Getting Warmer
Nanao stood up from the rubble before assessing herself for any possible injuries. Upon finding herself lacking any serious injury she found herself heading down the path that she had left. As she rounded the corner, she found herself coming into a chambered section. She pushed up her glasses and began to determine if there was any threat in the area, only to find herself suddenly hearing the voice of a female.
"What are you doing in our territory?"
Nanao turned to see a female with short hair and an eye surrounded by red makeup glaring at her. Two other females, one dressed in traditional like garb and another with dark skin were also looking at them. Behind them stood a female with blond hair and tan colored skin. The woman from behind spoke up. "I'll repeat what my Fraccion said. What are you doing in our territory?"
Nanao folded one arm across her chest before pushing her glasses up on her face. "If you are intelligent then you should already know why I am here as it should have been announced that there are in fact intruders running about. So you should also know who I am after without me telling you. Of course, you could be wanting me to state my objective so that we will be forced to fight, which if possible I would rather avoid a fight all together."
"Are you calling us dumb or are you just to weak to fight that you're throwing around random insults!" The short haired female yelled again."
"Of course she's calling you stupid Apacci," the dark haired female laughed.
"I'm not the dumb one, you are Mila Rose!"
"I think you're both dumb." The third female spoke up behind her sleeve.
"Shut up Sun-Sun!"
"How do you put up with these three arguing all the time?" Nanao asked, her question directed at the Espada behind her.
The female simply watched her and it was Apacci who spoke up. "How dare you talk to Harribel like that you Shinigami skum!"
"I'll repeat. How do you put up with these three. They're worse then the members of the Shinigami Women's Society in terms of childness."
"Isn't it the job of someone who is stronger to protect those who are child like?" The blond female continued to stare at Nanao.
"How cruel!" Sun-sun's eyes snapped closed as she pretended to cry and wave her one arm around.
"Harribel! Just let me tear this one a new one!" Mila Rose shook a fist at Nanao.
"Oh boy... you two are to stupid to realize that it was Harribel that insulted us and not the nasty Shinigami!" Sun-sun laughed behind her sleeve.
"You're right. It is the job of those who are strong to protect those who are like children, or in my case someone who is a child. It doesn't matter if Hitsugaya Toshiro is a Taicho, the fact that he is a child makes it even more important for us to bring him home."
Harribel folded her arms. "I'm supposed to fight any intruder that comes through this way. So unfortunately, while I do agree with bringing a child home I am still obligated to fight you and prevent you from doing so."
"Well... if there is a fight to be had then wouldn't it be more fare if it were two on four rather then one on four?" a voice said. Nanao turned to look at the man.
If the sound of a clock could be heard, then the battles that occurred would seem slow and tedious. That was the way Orihime looked at the whole matter as she watched those she cared about be torn apart. Ichigo was first torn apart by Grimmjow, then that high ranking Espada and then finally Ulquiorra. Luck had been with them the whole time.
"I don't like Ichigo this way." Another thought came to her mind. "And yet I should know from the fact Aizen choose to kidnap Toshiro that things aren't always perfect. Nanao was right, if I think about it carefully. If there is war then people are going to get hurt. You can talk all the peaceful talk you want, but if the other side doesn't want peace you have to fight back. There is a chance Toshiro will be hurt. I need to help protect what I can, when I can rather then when I can't. Sometimes one has to make a choice between two things even if it means to sacrifice the other."
As she thought this the fight was finished. Unohana showed up and Isane began to heal them. "Do you think you can handle things here? We need to get Kurosaki Ichigo to Karakura Town as he hasn't seen Aizen's zampaktuo and thus makes a major advantage to us in battle."
"I'm coming as well."
"I am not sure if that is a good idea Orihime." Ichigo scratched his head.
"There is something I have to do." The next thing she knew she was heading to the living world to help with the healing process that was needed. Things became a blur as she helped heal her Viazard friends from the injuries they had sustained. The battle around her made her naucious and she had the feeling that there was something more she could do.
"So... your abilities are like his?" Unohana asked as she tilt her head towards the pink haired Viazard.
"The your power isn't to heal, it is to reject certain things from existence." The woman then glanced up. "Ichigo is heading to Soul Society with his father. But don't tell anyone else that I know that his father is a former Shinigami."
Orihime stood up and hurried after them. "I am coming too."
"Orihime... you can't really do anything." Ichigo stated firmly.
"There is something that I need to do."
"We'll be in the precipace world for a bit of time. You'll need to be patient and bide your time while I train Ichigo. Not a word." Isshin stated.
She then found herself waiting in the world watching as the normally dripping walls remained still. She then found herself heading through the door with an exhausted Isshin. She pulled her hands to her chest as she saw Rangiku crying over the silver haired traitor. "Rangiku-san?"
The small female launched her spirits out to heal the man. He watched her carefully after he recoved a bit. "Go... I'm not that important."
"Yes... that should make sure you survive. I need to destroy Aizen and the Hyokaku so that no more people will be hurt." Orihime stood up and hurried off.
"I am so glad you're alive." The orange haired female continued to cry tears onto the man.
"Don't speak."
"We need to go find your small taicho."
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