Visiting the Doctor
The entire world that Toshiro found himself in was simply a nightmare. Aizen called the police over to the apartment to arrest Hinamori, who was banging on the door, screaming her head off. Eventually though, they carted her off and Aizen opened the door off to the police officers, to speak with them and make their report.
Suddenly, Toshiro found himself darting for the door, heading for the apartment railing as he shoved past his fake father and the officer, just in time to see Hinamori being placed in the squad car. He heard the officer speak up. "Aizen Momo, your daughter... has been drinking like you think she was. Do you want us to press charges on her?"
"Yes." Aizen stated firmly, causing Toshiro to glance up, his mind beginning to freak out. "Don't give me that look child. You know very well the situation we're in. You know very well that she needs help."
There came no response from the boy's mouth, but then the officer turned to him. "Could you both step inside so we can answer some questions?"
"Not for to long, I want my son to be able to get a good nights sleep." Aizen stated, tugging on the boy's day clothing that he had worn to his bed, pulling him inside the house and then pushing him to the couch.
The officer nodded his head. "Yes, he does have school tomorrow."
"A busy day in the least." The brown man said, placing a hand on Toshiro's shoulder, only to have him pull away, frustration written all over his face. He then began answering the questions, while Toshiro buried his head between his knees.
Finally though, the officer left and Aizen grabbed the boy's sleeve again. "Bed time, now."
Rather reluctantly, the boy walked away, two teal eyes staring at his feet while he walked. He then climbed into the bed and stared at the ceiling. "I believe that this whole thing isn't real. However, I also know that there is nothing I can do to go back to the other reality. What I don't understand is why he is doing this particular illusion on me."
"I am not sure. There are honestly a lot of likely reasons." The dragon stated, pulling the boy into Toshiro's inner world.
A soft snow was falling around him and the child flopped into the dragon's coils, finding the familiarity of the place to be comforting. He leaned back, despite the small chill going through his body. He closed his eyes, his body relaxing and his head nodding off. However, the next thing he knew, he was being shaken awake.
"You need to get up to go to school." Aizen stated, shaking the boy's shoulder.
"I don't want to." Toshiro found himself curling in on himself. "I think I know why I tried escaping this world, if I did in fact try to."
A hand touched his forehead. "You aren't running a fever."
"Doesn't change the fact that I don't feel good. I just want to sleep." The boy muttered, burying his head under the sheets. "I don't remember this world, remember? Why should I venture out into a place that is unfamiliar?"
The man muttered something, and then he walked over to the door. Hitsugaya however choose to ignore the man, until he came back in, quite a bit of time having already occurred. "I am taking you in to see your psychiatrist."
"I thought you told the teacher that you knew a good one. You didn't say that I was seeing one." Toshiro sat up, thinking he had finally found a way to escape.
The man folded his arms across his chest. "I didn't say you were already going and seeing one because I didn't want him to know. The man wants to run some tests on you."
The white haired child frowned at this, but got up as soon as the man left the room to change into clean clothing. He then stepped after Aizen as they left the apartment. They got in the car, only to see that strange man again. Eventually, they got to the place that Toshiro needed to go to see the so called psychologist.
When they got to the white room that the doctor was waiting in. The man had pink hair and glasses, which caused Toshiro to flinch. Something about the man freaked him out. Gin had a similar look about him, but something had always told him he could trust the man not to pull some strange stunt to make him feel like he was in danger.
"I wish to do some tests on you, Toshiro-kun."
The boy simply stared at the man. "Who are you?"
"Dr. Granz." The man glanced up, smirking at Aizen. "You are right. He doesn't remember anything."
The next few moments were a blur, but the teal eyed youth found himself in a machine that was a huge tube while his entire body was scanned. He kept shivering, wanting to escape the place. Finally though, the test was over and the boy found himself waiting in the lobby area with Aizen. The boy's stomach grumbled, causing the man to get up.
Eventually, he came back with a bag of chips, which Toshiro simply munched upon, wanting the world to melt away. Finally, Dr. Granz invited him inside and he found himself in an office with a bunch of toys. The man tossed a Rubik Cube at Toshiro. "We have some things to talk about, don't we?"
"If you think I am going to give the two of you information about Soul Society, think again." The small hands maneuvered the cube.
"I see your delusion is still here." The man pulled out a chart. "Let's see what we gathered about this illusion previously."
"I am interested about hearing this myself." The boy stated, smarting off about the situation.
"First off, there is the issue of your father. Your father is an upstanding citizen in this city. However, you feel that he betrayed you because he called the police on your mother because of her drug problem and they hauled her away. Thus you ended up in this alter reality of yours acting out the feelings you had about your father."
"And..." The boy folded his arms across his chest, deciding to be nonplussed about the situation, having some sort of control over everything.
"Let us discuss your sister now." The man opened up the folder. "In this alternate reality of yours, Hinamori Momo is pictures as sweet, amazing and innocent."
"I am not going to respond to this." Toshiro glanced over at Aizen, glaring at him. "I don't want to be here."
"It doesn't matter if you want to be here or not. You have problems." His fake father snapped.
"The incident this morning, or last night, whatever you wish to refer to it as. What did you think of it?" The man however, got no response from Toshiro. "You aren't going to admit that Hinamori Momo isn't the nice person that you want her to be, that she has her problems and needs help?"
"I'll tell you exactly what I think. I will flat out tell you, this Hinamori Momo needs major help. However, I think it is a mute point when I can't tell if that was the real Hinamori Momo or not." The boy folded his arms.
The doctor glanced over at Aizen. "You were correct. The times before he was at least willing to admit that the scenario was something he concocted to escape from reality, but now he is being honest with me that he doesn't know what is real."
"Can you explain why this is occurring?" The brown haired man let out a gruff response, to which the other person spoke up.
"Your son has been having epileptic seizures. They have effected his memories. Perchance, they may come back with time, but they also may not. Because he was so focused on this alternate reality, it remained the longest. Actually, perhaps one of the reasons he headed into this world wasn't just because he had a lot of feelings to work through. He may have started creating new memories because he could no longer connect the dots."
Toshiro's eyes narrowed. "What the hell is Aizen up too?"
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