Darker Yet
Escape was not an option. That was something that became rather clear in Toshiro's mind as he got out of the limo the next day only to suddenly see a string of cameras go off as he headed into the school building. The only option was to be rescued like a damsel in distress which turned his world upside down greatly. Of course, it had been turned upside down for some time now.
He started up the stairs, glad to be away from the media, when someone grabbed his shoulder and pulled him to the side. He glanced up to see a familiar head of red hair. "I thought you weren't supposed to be at school."
Jinta sneered at him. "What the teachers don't know they can't do anything about?"
"If you are here to beat me up..." Toshiro found himself quickly interrupted.
"Don't worry Hitsugaya. I am not that stupid. I know full well that you could pummel me if I tried anything." The boy though kept the impertinent look on his face and shoved a magazine into the white haired boy's face. "What do you know about this article?"
"You mean the fact that my attempted suicide was leaked to the news media?" The boy turned to head up the stairs only to have his bag grabbed by Jinta.
"Read the article dumbass!" From the bigger boy's hands Toshiro removed the magazine and began to read.
When the news broke that Aizen Sosuke's son attempted to commit suicide should we have been surprised that this occurred? The question comes what the boy's mental state actually is. Apparently he has had some major episodes where black outs occurred and he has been to the hospital of late. Are these something new, or has he always been a mental case?"
Our paper has come to the startling conclusion that Hitsugaya Toshiro was involved in the death of his former soccer coach when he was younger. The police have wrapped up the information. Is it because Aizen Sosuke was trying to protect his son from criminal charges and being ostracized by the community. Or is it because he doesn't want his reputation ruined.
"What death?" Two bright teal eyes blinked a couple of times in confusion.
"Oi? Don't you remember?" Jinta frowned at Toshiro. "You know the couch who let us call him by his first name with the title, Isshin Taicho?"
The smaller preteen male felt his body freeze. His eyes glanced up at the bigger boy in horror and then he turned and hurried away from the other boy. His feet pounded into the stairs and he hurried to the roof and pushed towards the gated area. A small fist slammed into the wire fencing over and over again as he also uttered frustrated yells.
Finally though Toshiro collapsed to the ground and buried his head into his knees. "Everything is just turned upside down here. I am going to just sit here, take a deep breath and not think about things."
Eventually the bells for the day rang and he remained up there. The door to the roof opened and someone stepped out. "I thought I could find you here. You had a rough day again didn't you?" The person went and sat down next to him. "You always find high places when you are upset. That is kind of scary considering what you did to yourself recently."
"I promise I am not going to kill myself Karin. I just needed to breath." The boy remained with his head buried.
"I thought we had dealt with the media leaking that stuff yesterday."
"Something new came up. Actually, I should say something old." Toshiro raised his head up. "Apparently I had something to do with the death of my old soccer couch."
"You don't remember anything about that?" Karin's lip twisted up suddenly.
"If I could remember I wouldn't be beating myself up about it. I don't know how I can even begin to make emends." His chin rested between the tops of his two knees.
"It wasn't your fault though." The female preteens voice came rather assuredly.
This caused Toshiro to look at her with his bright teal eyes. "How do you know that?"
"I won't go into the details of what happened that day, but I was there too." Karin let out a deep sigh. "But you really don't remember what happened back when we were in first grade?"
"Four years ago then?" Toshiro let out a laugh. "Considering I don't remember what happened over a month ago."
"When we were in the first grade I had a guy tell me that when we became adults he would marry me and protect me so that I wouldn't ever have to cry again." The girl had a smile on her face.
"I don't see you agreeing to that." The boy let out a deep breath.
Karin's hand suddenly hit him on the back of the head. "What do you mean I wouldn't agree to marry the guy?"
"Even if a guy wanted to protect you, you wouldn't want to be a damsel in distress." Two teal eyes suddenly glanced away. "I think that best describes my situation."
"Well, for your information I said yes." The preteen female smirked suddenly in triumph. "And the answer is still yes that I'll marry that guy.
"What?" Toshiro slapped a hand to his mouth realizing that his tone had a bit of jealousy in it. He removed his fingers from his mouth and fought the inkling to bite his lip. "Whose the lucky guy?"
"I'd probably amend the whole thing to us getting married and me protecting him so he doesn't ever have to cry again."
This caused a white head of hair to suddenly bob up and a voice filled with confusion to be used. "Excuse me?"
Instead of voicing an answer, Karin touched her lips to his as he looked straight at her. The preteen felt his cheeks suddenly flush up and a ton of emotions well in his chest. He pulled away and wiped his lips in frustration. "I'm the guy?"
"Why do you sound disgusted with the fact I kissed you? Or is it the idea of marrying me? Or both?" The female's tone turned suddenly dark.
"I'm disgusted with myself and the whole cheesy scenario I set up." Toshiro glanced away as his cheeks continued to flush. "I hadn't thought he would go this route with this fake world of his. He's mental." He then continued. "I think you deserve better. You deserve a better situation and you deserve a better guy."
He suddenly felt Karin's head touch his shoulder. "Why don't you leave those things up to me to decide?"
"So much for her acting like the Karin from the other world." The boy let out a deep breath.
His female friend wasn't perturbed. "Toshiro? I know you don't think this world is real, but do you want to go steady with me?"
"What does... going steady mean?" Two teal eyes glanced at her in confusion.
"That means do you want to be boyfriend and girlfriend with me?" Karin let out a laugh as she suddenly grabbed his arm.
"Aren't we... a bit young for that?" He found his cheeks flushing up. "What kind of game is he playing at?"
"It isn't as if we'll do anything different from the way we normally do." The girl stated. "I don't want to lose you. I figure this is the best way not to."
"Fine I guess." Toshiro glanced up at the sky, wondering exactly what he was getting himself into.
Author's note – Don't worry... I know where I am headed with this. None of this is random.
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