Chapter 5-Worries (REWRITTEN)
Textfic AGAIN everybody point and laugh!! Confession: when i first read the lyrics to Helpless like 5 years ago I thought "Angelica tried to take a bite of me" meant like angelica was fucking whaling on alexander like verbally dragging him through the mud so i am going to represent that to the best of my abilities! I do not fancy writing about Alex as a harem protagonist here
Why does MY head hurt? I wasn't the one who fell halfway down the wall last night...
You blinked the sleep out of your eyes and curled your mouth in a slight smile at the memories of the night before that splayed themselves out in your mind.
Class isn't until a while later...
With a click of a button, the amount of text notifications on your phone lock screen blinds you.
50+ new messages.
Spamilton: Hey
Spamilton: hey
Spamilton: Guys
Spamilton: Answer me
Brony...: yo
Brony...: what is rhis
Spamilton: gc dumbass
Spamilton: where tf did you go
Spamilton: all of you
SIRRR: hello?
Spamilton: Sir
SIRRR: goodbye
John my son: hey guys
John my son: why is the name
Brony...: thats what im sayin
Brony...: shouldve been Hercsquad
OuiOui: Salut
OuiOui: what up
SIRRR: we're not the ones who went anywhere alex
SIRRR: they literally kicked you out of the place
John my son: you screamed at them and ran behind the building to throw up
Spamilton: listen its all part of the plan
SIRRR: im not even sure if you're ever allowed back
Peggyy: 3 strikes and youre out !
Spamilton: shut up pegs
Spamilton: where's Y/N
Jemmy: Hi
Jemmy: idk i think she'll come out for some air at some point
Jemmy: im outside
Angie: oh shoot ur right why didnt i think of that
Spamilton: how come when he says somethinf like that hes "right" but when *I* do it im a "smartass piece of shit that should be running with my legs instead of my mouth if i dont want to get beat"
SIRRR: no offense man but the way you say things kind of warrants that
Spamilton: bitches b like "no offense..." and then say the most offensive shit you've ever heard
SIRRR: i cant do this
John my son: sorry aaron hes v drunk
Angie: im outside james where r u
Jemmy: I see u
"So, do we just wait here now?"
"Yeah, I guess."
"... you wanna talk about something?"
"So this is why Jefferson is the talker, huh?"
James sighed.
John my son: also is lex out there
John my son: nvm !
Spamilton: NOT ANYMORE
OuiOui: he jumped thru the window
Peggyy: great now do that but with a cliff
ELizard: PEGGY
OuiOui: HOHO
Peggyy: joking haha laugh
Peggyy: Laf santa claus soundin ass
John my son: sooo where's Y/N?
Angie: WTF
Jemmy: yea
OuiOui: WATT
ELizard: is she ok? :(
SIRRR: im sure shes fine hes not gonna do anything
SIRRR: someone PLEASE hold alexander back for once PLEASE
John my son: i gotchu burr sir
Laf: mon frere why do you hate the police arent you going into the justice system
Spamilton: minor setback
A yawn escaped your mouth as you skimmed through the rest of the messages with amusement. Maybe you should at least update them yourself.
You: morning
You: you guys talk alot
You: I'm fine btw
John my son: HI
You: John my son
John my son: i am your son and you are my father
Spamilton: u guys are fucking weirdos
Spamilton: nice of you to finally show up Y/N
Spamilton: thanks for letting us know firsthand you were alive and well when it mattered
You: wah wah
Jeffersnot: I'll have you know we had a wonderful time last night
You: it was aight
Jeffersnot: vouch for me dear
You: nvm
Peggyy: u cant hear me but im making vomiting noises rn
Jeffersnot: ouch 💔💔
Jemmy: Transcript: Heuurrkkki hlluhhghhh bleuhhhh eeww w
Peggyy: he has such a way with words
John my son: id say hes not usually like this but im not a liar
'That's what they all say.'
'He's always like this."
Thomas was a player. You didn't have to be a genius to figure that out. Were you angry? No. Well, a little bit. At yourself, for feeling the slightest bit of disappointment because a man you'd known for hardly a day liked to get around.
Why did he seem like he cared? There was nothing... disingenuous about him, unless I really am that gullible....
Perhaps you were getting ahead of yourself. You pulled yourself out of your bed to go take a shower, hoping the strange thoughts you'd been plagued would be washed down the drain as well.
"Knock knock!"
You opened the door a crack to see Peggy Schuyler grinning at you from right behind it.
"Where've you been? Get your ass over here, Liza and I are watching a show!"
"She doesn't have to come if she doesn't want to, Peggy."
Elizabeth called from the couch, and you laughed. "No, I'll come, just give me a minute."
In the following week, you adjusted to a lifestyle that was fulfilling, in a rather uneventful way. Now that your basic needs were completely accounted for, you didn't exactly know what to do with yourself.
Thankfully, no more big breakdowns invaded your little schedule.
And of course you couldn't catch a break, because without missing a beat, that freed up space in your mind filled itself with another source of worry, or rather, sources. Little worries that took the shape of all the people around you and the interactions that bound you them , especially a specific source in the form of a particular tall man with a boisterous grin that never failed to shoot you a wink in the middle of your lecture.
You inevitably saw Thomas Jefferson everyday, on campus, off campus. Despite their belligerent protests of being associated with each other, everyone involved in the little circle you'd been absorbed into seemed to come as a take it all or leave it all bulk package.
Not that you had a reason to avoid the guy, or treat him differently from the others.
But something about the way he treated you made him just the bit more bothersome.
The way his eyes crinkled and the corner of his mouth curled every time he looked your way, the little laugh he made in the brief daily banter you had, like the two of you were sharing a secret, made him linger just a bit longer in both your subconscious and conscious mind.
As much as you've heard he gets around, you've never seen him quite like that with anyone else. And a hefty amount of people were in the group of "anyone else".
Popular, outspoken, well liked, he was pretty much a walking stereotype in that aspect.
So what made you different to him?
You stared holes through the screen at the paper you were writing. Maybe Angelica was right. You needed to find a way to occupy yourself before you drove yourself insane.
"I know how that brain of yours works, Y/N. Jesus, you're almost as bad as Alexander."
With a turn of the doorknob and a jingle of keys, off you went.
"Oh, Y/N! Did you need something?"
You'd formed a strangely close-knit friendship with James in the past few days. After walking with him to return a textbook at the library one day, it'd begun a convoluted routine of sorts.
You peered over his shoulder at a book, and murmured the title on its well-worn spine out loud. "Have you read that one? I think it used to be one of my favorites."
He looked at you with surprise. "You read?"
"Not as much anymore. I didn't... get out much as a kid, so, you know, I had to entertain myself with something."
You inwardly smiled at your words. It was more of the opposite, really. You got out constantly. But was it really getting out when you didn't have anywhere permanent to go back to? The libraries around town had filled that niche for you anyways.
Neither of you spoke much, but it was nice to have a comfortable silence where nothing was said but yet everything seemed to be mutually understood. And it was nice to hear him talk when a certain friend of his wasn't always running his mouth.
"Nah, just wanted to get some fresh air. Schoolwork gets stuffy quick." You eyed his laptop. "You look like you could use a break."
Looking conflicted, he opened his mouth to respond, but someone else's voice cut in.
"Go, James. She's right, you need a break. We can finish afterwards."
You turned. "Aaron Burr, sir!" A teasing smile tugged at the corner of your mouth, and you raised your eyebrow. "You wanna come with? Sorry, didn't mean to interrupt."
Before James could reply, Burr gave you a sort of resigned smile. "No, don't worry, you're fine. And I'm alright, thank you, I still need to finish something up, and I'll watch our stuff. James, I'll be here when you get back. Enjoy your walk, you two!"
For a moment, James looked to you, to Aaron Burr, and then to you, and then back to Aaron Burr. Finally, flustered, he gave a defeated sigh and nodded. "Thanks, Aaron, we'll be back."
He walked off a little faster than normal, and you waved his companion goodbye with a smug, knowing sort of grin, before running off to catch up with your friend, who was making a beeline for the exit.
Aaron Burr watched your forms retreat with a long-suffering sigh. Either you'd been spending too much time with Alexander Hamilton, or you were just naturally like that.
He couldn't decide which of those would be worse.
If there's a god out there, please, please keep them away from eachother, he prayed. One of them is more than enough.
"Shut." James Madison glared at you briefly.
"...Wipe that shit-eating grin off of your face."
"What are you trying to hide, Jem? I saw the way you guys were talking. You two are good for each other."
His eyes widened for a fraction, and he coughed and looked away. "Anyways, speaking of talking..." as he directed the both of you to a nearby bench, he pulled a carefully tucked item out of his jacket pocket. "I have a message for you."
"A... message?"
You stared at the pink envelope in your hand for a second before it dawned on you.
"Oh, no."
"Oh, yes." James smirked. "He was adamant I deliver it to you ASAP."
"He wrote me a LETTER?"
"Go ahead, open it." A disbelieving laugh left your throat before you carefully peeled open the envelope to reach for the contents of the letter. "I told him to deliver it himself, but apparently he thought that was 'improper and un-cool'."
"As if anything is more uncool than..." you mused, trailing off.
To: Y/N
From: The Most Handsome Guy Around
Hey sweetheart,
Miss you <3 Meet me at the café again on Saturday? Nothing weird, I promise. Jemmy can vouch for me.
P.S. My ass still hurts from falling down that fucking wall, but hey, worth it
You laughed again, indubitable shock taking over your expression .
"Jesus Christ... Asshole. He could've just texted me."
James chuckled, and you looked up at him in mock annoyance. "You look thoroughly entertained."
"I've rarely seen him quite so desperate. Believe me," he laughed when you snorted, "this is low even for Thomas."
"Is he for real?"
"Of course he's for real. Why would he lie to you?"
By that time you'd already read the letter over at least 5 times, but something kept your eyes tracing the flirtatious loops of the carefully penned elegant cursive. And if you leaned in closer, was that a whiff of... cinnamon?
"So? What do you think?"
"Charming, in a way, I guess. Corny ass shit..."
Your friend laughed. "Are you gonna go?"
You pretended to think, and the felt heat rush to your face. You hated that you had to pretend, and you hated how quickly you made up your mind.
"Hmm...I'll consider it."
The tips of your ears burned.
But as you walked, dark clouds started to gather on the visible horizon.
"Looks like rain. We'd better get inside."
Along with the impending storm, a nagging worry that'd been nipping at your mind started to fester. With every step you took, doubt started to bubble in your chest, and you could only pray that the embarrassing questions that were echoing in your head wouldn't well up with it.
"Uh.. are you okay? You look upset."
He was so caring.
"Huh? Oh, no, its fine." You blurted.
And so was everyone else, in their own way.
He glanced at you, expectingly.
And that was the problem.
Are you guys using me for something? Are you really just here to play wingman for your friend so he can throw me away after? Do any of you genuinely care for me?
"...I'm feeling kind of sick. I'm just gonna head home now, I'll see you later?"
James gazed at you, a bit confused. "Yeah... sure. Feel better soon, tell me if you need anything, okay?"
You forced a smile. "Thanks Jem, I will."
As you hurried off, James couldn't shake of the feeling that something was wrong.
"Back already?"
"Mhm." He seemed to be lost in thought.
After several seconds, he continued.
"I think it's gonna rain, so- Oh shit, sorry. I didn't mean to- yeah."
Burr chuckled lightheartedly. "Don't worry about it. Did something happen?"
Madison's eyes widened. "How did you know?"
He tried to ignore the static in his head when the other man let out another soft laugh. "You're not as inexpressive as you seem to think you are, Madison."
James smiles subtly. "Maybe just to you."
A beat of silence.
Suddenly both looking away, Aaron clears his throat and he wills the tension to dissipate. "So, what's on your mind?"
I swear the story gets better lolllol pls give me a chance
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