?"
"Stop your perverted thoughts," I retort. I scan through the aisle in the supermarket for a box of chocolate cereal. Karma wants to make a stop at the supermarket to get some fresh groceries. He decides to stuff me with plenty of healthy food to help my recovery—fruits, veggie, white protein... anything he can manage to cook up healthy and delicious food. He has locked away my precious stash of ramen, noodles, chips and biscuits. Poor me.
I take my favourite box of chocolate cereal from the aisle, gleefully grinning until a hand snatches it away and puts it back onto the aisle. I glare at the redhead. "Karma."
"Why eat cereal when I can cook you food daily?" He says.
"But I like cereal."
"Temporary no processed food for you. Everything has to be naturally acquired foods."
"No 'buts'. Or do you want me to seal your lips right here?"
I glare at him while my face fumes in red. "This is a public place. No kissing or pecking or...anything!"
"Haha. Too bad though. What fruits you want?"
"Peaches. Apples. Oranges. Blueberries. Mangoes..."
"Okay then."
It is still unbelievable that Korosensei steals bras from around town, but judging all the perverted misdeeds he has done, it does not really sound surprising.
"Sensei... sensei did not do this! I swear!" Korosensei shrieks frantically, trying to clear his name. However, the entire class doubts his innocence under these circumstances.
The next few periods are torture to Korosensei. He cannot teach us under the burden of the accusations and the class is still upset with the situation.
"Class... ends... for today," Korosensei mumbles, dragging his heavy laden tentacles and exit the classroom.
Class dismissed, but its residents has yet to leave. Most of them are still discussing about Korosensei's 'crimes'. I would want to believe his innocence, but I cannot find any evidence to support my stand.
I plop my head to the table, sighing. "Do you think that he's innocence?" I direct the question at Karma.
Instead, an unusually chirpy and excited voice replies me. "This must be the work of an imposter! He's trying to frame Korosensei!" Fuwa yells, her eyes burning in flames of zeal. "He must have known Korosensei well enough to frame him!"
I stare at her blankly. "Your experience of mangas must have stirred up your imagination. Though I believe in some way you're right, if we want to prove Korosensei's innocence." I touch my chin. "Maybe we should do something about this."
"YES!" Fuwa cries loudly. "Detective Fuwa and her two assistants, Ritsu and Akari, on the double!"
"Yes Ma'am!" Ritsu chirps from her computer box.
"Well..." Karma yawns as he rises from his seat to stretch his limbs. "Korosensei is such a maniac teacher that he wouldn't jeopardize his career for such crimes." He dangles his arm across Terasaka's shoulders, who has been listening from the beginning. "We wouldn't want our target to flee town from this incident, right?"
Terasaka, begrudgingly nods. "So what's the plan?"
"Forever... Zero..." Kaede fumes through gritted teeth. Her intense aura is horrifying. "Don't let me get my hands on that imposter."
"I'll send you the details of the plan as soon as possible!" Fuwa pumps her arms in the air determinedly. "Let's get that imposter."
"You can't go," orders Karma as we walk home together.
"EHHHHHHHH?" I gape, staring at him with disbelief. "Why?!"
"Head injury hasn't recovered completely, duh," Karma replies. He changes topic. "Hmm... what should we have for dinner tonight?"
"Karma, I'm going and you can't stop me!" I counter. I give him my sternest and determined glare.
Karma sighs exasperatingly as he walks overhead. He ignores my protest. I quickly catch up to him and tugs on his sleeve to stop him. He does stop but refuses to look at me. I pout and swirl around him till I am able to clamp his face within my grasp. His face flattens into some weird looking fish.
"Karma, please..." I beg him. I widen my eyes as big as I can. "Please please please please..."
Karma releases a long sigh. "...fine."
Out of excitement, I press my lips on his and give him a big kiss. "Thank yoooooooooooou."
"Uh-huh. Just a kiss?" He eyes me curiously.
"Head injury." I gesture at my head. "Can't do much except a kiss."
"Haha." Karma's fingers weave through mine and leads me back home. "So, dinner?"
"Pasta please?"
"Hmm... good idea."
"I'll help you to cook?"
"Head inju—"
I intercept him. "I'm okay. Sheesh. Cooking doesn't use brains. You rack your brain for a good recipe while I use hands to materialize that recipe."
He releases yet another long sigh. "Okay."
Fuwa sends us the details of the plan an hour later. The group—Nagisa, Kaede, Fuwa, Terasaka, Karma and I reconvene at the outside of a building that looks like a dormitory. By the gate of the large extravagant dormitory are CCTVs. The security here is tight. Someone bigshot must be in here.
With Terasaka taking the lead, we scale the wall and leap into the compound undetected. Such is the benefit of free running. Karma offers to hoist me high but I reject him. I slowly take my time in scaling and descending the wall. As I take the final leap, Karma catches me by my waist and I plop into his embrace.
"Hey there, love," Karma whispers into my ear, making me blush. He tightens his grip on my waist, refusing to let me go.
"Karma!" I hiss, realizing that eyes are staring at us. I gesture at the onlookers—Terasaka rolling his eyes, Kaede's face blushing red, Fuwa's eyes gleaming with excitement, Nagisa fervently jotting down notes.
"Lousy lovebirds," Terasaka groans, glaring at Karma. "Focus on the mission, will you?"
"You're just jealous because you don't have someone," Karma retorts with a smirk.
I pry Karma's hands off of my waist, gently pushing him aside. "So, Fuwa, why we're here?"
Fuwa fishes her phone out of her pocket. Ritsu thoroughly explains to us. "I've received news that this place has been recently rented by a group of busty idols. So this could be the next possible spot for the imposter to take action."
I scan the area in the darkness as I squat within the bushes. Light permeates from the windows of the large building, shedding some light onto the dark compound. I see garments hang from the clothes line and I realize they are bras of different colours and types. All of them belong to large cup-sized bras.
Condescendingly I stare at my curves that do not even look curvy.
As I continue to scan the area, I spot a very conspicuous yellow round head sticking out of a bush nearby. Korosensei's eyes fixate to the clothes line, waiting for the imposter to show up.
"No matter how he looks, he still looks like a thief," Terasaka comments.
"What is he doing here?" Karma pops up beside me, sticking his face to me as close as possible. I can hear his breathing.
"He must have plans just like us to catch the imposter," Fuwa adds in.
"He's been staring at the bras so excitedly. He looks more like the real perpetrator..." Nagisa sighs.
"Look!" Kaede whispers and gestures at the wall near us. On top of it is a man cloaked in black who leaps down to the ground with ease. He dashes toward the clothes line while wearing a huge yellow helmet that barely resembles with Korosensei's face.
"That's him!" Fuwa whispers in an excited tone.
We are about to take action until Korosensei pounces on the imposter and struggles with the man on the ground. "I CAUGHT YOU!" He shouts furiously. "How dare you do this to me?! I'm going to give you a complete grooming from head to toe! NURUFUFUFUFUFUFUFUFU!"
Now Korosensei looks and sounds more like the real perpetrator instead.
"Show your face, you imposter!" Korosensei pulls away the man's helmet, revealing the man's real face.
By that moment, I know that man. "Isn't he..."
"He's Karasuma-sensei's assistant!" Nagisa points out the truth.
Korosensei stuns and stops what he is doing. "Why..."
Suddenly, the clothes line breaks apart and huge sheets emerges from tiny seams in the ground. Four huge sheets form a tall square cage around Korosensei, trapping him in. Karasuma-sensei's assistant crawls out from the under of the sheets.
"What the hell?" I gasp. "What's going on?"
"I requested resources from the government and borrowed Karasuma-sensei's assistant to lure you to this trap." A voice speaks up.
It belongs to Shiro.
The hell?! Why is he here?
And Itona appears with his lethal tentacles.
"Again?!" shouts Terasaka.
"You used us again!" Fuwa too shouts.
"That's our target," mutters Karma.
Itona's tentacles lash out at Korosensei furiously. Korosensei barely dodges all the attacks. His tentacles melt upon contact with Itona's sheathed tentacles.
Shiro lets out a tiny laugh. "This is how adults do it. Let me explain. First, the sheets are made of strengthened anti-sensei material. They are very tough and hard to be torn apart. And its obnoxious scent has been covered with the scent of detergent. Also, the sheaths on Itona's tentacles are made of anti-sensei material that will hurt the monster. And Itona's position is set above Korosensei to prevent his escape. Thus, it's my win."
It is hard to make out Korosensei's situation blocked by the sheets. There is nothing we can do to help him. I pray hard in my heart, hoping that Korosensei will be alright. My hand automatically reaches out for Karma's hand and grasps it tight.
"Karma, Korosensei will be fine, right?" I mutter, my eyes glue to the current situation.
Karma's fingers intertwine with mine. "He'll be fine. He's our sensei after all. And it's up to us to kill him."
Up to us to kill him......
Suddenly, a question tugs in my mind. It is a question that I have never thought of before.
Am I actually able to kill him, the teacher that has done so much for us?
Lost in my thoughts, I fail to realize that the area before us explodes in a blinding white light. The shockwave destroys nearby bushes and shatters the window glass panels. I am pushed back by the shockwave but Karma holds me in his embrace.
Itona has been blown away by the blast but he is caught by Korosensei. Korosensei with his usual grin, says, "Shiro, leave. Your tricks don't work on me anymore. Please leave Itona in my care and explain to the public that I am not the underwear thief."
"Are you okay?" Karma mutters in my ear as he helps me to stand. I nod.
"It hurts..." Itona groans on the ground. "My head hurts...... Make it stop......" He holds his head as pain is drawn on his face. His tentacles pulse and throb like a real living being.
"So it seems consecutive failures has caused the tentacles to corrupt his mind, huh?" Shiro comments coldly as he watches with amusement. He does not seem to care about Itona's wellbeing, despite he is the one responsible for Itona's upbringing. "Looks like this is his limit, since he is unable to perform my expectations. Since you can't bring out good results, there is no point for the organization to continue its support for you. Well then, good bye, Itona."
He's leaving Itona?
And Shiro leaves without turning back.
"Look out!" Korosensei deflects an attack lashed out by the mad Itona. Out of his mind, the boy shouts in pain, his heavy breathing indicating the pain he is suffering.
"AHHHHHHHHH!" Itona flees the scene, and vanishes into the darkness of the night. No one is able to catch up to him.
"Still feeling down?" Karma asks as he plops his bag onto the desk. "About Itona?"
I bite my lips. "Hmm."
"Korosensei, we're sorry!"
"We shouldn't have accused you!"
"We should have believed you!"
"We bought you sweets!"
"Hmph! Sensei won't forgive you that easily — is that the famous desserts from Aikiji?! ME WANT! Consider you kids forgiven!"
The following day after yesterday's incidents, the rest of the class tries to make up for what they did to Korosensei. Luckily Korosensei is easily bought with sweets. It is as though yesterday's incident was long in the past.
"Is that a yes or a no?" Karma's voice draws me back from the ruckus in class, where Korosensei gobbles up all the sweets without sharing.
"Err I don't know," I reply absentmindedly. I am not focused on Itona. Instead I am more preoccupied with the huge question that popped up in my mind last night.
Am I actually able to kill him, the teacher that has done so much for us?
This question caused me insomnia last night and now my eyelids threaten to close.
"Hey guys, look!" someone yells and draws everyone's attention to Ritsu. Ritsu is playing a footage from the latest news that show a series of violent incidents occurring in around town. The news anchor explains that all the locations are mobile phone shops, which sparks some suspicion of terrorism. The glass panels, as shown in the footage, were shattered along with everything else inside the shop. Every shattered piece points to the one and only perpetrator — Itona.
"Yes... this is definitely Itona's doing," Korosensei agrees. "Only tentacles are able to cause such destruction.
"......but why mobile phone shops?" Fuwa mutters as she put on her thinking cap.
"No matter what, Itona is my responsibility. I'll find him and bring him back," Korosensei adds.
This causes dissent among the class. A lot of them disagree with Korosensei's stand. They object that Itona should be left alone, since he almost killed Korosensei. I would like to be neutral, but I pity Itona as a dispensable pawn used by Shiro that bastard. He probably had no choice and was forced to a corner that he had to let Shiro pull the strings. I glance at Karma, who sips his juice emotionlessly. He catches my glance, raising a questioning eyebrow. I shake my head.
"But I am still his teacher. 'No matter when, my tentacles will never leave my students.' This is the promise I made before I became a teacher." Korosensei says firmly. I see he has made up his mind.
Everyone stays silent, contemplating on their next course of action. Should they follow Korosensei to help Itona out?
I decide to be the motivator among my classmates. "Korosensei, let me help you. Itona almost killed me, but I want to believe that he was just under influence of Shiro and the tentacles." I instinctively glance sideways at Karma, who shows a look of displeasure. I thought he is going to disagree with me. But he lets out a sigh and discards his empty juice box.
"Well, odds would be better in our favour if we have Itona to kill Korosensei with us," Karma adds.
"This is a mystery to be solved! I'm in!" Fuwa says cheerfully.
"This sounds dangerous, but we have Korosensei on our side so I think we'll fare well." Yuuma supports my stand.
"Fine. Let us all help out as well," Megu says, casting away the others' concerns and dissent with her firm words.
"Then, Ritsu, please check out the next possible location for Itona to appear."
Ritsu's calculations are spot on as we find Itona thrashing a mobile phone shop.
"Nii-san..." Itona mutters weakly. Sweat drenches his pale face. His frail frame shows how much pain he is suffering. Glazed eyes indicate no spirit or strength for him to carry on.
"Please... call me Korosensei," Korosensei corrects Itona. "I am your teacher."
Terasaka clicks his tongue and glares at Itona with detest like some gangster — or probably he just looks like that all along. "Don't release your anger on everything else. You put us through a lot lately, but if you follow us quietly we'll just forget what happened."
But Itona does not listen. His tentacles flail in the air weakly, trying to lash out at us. "Stop... bullshitting... let's fight... I must... win..."
"Of course," Korosensei replies. "But we're both nation secret so I suggest we should carry out the fight in a vacant area. When the fight ends, we'll barbecue there and discuss further on how to 'assassinate' me, okay?"
Itona, however, silently listens with a weak, tired look on his face.
"This octopus is very persistent. As long as he's your teacher, he'll follow you to the end of the world just to teach you," Karma adds in.
"Of course." Korosensei's grin seem to have widen. "This is the charisma of a teacher. He'll teach any student available."
I light up a tiny smile, hoping that Itona would just give in without a fight.
Things will never go smoothly. I realize that when two round objects roll into the shop, landing onto the marble floor with a loud metallic thud. Before I can realize what they are, Karma pulls me away into his embrace when the two suspicious round objects explode in fumes of smoke. White smoke billows in the space, its tendrils spreading out to reach every corner of the place. Its pungent smell reaches into my nose. Karma's arm that hooks around my neck moves up to cover my nose and mouth for me. His other free hand covers his own.
I hear someone groaning in pain. In the thick dense smoke I make out Itona and his tentacles melting in the smoke. Korosensei, not far from him, has the surface of his skin melting as well.
"Anti-sensei material smoke?" I mumble through Karma's hand. As soon as he is certain that the smoke is harmless against humans, Karma removes his hand from my face.
Suddenly, a volley of anti-sensei bullets tear through the smoke and shoots Korosensei. Luckily, he is agile enough to dodge all of the bullets.
"What the hell?!"
"Is everyone ok?"
Immediately, a loud boom resonates from the outside. A net flies across the room and captures Itona in its deadly embrace. The end of the net connected to something outside drags Itona away. As I blink away the smoke in my eyes, I see a truck dragging Itona away. And I also see Shiro outside on one of the trucks, looking as despicable as ever.
"You will follow us, right?" Shiro implores. "Since you're such a good teacher."
Flustered, Korosensei ignores his melting skin. He looks around to check his students' wellbeing. "Is everyone alright? Sensei will go off to save Itona-kun!"
"I think we're fine," replies Yuuma.
"Shiro that bastard, using us again and again..." Terasaka spits angrily through his clenched teeth. I cannot agree more.
"Let's show him that class 3E is not some mere pawn."
Karma flies through the branches of the tree and kicks down Shiro's minions one by one, looking like a cool superhero. He has forbidden me to perform such strenuous exercise. Thus I am to assist Sugino and Kurahashi in rolling all the minions into rolls of maki sushi. The minions are totally defenceless against us because we are accustomed to flying from branch to branch with free running.
Slowly, all the minions are captured and rolled up. Shiro now stands alone on his truck with the machine that holds Itona captive.
"W-why..." Itona mutters.
"Don't get us wrong. We just don't like Shiro's way of doing things. If Korosensei didn't go, we wouldn't have interfered," replies Rinka firmly. Just like her tsundere character. I stifle a giggle.
Karma, with a smirk on his face, points out the obvious. "Hey Shiro, do you really have time to look at us? If you stopped... that machine can be removed from its base."
As spoken, Korosensei has removed the netting machine that holds Itona. "Just leave, Shiro. Itona belongs to us now. No matter how perfect your plan is, as long as it involves the students, you'll fail."
"I admit my plan is flawed," says Shiro. "You can keep the boy. But he has only 2-3 days left so take good care of him." And the despicable man leaves on his truck. I hope I will never have to see him again.
Itona has been left under Terasaka and his gang's care to neutralize Itona's bloodlust so to remove the tentacles from his head. Although Karma has stated that Terasaka is an idiot, Terasaka is still capable in transforming Itona back to his own self. Thus now Itona joins his gang and continues to ridicule Muramasa's noodles.
With the tentacles gone, Itona unleashes his talent that has been inhibited by the tentacles' bloodlust. He is a tech savvy, capable of materializing tiny gadgets and robots with normal materials. He was also the son of a mobile phone company that went under. Thus it explains why he went to destroy the mobile phone shops. During his lowest peak in his life, he coincidentally met Shiro which eventually led him to what he was before—bloodlust-oriented killing machine. He also told us Korosensei's vital weakness: a heart beneath his necktie. This increases our odds against the Mach 20 octopus.
Itona's skills drawn the attention of the boys in class since they like gadgets. Due to their affection of gadgets, Itona creates a tiny tank that is utilized with a camera. However...
... it ends up a disaster after the tank accidentally recorded the images under the skirts of the girls.
This causes an unprecedented cooperativeness among the boys to acquire more perverted images.
And also an outrage among the girls when we found out. Megu keeps chiding Okajima while Rio and Manami tries to hold me back from kicking him. Rinka prepares her gun to shot the boys but they flee and left Okajima behind.
I glare at Yuuma. "Are you one of them?"
Flustered, he immediately shakes his head. "No! Of course not!"
Then I turn to Karma, who nonchalantly sips from his juice box. He shrugs when I shoot him a deadly glare.
Well, at least Itona took a short time to mingle and fit in with the class. Welcome aboard, Itona.
"Itona would be a fine addition to the class, right?" I ask Karma as we walk home.
"Yeah, I guess..." replies Karma.
"Anyway... how long are you going to stay in my apartment?"
Karma's hand holds mine tight. "You want me to leave? That's just sad."
I glare at him. "Brat. You're just as persistent as Korosensei. We're not a married couple. We're only 15 and yet you want to stay with me permanently? That's... absurd."
He pouts. "But I just want to take care of you and stay with you for a longer time..."
"We see each other every day at school plus my head injury has 90% recovered."
"But I miss you dearly."
"We can connect through video calls."
"Karma," I call his name. "Your parents must be worried sick."
He shakes his head. "Nah. I got permission from them. They say to enjoy myself."
I roll my eyes and slap my forehead. "KARMA!"
"What? They don't want me to feel alone all the time."
I glare at him. Enjoy himself? Really?
"Ok. I lied. They went to India again. So I didn't tell them anything."
I sigh. "So you plan to stay here till their return?"
"No. Not really..." He leans in closer to my face. "I plan to stay here forever." His finger playfully twirls the strands of my hair below my ear.
My face blushes like a red tomato. Karma is too close to me in public. Someone could see us. "K-K-Karma..."
"Hmm?" Karma fixates at my hair, sniffing it. His face move upwards to my neck; his breath tickling my skin, causing me to twitch involuntarily.
I quickly push him away from me. He regain his footing and snickers evilly. "Akari-chan~"
"Not here not now!" I screech, stepping back and gives him a flying kick. He dodges agilely.
"Akari-chan, you want to fight? That sounds nice. Since you're my disciple and we've haven't got a good training lately."
I glare viciously at him. "If I win, you have to go back to your house and come only if I want you to."
He smirks. "If I win, I'll stay with you as long as I want and you can't kick me out. And you have to—"
"Only one bargain per deal!"
"Fine~ Are you ready?"
I nod and am ready to pounce at him until my phone vibrates in my pocket. I hold up a hand to pause the fight. The caller ID on my phone shows my uncle. "Hello, uncle?"
"Akari-chan! How's your head?"
"I'm fine, uncle." I glance at Karma, who patiently waits for me as he leans against a nearby wall. "I'm in the middle of something."
"Oh. It'll be quick. I have an invitation for you. It's a dinner ball from the largest charity organization in the region to raise funds for the disabled. A lot of corporates and large companies around the pacific region will participate in this event. I have two more tickets available. Do you want to join me along with your special friend? I heard that he is currently living with you so I believe the relationship between both of you is progressing well."
I choke. How did he—? Oh wait, my uncle has the habit of stalking his niece since he has no more family left. I sigh. Clingy boyfriend and stalker uncle? Two problems make my head ache.
"So, what do you say?" Uncle asks me.
"Of course! Send us the date and time! We'll get ready!" Suddenly, Karma's voice intervenes. I jolt.
What the—
Oh. Ritsu. Karma asked Ritsu to hack into our conversation. I really need to teach Ritsu not to follow his requests anymore.
"Okay then! I'll see you kids this Saturday night. I'll send my driver to pick you up at 6pm. Dress well! Bye!"
Dinner ball? Sounds exciting, right?
I dedicate this chapter to FioreKuberick because she adores Itona-kun~~ Hope you enjoy this chapter! I'll try to feature him more in later chapters.
My semester break is coming to an end and I am just so sad. L Anyway, one more week till Chinese New Year! I'm Chinese so I am looking forward to it!!! Early greetings to my Chinese readers!
As usual, please vote, comment, review to express your love for this chapter!!!
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