Chapter 27 - Summer Tales Pt. 4
Facebook. Group: Assassination Classroom.
Korosensei requests to join the group.
1 minute ago. Like. Comment.
Terasaka what the hell?!
Takabayashi how did he find out?
Ritsu I did not divulge any information to him.
Ritsu Should we accept him?
Rio Nakamura NOOO! He's too gossipy! He'll spoil Akarma!
Kataoka Megu ...... poor octopus.
Isogai Yuuma maybe we should let him join.
Yada Touka I'm thinking of letting Bitch-sensei join too.
Shiota Nagisa this is probably the only place we can talk about assassination plans without Korosensei around.
Shiota Nagisa I pity him but I vote no.
Kayano Kaede I agree.
Maehara Hiroto nope. Don't let him join.
Shiota Nagisa where are you @KayanoKaede?
11.05am. Like. Comment.
10 people like this.
Rio Nakamura I'm sensing something here XD
Okuda Manami we're at Osaka.
Shiota Nagisa why didn't you tell me about this? @KayanoKaede
Kayano Kaede umm because I forgot?
Shiota Nagisa you could have told me in Messenger........ T^T
Rio Nakamura so you guys chat like every day?
Shiota Nagisa yes.
Kayano Kaede no....
Kurahashi Hinano another ship!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kataoka Megu I'm officially naming these two NagiKae. @ShiotaNagisa @KayanoKaede
2 minutes ago. Like. Comment.
20 people like this.
Shiota Nagisa what
Shiota Nagisa the
Shiota Nagisa hell?!
Okajima Taiga I expected the f word.
Kayano Kaede ..........................................................
Kayano Kaede you know I'm right next to you right? I can just kick your ass right now, right?
Kayano Kaede or I'll feed you to the sharks right?
Kataoka Megu but you two are such a cute pair
Rio Nakamura good. More gossip instead of Akarma
Hayami Rinka good.
Hayami Rinka distraction.
Sugino Tomohito I knew you two are meant for each other. Congrats NagiKae.
11.30 am. Like. Comment.
20 people like this.
Shiota Nagisa I thought you were my best friend.
Isogai Yuuma congrats :D
Hayami Rinka diversion. Good.
Chiba Ryuunosuke they will always remember @HayamiRinka.
Chiba Ryuunosuke about us.
Hayami Rinka ......................
Okajima Taiga NOOOOO
Okajima Taiga not the two snipers!
Okajima Taiga Rinka is mine!
Hayami Rinka I belong to no one. Leave me alone pervert.
Kanzaki Yukiko umm.... congrats :)
Sugino Tomohito SHE
Sugino Tomohito COMMENTED!
Shiota Nagisa ..................... you typed in the wrong location @SuginoTomohito it's supposed to be in Messenger.
Kanzaki Yukiko who is she???
Sugino Tomohito OH SHIT.
Okano Hinata hot news fresh from the oven! @Karmathedevil showed up! At the Aquarium! They're on a date now!!!!!!! We ditched them!!!! GO AKARMA
11.40 am. Like. Comment.
25 people like this.
Shiota Nagisa NO WAY.
Shiota Nagisa he went all the way to Osaka for her?
Rio Nakamura you can do it for NagiKae too you know, @ShiotaNagisa
Maehara Hiroto I'm on a date too you know
Maehara Hiroto she is HAWT
Isogai Yuuma Hiroto you shouldn't have....
Maehara Hiroto shouldn't have what?
Maehara Hiroto what did I do? What did you mean? What 'why does it have to be me'?
Maehara Hiroto ............... are you jealous that I got a date?
Rio Nakamura Idiot.
Kataoka Megu Idiot. I'll kill you @MaeharaHiroto
Isogai Yuuma idiot.
Maehara Hiroto what did I do?!
Okuda Manami meanie.
Kanzaki Yukiko you shouldn't have said anything...
Hayami Rinka idiot.
Kayano Kaede stupid!
Okano Hinata T^T
Kurahashi Hinano make her feel better or else
Maehara Hiroto I don't even understand!
Shiota Nagisa ..................idiot.
Okajima Taiga I'll come for you girls!!!!!!!!! WAIT!
Hayami Rinka NOOOOOOO.
Rio Nakamura it should have been @ChibaRyuunosuke and @ShiotaNagisa, not you.
Okajima Taiga WHY?!
Isogai Yuuma I suggest you watch your back for @Karmathedevil
Okajima Taiga but @Akari isn't his girlfriend yet....
Shiota Nagisa I commend your bravery for dragging Akari into this so........................... R.I.P, Okajima.
Akari why aren't you girls picking up my calls? Call me back ASAP when you see this message. Karma's... Karma...... something happened SO JUST PICK UP! I'M SO SCARED RIGHT NOW.
1 minute ago. Like. Comment.
10 people like this.
Rio Nakamura are you fudging serious? @Ritsu track her down
Ritsu got her location. Sending to your cell phones.
Kataoka Megu ON OUR WAY!
Okano Hinata please b okay
Kanzaki Yukiko We're coming!
Kayano Kaede just wait for awhile
Okuda Manami why are you at a hospital
Hayami Rinka I don't like this. Stay safe Akarin.
Shiota Nagisa what do you mean hospital?
Isogai Yuuma please pick up your phone @Akari don't make me worry.
Terasaka did Karma got into trouble again?
Terasaka that shit.
Where am I?
Karma saw a lot of weird semi-permeable creatures swimming around him in a horde as he dunked his head into the water again for another pretty seashell. He was too focused on getting the seashells he let his guard down, thinking that at such shallow depth there wouldn't be much hazards. By the time he realized what those creatures were it was too late. He couldn't recognize the jellyfishes without the artificial lights colouring their bodies.
Countless stings pained his neck and his chest, his arms and his legs. He managed to save his face though, but his consciousness began to drift away. He couldn't feel his body. Pain coursed through his veins. It felt like he was shocked by jolts of electricity. He felt numb as his legs gave in and water rushed into his nostrils when he went facedown into the water.
It was a weird, yet scary sensation. He couldn't do anything. He couldn't feel anything. Surrounding him was murky darkness. Panic coiled in his stomach.
Am I dead?
The first thing that came into his mind was not his parents. It was Akari.
Then he thought how horrified she would be if she found him dead.
And he thought how terrified he was when he realized he could never see her again.
Karma regretted. The last thing he should have done before his untimely death was,
holding her in his arms,
kissing her,
and telling her,
I love you.
He should have told her when he had the chance. He should have not stalled and stalled just to tease her. He should have asked her to be his girlfriend.
I'm such an idiot.
If I have the chance again, I'll tell her.
So don't bring me to heaven or hell yet.
I still want to live. I still want to live with her.
I have to... I have to keep on...
The darkness retaliated by snaking its tendrils around Karma, pulling him deeper into its core. He struggled against the paranormal forces. But he was too weak. The tendrils enveloped him, sucking his life force away. He became frail by every minute.
I'm sorry... for making you wait...
If I can see you again I'll... I'll...ask you to be mine for real...
A voice. So familiar. Where did he hear it before?
A light shines brightly before him. From the centre of the light a hand extends out to grab him.
A hope.
He struggles to yank a hand free and stretch out to reach that hopeful hand. A few more inches, pushing himself to the brink, he reaches the hand. He grasps it and it pulls him out with tremendous force.
He realizes he missed that warmth of the hand so dearly.
Karma doesn't know how long he has been in a blackout.
When his eyelids open up to the world, the muscles around his eyes ache. The scent of antibacterial detergent pierces his nostrils. The light bounced back from the white ceiling irritates his eyes. He tries to move his limbs but they feel sore to the bone.
"Oh. You're awake."
Karma cranes his neck meticulously to the source of the voice. There, sitting on a chair next to his bed, is the blonde Rio. Rio? What is she doing here?
"You scared the crap out of us!" Another voice shrieks from the other end of the room. It is Kayano.
"The doctor gave you some sort of an antidote so you'll be fine," says Okano who leans against the wall. She points to her neck. "Though those red welts look like they'll be gone in a few days more."
Karma's hand instinctively touches his neck. He can feel tiny irregular bumps forming lines on his neck down to his chest. As he looks down at his arms, those red welts are also present there.
Jellyfish stings, huh?
"Where's..." he croaks. His throat is dry. "Where's Akari?" She is his topmost priority now.
The girls exchange glances at each other. He feels uneasy. "Where is she?" he repeats.
Rio shrugs. "She's..."
"Is she alright?"
The door is immediately forced open with a loud bang. Standing by the entrance is Akari, with her long, unruly hair tied into a messy ponytail which she didn't bother to readjust. Her eyes are red and puffy, indicating she has been crying. Kataoka, Kanzaki and Hayami stand behind her.
She is alright.
"Aka—" He opens his mouth.
But she slams the door shut once again. Heavy footsteps thunder down the corridor outside, followed by a few more sets of footsteps.
By instinct, Karma wants to chase up to her but his legs wouldn't obey his command. They stay numb on the bed. For a second he thought he is forever paralysed by the jellyfish stings. But he managed to wiggle a toe or two. He spins his head to Rio, who sighs with exasperation.
"Aka-chan's been through a hard time..." Rio explains. "She's been bawling all night."
"We called Korosensei. He'll be here in any minute from Antarctica," Hinata adds.
Akari's been crying?
Karma's frail arms try to push his upper torso up. It strains himself to perform such a simple task. Rio and Kayano help him up.
"I want to see her," he mutters.
The girls let out a collected sigh. "We'll take you there," says Hinata. "She's probably by the stairwell."
I didn't know I was capable of crying so long until I did the entire night.
The moment the lifeguards carried him into the ambulance, I stopped breathing. The time it took to tend to him in the emergency room, my heart stopped beating. Panic churned in my stomach as I tried to remain calm. Sweat on my palms, I fidgeted on my seat nervously. I couldn't think straight. I didn't know what I should do.
It felt like a few years back, where I waited outside the Operation Room where they wheeled in my father – where he came out on his death bed.
I never thought I'd relive the same process of agonizing waiting all over again, this time with a different person.
The nurses told me the jellyfish stings wouldn't be as severe as I thought it would be. But his lungs had sucked in too much water that he could have drowned if I was late by a second.
I thought... I thought I might lose him, just like my father.
I tried to push those thoughts, those memories away. I tried to convince myself this was not the repeat of the past – the same history would not be repeating itself. But I was worried sick. I panicked. The trauma from the past haunted me, threatening to take another one away from me.
Terrified. Horrified. Scared.
The time it took to tend Karma was agonizingly long. Anxiety had gnawed from within. The bravery I used to have, thinking that since I had gone through that trauma, if the same thing ever happens again I can manage through, vanished in thin air.
I fumbled on my phone, almost dropping it, to call the girls. Neither of them picked up. I begin to turn delusional. I thought something happened to them as well.
The truth hit me in my core – I am going to be left alone again.
I left a message on the online group. I didn't have the courage to check for any comments or messages because I was afraid that someone would tell me bad news about them.
I waited. And waited. During that period, I relinquished any bad thoughts about the girls and Karma and focused on optimism. Someone said if you keep being positive good things will happen. So I prayed for the best for Karma. I prayed he would be alright.
Then I begin to blame myself for all the wrongdoings I did.
I shouldn't have followed Karma into the water. I shouldn't have taken his bet. I shouldn't have let him wander deeper into the water.
I shouldn't have got mad at him. I shouldn't have called him stupid and clingy.
I shouldn't have stalled my confession. I shouldn't have made him wait.
I should have told him I love him.
Trepidation, a sign from heavens telling me I should treasure my time with him, even if Earth will blow up next year. It is a warning: if you don't tell him you love him, I'll take him away from you. I'll make you alone again and let you stay in remorse and regret forever.
I tried to hold in my tears, to be brave for him, to make myself pray for him so that I could get my mind off all these scary thoughts. When the girls finally showed up – thankfully in one piece – I threw myself into Megu and wailed.
When Karma was brought out, I was not brave enough to check if it was a cold corpse. The doctor told us he would be sleeping for awhile due to the antidote. I brushed his hand and realized it was stone cold.
My heart committed suicide as it leaped over a tall cliff.
After the girls reassure me he is alright, I cry by the stairwell. Megu, Rinka, Manami and Kanzaki are by my side all night. They take turns looking out for me while barely taking some sleep. The others look after Karma in his room.
When I receive news that Karma has woken up, I dash to his room. I hear his frail voice before I open the door. I rudely open the door, causing a ruckus. I see him, on his bed, looking pallid in stark contrast with his red hair. His mercuric golden eyes barely glinted under the light. Both of our eyes lock onto each other.
He is breathing. He is alive. He is fine.
I slam the door shut and dash back to the stairwell to bawl again.
Megu pulls me into an embrace and coaxes my back. "There, there. He's alright. Stop being upset."
Kanzaki gives me a soft smile and hands me a can of hot chocolate she got from the vending machine. "Here, drink some to replenish your energy."
Rinka nods in approval. "Yes. Or Karma will be worried seeing you pale."
I don't want to make him or the girls worry anymore. I drink it hastily, letting the heat sear my tongue. Manami, who finally shows up after picking up some food from the canteen, hands each of us a bento. She has made her delivery round to Karma's room. Relief written over her face as she has probably saw Karma awake.
I open the bento, trying to stop the brimming tears from spoiling the food. Megu takes my bento away, picks up a spoonful and shoves it to my mouth. I chew it as tears flow down my cheeks. She takes a bite by herself then feeds me.
"Akari-chan, do you want to see Karma-kun later?" Manami asks as she eats her bento. The others have also begun to dig in. "He seems to be pretty worried about you."
I croak. "I... I don't know... I..." I bawl.
I ask myself: why am I so reluctant to see him? Am I afraid of seeing him? Why? Or am I too ashamed to see him? Tears answer my question. The shock of almost losing him is such a horrifying reality I cannot bear to face him, despite the fact that he has survived.
Megu stops feeding me and rises from her seat. She steps down from the stairs and looks at something behind me. I turn around and find Karma standing there leaning against a crutch. Rio, Hinata and Kaede stand behind him, ready to support him if he couldn't remain his position. The girls accompanying me by the stairwell concede from their seats and all of them leave me and Karma alone.
I stare at him and the tears cascade unendingly. His expression softens and takes a limping step forward. With one hand pressed against the wall, he slowly descends to the seat next to me. I watch him silently.
His pale hand stretches out to touch me. I see red welts stretching from under his sleeve to his neck. My heart aches even more. I want to bawl again – it reminds me of his near-death experience, where I thought I might lose him.
"Hey hey hey..." Seeing my nose wrinkled to start another long cry, his outstretched hand cups my cheek. His thumb wipes off a tear. "Don't cry. I'm alright now, aren't I?"
"B-but I... you... you almost died! Because of me!" I cry.
"Shhhh," he shushes. "It's not your fault. It's never your fault. It's just an accident. No one could have predicted it."
It hurts badly. "I shouldn't have taken that bet! It's punishment! I shouldn't have got mad at you! I shouldn't have called you stupid and clingy!"
His eyes wide open at my outburst. He then leans his forehead against mine. "Hey. It's okay now." His tiny whisper is inaudible.
"I should have told you... I love you..."
Words spilled out cannot be taken back. I am crying too hard to even bother that I confessed first. I don't care anymore.
Karma... Karma is much more important.
I have to treasure my time with him.
Karma stares at me blankly. I cannot tell if his face is red because of blushing or from the heat. He gapes as if he cannot believe his ears. "You... you l-love me?" Without waiting for a reply, he says, "I... I love you too."
My eyes widen in return. Did he just...? "K-karma?"
"I love you Akari. I love you so damn much. I thought... I thought I'd never see you again. I thought I won't have the chance to tell you how much I love you." A short pause. "I love you Akari," he repeats.
I smile with a blush on my face. "I love you too, Karma."
He smiles. "Will you be my girlfriend?"
His other hand grasps my hand. "I love you." Then, he gently places his lips on mine and kisses me.
I lean against Karma as he leans against the wall. His arms wrap around my waist. His lips touch my forehead as he mutters. "You feel better? Do you still want to cry? I can accompany you."
I touch his hands on my waist. "I'm better now. Thanks." I crane my neck to look at him. "Umm..."
"Hmm?" He hums.
I voice out my doubt. "So we're umm... together now?"
"You don't like it?"
"No. I just want to make sure."
He chuckles then he pecks my cheek. "Yes. We're official. Finally. Akarma."
I pout. "Idiot."
"I'm your idiot."
Suddenly an idea pops up in my mind. "Hey, why don't we keep this a secret?"
"Eh? Why?" He gasps.
"We can fool the others. It would be fun."
His usual trademark smirk transpires. "Aww... my girlfriend is as evil as I am. It makes me love you even more." He pauses due to hesitance. "Can I... kiss you?"
I blush, fuming furiously. It's such a bold request, but since we're official now, it's nothing, right?
I nod. He leans in to kiss me. I too close my eyes and prepare myself. But a noise interrupts us and we break away. Crimson remains on my cheeks.
"Karma," says Megu who pops her head into the stairwell. "The doctor wants to inspect you for awhile." Luckily, she doesn't seem to have sensed something going on or she'll probably strangle Karma to death. She's more like a mother within the trinity – Rio, Megu and me. She sternly takes good care of us to make sure we are not taken advantage of.
Karma nods. He wears an impassive mask, as if nothing has happened at all. I try to remain calm, praying that the heat on my cheeks has subsided. I refrain from giggling at Megu's quizzical look.
"Oh yeah," Megu adds before popping her head back to the corridor. "Korosensei's here."
On cue, the octopus's trademark snicker rings in my ears. I flinch when the source of the voice is too close to us. The huge yellow head grins widely as he pops up between me and Karma. The yellow colour transform into pink as he speaks. "Nurufufufufufufu...... what do we have here? Lovebirds hiding in a corner to make out?"
I fluster. Did Korosensei found out?
"Korosensei..." Karma says. "How could you focus on gossip when your favourite student, me, almost died? That's just mean!"
"NUYA! Karma-kun! Sensei didn't neglect you!" His tentacles flail in the air, flustered.
Distraction tactic success! Karma and I snicker.
"Karma-kun, are you feeling well?" The tentacles hold Karma's limbs closer to Korosensei's face for closer inspection. "I believe the jellyfish poison didn't cause much severe consequences. Sensei was frightened when I heard you were in an accident!" The yellow head turns to me. "Akari-chan, you are okay as well?"
"Yes," I reply. "Sensei, can you help Karma back to his room?"
"Eh?!" He gasps. "But... sensei thought you wanna send more time with each other! To make out or kiss or..." Korosensei's face is a huge pink blob. "Nurufufufufu, anything a couple does!"
Karma chuckles. "We're not official."
"Sensei! How could you still focus on gossip at a time like this?" I bark. "Be a good sensei!"
Korosensei flinches at my rage. He puts on his wig and his fake nose. Then, disheartened, the octopus lends out his tentacles for Karma's support and helps him back to his room. "Yes..." he replies, discouraged. He'll probably mope in a corner later.
The ginger risks a peek back at me and winks. I wink back.
Keeping our love a secret. It is like Romeo and Juliet in real life. I told Karma about this. He chuckled and promised me we won't end up dead. Instead, he promised that we would stay with each other forever and ever until we were old people, surrounded by our children and grandchildren.
"Since when I decided to marry you and have kids?!" I shouted, with a ridiculous blush on my face.
"I bet it had crossed your mind in a way. Don't worry. 5 kids will do."
After the doctor certified he can be released from the hospital, Korosensei bawled. And bawled. And mucus flowed down his face, almost flooding the entire room with mucus. The octopus was so touched and worried about his student that he had been giving the ginger special treatment – lymphatic massage, food from all over the world, etc. Karma seemed to be dissatisfied that he was released too quickly.
Of course, I didn't have time to spend with him privately. The girls and Korosensei were always around. We delayed our scheduled return by one day for Karma. Korosensei was forced – by Karma – to pay for the train tickets. The poor teacher might only have a measly 5 yen left in his purse.
On the train, the girls are exceptionally generous. They let me sit with Karma while snickering evilly. Even Korosensei joins in the fray. Though after 5 minutes on board he slumps lifelessly on his seat, a green sickening colour dyes his face.
"You should get some rest," Karma mutters. He looks around to make sure no one is watching. The girls have fallen asleep as well. He quickly laces his fingers through mine. "I know you've been busy taking care of me and buying souvenirs."
Obediently I rest my head on his broad shoulder. The warmth of his hand latched onto mine feels nice. "Yeah." I trace my other hand over the red welts on his hand. It has subsided mostly, leaving a few tiny trails behind – the proof of being kissed by jellyfishes. "Don't ever do that again."
"Do what?"
"Letting your guard down to pursue for anything and almost got yourself killed."
He smiles. "It's just because the thought of making you my maid is too tempting."
I glare at him and pinch his hand. He winces. "Promise me," I demand.
He leans his forehead to my skull. "I promise."
He is determined this time.
For the sake of his best friend's happiness, he will......
He will push Isogai and Akari together!
Obviously Isogai has no clue about this or he'd be stopping the playboy. Maehara couldn't stand watching his best friend being tortured by one-sided love. The ikemen is too soft-hearted. If only he is more confident, more assertive, Akari would already be his. Even though he always says he's okay, but to Maehara, Isogai is an open book. He can easily peek into the boy's heart and knows what he is thinking – regret, pain and agony.
Even if Karma is utterly a devil, nothing can stop him in the way of helping Isogai.
Maehara's plan consists of many stages that he has planning on for countless nights.
First, he must make Akari think that Isogai still has feelings for him.
Maehara sneakily takes Isogai's phone when he is unaware. Then he contacts Akari through online chat app which Isogai rarely uses. He has to be very careful and apply Isogai's way of chatting – polite, grammatically correct, no short forms blah blah blah – typical of an ikemen. Everything has to be perfect.
'Isogai': Hey, Akari. Can we talk?
Akari: Yeah sure, Yuuma.
Yuuma?! She's calling him Yuuma now? He snickers. This means they stand a chance!
'Isogai': I don't know how to phrase this. Umm...
Akari: It's okay. Just tell me. :D
'Isogai': I... I still like you very much! I've been thinking of you lately. I dream of you day and night. I can't focus on work because all I could think of is you. And when you called me Yuuma, I am so excited and happy. I don't care if you like Karma. I like you very much too! Can you give me a chance before you decide who you want to be with?
Akari: ...... umm... I thought umm you... told me you were fine about everything...
'Isogai': I lied. I didn't want you to be in a dilemma. But after serious consideration, I cannot just give up without a fight. Please do not sentence me to death before you see me fight!
Akari: Yuuma I really... I...
"What are you doing?"
Maehara stiffens as Isogai calls him from behind. The ikemen blinks innocently at the playboy. "What are you doing with my phone?" He repeats.
"What I am doing with you p-phone?" Maehara echoes. He gulps. Oh shit oh shit oh shit...
He risks a peek at the phone screen. Akari is still typing.
"I'm updating it of course! You really need to update your phone! It's getting rusty!" Maehara lies blatantly.
Agonizing silence.
Maehara can hear his heart thundering.
"Oh. Ok. My phone's not that new so I didn't bother updating anyway. Ritsu told me she would handle the updating for me and also install the latest system into it," Isogai replies without any suspicion and returns to cooking lunch for his siblings.
Maehara lets out a sigh of relief. "Thank god..." He returns to be engrossed in the phone.
Akari: Yuuma, I'm sorry. I'd like to give you a chance but... I don't want to hurt your feelings in the end. I'm sorry. Let's just be friends okay?
No worries. Maehara still can fix this. He is the love expert / playboy after all.
"What cha' doin' Hiroto-nii?"
Another voice catches Maehara off guard. His heart leaps over a cliff. His hands almost dropped the very precious cell phone that Isogai cannot afford to buy another if it broke. He spins to find the two very adorable – and busybodies – siblings of his best friend's.
"I'm updating your brother's phone," Maehara repeats his lie.
Kyouko, the smart one, cocks an eyebrow doubtfully. She peeks over the phone. "Then why is Akari-san's name on it?"
Little brat.
"Akari-nee-chan? I wanna see!" Souma shouts as he jumps up and down.
"Shush!" Maehara shushes the two.
"Are you invading Yuu-nii's privacy, Hiroto-nii? I can get you sued. Then we can get more money as compensation," warns Kyouko.
Little brat!
Suddenly Kyouko's eyes widen as if she understands something. "Don't tell me... you're pretending to be Yuu-nii and chat with Akari-san online?"
Smart little brat!
"No," Maehara replies and covers the phone screen with his palm. "Shoo, brats. I have important things to do."
"Are you playing matchmaking?" Kyouko presses on relentlessly. "Really?"
"Matchmaking!" Souma hollers.
"Will you two be quiet for once?!" Maehara raises his voice but neither of them falters.
"Let us in or we'll tell Yuu-nii," demands Kyouko.
"Let us in! Let us in!" Souma hollers again.
Maehara slaps his forehead. Sighing, he gives up. "Fine. Just be quiet." The two gives him an OK sign. "I want Akari and Yuuma together. So this is me pretending to be Yuuma to take the initiative because that blockhead is such a pushover and an idiot."
Kyouko nods understandingly. "I agree. Yuu-nii's an idiot in romance." She touches her chin to contemplate about something. Her antennae bob up and down. "I do want a Sister-in-Law... fine. We have a deal. We'll help you with this."
"I don't need help. You'll only mess things up," says Maehara.
"But we can be your spies to look out for Yuu-nii. And it would be easier to unearth more secrets of Yuu-nii," Kyouko offers. She turns to Souma. "Where's Yuu-nii's diary?"
"He has a diary?"
Souma salutes proudly. "On it!" And he gallops away.
Traitorous brats. Nice. But Maehara cannot afford to have a slight mistake if they join in. "No—"
"Reject us and I'll tell Yuu-nii of your dirty secret and also to Akari-san's presumed redheaded boyfriend."
A cold chill spreads down his spine. Maehara still remembers Karma staking out at his garden, waiting to give him a taste of hell. And that is only the consequence of blurting out something that shouldn't be blurted on Facebook. Imagine what would happen to Maehara if Karma finds out he is faking as Isogai to push Isogai and Akari together.
Maehara would only be left of his ashes.
It is such a horrifying thought. Maehara cannot die before he got enough of girls.
"What do you want to do next?" Kyouko asks as Souma gives the diary to Maehara as an offering. It is a book with a worn-out leather cover.
Maehara flips over the pages of the diary. He notices on some pages where Akari is mentioned, there are tiny notes written in colour on the sides. Isogai has been observing Akari and jotting down her tiny habits, her favourite things and a little bit of her trivia learnt from usual conversations with her.
Oh Isogai Yuuma. If you claim to have not harbour anymore feelings for her, why did you even bother writing all these down?
An evil smirk crawls to Maehara's face.
"Hiroto-nii," Kyouko tries to summon the boy back to reality.
A silent evil chuckle. "Stage two: taking the initiative as proof of affection."
I know, I know. Another cliffhanger (s). And a short chapter.
But you gotta admit, this chapter packs the punch right? A direct confession from both sides and Karma still lives! They are together now! Sort of. (thanks to Akari's evil plan to keep it as a secret.)
But... it's not weird right? ( I know I ask this question a lot of times but I feel something is off..)
Will Maehara end up foiling their relationship? Or will he get some taste of Karma's hell?
Anyway, I guess next chapter will be the last chapter for Summer Tales. I'll be back the canon storyline, I guess. I'll try to update the AU side story as well.
FYI, it's going to be Sept. I still haven't know which university I'm going in but... it also means I'll be pretty busy and I might not be able to do regular weekly updates after Sept!!!!!!! (CRIES) So I'll be putting most of my time into updating both stories as many as I can before it's too late.
Thanks guys for votes and everything! Comments and votes are love~ Feel free to post questions or opinions!
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