Entering Hueco Mundo
When Orihime set out to follow the three males through the Garganta she did not expect to be entering such a dark and for boding place. Glancing around she wondered why such a dark place existed as she had always seen life as being happy and carefree. This didn't stop her from easily transgressing the path they were taking, skipping along as she did so with an ease that frustrated Ichigo and Chad despite the fact she didn't notice.
Thinking for a few minutes she finally spoke up. "Ishida-kun?"
"Yes Inoue?"
"How did you get your powers back?" The girl stated as she continued to run along. She imagined in her mind the little girl from Miyazaki Hayao's Ponyo and pretended in her mind to run like that and imagined that she had a huge bright ocean surrounding her. She wasn't the type person to let things get to her.
"My father." Uryu kept moving along. "Truth of the matter is I made a deal with my father not to help shinigami."
"Then why the hell are you coming?" Ichigo's words snapped out in irritation.
"Your actions aren't sanctioned by Soul Society thus you are not one of their substitutes anymore. That means you aren't a shinigami and I can help you with this." The Quincy pushed up his glasses.
"But Toshiro-kun is a shinigami." Orihime piped up.
Ichigo glowered at Uryu. "She does have a point you know."
"He's been abandoned by Soul Society as dead and thus I don't have to consider him as part of their ranks either." The thin male continued forward on his board. "Plus... if you really want to get technical the person I am helping is you."
"I don't get it." Ichigo muttered.
"Do I need to explain it again?"
"No... I mean I don't get how come you're not walking along with us too. You're cheating."
"It isn't cheating Kurosaki..." Finally the group arrived in Hueco Mundo and they found themselves in a building. Everyone began to look around. "We should come up with a game plan on where to go from here. Since we are in a building there is a chance that an alarm went off."
"There wasn't any sound." Orihime stated bending over and looking at an object.
"Don't we want them to know where we are?" Ichigo scratched his head.
"It honestly depends on whether or not the Hollow we are dealing with are low ranking or high ranking. The higher the rank the more likely they are going to know where Hitsugaya is. However, the lower the rank the less likely." Uryu reasoned.
"That makes a lot of sense really." Ichigo nodded his head at the Quincy.
"I wonder what this does?" Orihime's finger reached out and touched the button that was on the wall while the mouths of the three males suddenly dropped open from shock. The next thing she knew Chad was grabbing her and they hurried off as a big boulder came out of nowhere.
"Why did you have to go and push that button Inoe?" Uryu stated firmly. "That was a really dumb thing to do."
"I'm sorry!" Orihime placed a hand on her head and and simply laughed.
"Take Inoue..." Chad stated handing her off to Ichigo causing the female to suddenly blush. He turned around and punched the boulder that was coming straight at them.
"That was close." Ichigo let out a deep sigh. He then set the busty teenager down. "Inoue... I know you mean well, but you have to be careful. We are here to rescue Toshiro. We don't need to rescue you too."
At that Orihime found herself suddenly frowning but she knew his words were correct. They finally came to another room and a Hollow suddenly appeared in front of them. An Arrancar appeared in front of them and Ichigo drew his sword. "So... I am wondering if you can tell me where Toshiro is?"
"Who?" The Arrancar let out a laugh. "My name is Aisslinger Wernarr and my stupid parner behind you is Demoura Zodd."
Things for Orihime sort of became a blur. For some strange reason the first person that the Arrancar choose to attack was her saying something about how she came across as weaker then the others and how her intellect had to be low. She opened her shields up but found that she wasn't able to easily protect herself against the two though Chad and Uryu came to her rescue.
"Kurosaki... protect Inoue."
"I know you want to fight but we got stronger Ichigo."
Orihime found herself frowning again. "I really want Ichigo to want to protect me. He hasn't been very nice to me ever since I came. I'll need to prove that I can take care of myself."
At that, she reached her hands up to release her attack only to hear the smaller Arrancar speak up. "If your female companion were to die and become an Arrancar her intelligence level means she is likely to always remain in a beastly state."
"That is funny coming from someone who is themselves in a beastly state." Uryu stated as he launched an attack at the monster.
The busty female found herself suddenly pausing just as the two took out the Arancar they were fighting. The next thing they knew they were running for their lives as the building began to collapse. The one Arrancar explained it was a defense mechanism but they honestly had not time to think about this before getting out into the main part of Hueco Mundo.
Orihime looked around and found herself shivering. It was a desert but no heat came up of the surface. The air was also dry and sand was everywhere. "What a desolate place." She hugged herself while her companions also looked around. "I'm going to prove that I came because I belong."
Author's note – I did not enjoy writing this chapter. I actually disliked writing this one a lot. I think it has to do with the fact that this is a REALLY boring part in the Bleach storyline and I wasn't sure if I would be able to change up the dialog and how things ran and I almost just summarized things and skipped to the next chapter. Let's just say... this turned out better then what I thought it would be but it is still not a chapter I like much.
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