Ice Cold Fear
"Ichimaru..." Two teal eyes looked at the man who leaned above him, reflecting a level of fear that rarely ever crossed the child's face. The boy opened his mouth again, his entire body trembling due to the feelings welling in his body, and due to the fact his body felt weak for some reason. "You..."
Gin's eyes had been open when he looked down upon him and he lacked the normal wide smile that was plastered over his face. His mouth opened up as he watched the young one that was looking at him with that level of fear. "Shiro-chan."
"No..." At that, Toshiro blinked a couple of times, and then tried forcing himself up in order to get away from the man. He could feel his arms trembling as he tugged himself off of the open futon, only to fall onto his back hard, as his legs choose not to work, despite the fact he could weakly use his arms. Panic crossed his face. "Ichimaru. What did you do to me?"
At that, the boy flopped back down, his entire body trembling with fear. His teal eyes didn't look left or right, simply at the man as his mind tried to process what he needed to do next. "I can't move my legs. I can feel them and they hurt big time, but not as if they were cut off and broken."
At that, Gin reached his hand over to touch Toshiro's shoulder, only to have the child begin to flail his arms about. "No! Don't touch me! Where's Matsumoto! What did you do to her! You bastard! Why are you...!"
At that, Ichimaru clapped a hand over the boy's mouth, only for Toshiro to try and punch at the man, albeit rather weakly. That way he knocked the hand away. "I'm not going to hurt you!"
"I don't believe you!" At that, Toshiro glanced around, trying to locate something. "What did you do to my zampaktuo? Where's Hyorinmaru?"
"Zampaktuo?" At that, Kukaku's voice suddenly came to him. "How is it possible for you to have a zampaktuo?"
At that, the boy's mouth opened and then he began to flail as Ichimaru scooped him into his arms holding him tightly. The boy attempted to pull away, his hands beating against the man as tears began to fall down his cheek and his eyes had a great deal of fear in them. "Kukaku-san! Why are you letting him... why?"
Somehow, Gin managed to latch on tightly, as he tried to calm the child down. "Shiro-chan. I am not going to hurt you. If you calm down, I can explain everything. There are... some things I need to tell you."
"No!" At that, the boy leaned over and bit down onto Ichimaru's left forearm, good and hard. At that, two pale eyes turned to look at that action, complete shock written all over his face.
It was then that the substitute shinigami took action, hurrying over to pry Toshiro's mouth open. At that, both of the physically older males let the boy back down onto the futon mat, holding him down. Ichigo this time was also looking down at the boy. "Toshiro! Are you trying to hurt yourself! Baka!"
"That's cap..." At that, the boy paused, his mouth opening again. "Why? Why are you helping Ichimaru of all people?" He then glanced at the man, noting the badge on Gin's arm. "Why does he have a fukutaicho badge. I don't understand."
"In this world of Aizen's, neither one of us ever became captains of the Gotei Thirteen kiddo." Ichimaru watched the boy very carefully.
At that, the boy's mouth opened widely, then shut closed. "I'm tired. This is just a bad dream."
"Shut your eyes then." Gin stated, watching as the boy complied, his head hitting the pillow as the man pulled the futon cover back over him. He then began to hum a song, which caused the boy to fall asleep.
At that, Kukaku let out a deep breath. "So, what are we going to do if that child wakes up not remembering any of that conversation you just had."
Ichimaru closed his eyes. "If that happens, we'll deal with that when it happens. The thing I need to deal with now is preparing for a rather angry mother cat, who is going to want to know where her child got to. Kukaku-san, could you do me a favor of getting rid of this, getting it as far away from us as possible?"
The female found something tossed into her hands, a soft bundle that held the fake medicine that Aizen had given them to take care of the boy. "You want his memories of the other world to stay then? Are you sure that is a good idea?"
"If he has his memories back, there is a chance he'll be able to walk again. Who knows. It may very well have been the medicine or the mindset of this world." The man glanced at the floor, not at all pleased with the fact that the situation simply became more tense.
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