Parental Meeting
While the teacher continued to teach his students, Toshiro placed a hand on his mouth, biting down on one of his knuckles as he attempted to try and figure the situation out. The small boy tried to think back to the last memory he could recollect, which in itself was fuzzy. However, there was one memory that was clear and vivid.
In his mind, Hitsugaya could recollect himself in his Bankai, high above Inoue Orihime's apartment, watching the Arrancar that had separated from the group that had come to fight the small taicho. He remembered using trickery and finally having the release to get free of the dangerous situation. He then remembered falling downwards, the wound on the front of his chest gushing out.
This caused the small boy to fidget a bit with his clothing, so that he could briefly pull back the collar of the shirt to see if there was some sort of scar from that battle or the one he had with Aizen, however... he couldn't see any sort of injury upon his young body. Thankfully, no one seemed to notice his constant fidgeting.
He then had to deal with the fact that the classroom material was boring, not to mention it felt like the teacher was talking down on him, belittling his intelligence level. He wanted to desperately nod off again, but didn't want another situation from the teacher, as the man had a sharp tongue and the teacher made it rather obvious that he didn't like Toshiro one bit.
Eventually the school bell rang and the white haired boy sat in his chair, not sure what to do, in a way thankful that he had gotten detention after school with the teacher, as he honestly didn't know where he was supposed to go from here. The man had acted like he had known Toshiro for some time now, which was unsettling.
"I want you to write on the board, I will pay attention in class until the board is filled." The man stated, holding out a piece of chalk. "If your father isn't here by the time you finished, then erase the board and write it again.
"I don't have a father." Toshiro stood up, talking the piece of chalk and simply beginning to write out the words.
The teacher grumbled to himself, suddenly slapping down a stack of papers. "And this is exactly why I felt the need to call a parent conference. And of course, you had to just go and do something stupid yet again. And this is strange due to the fact your father is a well known figure within the community. He's never done anything wrong to warrant you doing this."
A small hand paused for a few seconds, but then continued to write the kanji for the sentences on the board. The words came out and ate up the time, causing his mind to go numb. "Hyorinmaru, is there a way we can separate from this body so that we can get into soul form?"
"I don't sense that you are in a gigai." The dragon's word caused Toshiro to pause for a few minutes.
The lines began to form again as Hitsugaya kept trying to get the words out, his mind knowing that something wasn't right. "Can you sense anyone else's reiatsu? I can't..."
"No... unfortunately..." Hyorinmaru nudged at the back of the boy's mind.
The words kept coming, while the white haired boy tried to think up a plan. However, he found himself suddenly freezing, his green eyes going wide with fear when he heard an all to familiar voice coming from the doorway of the classroom. "Toshiro?"
A clicking sound was heard as the chalk fell from the small hand, falling past the metal grate that held the supplies up off the ground, onto the ground below. He then slowly turned around, his eyes falling upon the man standing in the doorway. "Aizen..."
The man was dressed in a well pressed suit and in his right hand was a suitcase. The man gave him a weak smile. "Come now. You should be calling me father."
Toshiro simply turned back to look at the board, his mind trying to process what was going on. "What kind of game is that man trying to play? Seriously, there is no way that man can be my father. That is a laughable joke. I mean, I wasn't even born in Soul Society. And even if I was, I am nothing like him."
"Can't you look me in the face?" The man stated, which caused the boy to turn around, biting his lip as he did so. The look on his face was pure torture and he found himself unable to think, unable to think of a way out of the situation.
However, he finally spoke up. "This is an illusion you created, right?"
There came the stacking sound of papers and then the teacher let out a cough. "As you can see, your son has been living in a fantasy world."
"I don't exactly blame him. His mother had custody of him for the longest time, but she got arrested for using drugs. I haven't been able to get him to open up to me, because he's still mad that I am the one to turn her in." Aizen stated, folding his legs and setting his hands in his lap.
Toshiro felt ill, remembering the fact that Aizen pretended to be perfect in the world he remembered, and here he was, pretending to be perfect again. Or it was an illusion made by Aizen to trick him, possibly make him give up information he shouldn't. "I don't know what you're talking about."
"Would you please come and sit down?" The teacher muttered, his frustration growing. "I have had nothing but trouble from your son ever since the beginning of the year."
Sosuke glanced up, his cold eyes looking the boy straight into the eye. Hitsugaya found himself flinching, and then he moved to sit down in a desk next to his fake father. He didn't glance up, his entire body filled with fear, despite the fact he also had a great deal of anger and he wanted to kill the man for what he had done to Momo.
"Now, your son has been writing these outlandish stories about shinigami. He writes about how you betrayed him, which likely does stem from the whole issue between you and his mother. But a lot of his stuff is violent for someone of this age. He's also had some issues in the class and he's used curse words in the past." The teacher stated.
"He and I will be discussing this when we get home." Aizen stated. "He and I will be having a serious discussion about this whole thing."
Toshiro flinched, wanting his world back. The teacher continued. "He seems to be of the idea that you can create illusions, so this whole world is one big illusion."
"This world is an illusion..." came the thoughts, but then the next thought came. "Or is it? Aizen can't create this big of an illusion, can he?"
"I've heard of this kind of disassociation. I guess I'll be looking into counseling for my son. I know of a very good psychiatrist." The man stated. He then glanced at Toshiro and something made the boy glance up, flinching again. The man got up and the boy found himself suddenly getting up to follow the man out of the room as Aizen bid the teacher good day.
The walked out of the classroom and got into a nice car driven by a chauffeur. Th man had a frown on his face, his eyes a vivid green similar to what Toshiro's was. Aizen got into the seat followed by the boy, and then Aizen spoke up. "Ulquiorra... please drive me and Toshiro-kun back to the apartment we are staying in."
At that, two small hands gripped the knee part of his pants. The man turned his head towards Toshiro. "I agreed with you that you wouldn't give me any problems if we stayed at the place your mother lived with you. Why do you need to be so obstinate?"
"This isn't real..." Toshiro muttered, not realizing that he had actually said this out loud.
The next thing he knew, Sosuke had backhanded him hard across the cheek, his eyes narrowing with disdain. "You are supposed to be a child genius. However, your mother let you run wild on the street.s I am on the verge of not putting up with it anymore."
"Do you think I will simply believe that this reality is real because you say it is?" The boy stated.
"Are you saying that you are actually seeing these things?" Aizen stated. "Are you trying to tell me that you are mad in the head. Because seriously, I don't buy it. This is just a ploy of yours to get my attention, and you know full well that is what this is."
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