Chapter 13- A New Foe Has Appeared.../10 Minute Girlfriend (REWRITTEN)
Reader is the definition of bi panic teehee Alsoo long chapter, bear with me :,)) Soft/fluffy part with Thomas at the end! He is and is supposed to be the big tough popular guy but i love having him be all soft so much argh
"Tell your little bitch girlfriend to step out of our business, babe. And let me get my fucking stuff. Who said you could pack that shit for me?"
"Hmm..." you hummed against your girlfriend's shoulder. Heat rose to your cheeks when you smelled her perfume. The sweet notes of spice reminded you of someone...
"What's the magic word?"
The look of pure fury on James's face from the past few minutes of stalling could've almost made Maria laugh, had he not looked seconds away from raising his fist. Despite the tender way your hand caressed her waist and your flustered heartbeat, from the tension she could feel in your muscles, you probably looked just as murderous at the moment.
"Are you fucking kidding me? I-"
"Hey, hey, buddy. We take courtesy very seriously here! Right, sweetheart?"
"That's right, baby." Her hand came up to hold your face pointedly, and your mouth curled smugly.
When he opened his mouth to yell, his face scrunched up in anger, you interrupted with a pout. "Aggression doesn't look good on you, James. Just like that hat." You muttered the last part under your breath.
Maria stifled a laugh under her hand, bringing a genuine smile to your face.
"Fucking excuse me? Are y-"
"Yeah, excuse you," you beamed at him infuriatingly.
He stepped forward. "Are you slow in the head or something? You're such a fucking whore, Maria, getting with someone like this so fast? After everything we've been through, everything I've done for you? You're seriously rejecting me for that?"
"We've already had this conversation, Ja-"
"And we'll have it again, since you clearly haven't formed a logical response!" He snarled, grabbing her wrist, and seeing the look of fear in her beautiful features, your innocent facade crashed down into a million stinging pieces.
Your fist came down on his forearm so hard you swear you heard a crack. He cursed, stumbling back. Despite cradling his throbbing arm like a baby, he smirked when Maria held you back from lunging at him.
"Y/N, please! You don't know what he can do, just please-"
"No, Maria, let her. I've heard of you. You're the Schuylers' little protege, aren't you? Perfect. I'll sue them for all they're worth."
You struck at him again and he caught your arm, gripping it so hard you were sure there'd be bruises the next day, and twisted. And acrid pain blossomed from your elbow, but your expression didn't waver. "Really?"
He shrugged innocently. "My actions are in self-defense."
"So are mine."
"We'll see who the court rules in favor of, sweetheart."
"Oh, the court won't bring you back from this. Rest assured!" Ripping your limb from his grasp with reckless abandon, your fingers met his throat so swiftly that neither of them had time to react. The flat of your shoe sank into his stomach, and he stumbled backwards into the wall, choking, his hands flying to pry yours off. Before anything else could happen, another voice boomed out.
"Lovely weather today, isn't it?"
Oh my god, finally.
Hercules Mulligan sauntered over. "This guy bothering you, ladies?" James looked slightly more nervous when your friend slung a heavy arm over his shoulder casually, as if your nails weren't digging into the delicate skin of his throat. He opened his mouth to respond indignantly, but Hercules wasn't finished.
"What the hell do you think you're doing? We're all fucking watching you, dude, are you stupid, or what?"
His large hand tightened on the other man's shoulder.
"Get lost." His voice dropped the low, threatening tone it held, and he straightened up again, smiling.
You pressed Maria's trembling palm reassuringly with your free one.
"Anyways! You should probably get goin', James! Wouldn't want you to be late to... Wherever someone like you has to be." You chirped cheerily.
When he attempted to protest, looking far more hesitant than before, your fingers tightened around his neck. He clawed at them desperately. You only tilted your head and squeezed harder.
"Yeah, right." He wheezed out. His pulse fluttered skittishly under the pads of your fingers for a couple more seconds, and then you let go.
James broke into a hacking cough, glaring at you. His posture attempted to correct itself, and Hercules patted his back so hard he doubled over again.
"Uh oh, you okay, dude? You need a tissue?"
He shook his head, beginning to walk away. You pulled him back by his injured arm and he swore loudly, his face growing paler by several shades.
"Also, stop touching my girl, okay? Or talking to her. Or looking at her. It's making her uncomfy."
You didn't let go until he met your eyes reluctantly and hoarsely mumbled assent. "Also!" You called after him. "Your arm looks kind of swollen bro, I think you should get that checked out!"
Hercules snickered, and the three of you watched as he slunk off rigidly.
"Shut up." You muttered when the door closed, and Hercules waggled his eyebrows at you as you walked.
"Finally getting some play, huh? I knew you had it in ya!"
"I was just... helping," you sighed. The skin of your cheek still burned from where Maria had pressed a kiss to it as thanks before sending you off.
After ensuring James was gone, the two of you had turned to her, realizing she hadn't spoken a word for the past few minutes.
"Are you okay? He won't come back, we'll make sure of that. If he ever tries anything again, just let us know." Hercules nodded behind you, crossing his broad arms.
You held her hands in yours, searching her face. "I..." For a moment, you swore you saw her eyes well up. She cleared her throat softly. "Yes. Thank you so much. But uh- what are we gonna do with his stuff?"
Your friend grinned. "Leave it to me, man! I used to do pizza delivery in high school, you know. What's his room number?"
As Hercules left with the suitcases, Maria took a look at your arm, which had thankfully been the one unscarred with cuts from your... prior experiences.
"Does it hurt?"
You pretended that your elbow doesn't feel like it's been filled with hot lead. "Eh. Not really. It'll be fine, I'll just ice it when I get back or something." You hesitated. "Are you... gonna be okay alone?"
She blinked, and a smirk grew on her red lips. "Are you offering to stay with me?" She teased, and your eyes widened.
"I'm just saying, if you don't feel safe, if you just want some company... I mean you can come to our room too, but... there's a lot of people there."
She laughed, and your face brightened. "You're sweet, Y/N. But I'll be okay, don't worry." Maria Clement marvelled briefly at your change in disposition. The ferocity with which you'd accosted James was almost nowhere to be found when your eyes flickered bashfully, subtly, at her coy remarks.
Maria found you positively adorable.
"Thank you for playing along, by the way. You made a pretty good actor, cutie. A bit stiff, but... nothing a bit of practice won't fix."
You and Maria exchanged contact information. Despite your protests, Hercules insisted on adding her to the group chat, and she watched on in amusement. With an invitation to seek any of you out anytime she pleased, you took one last look into those sly, fox-like eyes, and the two of you were on your way.
"Where've you been? You ran out without a word, Herc!"
"Hey darlin', we missed ya."
The two of you were bombarded with questions and curiosity as you stepped back into your dorm. John watched you curiously, his ponytail swishing as his head dangled upside down from leaning over the back of the couch. His green eyes crossed as you brought your finger to tap his freckled nose.
You leaned against the counter, carefully resting your arm on the cool stone surface, feeling Thomas's eyes on you from across the room as you explained what happened first with a certain ginger-haired RA.
"He had a list of our names?"
"Yeah. A lot of 'em too."
"Where is it?"
"... So i was feeling a little peckish..."
You recounted how you disposed of the note and then made a break for it, and laughed when cheers erupted as everyone caught sight of the lanyard you tossed towards the coffee table.
"Do what you will with that. So I see there's an open door, I run inside-"
"You ran into some random person's room?"
You shrugged at Lafayette's incredulous face. "I was running low on options, okay? Anyways there's this girl inside, Maria-"
"Wait." Thomas interrupted. "Maria Clements? The hot one?"
Alexander snorted.
For a fraction of a second, a foreign feeling brewed in your chest. Then in the next fraction of that second, you remembered who you were talking about, her mesmerizing eyes and beautifully carved face, and you thought to re-evaluate who you were actually jealous of.
Then for the rest of that moment, you suddenly wondered. Why would I be jealous of either of them at all? It's not like we're...
The corner of your lips twitched upwards as you chuckled wryly. "Yes, her." When you got to the part about your new acquaintance's ex-boyfriend, Burr spoke up.
"I assume- sorry for the interruption, but- I assume that's James Reynolds then?"
You turned to Hercules, who nodded. "Notorious fucking creep," Alexander explained. "He's still harassing her? I almost fistfought him once."
"You've almost fistfought everyone, Alex."
Hercules stepped up and clapped you on the back. A resigned grin grew on your face. "Well, this girl here got a lot further than almost, little man!"
"You beat him up?!"
"You let her beat him up?!"
"Hey," you offered a cheeky smile to Angelica. "It's not like he could've stopped me anyways."
Eliza spoke up, her gentle voice tinged with worry. "Is that what the mark on your face is from?"
What mark-?
In the reflection of the dimmed television screen across the room, you caught a scarlet smear on your cheek. That confused you. You could've sworn James never hit you on the-
"Hercules." You sighed, rubbing your temple with your left hand.
I knew he looked a little too entertained back there when we left.
He simply grinned, patting you on the head. "What?"
"Wait," A devilish smile grew on Alexander's face, and he leaned over the couch eagerly, catching the unique shape of your 'injury'.
"Is that lipstick?"
If all eyes weren't on you already, they definitely were now. If you turned your head slightly at that moment, you would have caught a certain tall, curly-haired Virginian staring just a little more intensely than everyone else.
Hercules puffed his chest out in pride. "From Miss Clement herself!"
"I knew you had it in ya!"
"You're staring pretty hard, Jeffershit. Know you got competition? Not like you had a chance from the start."
"He's always had competition for our Y/N. Have you seen her?"
You said nothing, through the whoops and whistles of your lovably annoying friends, praying your embarrassment seemed as withheld as you meant it to be. Nothing but a slight, wry smile answered their prying questions.
Across the room, a certain someone scoffed and brushed everything off with a roll of his eyes and an easy smile.
...Thomas couldn't help but notice that you made no move to wipe it off.
"Anyways." You coughed stiffly. "About that... We might be getting sued."
"Pardon me?"
"Sorry, Angie. Uh... Herc. Why don't you explain? I'm gonna go... take care of something."
He nodded wisely, patting you on the arm one last time. As you retreated into the hallway, you heard his bellowing voice. "Gather around, gents! Used the last bit of my storage for this video!"
"You recorded the entire thing instead of helping me from the beginning?" You called over your shoulder.
"For the aforementioned legal stuff, duh! And I know you can handle yourself, bro. Hercules Mulligan's always 10 steps ahead of you!"
Unknown: hey <33 it's maria
You: hii it's Y/N!
10 minute gf: hehe i guessed
10 minute gf: how's the arm?
You: hmm it's ok! A little purple never hurt nobody :D
10 minute gf: HELPHSHD
10 minute gf: but b honest
10 minute gf: like it looked like he twisted it really hard
You: ok yeah it hurts like a bitch
10 minute gf: knew it
10 minute gf: im so sorry abt that
10 minute gf: you should go get that checked out bae
You: ehh I'll see
You: dont be sorry!! its not your fault and plus that was the second best highlight of my day
10 minute gf: what's the first?
You: you ;D
10 minute gf: OH STOP IT YOU ;)
10 minute gf: if it makes you feel any better someone told me they saw James going to the ER and his arm was the size of a balloon or sumn
10 minute gf: anything for u
10 minute gf: he was complaining abt how it felt like it got snapped in half or something LMAO i think you broke it
10 minute gf: also im so sorry about whats gonna happen
10 minute gf: I'll pay for whatever the court decides expenses are
You: naww is he actually suing us
10 minute gf: yeah,, thats how he gets what he wants, + everyones preeetty sure he bribes
10 minute gf: no idea where he gets all that money from tho
You: job?
10 minute gf: 99% sure noone would hire him
Huh... Interesting.
You: hmm good to know
You: don't worry about paying or even lifting a finger ok we got this
10 minute gf: absolutely not hun if he sues im recompensating you it's the least i could do
You: i SWEAR its fine literally half of us are law students/practitioners so we'll figure smthn out dw
You: and if he tries anything i'll just let Alex have a turn with him next
"I'm gonna fucking kill him."
After the end of your conversation with Maria, you had sat on the bed, staring blankly at your arm, lost in thought at the information you'd just obtained. It rested limply at your side.
Your other hand came up to fidget with the fabric of your top. You had yet to lift up your sleeve to assess the damage or open the box of compression wrap bandages you'd retrieved from the bathroom cabinet, but you could feel a dull, warm, throbbing pain at the joint.
Eliza's gonna have my head for this. They must've finished the video by now.
And lo and behold, a few seconds later, a knock came at your door, but when you had called out for whoever it was to come in, it opened to reveal Thomas Jefferson instead, holding an ice pack.
"I'm gonna fucking kill him." He repeated, a scowl etched on his handsome face as his dark eyes now raked the angry swelling of your elbow and the blooms of purples, blues, and greens dappling your skin.
"Calm down, big guy. We don't need another assault charge on our hands."
He didn't respond for a second, his fingers gently tracing the abused flesh. "How bad does it hurt?" His voice was quiet, quieter than you'd ever heard it.
You cleared your throat. "Not at all, really. It's not even that-Gh!"
He raised an eyebrow. He wisely chose to hide how the sound you made stirred something inside of him.
"Of course, it's gonna hurt when you bend it, idiot!"
"I didn't even move it that much! I think we need to get you to emergency or something."
"I am not going to emergency just for this. Put the ice pack on."
He wavered still, and you scoffed, but your actions didn't match your demeanour. "Hey."
"Hm?" He responded absentmindedly, and you sighed, cupped his jaw and tipped his face back up to meet your eyes, and tried your best to ignore the burning sensation that oozed to the tips of your ears when he leaned into your hand.
"It's not that bad. Like, a light sprain at best. Just wrap it up and then I'll ice it while we figure out how to kick his ass. Legally," You added, with a faint smirk, as a smile finally made its way to his full lips.
Seeing hesitation still present in his eyes, you let out a breath. "And I'll cut you a deal, okay? If it's not getting better by tomorrow morning, I'll get it checked out okay?"
His brow furrowed again. "And I take you."
You rolled your eyes and flicked his forehead. "Okay, you big baby. Sure."
As Thomas wrapped your arm, you urged him to pull it tighter. It was a compression bandage, after all. When he expressed concern that he would hurt you, you laughed in an ironic way he couldn't comprehend.
Even though you eventually assured him he wouldn't, the tightness around your eyes and the stiffness of your posture told him otherwise.
"By the way," you began, "a little birdie told me that Mr. Reynolds was walking to the ER whining about a fractured arm earlier."
Thomas laughed. "Deserved. You love to see it. We all watched the video, by the way," he continued. "Impressive moves, darlin'."
He paused, and then smirked up at you. "Pretty hot, if you ask me."
"Oh, shut up."
He finished bandaging in comfortable silence. Pain still shot up your arm in hot spikes with every jostle and press, but you found it much more bearable, likely because you could instead focus on the sensation of Thomas's warm hands on your skin.
A different kind of heat seared your flesh when he teasingly pressed a kiss to your bandaged joint.
Thomas could see the lethargy in some of your movements, so when you told him you needed a moment before rejoining the inevitable chaos in the living room, he wasn't surprised.
He was surprised, however, when you responded to his teasing remark about him staying with a genuine, simple, "...Sure."
He leaned back onto your bed, and you huffed. "Making yourself comfortable?"
Thomas grinned, "why don't you do the same?" And he was even more surprised when you did just that, albeit a bit reluctantly, lying down a slight distance beside him, stretching out your good arm with a sigh.
After a few moments, he spoke up again. "...What's on your mind, sugar?"
You huffed; he could never keep quiet, could he?
"Someone can't just enjoy a moment of peace without having something to say?"
He leaned up, supporting himself with his elbow. "C'mon, you can tell me. And I'm well acquainted enough to know that brain of yours never stops running."
But not enough to know what makes it run.
Thomas should probably let you be, he knows this. But this opportunity to finally satiate some of his thirst for you and what made you, you, was far too good to pass on.
Besides, you seemed content enough to possibly open up, and maybe, just maybe, he could do something to clear up those conflicted, stormy eyes of yours.
"What happened reminds me. I used to get into a lot of... conflicts. Big ones, small ones." You paused, thinking. "There was no one to patch me up."
Thomas's heart twisted, but he stayed quiet. In your peripheral, you could see him nod, urging you to continue.
"Well, the sisters were there, I guess, but they couldn't always be there. Their dad was really strict, and sometimes I was just too far away to... get there conveniently."
To make it there.
"So, I did it myself. I mean, don't get me wrong, they tried their absolute hardest. I wouldn't even consider placing any of that on them. I didn't deserve their help in the first place. It just makes me wonder how things would've been if I had someone who could do that for me." You paused.
"I was so young," you murmured.
"Where did you stay if it wasn't with them, then?" Thomas's voice was soft.
You turned your head slightly to meet his gaze. His features were scarily comforting, you thought. His concerned eyes were warm and welcoming, his skin was warm; Thomas Jefferson radiated warmth. You could almost believe that if you leaned in close enough, that warmth would engulf you and cushion you from the grating, intrusive thoughts and memories and worries that always threatened to rush you.
He observed the ghost of a sad smile on your lips, entranced. "Wherever I could."
For a minute, the two of you laid in silence, the chatter of your friends' voices still only a matter of the future. Thomas pushed down the ache in his chest. He knew better than to give in to his urges to pull you close.
His thumb came to brush your cheek, and you would've laughed, noticing how it deliberately moved to wipe off the rouge left there, had his eyes not been gazing into yours so earnestly.
Oh, look at those eyes.
Thomas swallowed.
"I'll always patch you up if you need. You have people who'll do that for you... and more. You deserve that,"
He continued.
"You always have."
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