Spirit Entry 2: The Child Prodigy
"Well, Kuroba-san, please take a seat behind Akibara-san. Akibara-san, please raise your hand."
Sakiko raised her hand and gave a tentative smile in Lonán's direction.
The child looked in her direction and merely nodded his head.
He didn't smile.
Sakiko sweatdropped slightly and let out a soft sigh.
'Does he hate me?'
Lonán walked past Sakiko and pulled his seat out; he sat down, slinging his backpack onto his chair.
With that, Naoki continued with the morning announcements.
"Ara! That's the bell. Best head off to your next class, students~!"
Naoki waved goodbye to the students as they exited the classroom.
Whispers flew across the hallways as students headed to their next class; their eyes were directed at a certain raven-haired boy.
"Eeeeh? Is that the new student!?"
"Yep! That's him."
"But he's a kid!"
"Shhh! He'll hear you!"
Lonán closed his silver eyes briefly before opening them; he sighed softly.
'How annoying...'
The boy entered one of the classrooms as other students also filtered in.
"Hello, class. Welcome to your first day of Biology and--oh? What is a child doing here?"
Some of the students snickered as their bald-headed teacher peered over his thick, square glasses to look at Lonán.
Lonán was unfazed at the indirect remark as he headed to his assigned seat near the back of the room.
The man, realizing his mistake, bowed in Lonán's direction a muttered an apology.
The boy merely nodded back, showing that it was fine.
The bell for class rang, and the students finished filtering in.
Lonán stared outside the classroom, silver eyes filled with boredom as the lesson slowly began.
Nearly half an hour had passed before the class started to review what they learned, and Masato-Sensei--the Biology teacher--started to ask question to each student--he soon came upon Lonán.
"Kuroba-san! What's the answer to this question?"
The class snickered slightly, thinking that the kid couldn't answer a highschool question.
Lonán slowly turned his gaze to front where the board was, reading the contents.
"A cell is a microscopic, biological, structural, functional, and basic unit of all known living organisms. Its name is derived from the Latin word 'cella' which mean 'small room'. Further more--"
"Th-That's enough, Kuroba-san, th-thank you..."
Everyone's jaws dropped to the floor.
No one could really pay attention through the rest of the class.
Sakiko had her mouth open while Miyako widened her eyes slightly.
Lonán simply went back to staring outside of the window, ignoring the incredulous stares.
"Did you hear!?"
"What? What is it!?"
"The new student's apparently a prodigy!"
"Eeeeh!? Really!?"
The boy in the topic of gossip walked past them.
It was now lunch time.
News of the raven-haired boy spread like wildfire, reaching almost every ear of the school.
Apparently, Kuroba Lonán could answer any high school question with ease--the boy didn't even look like he was paying attention in class!
Lonán simply walked down the hallways, carrying a small, black bento box in one hand; he headed for the rooftop, ignoring the whispers and stares.
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