Hey guys. It's Weeksjmj29. Here's the forms for the Akame Ga Kill! rp. Now, here's a quick note before we proceed. You must create your own Imperial Arms and get it approved by me. You can't use any of the imperial arms that already exist. Also, only a few of the imperial arms are known as URIA. Which are called Ultra Rare Imperial Arms. Now. These arms except the OP imperial arms rule. But to be fair to the other rpers, only 5 people and 5 people only can create and use URIAs.
Now, when you make your characters, and you want to give your character an URIA, you must put URIA in the imperial arms part of the form before you put the imperial arms. Then I'll mark it on the list of people who are using them. I may boost the number up to 10 if people really want to use them, but for now, it's set to 5.
***everyone, don't comment yet. To get a better understanding of what I mean by URIA, wait till you see the chapter for my character, which will be posted later***
Now, onto the form:
Imperial Arms( or URIA):
Night Raid, Jaeger, or neither:
Imperial Arms (or URIA) abilities and form(you know, like a sword, gem, bracelet, gauntlets, etc.):
Alright. That's the end of the form. Now remember what I said about the URIA. I'll be working on the forms later. Come on and join the fun.:) ~Weeksjmj29
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