Chapter One- Introduction
Hey kiddos! This is my new Logicality book. It's going to be short and sweet- most likely 10 chapter or less.
Hope you guys like it!
~Logan's POV~
I walk over to the metal detector after taking off my shoes. I step in.
The metal detector figuratively says that I am all clear.
I walk over to the conveyor belt, and wait for my carry-on items to come through.
Once I get them, I sit on a bench to put my shoes on.
I notice the male sitting next to me having a hard time getting his shoes on. He is wearing a light gray hoodie that seems to resemble a cat, along with khaki shorts. He also has dark grey glasses, about identical to mine.
I slip on my shoes and turn towards him.
"Do you need any help?" I ask him.
He turns to me. I notice freckles dotting his face.
"Oh, uh.. y-yeah. Thank you." He smiles awkwardly.
I help him into his shoes, tying one shoe while he ties the other.
"Thanks again, erm.."
He smiles. "Logan. Thanks! My name's Patton."
I stand up, and so does he.
"So.. where ya headed?" he asks me.
"Jamaica. My friend suggested that I take a break from my work and go out there for a week."
Patton smiles wider. "I'm also going there! Isn't that fun! What resort?"
"I'll just be staying at a Hilton, somewhere in Montego Bay."
He claps his hands excitedly. "Wow, same here! That's fun!"
I smirk slightly, adjusting my glasses. "Well, our flight leaves soon, doesn't it? Let's get a move on."
I gesture for the friendly man to follow me. He skips along excitedly next to me.
~Time Skip- 45 Minutes Later~
~Patton's POV~
I walk onto the plane, looking for an open seat. I see Logan sitting in an aisle, alone.
I walk up to him. "Can I sit with ya?" I ask.
"Go ahead."
I smile, and climb over him to get to the window seat. He was sitting in the seat closest to the middle of the plane. The row only has two seats, so we're right next to each other.
"So," Says Logan, "why are you going to Jamaica?"
"Well, I work at a daycare, and I love those kids so much, but I just needed a break. I'll also be here a week, so we'll probably be on the same flight home!" I smile.
After a while of small talk, and after the safety instructions ended, I feel the plane begin to move. I look out the window, and yep, it's moving.
I tense up a bit. I've never liked flying, it scares me. Especially taking off.
Logan looks over to me. "Are you okay, Patton?" He asks.
I smile weakly. "Yeah, I'm just not a fan of flying. Especially when the plane takes off and lands. But I'm just a little nervous."
Logan seems to think for a moment.
" you need me to hold your hand?"
I feel myself blush slightly. Wait, what? Ugh, not again! Why do I have to get a crush on every guy I meet??
This guy is probably straight, anyways. He's to.. sophisticated to be gay.
"..y-yeah, is that okay?" I ask.
Logan just smiles. "Of course."
The plane starts to move faster, and I quickly grab his hand.
I shut my eyes tightly, just trying to think about how happy I'll be when I get to Jamaica. I've already made a friend!
I feel the plane lift off from the ground. I slowly open my eyes and take a deep breath.
"Thanks, Logan." I smile at him.
"No problem, Patton."
~Time Skip- The Middle of the Flight~
Logan and I talk amongst ourselves for a while. We get on the subject of Ted Talks.
"Oooh, I love those! They're so cool!" I say excitedly.
"Yes, I do enjoy them." Logan slightly smiles.
"Actually, I have a Ted Talk podcast I need to listen to.. care to join me?"
He smiles. "Sure."
I remove my hand from his to get my phone and earbuds out of my bag-
We were holding hands the WHOLE TIME?????
I feel myself blush at the thought, trying not to look at Logan as I pull out my phone and earbuds.
I plug the earphones in, pull up the podcast, and hand Logan the right earbud.
~Logan's POV~
I sit there, next to Patton, listening to a Ted Talk podcast.
I've never been one to make friends, as my only close friend has known me since we were in middle school.
But this person is.. different.
They have a very bubbly personality, and it was hard not to become their friend.
I'm interrupted from my thoughts when I feel something fall onto my shoulder.
I look over, and realize that Patton has fallen asleep.
I feel myself blush. Yes, I am homosexual. But this is.. strange? I have normally developed crushes on people slowly after knowing them for some time. This one just 'jumped out' at me. Of course, it still might not be a crush.
The podcast lasts until the plane lands, where Patton wakes up at the sudden jerk of the plane hitting the ground.
He realizes he was asleep on my shoulder, and blushes.
I can not tell if it is from embarrassment or something else.
"O-oh, sorry, Logan, I f- I fell asleep.."
"It's quite alright, Patton."
Eventually, the plane stops. We gather our items and exit into the airport.
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