Chapter 13
Love is always such a curious little thing. You didn't expect it to come. Yet it always finds a way to reach your doorstep, no matter how many times you push it away. It sneaks up to you without any notice or warning. It takes you by surprise. So surprising you wouldn't know how to react.
I stop crying once I hear Isogai. I straighten myself. "What?"
Isogai looks at me, with a sweet smile on his face. The blush dwells on his face, but it is not the colour of a tomato. It is the rosiness of a pink rose, subtle, yet beautiful. He repeats himself. "I love you, Akari."
I stare at him. My mind cannot process the words he said.
"Umm... Isogai, I..." words fail to form from my gaping mouth.
"I know. You can't reciprocate my feelings," he says.
I need to change the topic. I feel my cheeks burning. "W-we should get your bruises t-tended." I fumble for the plasters in front of me but his hand touch mine. Instinctively I pull away. I don't look him in the eye because it will aggravate the burning in my cheeks.
"Is it because you like Karma?" he asks.
I paralyze. "N-no." I reply. It's partly true and partly a lie. Honestly I still haven't figured it out.
"I understand. It only means I still have a chance." He looks into the distance. "At first, I hesitate to confess because if I did, it'll change our relationship forever. We can no longer be just friends. I really do treasure our friendship. But I can't keep these feelings welled up in me forever." His fist clamps over his heart like it hurts as he breathes.
"So I'm going to tell you. I don't care if you reciprocate them. I really hope you do. But love cannot be coerced. I understand that. However, I don't want to sit quietly in a corner and do nothing to vie for your love. I never expect you to notice, after all, you aren't the sharpest knife in the drawer when it comes to love."
"Hey! You don't have to be so blunt about it," I retort. "I know I'm dense."
He chuckles, a nice melody to my ears. "But..." he grabs my shoulders and stares into my eyes. "I'll wait. I'll wait until you realize who your feelings are directed. Be it Karma, or me, or anyone else. Till then I will stay by your side and protect you, no matter how many times you'll try to push me away. I won't budge. I won't falter. Anyone who tries to hurt you, they have to go through me first."
"Iso-" he pulls me into a hug. His warmth feels nice. I relax.
"Just let me protect you. That's all I ask for," Isogai whispers.
We stay like that for some time. I indulge myself into his warmth that comforts me from my fears. I take it as a friendly hug more than something romantic, though I have qualms. I'm probably lying to myself to avoid any unnecessary overthinking.
The door slides open and Korosensei's head pops in. We immediately break apart.
"Nuya! Isogai-kun, Akari-chan! Are you okay?" Korosensei's tentacles reach out for my arm, examining it carefully. "Some blood seeped through the bandage. I'll change it for you." Another tentacle grabs Isogai's chin and flips his head side to side. Then he examines his limbs. "Isogai-kun, I'll put some disinfectant on your grazes just in case." Tentacles busy themselves as they grab the appropriate medication.
"Korosensei," Isogai says. "What happened to Takaoka?"
"Nuya?" Korosensei looks up. "Nagisa-kun defeated him and the Board Chairman gave him a scarlet letter."
"N-nagisa?" I gasp. I'll need to hear this from Rio later. And for the Board Chairman to show up, what a good timing. He probably planned it in advance so that he can show up in the end like a formidable final boss in those typical video games.
"Where is everyone else?" Isogai asks.
Korosensei looks at him like he has asked a weird question. "Everyone else? They were outside celebrating. I saw Karma-kun just now, outside. Sensei thought he came to pay you a visit."
Karma? Why is he here?
Did he overhear Isogai's confession?
I stand before Korosensei can finish the dressing. "Excuse me for a sec," I say as I run out from the room. Karma is nowhere to be seen. The hallway is empty. Noises from the classroom echo throughout the hallway.
Maybe I can catch up to him if I'm fast. My legs stride forward but stop abruptly as a question pops up.
Why do I need to look for him?
I can't comprehend my actions. Just because there's a possibility that Karma overheard, I fluster. Yet, why?
As I ponder on the query, I take a step forward. My leg twists in an awkward direction and I fall to the ground. I hold my leg to my chest. I just twisted it. Great. I push my body off the floor with my uninjured right arm and look up into a pair of liquid-gold orbs.
With his usual smirk, Karma greets me as he squats down before me. "Yo, Akari-chan."
He grabs my arm and lifts me up to my feet with ease. "Fell again, eh?"
"What are you doing here-" He pinches both of my cheeks. "It hurts! Let go!" I slap his hands.
"What were you thinking you idiot?" He pinches them harder. "I'm not here for a few hours and you got yourself into some trouble again? I thought I told you specifically not to get hurt! What are you, a trouble-magnet? People avoid troubles, while you're prone to them."
"It hurts!" I protest but he continues pinching.
"So you broke the promise huh? You'll be my maid for a year, you know."
"It huuuuurts!"
"Do you know how worried I was when Nagisa-kun texted me? I ran all the way here because I couldn't spare time to even wait for the train." He lets go of my cheeks and I rub them. "You do something stupid again, I swear, I swear..."
"I can't just stand here and do nothing while that guy makes a punching bag out of everyone else! You weren't even there!" I retort.
His eyes widen, taken aback by my words. Guilt covers his face. "I told you not to burden everything onto your shoulders. It's not your job-"
"No it's not. But I cannot stand to watch injustice against anyone. This world is horrid enough. Someone needs to make a change. If I don't take the step, no one else will."
Karma rolls his eyes. Gritting his teeth, he glares at me. His gaze rests on the wound on my left arm. He mutters something incoherent as he fishes out a beige handkerchief from his pocket. Then he wraps it around my wound. Some blood seep through but thankfully it stops.
"Okumura Akari, I'm warning you. This is your ultimatum. Do just one more, one more stupid move like that, you'll regret anger me." He glares at me.
I know he is mad partly because I broke the promise. But I did it for a good cause. If he was there, I wouldn't be rash. He's the one who said let him handle it. Where was he anyway? Oh yeah, he skipped school. But he is right to be angry with me. I'm angry at myself too for being overconfident and almost getting Isogai and myself killed.
"Fine," I mutter unwillingly. Then I remember the reason I am looking for him. I sheepishly avert eye contact from him. "Umm... Karma, did you umm... perhaps... overhear... umm... what Isogai said?"
He raises his eyebrows at me. "What he said?"
Thank god. It would be embarrassing if he heard it. Plus I felt the tension between him and Isogai is like a ticking bomb awaiting the spark to ignite the explosion. Looks like I don't need to do any explaining. But I still have to ponder on why I would worry if he heard Isogai's confession.
Speaking of that confession, I still haven't given Isogai a formal answer yet-whether if I accept or reject his love. I can't accept it because I don't-or haven't felt the same to him. I can't reject it either because I don't want to hurt his feelings. He says he is fine if I don't like him back, but he's definitely faking it. People get hurt if their love isn't reciprocated. The main concern is how hurt you can get and how good you are at concealing it.
"Are you blushing?" Karma speaks and breaks my terrain of thoughts. I touch my cheeks. They are heating up. I slap them as he chuckles.
"Aww... are you that eager to meet me? Or you actually wished that I was there to save your life again?" he teases.
I spit my tongue at him as a little rebellion. I turn to walk back to the medical bay but my faulty twisted ankle gave way. I nearly fall onto my knees until Karma grabs my arm to hold me steady. He sighs and in a swift move, lifts me into his arms.
My blush returns, a rose blooming on my cheeks. "K-Karma!"
"If you don't want anyone else to see this, you better pipe down," he says as he walks to the medical bay.
I close my mouth. Damn you, Akabane Karma! What are you trying to do?!
Karma slides open the door with his foot. Isogai is the only one there now. Korosensei probably left to do his own business.
Isogai's eyes gleam with expectation as he glances to the door. But they widen in surprise as he sees Karma and me in his arms instead. "Karma?"
"Yo, Isogai," Karma says, ignoring the fact I am glaring at him. He drops me to the bed and turns to the male class rep. Isogai stares at him as well.
The tension in the room thickens like blanket, suffocating and awkward. I watch as they stare at each other with hostility, like beasts ready to pounce onto each other. I imagine their fangs and claws bared to tear each other apart. Karma wears a triumphant smug, sending an inaudible signal to Isogai: I won. Isogai, if he isn't a nice guy, he would have punch Karma in the jaw, judging from his clenched fists that seethe in anger.
Wonderful. So Karma did overhear Isogai's confession. He carries me into the room to show to Isogai that he still has the upper hand in this ridiculous battle to vie for my love. I'm the spark that will trigger the bomb and soon commence a deadly strife among them.
God. What have you done, Okumura Akari? You made two boys fight for you yet you still don't understand your own feelings. Wow... you are seriously the densest girl in the world. I internally chide myself.
I sigh. I cannot defuse this with words because I indirectly instigated it. I remove Karma's handkerchief and replace it with a better dressing.
Isogai rushes to my aid. "Let me help you, Akari-chan."
Smirking, Karma kneels before me and examines my foot. "Akari-chan~~ I'll fix your foot for you."
Having two boys to take care of me sounds good, but this picture is wrong in so many levels. It feels like a reverse harem.
"I'm fine... I can do it on my own-"
The door is rudely opened and three figures fall to the floor by the entrance. Rio, Megu and Nagisa yelp in pain as they carefully lift themselves from the floor. We watch silently, wondering what they are doing.
Rio raises her hands in the air in defense. "W-we just came by to s-see how you're doing, Aka-chan!"
"R-right!" Nagisa stutters. He holds his notebook.
"Looks like you and Isogai are alright!" Megu says high-spiritedly. "Oh, Karma, you're here!"
The three of us are skeptical at their weird behaviour. What piques my interest is that little notebook as I recall Ritsu saying Nagisa is one of the culprits stalking me. I leap with one foot towards the petite boy. He shudders when I approach.
"Nagisa, can you lend me your notebook?" I ask.
Nagisa visibly stiffens. "Umm... can I say no?"
I glare at him. Then at the other two girls. "ARE YOU THREE STALKING ME?!" I shout.
"N-no!" they wave their hands in dismissal unanimously.
Karma voices out. "Nagisa-kun, are you stalking me as well? I've noticed that you've been asking me a lot of weird questions lately."
"Stalking?" Isogai sighs as he rubs his temple. "Seriously?"
"Nagisa..." I crack my knuckles. "Why don't we chat over that notebook of yours?"
"Err..." before he can respond I snatch the notebook from his hand. Then I leap out of the room before he can catch me. I leap as fast as I can to a corner where no one can find me for a while. I sit on the soft patch of grass, meticulously opening Nagisa's notebook.
A bold title in neat handwriting writes: Signs of Karma-kun's love for Akari-chan.
I choke. Beneath the title, countless words scribbled. It doesn't stop at that page. There are plenty more on the next few pages. I steel myself to read the embarrassing notes, unable to contain the heating on my cheeks.
1. Karma is always there for her when she is in trouble. Overprotective?
2. Karma got jealous when Isogai indirectly expressed an interest in Akari? (Need further inspection upon this.)
3. Karma looks unusually lethargic when Akari cancelled training with him for two days. (Something's up...)
4. Akari fell onto Karma?! Best part is: Karma compliments she looks pretty with her hair down!!! Big news! (I'm sensing something here! I believe he doesn't know he has feelings for her and still as dense as usual despite being sharp-witted.)
5. Karma doesn't like it when Akari agrees to a lunch date with Isogai. He actually intervenes them! And they are glaring at each other!!! Love rivals!
6. I've asked Ritsu about Karma's request when we are flying to Hawaii. He's being suspicious and furtive about it. Ritsu told me he asked her to keep out for Akari. (WHAAAAT?! He is worried of her!)
7. Nakamura has given me some details. Karma went to Akari's place at night!!! Just to teach her maths!!! How'd he know where she lived? Stalker! (Wait... does this mean I'm one too?)
8. Holy craaapp! Why did Karma show up in Akari's apartment that morning?! What is he doing here?! I don't believe he is just here to return her something. Something's UP! I asked him about it but he was evasive. (Speculation: he was there long before we were... did he slept there for the night?!)
9. Yet why he lied that he wasn't staying there for the night?
10. Akari got sick. Nakamura intended to show me photographic evidence from her spy (Ritsu) but accidentally sent it to Kataoka... anyway, after the scolding, we found out Karma was there when Akari was sick. How'd he get in? And they look so adorable when he slept beside her.
I swear my face is a red tomato if I have a mirror now. All these notes are embarrassing. They are solid evidence gathered by the keen observer Nagisa to prove Karma's elusive feelings for me. Nagisa doesn't lie. So these must be the truth.
These three has been stalking me all along?!
I slam my forehead to the wall. How come I didn't notice?
It's kinda creepy to have three friends stalk your love life when you don't care much about it.
But the main concern is-Karma slept beside me when I slept on that couch the day I got sick?!
My face fumes. I slap my cheeks. I imagine that scene in my mind. His forehead so close to mine as he slept beside me, possibly watching me sleep. So close he could just kiss me like that pervious incident. I can't stop blushing. I can't stop can't stop can't stop...
I want to see that photo!
The next page is a new title: Isogai's Obvious Signs for Liking Akari.
1. Isogai has indirectly stated he likes Akari!!! What should I do? Should I observe Isogai as well?
2. Isogai has offered himself to bring Akari to the library. Akari is so joyful seeing so many books. Isogai just watches her as his smile occasionally finds its way to his face. And Akari has yet to find out...
3. Isogai rarely touches his dessert. He only watches Akari eat, seemingly full as long as he gets to see her. He looks satisfied just by watching her.
4. Isogai makes his move again by asking Akari for lunch but they were interrupted by Karma. Karma and Isogai were glaring at each other? Seriously?
There aren't more. So Isogai has liked me before Karma did? No wonder he was so eager to go out with me. He wanted to spend time with me. He was already making his move yet I failed to notice.
I am such an idiot.
At home, I lay sprawled on my bed, exhausted.
I didn't wait for Isogai or Karma or even the stalking trio to find me. I limped my way home carefully. The ankle doesn't hurt that much anymore. The blood on my wound has hardened into one ugly lump. The notebook is still with me. As punishment, I'm not giving it back to Nagisa unless I feel like doing so.
Ritsu has told me about how Nagisa defeated Takaoka. He used a different method than I did. While I used brute, Nagisa used assassination skills no one has ever seen. He walked up to Takaoka calmly and composed, with a smile on his face. Only when Nagisa reached out for his throat with the dagger Takaoka finally sensed the bloodlust. He realized he was about to die for real. The dagger could have slit open his throat if Nagisa was serious about killing him.
You don't know death is imminent until it is right at your throat.
I praise Nagisa for being able to destroy the wall I failed to scale. I need to learn more about this and use my brains for a change instead of brawns.
As for Karma and Isogai, I don't know what to do with them. I believe I need to let them fight until both of them got tired of me. But will boys be so easily giving up on love? After all, Isogai confessed to me and stated that he didn't want to go down without a fight. Unless I reject him, his fight for my love will be perpetual. Karma hasn't clearly stated he likes me but my instincts believe so.
Love can make people lose their rationality and even sanity. But love is also the one thing that makes humans strong.
I don't know what to do. Should I really just stand by and watch them fight then pick the victor to be my boyfriend? I need to figure out my feelings quick. Both of them are precious to me and I don't want to lose anyone of them.
I sigh. I'm not even worth fighting for. I'm dense, clumsy, indelicate, overconfident and always gets in trouble for standing against what I think is wrong. I'm curious of what do they see in me-a girl who isn't pretty or cute or adorable unlike all the other girls. I'm not as elegant as Kanzaki, or petite as Kaede, or have the body like Yada, or own Megu's perfect model appearance, or have Rio's flawless blonde hair.
My phone rings, the signal of an incoming message from a chat app. Speak of the devil. It is Karma.
Karma: I'm bored.
I rub my temples. What's with him? And why does he have a cute puppy as his profile picture? He isn't that cute at all.
Me: So?
It doesn't take him long to reply.
Karma: I need entertainment. You.
Me: Go find someone else.
Karma: That's sad. After all I did for you.
I finally remember the handkerchief he wrapped around my wound. I washed it along with my clothes in the washing machine.
Me: It's just a handkerchief.
Karma: I carried you to the medical bay.
Me: It was a sign to declare war against Isogai.
Karma: Haha. So you knew after all. Your peaceful days are over.
Me: I'm quitting from whatever 'war' you guys are having.
Karma: Nope. Can't do.
Me: What is wrong with you? Go find someone else. I'm not worth it.
That is it. He doesn't reply me since.
10 more minutes till midnight yet Karma still hasn't replied me. It's been bugging me. As sleepiness wash over me I decide to put aside my phone. Who cares if he doesn't?
The doorbell rings. I'm surprised someone would come at a time like this. Could it be... a robber?
Or it's just a certain redhead.
I peek through the hole. My hunch is right. Karma's hair is a prominent burning flame even at night. I open the door, staring at him. "What do you want?"
Karma stares at me. Without saying a word, he pinches my cheeks. I yelp as I try to yank off his hands. But he moves forward, shoving me to a wall while closing the door with his foot. He doesn't smirk or snicker. Instead I see anger seething in his eyes.
"What do you mean you're not worth it?" Karma grits his teeth, seething with anger. "What kind of an idiot says that?"
He lets go of my cheeks. "I'm not pretty or elegant or petite or delicate. I'm just a girl who is a tomboy, who recklessly endangers her own life for the sake of others. I don't apply makeup. I don't cower behind boys for protection. I'm dense, clumsy, an idiot like you always told me." I look away from his piercing golden eyes. "To be the centre of attention of two boys who can get girls just with their looks is too dreamy. It's surreal. I'm not worth it. I'm just not the kind of girl boys would chase to the end of the world."
He remains silent. Eerily silent. It scares me. Plus he is so close I can feel his breath tickling my face.
Then he erupts into laughter. I thought he transformed into some sadistic villain . "That's it? Wow, you are dumb."
"If you're not worth it, why did Isogai risked his life to save you? Why would I rush back just to see you're okay? Calling yourself a debater who is so oblivious is an overestimation."
"That's what I'm trying to tell you. I'm not worth-"
He silences me with a finger on my mouth. "That's what you think. People are inclined to degrade themselves because they see many excellent people around them. They see strengths in others yet failed to see the strengths within them. All they can see are their own weaknesses. Everyone has their own strengths. They need others to tell them, to assure and convince them they are stronger and better than they imagined. So I'm going to tell you what I see in you." His gaze forces me to stare right into his eyes. "Despite being an oblivious airhead, dense and clumsy and self-deprecating, you are more than that. You are enthusiastic, exuberant, a fast learner. You are the bravest person I've ever seen, who speaks up for injustice even if you're swimming in treacherous waters. You fight back. You never give up. You can make anyone your friend and let your enemies collapse to their knees just with words. You... you are strongest girl I've ever seen. This is what I see in you. This is what made me fall for you deeper each passing day."
Words don't come out from my mouth.
'This is what made me fall for you deeper each passing day.'
Karma smiles. "Don't take it as a confession. I'm not going to use a confession to make you like me back. I'll just wait till you realize..." He inches closer. I have nowhere to go. "The one you love, is me."
My face is crimson. Scarlet. Red. Fuming. Steaming. A tomato.
"Not time yet," Karma interjects. "You're still dense and confused. I'll wait till you admit you like me. Then I'll make a formal confession as well."
"Karma!" I finally shout and punch his chest. He yelps in pain but he laughs as he falls to the floor.
"Feisty is your drawback," he adds. "But I like it."
I'm going to kick him. I'll shove my feet into his mouth so that he'll never-
'This is what made me fall for you deeper each passing day.'
"Arrghhh!" His words won't stop resonating in my mind. Their roots ingrain deep into my brain, sprouting, blooming, growing into a huge tree.
I need air. I need air. I need to calm down.
Karma smirks as he watches my boiling emotions amuse him.
I grab my jacket sprawled over the sofa. I need to go somewhere to calm myself down. But for me to go alone at night is dangerous. My option is still sitting on the floor, watching with amuse as I fluster and fidget.
"I'm going somewhere. You're coming with me," I say as I drag him off the floor with brute.
"We're going to a hotel?" he teases.
"Not funny." I close the door behind me.
Our destination is the top floor of a 40-storey apartment near mine. We take a lift that brings us straight to the top floor. Karma doesn't say anything on the way while I refuse to look at him. If his face appears in my sight I swear those words will haunt me again like a curse.
The residents on the 40th floor are probably sleeping by now so I don't need to worry of anyone kicking us out. As we step out of the lift, a strong gust welcomes us and messes up my hair. I struggle to keep my hair in place. The corridor is open-aired thus strong gusts of wind often makes its stay. The wind here is unending because we are quite high up.
I reach for the spot where I can see views from both sides of the building. I lean against the wall. Upon standing there, the wind blows harder, as if it welcomes my presence. After all, I am a frequent visitor. It feels awesome to let the wind kiss my face. The coldness sends tingles down my spine but I don't mind. I've never experienced anything as wonderful as the nature's gale force that isn't as cataclysmic as its cousin, the tornado.
Here I don't need to worry about the two love rivals. Or my feelings. Or the world. I am momentarily in peace.
Karma stands beside me. The wind disfigures his hair.
"This is my place," I say. "I come here whenever I'm troubled. I let the wind take away my worries and confusion and troubles as it blows past me." I look down at the buildings that are mere ants. Their lights glitter like stars.
"And you bring me here because?" Karma asks. His eyes fix on the mesmerizing moon above us.
"Because I don't want to get mugged on the way here."
"That's not romantic," he replies.
"And... I hope the wind blows away your troubles as well. Though I doubt you have any."
"My troubles huh?" he taps his chin. "Well, my main concern is for you to never get into trouble again."
I look at him. The darkness conceals my blushing.
"And also I want to fish for more delinquents. I've been thinking so damn hard to have a good strategy. Maybe the wind can bring me good luck."
I sigh. "That's very romantic of you."
He smirks as he steps closer. Before I know it, his arms wrap around my waist from behind and his head rests on mine. I blush furiously.
"I'm reenacting that moment from Titanic. You know," he mumbles. "'You jump, I jump.' Romantic enough for you?"
Numb, I blush to my limits. My red complexion can be seen through the darkness. I'm probably a glowing red tomato in the dark. Or a glowing red Chines lantern. I nod weakly.
I feel his snicker sending vibrations through my head. "Good. Let's stay like this for a while."
I want to struggle but his warmth feels comfortable against the cold wind. It's nice, intoxicating, and irresistible. I never felt such feelings before. I kind of like it-the feeling of being hugged by people. Even if it is Karma.
A thought hits me. I want him to hold me like this forever, never letting go.
The next morning, when I open my eyes, my back aches. Of course it aches. I have been leaning against a wall for the entire night. I intend to stretch my limbs but I soon realize my shoulder is heavy. I turn to the right, only to see a thick mass of red hair. Karma's head rests on my right shoulder as his eyelids stays shut. I look down at my hand, which his grasps tight.
I blush. God... how many times I did it these few days?
I shrug my shoulders to wake him up. I cannot afford to let anyone find us in such compromising position. Karma opens his eyes as he lifts his head. He rubs them. "Good morning, Akari-chan~~" He looks around, confirming our location.
I look down at our tangled hands. Karma follows my gaze. Immediately he retracts his hand and turns his head aside. What a peculiar behavior. I meticulously spin my head to see his face. Pink roses blossom on his cheeks. As he notice my gaze on him, the roses bloom into crimson ones-the extent of how red his face is. It is as red as his hair.
Karma's blushing?! I nearly laugh.
But to see him blushing, looking so embarrassed is a first. I've finally see him blush. The entire formidable, scary persona of his shatters. If I haven't seen it myself, I would never know he is actually quite bashful and...
...and cute.
I giggle. My turn for revenge. "Are you blushing?"
He doesn't look at me. "Am not."
"Am too."
He grits his teeth. His mind is thinking of ideas to pull himself out of this awkward situation, where his weakness is completely open to exposure. He doesn't even have the strength to tease me back.
I hear a door nearby click open. A woman appears at the corridor and we stare at her. Gasping, she cries, "What are you doing here?"
I smell trouble. I stand to my feet, grabbing Karma with me and we dash to the lift before the woman catches us. We manage to make our escape as we reach the ground floor and in a flurry we reach my apartment.
"That was fun," I exclaim.
Karma sighs. "Your term of fun is different than normal people, aren't you?"
I spit my tongue at him. My stomach grumbles. "Time for breakfast." I yawn. Clearly I didn't have a good sleep last night.
"I'll go home. Unless you want me to stay?" Karma implores.
I glare at him. "Go home. Your parents are worried sick."
He shrugs. "Not really. I did tell them I might be staying over a friend's house for the night."
You really thought things through, didn't you?
I stutter. "Don't tell anyone what happen last night."
He smirks. "Fine~ We'll keep our love for a secret until you decide to expose it to the world."
I sigh. Annoying jerk.
"Plus... since you broke the promise..." he dramatically pauses, waiting to see my expression twist into horror.
Holy crap! That promise!
"I would LOVE to have you as my personal maid..." he trails off, as if he is voicing out his thoughts loud enough to terrify me. "But seeing you in a maid outfit would be too cute to resist and I might end up confessing for you first. So... I'll wait till a perfect opportunity. Right after your admission."
I don't know should I be relieved or worried right now. Either way, I'm doomed.
"Bye," he waves goodbye as he begins to walk but then stops. He turns around. "Oh yeah, don't forgot what I said."
What did he said?
He said a lot of stuff-my strengths he sees in me, an indirect confession, the maid punishment. But only certain words respond to his demand and reverberate in my skull.
'This is what made me fall for you deeper each passing day.'
'I'll wait till you admit you like me. Then I'll make a formal confession as well.'
Oh god. My face is beet red once more.
Before I can say a word to retort him, Karma is long gone.
Thanks for reading!!! Thanks for the lovely comments! Thanks for adding my story to your reading lists!
I'll do my best to make more chapters that will make you hold your breath XD
Love you guys so much!
Thanks for taking time for this story!!!
(Any mistakes feel free to point them out as they help me to do better :) )
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