Unexpected Intruder
Upon hearing the alarm system go off, Ichimaru found himself suddenly glancing up towards where the alarm was coming from. "Attention. We have an intruder in the West Rukongai district. We have an intruder alert."
At that, Ichimaru suddenly stood up, heading for the door, leaving his paperwork behind. His feet fell on the floor, only to have it suddenly grabbed by Shinji as he headed out the door. "Where do you think you are going?"
"I think I know who it is." Gin stated, turning his eyes towards the man.
"How can you possibly know who it is. You haven't been allowed into the Living World for twenty-five years now and I've been watching the gates you could possibly take to insure that you didn't in fact cause any problems. Are you wanting to be kicked out of the Gotei Thirteen?" The words snapped out of the man's mouth.
At that, the silver haired man's reply came rather quickly. "I don't want to live this life. I want to go back to the world I used to live in. In that world, Shiro-chan was healthy."
His taicho though, refused to let go of his arm. "From what you've also told me, that child wasn't happy in the world he was living in, where as in this world he is very happy with the way things are."
At that, Gin paused for a few seconds, then turned to Shinji as the man let him go. "I think it depends on what you mean by happiness. There is a major difference between having a false sense of happiness when your freedom is taken away, and an understanding that not everything will be happy in life. This isn't the Toshiro I know."
At that, he took off, shunpooing to the West district, no given orders in mind. Instead, he simply stayed in the shadows, so that he wouldn't be noticed by anyone who came within the area. Finally though, he came to the area and noticed that the wall hadn't come down, which meant that the alarm was sounded through some other means then the intruder stepping over the edge.
He got close to where the people were and glanced about the place, then crept close to the shinigami that was taking notes from the residents of the Junrinan area. "I swear, the gate opened up in the sky and this orange haired fellow came out. He had this red strap and this huge blade. I've never seen him before, but he seemed to have the level of a captain, yet... I know the names of all the captains."
At that, Ichimaru felt around for a particular reiatsu pattern, knowing full well that he and Aizen were likely the only persons who had the memories to remember that particular pattern, which in truth shouldn't be existing in this world. He headed towards where the person was hidden, his footsteps falling silently, so that no one would notice him moving about.
Finally, he got to a spot and ducked into the doorway. A few people were shivering in fear, looking over at where someone was standing in the shadows. Gin reached up and scratched his head, while the people glanced over at him, still maintaining their fear. Ichimaru smiled at them, then walked over and grabbed the person in the shadows, dragging him outside, covering the person's mouth as he did so.
Hiding from the shinigami who were looking for the stranger, Ichimaru slowly traced a path away form the main town area of the Junrinan. His footsteps kept things in a hurry, until they got to a clearing next to some woods, and Ichimaru ducked inside, letting go of the young males mouth. Upon this happening, the male spoke up. "What are you doing Ichimaru?"
"Saving your skin creepy kid." The silver haired man went and leaned against a tree, watching the orange haired teenager fume at him.
At that, Ichigo glowered at the man, folding his arms across his chest. "I've done well on my own before."
At that, Gin let out an irritated sound. "You weren't alone before. You had your friends. The fact that they aren't with you tells me that they don't even remember who you are, because in this world it is impossible for you to exist."
"How did you know that I don't..." The substitute shinigami paused for a few minutes. "I actually exist in this world physically. What doesn't exist is my mother, father, sisters. How did you know that though?"
"It's not that your father and mother don't exist in this world kid, because they honestly do. The fact is, your father and mother never met in this world, thus it is impossible for you or your siblings to exist." Ichimaru suddenly smirked at the young male. "In other words, in this world, you never were born. You have a case of "It's a Wonderful Life" syndrome."
At that, the substitute shinigami flopped onto the ground, frustration written all over his face. "My question for you is, why are you the only other person who remembers the other world."
"I'm not the only other person who remembers the other world. The answer to who else should be so obvious, it isn't funny." Gin watched the young male carefully, reading the dark aura that flooded off the boy. "Perhaps this is what I need to fix things."
"Do you know where Rukia is?" Ichigo suddenly asked, glancing up with a rather determined look on is face.
Ichimaru let out a deep breath. "I guess she might be in the district she grew up in before entering the academy, or she could have been adopted by the Kuchiki family. I don't know where a lot of people are, truth be told, and I've only just found out myself. A lot of the captains, the really tough ones aren't here anymore. For example, I just found out Yamamoto and Kyoraku Taicho are dead."
"I knew that. Urahara told me that when I asked him to let me into Soul Society. It took a lot to convince me I wasn't a spy for Aizen too." The two brown eyes looked like they were thinking carefully. "I guess you don't know where Renji or any of the Viazard are, do you?"
"Shinji is actually my taicho, just like he once was in the old world. Most seem to have been killed off. And no, I don't know where that Abarai kid is. I never really liked him, so I don't really care. Don't get me wrong, I never disliked him either." Gin suddenly slid down and pulled on the grass to pass the time, while he watched for the reiatsu of other people that might come their way.
At that, Ichigo glanced up, a rather hopeful look on his face. "If I remember correctly, the events before coming to this world being so fuzzy, you had some sort of connection with Rangiku-san. Is she doing all right?"
At that, the silver haired man let out a laugh. "I think I should get a bit jealous that you are eying her like that."
At that, the substitute shinigami's face turned a bright red. "That woman is old enough to be my mother! You talked about me being creepy, but that is really creepy!"
"I know where Rangiku is in this world. Our relationship is not a good one, yet in a way it is. It is hard to explain." The man stuck a piece of grass in his mouth and began to chew on it.
"Could you introduce her to me?" Ichigo suddenly blurted out. "I figure if you don't know where everyone was, she might at least know where Toshiro was. They always seemed rather close."
At that, Gin found himself spitting out the stalk, his facial features twisting up. "Kid, you don't want to see Toshiro."
"Then you know where he is?" The young shinigami's words simply poured out, surprising the man greatly.
"I know where he is." Ichimaru snapped his words out. "He doesn't remember the other world, so why bother?"
"I just want to know that he is all right." Ichigo let out a deep breath. "I want to know that most everyone is all right, though I know some are not."
"Kid, I'll repeat this. You do not want to see him." Gin folded his arms across his chest.
"Why? Is he under Aizen's control? If so, I'll just hit him over the head and knock some sense into him." Kurosaki came across overly adamant about the situation, but the silver haired man still gave him a dirty look. It was then that he suddenly bowed to the man. "Please. I don't want to know because I think of him as a friend. I've already lost my sisters in this world, which makes him the closes thing I have to family."
This caused the man to let out a deep sigh, and then suddenly glance up at the sky. "I'll take you to show Toshiro, though you need to beware Rangiku as her personality is different in this world... for apt reasons. However, I warn you that you won't like what you see. I know I didn't and my mind is still reeling because of it."
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