The child sat in the room glaring at the door. "If I had my powers and abilities I would be able to do something about this door." Toshiro's head suddenly perked up at the thought. "Why hadn't I thought about using some form of kido? I mean, I would have logically caused some sort of damage or caused something to have occurred in his reality."
The boy raised his hands up to preform a kido and called out the chant. Upon finishing the words nothing in fact happened. The boy found his mouth dropping open. "Now what? If this was the world of the shinigami I would know what is going around me but these are some pretty nasty illusions he's created."
The boy remained still and stared at the wall, waiting for something to change. Finally though he flopped onto his back. "I give up. There is no way to get out of this room without help." He pulled his thin arm over his eyes and covered them. He remained this way until something caused him to uncover his eyes.
Upon uncovering his eyes he still saw the room he had been placed in. However a glimmer came from the edges and it slowly traveled across the the small room changing the scenery to a small dark room. Toshiro used his fingers to feel around, only to find the room to be of the same shape. He sat back on his heels. "It was an illusion he created. The question is why did he go through this much trouble."
"I also wonder why the kido didn't work in this room." The boy then held out his hand to try again and muttered a spell to help light up the room. Nothing though happened and the boy leaned back. Toshiro let out a sigh. "I should have expected he had something to stop me from using kido though." A chuckle came to his mind.
"I guess me thinking I wasn't able to use it was supposed to be a trick to convince me that the illusion was real." Toshiro frowned as his hand touched the side of the room. "But why would he take down his illusion suddenly?"
The boy pushed himself to the back of the room and folded up his legs. His mind paused for a few minutes. "If that was an illusion, then I wasn't able to talk to Hyorinmaru because he didn't exist." The boy burried his head. "Did I do something wrong?"
However, instead of diving deeper into depression the boy crossed his legs and took deep breaths to relax himself. "If I try communicating with Hyorinmaru like I usually do then I should be able to hear his voice."
At first there was no sound, but a soft humming sound came to the boys ears. And then he heard the dragon's voice coming to him as a distant roar. Eventually it was enough to communicate despite the fact it was not nearly as close as Toshiro had felt before. "Are you mad at me for trying to kill myself? Is that why we couldn't communicate with each other?"
"While I was upset with what you did to yourself I couldn't communicate with you because your resolve was to give up even on being rescued." The dragon sighed, the voice still distant.
"What do you make of Aizen's taking me and putting me through this illusion. I don't think it was to get information out of me anymore. I think it has to do with something that is not clicking for me, but I can't put my finger on it. I remember the fact Ukitake Taicho and others were worried about being able to act my age at times."
"I don't think that man would have taken you if he didn't have a purpose."
"And what is up with Ichimaru." Toshiro spoke the words out loud this time around. There was a period of silence from his dragon. "Hyorinmaru?"
"It is nothing." The dragon spoke up.
"You're hiding something from me." The boy lay back to rest and wait things through. "I was lucky he came to save me back then despite the fact I really did think killing myself was the only option. Why did he go out of his way to save me when it could have possibly have cost him his life? Actually, why did he save me when he was so adamant about trying to kill me when we sparred earlier."
Again the dragon was silent. "Hyorinmaru... you don't normally keep silent when we discuss stuff. Does this have to do with the fact our connection is not as strong as it used to be?"
"Ichimaru isn't the type person to show that he cares for anyone. You and I both know that he cares about Matsumoto Rangiku. I doubt he would want to see her cry and if anything happens to you she would be sad."
"You still didn't explain to me why he tried killing me before and he saved my life this time around."
"The question is... was he really trying to kill you before or not?" The dragon kept up the pace.
"And what is up with him using Karin the way he did. Actually, why did I get this weird feeling in my stomach every time I was around her."
Hyorinmaru spoke up slowly. "Promise me you'll listen to what I have to say?"
"I'll listen... but that doesn't mean I'll agree with you."
"I know that..." The ice zampaktuo continued despite the fact his voice would fade in and out. "I think you are attracted to Kurosaki Karin. Aizen picked up on this fact and he decided to use it against you. I know that you've told Matsumoto that you don't have this kind of interest in her but it is something you should think about."
It was Toshiro's turn to give silence to the conversation. After a bit of time the boy spoke up. "I don't remember anything about how I got here."
His bright teal eyes were in darkness for quite some time, when he suddenly heard the door opening and he lifted up his head to look at the door.
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