Chapter 12
Isogai is an ikemen, according to his friends. The whole class-the whole school knows he is an ikemen because he is a nice guy with great personalities. Plus he has a handsome face that makes a lot of girls, including those from the main campus, to fall in love with him. Occasionally he would receive love letters from them. Because he is a nice guy and usually bashful about romance, he seldom rejects them. In fact, he doesn't have the guts to break their hearts.
Even if his heart has been stolen by one.
Okumura Akari has become his sole reason to look forward to school every day. Before he met her, assassination is his motivation that impels him forward. He also believes he has to study hard to improve his family's situation. He knows well that weighing his family and her on a balance means prioritizing less his main objectives in this school-to get good grades, enter a good and affordable high school, graduate from a prestigious university, entering the society with prestige and become one on the top of the social ladder.
But he cannot abandon any side on that balance. His family is his priority. However, now, the girl with dark brown hair and sky blue eyes became his priority too.
Isogai puts a lot of effort in getting close to her. He offers himself to teach her. He invites her for lunch. He says jokes so that he could hear her laughter. He didn't think of advancing their relationship because he is comfortable with the present. As long as he gets to see her, gets to be close to her, gets to see her smile, he is content.
Whatever he does in school, he must be careful. He must be composed and quick-witted. Isogai needs to undergo countless contemplation before he does something-in fact, anything. He needs to think of countermeasures if his plans go haywire. This is his rules for survival in the school and in the society in the remote future because if there is an iota of mistake, his family will suffer the consequences. His family is already in a dire situation where finance isn't their luxury. Isogai cannot bear to burden his mother because of his mistakes. For once, the school found out he worked part-time and had him demoted into 3E. He could see his future shattering into pieces. But Korosensei's presence changed everything. Isogai became stronger in physical and academic terms under his teachings. It dawned on him that 3E is his last chance that God gave him. He cannot mess it up anymore.
However, the day he broke his own rules is when a new instructor comes to teach them in replacement for Karasuma-sensei. When he sees Akari on the ground, injured, yet still standing against the man that is twice her size, he snaps. His body moves before he realizes it, and he takes the full brunt of the attack launched at her.
The pain is unbearable. The onslaught makes him feel like he has just crossed the line into hell. He understands if this keeps up, he'll end up severely injured, hospitalized, possibly crippled for life-or worse, death itself. Worst case scenario, his family will lose him-the sole pillar that supports its survival.
Isogai couldn't-wouldn't move away because he cannot bear to see the girl he loves injured right in front of him.
The first impression Takaoka Akira gives me is he is a person who has serious personality issues.
The man with a large build strides into the field, carrying countless of bags with him. He isn't large because of fat stored under his skin, but probably because of the muscles he had throughout his body. He isn't particular muscular either, but I can tell that he did went through some strenuous exercise.
No sane man would coddle up students on the first day with expensive desserts. Mostly teachers would do things to buy students' hearts, but what Takaoka did is extremely troubling me. It's like he does it deliberately to lower our guard around him, thinking he's not such a bad guy. I'm perplexed. People usually keep their distance from strangers on their first meeting. Three reasons I can think of to explain Takaoka's actions: either he is a very sociable and chirpy man, or he's a pedophile, or he did these to disguise his true twisted character.
I sound like I'm fantasizing. Maybe he really is a nice guy. But the nicest guy I know is Isogai and he's definitely not the kind to deliberately coddle people. Isogai is nice inside out. Takaoka is the opposite. He's emanating some kind of aura I couldn't comprehend. Something mean and evil perhaps?
My mother used to warn me people are not always what they seem. I only met Takaoka for a few minutes. The conclusion I deduce is I need to be wary about him. I don't like him.
I'm skeptical. For such a weird man to transfer here and be Karasuma-sensei's assistant is definitely an evil plot cooked by the Ministry of Defense. Karasuma-sensei has been doing such a good job. Everyone likes him-especially Kurahashi. He's good in teaching, amazing in his physical abilities and never gives up in training us albeit we are impotent. Sometimes he is harsh but we still do as he says anyway. He doesn't make any unreasonable demands. He understands we are mere students thus he doesn't imply military standards against us. He is a perfect, respectable adult though his only major flaw is that he seldom socializes with us. Our relationship to him is just a teacher and his students, nothing more. He doesn't think that he should interact more with us to know us better. At least he keeps his professionalism, but a little bit too much.
After Takaoka distributed the expensive desserts, he plays some sports with us. He claims the desserts are because we are a family since we are going to be in the same classroom. Plus he calls himself our 'father'. I nearly snorted. Definitely something fishy is going on. I sit by the grass, watching his every move, hoping to find a hint or clue to prove my theory correct. Karma sits beside me, yawning.
"Aren't you playing?" he asks as he gazes at Takaoka and our classmates play.
I shake my head. "I don't like him. He feels... elusive." Yes, Takaoka is an enigma. Who knows how many masks he wears on his face?
"I don't know about you," Karma says. "But if he's teaching tomorrow, I'm skipping."
I look at him. "Not that surprising."
"Wanna skip school with me?" he implores.
I shake my head. "I'm currently studying the behavior of this homo sapien called Takaoka. I believe I can find something interesting from him and write a thesis about it."
He smirks.
My mind drifts off as my eyes remain fixated on the scene in front of me. Karma hadn't spoken anything flirtatious or teases me that often lately. I'm actually starting to miss our bickering. I don't know why but I feel a distance between us, like an invisible wall.
Lately I seldom focus on our relationship. I did think of once how will it evolve to. But my main goal is to make him admit he likes me. I just want to bring down his egoism. I didn't put much thinking into how I feel about him. I refuse to ponder on that matter because romance is not on the top of my bucket list. However, sometimes I did daydream that if we end up together, will we become a very sweet couple everyone else would jealous of? Will he kiss me and coax me and say he loves me every day? Will he find all sorts of reasons to get into my apartment so he can stay with me?
I laugh. Akabane Karma is all sorts of stuff, but not the romantic, love-struck, smitten boy. I much prefer the mischievous, sharp-witted redhead who uses provocation as his arsenal.
"I'll wait for that thesis of yours. Good luck," he says and stands up.
The next day comes fast. Like he has said, Karma is nowhere to be seen.
"Ok then!" Takaoka shouts energetically. "We're starting new PE class! I'm your new PE teacher from now on."
"What about Karasuma-sensei?" I ask as I raise my hand. He turns to me with a wide grin. That moment, I see a dangerous glare flash through his eyes. But it fades away so quick I thought I was hallucinating.
Dangerous! My instinct yells.
"We wouldn't want to burden Karasuma with more work, right?" he replies gleefully. "Don't worry, my training shall be as effective as his, if not, even better."
I don't like the sound of this is going.
He hands out papers to each of us. "Ok then, here's your new timetable!"
Timetable? I pore at the paper. Shock covers my face. I nearly choke.
I never knew a piece of paper can be horrifying despite looking innocent and fragile. Training has replaced most of our lessons with Korosensei. We even have to train to 9pm in the night. What does he think of us? Military personnel? Soldiers? We're students, damn it!
"I have your board chairman's consent for this. So you just have to follow the timetable as stated."
I almost forgot the Demon King of this school-Asano Gakuhou, who would do anything to hinder our progress, despite the fate of mankind rests in our hands. Why I am not surprised he's the perpetrator behind all these?
Why people keep doing this to us?
"As long as you follow this timetable, you'll be stronger in no time!" Takaoka's voice rings throughout the field.
So this is it. This is his twisted character in store for us. The evil that looms over us easily because we are mere students, incapable of fighting back. I knew it!
I have countless of words prepared to spear the man until he collapses to his knees, begging for me to stop.
But Maehara cuts me to it. "We can't follow this timetable!" he protests. "There's no time left for us to study! The Board Chairman knew so he agreed on purpose. We don't even have time to play! How can we do-"
He is cut short when Takaoka lands a blow in Maehara's abdomen. Maehara collapses, puking as the impact makes his insides a whirlpool. An ominous smile-the harbinger of malevolence lights up his face. Such a wicked grin to amplify how crooked his personality is, to hit a defenseless kid. "I don't care to how you do it. You NEED to do it. After all, I am your father. What kid doesn't obey their father's commands?"
To this man who brings omen to our class like the rest whom loathe us, we're not children to him. We are mere tools, soldiers, stepping stones for him to achieve success. He'll do whatever it takes to get that goal even with the costs of our lives. Even the military talks about human rights. This absurd, ridiculous homo sapien strips us of our human rights with the excuse of saving mankind.
No father would hit their own children, damn you.
His evil grin is replaced by the fake smile he wore the first time he met us. "Ok then, let's do 100 squats! 3 sets!" Takaoka demands. "If you want to quit, go ahead. I can arrange for replacements. The octopus won't mind anyway."
I shudder. Replacements? Wow, you really thought it through, father.
Danger is apparent in every word he spit. None of us want to get clobbered like Maehara did. I respect his act of courage. But if we want to fight against this demon disguised as a human, we need to have a secure plan. If Karma is here, he probably provoked the man into a fight, albeit I doubt Karma can easily win.
"I really didn't want to do this to you," says Takaoka, devoid of any sympathy. "After all, you are my important family. As your father, I wouldn't want anyone of us quit. As a family, let's dissolve Earth's danger together!"
This family talk sickens me. I wouldn't want to be close with a jerk that uses fear to subdue people he call 'family'.
Takaoka pats Kanzaki's head, who is shivering in fear. Her fingers fumble, searching for a rescue float to pull herself out of the treacherous waters she is treading. With a gentle voice, he asks Kanzaki, "Do you wish to follow me, your father?"
Hands off!
Kanzaki is paralyzed. She continues to shiver. But as she looks up at Takaoka, I see the familiar dauntless glint in her eyes. I saw it before, when she confronted the ruffians bravely. She stops faltering. With a smile, she says what most of us afraid to voice up.
"No. I want Karasuma-sensei to teach us."
That triggers off the bomb that ticks in Takaoka. One fast swipe on Kanzaki's face is the only thing I see and she falls to the ground, a huge bruise on her left cheek. Kaede and Sugino rush to her aid. She looks like she is about to faint, but she manages through.
That's it!
"What's wrong?" Takaoka says. "I only take 'yes' as an answer, you know. Why don't we exchange fists if you're not pleased? I'm better at fighting."
"Is it?" I say as I take a step towards him. He turns to me, with the fearsome grin on his face. It is a bad omen but I can't step back now. Not after the man hurt my friends. Military or not, he needs to be taken down.
"Another rebellious child? You people have no respect for your father, don't you?" Takaoka grins. I'll smack that grin of yours until you cry home to your father.
"Akari..." I hear Isogai mutter behind me. His hand lingers over my shoulder to stop me, but he retracts it. He knows when I made up my mind there's no stopping me.
"Father? Please," I say. I'm sick of his act. Provocation is best to be done with poisonous words. Words will be my arsenal, his poison. "No father hits their own child. My father does a better job than you. If he's still alive, he can teach you how to be one. Oh wait. Maybe he can't because I see no father potential in you. I recognize no one as my father except my own biological one."
"Are you provoking me, child?" Anger is fuming in his ears but he hides it well with a smile. "If you back up now, I'll still forgive you-"
"I don't need forgiveness from a man who doesn't understand the basic principles of becoming a father."
He grits his teeth. He's pissed. But I'm furious. "So you want to challenge me? To a fist fight?"
"Yes, on the condition that if I win, you'll leave us. Forever."
My classmates gasp. I hear Megu shuffling forward to pull me away. But somehow she stops.
"Fine then. I'll beat you until you collapse to the ground, and you'll beg for mercy. I'll turn you into an obedient doll." Takaoka cracks his knuckles.
"Likewise." I glare at him venomously. I take up my stance.
No mercy, either verbally or physically against the man who hurt my friends. Unforgivable.
I take a deep breath. I am confident. I can take him. I need to defeat him for my friends.
The field is eerily silent. Seconds later, Takaoka rushes toward me with the intention of toppling me with his weight. Right before he reaches me, I dodge to the right and punch him in the side. As expected, he's bulky because he has built up his muscles. His side is hard and I doubt my punch made any impact. I jump away before he can grab me. If he managed to do so, I'm toast.
He runs toward me and I jump away too slow. He grabs me by my arms behind me and twists it so hard it hurts. I don't scream to give him any satisfaction. I remember Karma's words: 'don't struggle. You'll waste energy. Use another countermeasure.' Instinctively, I turn my head to his arm and sink my teeth into his flesh. He roars in pain and smacks my head. I become dizzy as the world spins around me. As I waste too much time to regain balance, in my blurred vision I see him lurch for me.
"Akari!" Megu yells, which snaps me back. Immediately I dodge his grasp and kick him at his spine. He falls to the ground and pulls my legs under me. Then he launches a full brutal punch in my abdomen. I feel my insides twist and turn in pain as I buckle. I want to puke. He aims for my head. I narrowly dodge. I need to get as far away from him.
I force my legs to stand. But they wobble dangerously, threatening to collapse. Focus!
I dodge another of his attacks aimed at my head. Before he can retract his arm, I grab it and bite his arm once more. He yells painfully as his free hand reaches to yank me off. He misses as I give his loins a kick. He buckles. His glare spiteful and mean as he looks up at me. If I give him a kick in the head now, he'll go into submission and I win.
But I never expect him to conceal a weapon.
His right arm swings at me futilely. I don't have to move to dodge him. I see something glint like a mirror in his movement. When I realize, it is too late. Warm liquid oozes from my arm as I notice a wide gash. Blood.
The dagger Takaoka hold shines under the sunlight. He stands, a triumphant smile on his face, as if he has won. I press my wound, but the bleeding doesn't stop. I won't bleed to death, but if I don't get it tended it will be messy.
I faced daggers before. This isn't stopping me.
The dagger lurch for me, eager to pierce my head. I dodge again and again, unable to find an opening to strike. When I finally find one, Takaoka's right arm is outstretched with the dagger. His movement is slow by one second probably due to exhaustion. I take the opportunity and aim for his head. I reach out to punch his head but his dagger suddenly appears before my face. I underestimate his reaction speed, which he purposely slowed down to lure me into a death trap. I manage to dodge, though, but he grabs my wounded left arm and twists it. The nerves and muscles in my arm yell pain. I scream when his finger presses into my wound, aggravating the bleeding. I collapse to my knees and he flings me to a side. I hit my head hard on the ground. Tinny pebbles and rough sand graze my skin.
I find no strength to stand, to fight back. It scares me.
"Ready to give up yet?" Takaoka says triumphantly.
I press harder on my wound to stop the bleeding as I force myself to stand once more. I see my classmates' faces pale in horror as I don't falter. They know if I keep on fighting, I might actually die.
"No..." I mutter. My voice is so weak it is pathetic. What happened to my bravado? My confidence? I realize I'm scaling a wall that is never meant to be scaled by my caliber. I'm not strong enough. I'm overconfident. And this cardinal mistake will soon be the death of me.
I process the situation. I'm scrawny but Takaoka's twice my size. He's military trained while I'm just kid who only mastered tae-kwondo. My adrenaline is fading. The bleeding takes its time to stop. I can feel strength draining with the bleeding. There's no way I can beat him in my condition. I can't win, but I can't afford to lose either.
I pour strength into my voice. "I'm not giving up! I'm never giving up! I'll continue to fight the injustice to our class! I'll fight the prejudice! The unfairness!"
If I give up now, I'll be losing the one thing my father gave me. The most precious present he ever gave me.
I was only 10 when my uncle decided to give me lessons for Tae-kwondo in his dojo. My uncle said I have affinity for it and I quickly escalated to yellow belt in mere weeks.
Today, my father challenged me to a fight. He was a black-belt under my uncle's teachings but it took him longer than usual to achieve it because his punches were too soft.
My father wasn't using his full strength against me. I kicked him and punched him but it barely itched. Easily he toppled me to the floor. I'd stand and stand but I haven't managed to make him yell pain. I was 10. I didn't know what to do. So I cried.
"Seriously, Akira," my mom chided. "You made Akari cry." She stood near a wall and watched us. Her arms were folded across her chest as she gave my father a look of disapproval.
My father paled. He rushed to my aid, trying to stop my outbursts. "There, there, Aka-chan," he coaxed me.
But I wailed. "Daddy is a big meanie! I can't win daddy!"
My father scratched his head, thinking as many ideas as it can to cease my cries. Then, his face lit up. "Why don't I tell you a story about how I and your mother got together?"
My crying ceased and I focused on him. He tapped his chin. "Let's see. 11 years ago, I was standing right at your spot after your uncle challenged me to a fight. He said if I can win him then he'll approve me dating his sister. But he was a black-belt master while I'm a nothing. He hit me so hard it hurt everywhere. My head, my stomach, my legs, my arm. I'm so tired. I knew I can't win him. But I didn't cry like you did, instead I stood up and said, 'I'll never give up because I love Mamoru so much!'. Then well... it didn't end up well. But he did approve because he admired my courage and my persistence. So..." he patted my head. "The moral of the story is NEVER GIVE UP! Like my name, Akira means never give up. It has been a motto passed down from generation to generation, and now I shall pass it to you. So don't give up, Akari! Think about it, if I gave up that moment, you'll never be born at all! Ahahahaha!"
I wiped my tears. "I'll never give up! Like Daddy did!" Then I kicked him in the face. He fell onto his back while my mother laughed.
"N-next time g-give me a heads-up, will ya?" my father grumbled and passed out.
"Yay! I beat Daddy!"
I'm going to inherit your spirit, father. I'll never give up!
I greedily gasp for air. Giving out a battle cry, I dash to Takaoka before he can react and use the momentum I gained to topple him over. He falls like a giant, creating dust clouds. The dagger from his hands slips and I fumble for it. The tip lingers closely to his neck as I sit above him. The adrenaline is making my head spin.
I want to push the dagger right through his fragile skin, watch as the blood pour from his neck to his death. I want to destroy this threat forever.
But I can't.
My fingers quake. As if he knows I couldn't go for the kill, his entire body pushes me off balance as he rises. I fall to the ground to receive a blow in my stomach. I cough so hard I thought my lungs are coming out from my throat.
"You little brat! Disrespecting your father like that!" Takaoka roars. His veins throb angrily against his skin. His hand rose aloft to give me a final blow.
I know from that look on his face, he isn't just going to give me a lesson so that I'll regret challenging him. He's going to kill me.
Then I remember the promise I made to Karma. It's ridiculous but I'm actually thinking of him right now.
I'm sorry, Karma. I broke the promise.
I don't know why my friends didn't come up to help. Usually they would, but I don't want them to. I don't want them to get hurt or killed because of my recklessness. I don't want to carry the guilt of causing my friends' death for the rest of my life. I rather die.
Time flows slowly when you're about to die. The first second you wanted to die and be done with it; the next second you'll start to regret the choice you just made and wish you can choose the other option-live on.
I don't want to die. I want to live. I want to live my life with my friends. I don't want my uncle be left alone to mourn my death. I don't want my mother's death to be in vain after what she did to protect me.
I want to live!
My father's voice resonates in my mind: Never give up!
I close my eyes and cover myself with my arms, bracing for the upcoming impact. When it doesn't come, I open my eyes. I don't see Takaoka freeze in mid-air as expected, but I stare into a pair of sandy-brown eyes.
Isogai grunts as Takaoka engenders an onslaught on his defenseless back. His arms envelop my body as he absorbs the attacks. He flinches and shivers but he doesn't move away. He clings to me and doesn't let go.
"A shield? So what?" Takaoka roars as he kicks Isogai. "I'll use the both of you as an example so that no one else disobeys me again!"
"Isogai?" my voice is weak. I can't move. I don't have the strength to push him away so that he doesn't have to suffer. He refuses to budge.
"It's... ok..." he murmurs. "I got you."
I peer over Isogai's shoulder. Takaoka is ready to launch another attack. The evil grin of his is disgusting. "Go to hell, you brats."
"Stoooooop!" I scream till my lungs explode.
Figures appear in front of us and obstruct Takaoka. I see they are the girls from my class: Megu, Rio, Kaede, Fuwa, Okuda... all of them.
"You have to go through us first!" Megu shouts. Her rage is formidable. They form a human wall between me and Isogai from Takaoka. I want to scream at them to get away but Rio turns around to meet my eyes. She smiles and winks.
Let us handle this, Aka-chan. You've done enough.
"Brats!" Takaoka roars once more. He lurches forward to hit Megu but is unavailing as a few boys push him off his course. It is the combined strength of Sugaya, Kimura, Mimura, Okajima and Sugino's. They too stand before us, forming a second layer of the human wall.
"We don't welcome you. Leave," Megu orders.
"How dare you? How daaare you?!" Takaoka is now a raging bull, preparing to mow down anyone who stands in his way.
"Enough!" I hear Karasuma-sensei's voice. "You've done enough damage here, Takaoka. You want to play, I'll play. But leave them alone." I don't look for where he is because I'm focused on Isogai, whose breaths are heavy as he lies onto me lifelessly.
"So does this mean you want me to leave?" Takaoka laughs. "I'm the best trainer out there who can whip these brats into shape!"
"Karasuma-sensei does better than you!" Kurahashi shouts as she comes to my aid. "Are you alright?" she asks, but her eyes constantly drift to Karasuma-sensei.
"Is that so?" He bends his knees to pick up the dagger. "I'll leave if you win me. Pick your star student to fight me." His gaze drifts to me. "I've already took down two, I don't mind taking down another."
I don't know who Karasuma-sensei picks. There is no one else left who can fight better than I could. Karma is nowhere when the class needs him. Isogai's arm tugs on my shoulder as I summon the strength to carry him to the medical bay. Kurahashi and a few help us there. The others look out to prevent Takaoka playing any dirty tricks. Before we leave the field, I hear Nagisa's name being called.
Could Nagisa been picked to fight Takaoka?
I'm eager to find out but I need to focus on the matter at hand. I'm worn out. I can barely feel my legs as I collapse onto the soft bed in the medical bay. Isogai lays sprawled on the part of the bed next to me.
The door slides open to an astonished Bitch-sensei. "What the hell were you guys thinking?!" she shouts and dismisses the other students. Quickly, she rummages the cupboards and drawers for available essentials. She finds a mass of cotton wool, plasters and disinfectants.
Firstly, she tends to my cut. I bite my lip as she applies the burning disinfectant. I divert my focus by turning to Isogai. He is in a mess. His hair is disfigured. His clothes are dirty with soil. There are minor bruises over his face and arms. There are probably more underneath his shirt but he doesn't yelp for pain. At least he is still breathing. Guilt tugs in my throat and I find it hard to swallow. My fingers tentatively reach for him.
Bitch-sensei finishes the last wrap of bandage over my wound. She pinches my cheek and makes me scream in pain. "What are you trying to do, you idiot? Get yourself killed?"
"It hurts!" I shout.
Isogai tries to sit up. "Bitch-sensei, it's not her faul-" but he receives a pinch on his cheek as well. He yelps in pain.
"If you lovebirds want to show your affection, go get a room. You don't need life-and-death situations to prove your love for each other."
"Bitch-sensei!" I shout at her for being indecent at a time like this. My cheeks warm up. I glance at Isogai, whose face is abnormally pink.
"You can practice the kisses I gave to Nagisa. Both of you can make at least 15 hits."
"Aaaaaargh!" I stand up and push her out of the room. It is weird my energy is back just to get her out of the room. I slump back to the bed. I glance at Isogai once more, who refuses to make eye contact. The blush on his face is still apparent.
The air in the room becomes awkwardly silent. I don't want to say a word because Bitch-sensei's erotic suggestions continue to linger. But I feel a need to do so.
"Isogai," I call. He turns to look at me. "Thanks."
His eyes widen. "It's no biggie really. Though it kinda' hurts."
My hands shake. "Why?" I can't make any more words to form a complete sentence.
He lowers his head. "Well... I... I can't just stand and watch you get beaten. I can't bear to see you hurt."
"Why?!" This time, it comes out as a cry. I tug his shirt as I begin to cry. "You could have died! You could have!"
I'm scared. The thought of losing people dearest to me is horrifying. I can die from it. I've already lost too much. I cannot lose anyone anymore because of my mistakes. The fear is my weakness, my omen, my death. Watching Isogai beaten in front of me just to protect me-a scene seared permanently in my brain, serves as a warning that I cannot repeat my mistake. I must stop thinking I can solve problems with brute. The overconfidence where my brain tricked myself into believing I'm strong enough to face any diversity-my cardinal mistake.
"Because of my recklessness, my overconfidence, I almost got you killed!" I shout. "I'm such an idiot. I should have stay out and let someone else be the hero. I didn't expect people to be killed because of me. I... I..." Tears pour from my eyes like opened faucets.
Karma's words ring in my ears. 'Stop being so reckless. Think of yourself before others. Whatever you do, just don't get yourself killed. There are plenty of people who care for you more than you know. You will break their hearts if you got hurt or killed.'
My shellacking at the hands of a vastly superior opposition lets me truly understand how Karma felt that day. I stand in his position now, feeling the despair and fear he felt. The horror corrodes me from within.
Isogai's arms wrap around my waist as I cry. A hand strokes my hair. His head rests on mine and he whispers.
"I cannot stand by and watch the girl I love hurt right in front of my eyes."
Here goes... thank you so much for commenting!!! They are such cute comments!
Thank you for voting! Thank you for adding my story to your reading lists! Love ya'!
Sorry I didn't tag anyone because there are too much of you!!! Thanks again for your support! And thank you for loving Akari and her Karma. (Yes, her Karma).
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